Proyecto: El cuento ​(Project: The story) You may do this project

Proyecto: El cuento ​
(Project: The story) You may do this project alone or with ​
other person. You may do this project on your Chromebook or by hand. 1) Paso Uno (Step One): Escribe un cuento en español que incluye todo el siguiente (Write a story in Spanish that includes all of the following): ● ALL of the ​
past­tense Building Block Vocabulary ● At least ​
one dialogue in the present tense​
between two characters *If you write your story by hand please ​
double space​
your story on lined paper. *You can use the stories we read in class as a model. *Choose characters, animals, and objects that you know how to say in Spanish. If you want to use something you don’t know how to say ask Profe. *NO ONLINE TRANSLATORS! The goal of this project is to use what you ​
already know​
in a meaningful way, not look stuff up on online translators. There shouldn’t be any words in this story that you haven’t learned in class (or gotten from Profe). *Be creative and kooky as you write your story (keeping in mind that you will need to be able to illustrate the story that you write). You may use other people in our class or our school as characters in your story as long as ​
that you say about them is positive–NO making fun of people (even if you are joking)! 2) Paso Dos: Corrige tu cuento con Profe. (Correct your story with Profe.) 3) Paso Tres: Ilustra tu cuento. (Illustrate your story.) *If you are artistic you can create a book and do this step by hand. *If you use photos, drawings and clipart off of the Internet, site your sources! *Profe has a huge collection of stuffed animals and props that you can use to bring your story to life. Please treat them with respect and return them in the condition you received them. 4) Paso Cuatro: Lee tu cuento a la clase. (Read your story to the class.) *This will be a completion grade. Profe will not be grading your pronunciation. If you do this you will get the points. Grading Criteria Your illustrated story will be graded on how well you meet the following criteria: ● Includes all of the past tense Building Block Vocabulary & at least one dialogue between two characters in the present tense ● Correct grammar & spelling ● Neat, colorful and creative ● Image sources cited ● Time and effort invested (it is clear you spent time & effort on this project) 