CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER Holy Cross Immaculate Heart Of Mary ADDRESS 4541 S. Wood Street Chicago, IL 60609 PHONE 773.376.3900 CONTACT PERSON Sister Angie SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 98 Windows XP PRINTER Dell 3110cn NUMBER OF PAGES SENT cover through 5 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN March 9, 2014 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS M ARCH 9, 2014 F IRST S UNDAY OF L ENT H OLY C ROSS / I MMACULATE H EART OF M ARY P ARISH P ARROQUIA S ANTA C RUZ / I NMACULADO C ORAZÓN DE M ARÍA 4541 S OUTH W OOD S T . C HICAGO , I LLINOIS 60609 (773) 376-3900 FAX (773) 376-8929 W WW . HCIHM . ORG SUNDAY MASSES / MISAS DOMINICALES IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CHURCH, 45 Y ASHLAND— IGLESIA DE INMACULADO CORAZÓN DE MARÍA 5:30 pm (Sábado) Bilingüe 9:00 am Español 12:00 pm English HOLY CROSS CHURCH 46 Y HERMITAGE — IGLESIA DE SANTA CRUZ 10:30 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm Español Español Español MARRIAGE Those who wish to enter into the sacrament of Matrimony are reminded that we ask that couples begin their arrangements with the parish at least six months in advance. OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE LA OFICINA: Martes—Viernes: Tuesday-Friday: 9:00am – 8:30 pm 9:00 am – 8:30 pm Sábado: 9am–12:00 pm. Saturday 9:00 am–12:00 pm EMERGENCY SICK CALLS AFTER OFFICE HOURS / EN CASO DE EMERGENCIA CUANDO LA OFICINA NO ESTÁ ABIERTA (312) 692-9031. • • CONFESIONES / CONFESSIONS El primer Viernes de cada mes, 7 pm, en la iglesia de Santa Cruz, y en la oficina con cita previa. MATRIMONIO Si desea contraer Matrimonio recuerde que les pidamos de la pareja que comienzen los arreglos de seis meses de anticipación o más. The First Friday of each month, 7 pm, in Holy Cross Church, and, with appointment, during office hours. For Parish Mass Schedules and Intentions —–see page 2. ¡ Para información parroquial, misas e intenciones, véase la página 2. Page Two First Sunday of Lent March 9, 2014 Pastor / Párroco Fr. Art Gramaje, CMF (773) 376-3900 ext. 212 Associate Pastors / Párrocos Asociados Fr. Nnamdiogo Jude Ebem, CMF (773) 376-3900 ext 209 Fr. Peter Pedroza, CMF (773) 376-3900 ext 227 Parish Youth Activities / Actividades de los Jóvenes Sr. Angie Kolacinski, SH (773) 376-3900 ext 218 Religious Education / Educación Religiosa Directora: Blanca Sauceda (773) 376-3900 ext 248 Información: Bricelda Vázquez (773) 376-3900 ext 204 BAUTISMOS: sábados a las 11:00 am, y algunos domingos en la misa. Los papás deben de hacer los arreglos en la oficina UN MES antes de la fecha. MATRIMONIOS: Es necesario hacer los arreglos por los menos 6 meses antes de la fecha en que se desea celebrar el matrimonio. BAPTISMS: Saturdays, at 11:00 am, and some Sunday masses. Parents must come to the office to register the baptism at least ONE MONTH prior to the desired date. WEDDINGS: It is mandatory to make arrangements at least 6 months before the desired date of the wedding. MASSES THIS WEEK- MISAS ESTA SEMANA COMING EVENTS Sunday, March 9, 2014 Holy Cross 10:30 Leticia Campos † — Atanacio Fuentes 1:00 Alfonso Ochoa † Sergio Ochoa † — Ofelia Ochoa 6:00 por los Miembros de Nuestra Parroquia Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00 Sociedad del Santo Nombre 12:00 Emily Tumas † PROXIMOS EVENTOS Sunday, March 9 — Domingo, 9 de Marzo • • Monday, March 10, 2014 8:00 6:30 Blessed Souls in Purgatory — the Rosary group Benditas Animas del Purgatorio — familia Vega Tuesday, March 11, 2014 8:00 the Deceased Members of the Ostrowski family — Louise Wrobel Saturday, March 15 — Sábado, 15 de Marzo • 6:30 Wednesday, March 12, 2014 8:00 6:30 Louis † and Josephine Wrobel † — Louise Wrobel Elsa Alvarado † 6º aniversario — Delia Sosa Thursday, March 13, 2014 8:00 6:30 Friday, March 14, 2014 8:00 6:30 • Dreamers and Allies Gathering of potential 2014 runners, 1—3 pm, IHM Hall — Junta de los que desean correr el maraton de 2014 para los “Dreamers y Allies”, 1-3 pm, salon de ICM Pre-Cana Session — Sesión Pre-Matrimonial, 5 pm, sótano de la escuela Friday, March 21 — Viernes, 21 de Marzo Planning Meeting for the Way of the Cross through the Streets, 6 pm, office — Junta de Planificación del Viacrucis por las calles, 6 pm, oficina Pedro Antonio Vargas † — familia Vargas Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:00 5:30 Operation Rice Bowl begins — Inicio de la Operación Plato de Arroz Beginning of the “To Teach who Christ Is” campaign — Comienzo de la Campaña “Enseñar Quien es Cristo” Quinceaños: Victoria Martínez, HC Misas Aún