Universidad Politécnica Salesiana News Publication Date: 09/05/2016 17:34:00 The book "El pueblo Palta en la historia" won the Pío Jaramillo Alvarado award (from left to right) Miguel Narváez, Fernando Villalta; Domingo Sarango, José Jacinto Calva, Juan Carlos Brito, Luis Álvarez Rodas, Rómulo Akacho and Mario Cueva. The university's Abya Yala publishing house published the book titled "El pueblo palta en la historia. Continuidades, transformaciones y rupturas" written by Juan Carlos Brito Román, a graduate from the applied antrhopology major, who was awarded the "Pio Jaramillo Alvarado" prize by the municipality of Loja for his contribution in the field of social and historical research. The book was presented during the 4th Congreso de la Federación Provincial de Comunas del Pueblo Palta de Loja (FEPROCOL). Luis Álvarez Rodas, UPS General Editor, congratulated the author and said that he (the author) has been studying social and anthropological processes of the Palta community for the last two years. Juan Carlos Brito thanked the Abya Yala publishing house, Jose Juncosa and Jose Jacinto Calva. The author said that this book contributes and represents his fight for the recognition of cultural rights. "We hope this book is not the end, we hope it opens new lines of research in order to fight for a more inclusive society which truly respects diversity and interculturality, as is stated in the constitution" said Jose Calva. View news www.ups.edu.ec