Introduction We offer PhD-Courses in The PhD-Program “Agricultural Economics” is jointly offered by the Georg-August-Universität of Goettingen (Ger-many) and Universidad de Talca (Chile). These universities have a long history for partnership as they offer a joint MSc-Program since 2002. The program is flexible in terms of the time spending in Goettingen and Talca and it is defined according to the students need and interest. PhD students in the program take courses in a well-established PhD-Program in Agricultural Eco-nomics in Góttingen (“Promotionskolleg Agrarókonomik“,; and at the University of Talca they take interdisciplinary course at the Doctorado en Ciencias Agrarias and carry out their PhD research in dynamic scientific environment. The program contemplate enough flexibility to carry on the research topic where is more convenient for the student objective. ► Scientifc data and literature management ► Scientifc writing for agricultural economists ► Selected methodological problems in environmental and resource economic analysis ► Effciency and productivity analysis stochastic approaches ► The economics of food safety and food standards ► Market integration and price transmission Career Perspectives The PhD provides excellent training for a career in research as well as for leading positions in national and international governmental and nongovernmental organisations and multinational enterprises in agriculture, agribusiness and international trade. Since 2002 many of our MSc-Alumni have pursued successful careers in enterprises such as Concha y Torro and Cargill Spain, as well as in international organisations such as the FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture in Chile, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and FLO International. ► Risk analysis and risk management in agriculture: Campus of University of Talca theory and applications ► Topics in rural development economics Objectives of the program - The application of economic theory to problems of international agribusiness, international trade, marketand Requirements policy analysis, farm management, marketingand rural development. Candidates are requested to submit applications including: - ► Proof of a Master degree or Licenciatura in a relevant Carrying out relevant applied agricultural economic research in cooperation with leading research institutes and key agricultural stakeholders in Latinamerica and field of study with an excellent grade (better than 2.0 Germán- or 5.8 Chilean Grade) Europe. - Providing training in cutting-edge methods of ► Excellent English profciency (TOEFL >79 pts) quantitative and qualitative analysis. ► Three letters of recommendation - Imparting the skills required to publish results in international journals. - - ► A PhD research proposal ► Agreement to provide PhD-supervision from a member Training participants in communication with policy of one of the participating departments makers and other stakeholders, and ► A list of past scientifc achievements (publications, Developing participation in research projects) solutions and strategies to combat hunger, poverty and resource depletion. Key Facts: Curriculum The PhD-candidates that fulfill minimum requirements in economic formation are required to participate in PhD modules equivalent to 28 ECTS-credits in the fields of methods, specialization and key qualifications. They also are required to participate in interdisciplinary courses in Talca equivalent to 12 ECTS-credits. They also have to provide an annual progress report of thesis advances. (1) Thesis proposal, (2) Thesis advances report, (3). Final defense. Students also need to fulfill 12 credits in seminaries Requirements Obligatory courses Courses / credits University Metodología de la Investigación Talca Formulación de proyectos Investigación - - Applications are open throughout the year. Acceptance is subjet to fulfilling the established requirements of the program and the availability of Thesis topics. The accepted students may start the program in Chile or Germany. Links: ► ► ► ► / economia_agraria.htm Contact Talca Escritura de artículos Göettingen or Talca cientificos Seminars 12 credits Göettingen or Talca Elective courses (methods, specialization and key qualifications) 28 credits Göettingen or Talca Draft Proposal report Göettingen or Chile (Colloquium) Thesis progress reports Advance report (Colloquium) Göettingen or Chile Final defense Göettingen or Chile After fulfilling the requisites of the program the student obtains the degree in PHD in Agricultural Economics from University of Gottingen and the Doctorado en Ciencias Agrarias from University of Talca. Universidad de Talca Departamento de Economía Agraria Ximena Gonzalez Casilla 747-721, Talca, Chile Email: Georg-August-Universitát Góttingen Dept. for Agricultural Economics & Rural Development Dr. Sebastian Lakner Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Góttingen, Germany Email: Joint PhD-Program in Agricultural Economics (J-PPAE)