hay suficientes fechas disponibles en nuestro libro de misas para aplicar sus intenciones para el año 2014. Por favor pase o llame a la oficina. Pedimos una donación de $10.00. Mass intentions There are still many dates available for mass intentions for 2014. Please stop by or call the office. We ask a stipend of $10. Today’s second collection is to support the maintenance of our buildings. Each of our buildings is important to continue in providing our services and programs to the community. La segunda colecta de hoy es para el apoyo del mantenimiento de nuestros edificios. Cada edificio es importante para continuar de proveer los servicios y programas a la comunidad. Please pray for the family of: Ruegen a Dios en caridad por la familia de: MARCO A. NINO Cuyo funeral fue celebrado en nuestra parroquia. Whose funeral was celebrated in our parish. Week of March 9, 2014 Page Three En aquel tiempo, Jesús fue llevado al desierto por el Espíritu para ser tentado por el diablo…(Mat. 4,1) At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil…. (Matt 4:1) Hoy celebramos el primer domingo de cuaresma. Cuaresma significa "cuarenta" y se aplica a los cuarenta días de intensa preparación para la fiesta de PASCUA. Este Tiempo litúrgico, que da inicio con la imposición de la ceniza que se celebró el miércoles pasado, nos hace un llamado a la conversión y nos llama a intensificar nuestras prácticas de limosna, ayuno y abstinencia. Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. The Spanish term for Lent, “cuaresma,” signifies the number Forty, and speaks of the forty days of intense preparation for the celebration of EASTER. This liturgical season, which began with the sharing of Ashes on Ash Wednesday, calls us to change through the intensive practices of fasting, prayer, and charity. Hoy el evangelio nos muestra como Jesús fue tentado por el maligno y, además, como fue capaz de resistirse a sus atrayentes proposiciones. Today’s Gospel shows us how Jesus was tempted by evil, and more importantly, how he was able to resist its attractive proposals. Al igual que Jesús nosotros somos diariamente tentados por el mal. A menudo recibimos invitaciones que se nos hacen demasiado atrayentes como para rechazarlas, sin pensar que al aceptarlas estamos poniendo en riesgo nuestra propia seguridad, nuestra propia vida. Just as Jesus was tempted by evil, we face the same temptations each day. We frequently encounter “invitations” that are so attractive that we don’t consider how they are putting our safety and life in jeopardy. A veces nos sentimos tentados a tomar dinero u objetos que no son nuestros. Nos sentimos tentados a mentir o a engañar. Nos sentimos tentados a probar las drogas o a pertenecer a las pandillas. Todas estas formas de seducciones, aunque nos ofrezcan un beneficio aparente, nos conducen a nuestra propia perdición. Jesús nos ensena a mantenernos firmes ante este tipo de tentaciones. A creer solamente en el Padre y a esperar solo lo que venga de Él. El mundo y sus placeres nos ofrecen satisfacciones pasajeras; Jesús nos ofrece la felicidad eterna que solo se logra haciendo el bien, pues de que nos sirve al hombre ganar el mundo entero y perder su alma? nos dice las escrituras. En esta cuaresma dediquémonos a lo que realmente importa para Dios y para nuestra salvación. Hagamos un esfuerzo grande por resistirnos a las tentaciones, por asemejarnos cada vez más a Cristo dejando atrás todo lo que le desagrada de nosotros al Padre. - P. Peter Sometimes we are tempted to take money or things that are not ours. We feel tempted to lie or to cheat. We feel tempted to try drugs or join gangs. All these seductions, though they seem to have advantages, drive us to our own ruin. Jesus teaches us to stand firm in the face of these temptations. To keep our sights securely on God and to wait for what comes from God. The world and its pleasures pass quickly; Jesus offers us the eternal happiness that only comes from doing what is right. Scripture asks us, What good does it serve to gain the whole world if we lose our souls? In this Lent, let’s dedicate ourselves to what matters most to God and our road to salvation. Let’s make a strong effort to resist the temptations that come our way, and rather to make ourselves more like Christ, leaving behind all that is not of God. - Fr. Peter Week of March 9, 2014 YOUTH PAGE Page Four A Thought for all youth: Sometimes we think that Lent is meant to make us feel bad about ourselves. But its really a time for us to get ourselves ready for Easter! What do we need to change to really celebrate the promise of new life God gives us? One thing we can do is learn to be a little more generous with what we have… Recuerde esto: Se necesita muy poco OPERATION RICE BOWL has begun here at the parish, as well as para ser feliz. many other parishes around the country. Here’s one way you can join in the effort to fight world hunger. You can do this once a week, or even Remember this: just once during the whole of Lent: Take the money you might Very little is needed to make a spend on a fast food combo, and put it into a “Rice Bowl” box happy life. (available in the churches.) At Easter, bring the box back to church. 75% of the money raised goes overseas to hunger programs, - Marco Aurelio and 25% stays right here in the parish Kid’s Café and Casa Catalina! And then, there’s a question of giving your TIME and TALENT! We are looking for youth grades 7-11 to join our Parish Youth Council to prepare activities for their friends and all neighborhood youth. You can come on over to the parish office for the meeting THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 14 at 5:30 pm, or call Sister Angie for more information at 773-376-3900. Are you an Undocumented Student, or know someone who is undocumented? Thanks to the DREAMERS AND ALLIES RUN Marathoners in 2013, you have a special opportunity... Check out the “Dreamers and Allies Run” Scholarship on the parish website. In order to be considered for this scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following: · Undocumented student (including those who have applied for/currently have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: DACA) · Currently enrolled as a high school senior or currently enrolled at a two-year community college or 4-year college/university; · Live within the boundaries of Pershing Road on the north, 55th Street (Garfield Boulevard) on the south, Halsted Street on the east and California Avenue on the west (proof of address may be required at the scholarship interview); · Students who live outside of the aforementioned boundaries (see above) may still apply for this scholarship; however, the applicant must show past involvement in efforts to serve and improve the Back of the Yards community, as well as a genuine commitment to continue to serve and improve the Back of the Yards community in the future. Oh, and if you are interested in running the 2014 to benefit this scholarship, there will be a meeting this Saturday, March 15, from 1-3 pm, at IHM hall, 4521 South Ashland…. Week of March 9, 2014 PARISH NEWS Page Five Today, we will distribute the information packets regarding our campaign. This is an important campaign to raise funds for the Archdiocese of Chicago but also the parish. Our goal is $240,000.00, the Archdiocese will get 40% and we get 60% of this. We are planning to use the money we received to tuckpoint Immaculate Heart of Mary, our office building, and our Dugan outreach center. These buildings provide critical services and programs to the community. Hoy, vamos a distribuir los paquetes de información con respecto a nuestra campaña. Se trata de una importante campaña para recaudar fondos para la Arquidiócesis de Chicago pero también para la parroquia. Nuestra meta es de $ 240,000.00, la Arquidiócesis recibira 40% y la parroquia 60% . Tenemos previsto usar el dinero que recibimos para la reparacion y mantenimiento del ladrillo de Inmaculado Corazón de María, nuestro edificio de oficinas, y nuestro centro de ayuda Dugan. Estos edificios proveen servicios críticos y programas para la comunidad. Cómo parte de la conmemoración de la Cuaresma, participaremos en el programa de Catholic Relief Services, Operación Plato de Arroz. Los animamos a que participen en Operación Plato de Arroz en el hogar junto con su familia y seres queridos. Así observemos la obra cuaresmal: dar limosna. As part of our Lenten observance, we will again participate in Catholic Relief Services Lenten program, Operation Rice Bowl. We encourage you to participate in Operation Rice Bowl at home with your family and loved ones. In that way, we observe the traditional Lenten practice: charity. Si usted desea recibir el Sacramento del matrimonio y compartir este bonito día con otras parejas, ¡esta es su oportunidad! If you like to receive the sacrament of marriage and share this wonderful day with other couples, this is your opportunity! MISA DE MATRIMONIO EN GRUPO Sábado, 16 de Agosto, 2014 GROUP WEDDING Para mas información sobre el procedimiento y requisitos pase a la oficina parroquial. (For information please stop by the Parish Office) fecha limite—deadline to register: Marzo 30, 2014