Houston Police Department - "The Challenge"

12 Rules
for Raising a
Delinquent Child
Begin with infancy to give the child
everything he wants. In this way he will
grow up to believe the world owes him
a living.
Quarrel frequently in the presence of
your child. In this way he will not be
too shocked when the home is
broken up later.
When he picks up bad words, laugh at
him. This will make him think he’s
cute. It will also encourage him to pick
up “cuter” phrases that will blow off the top
of your head later.
Give a child all the spending money
he wants. Never let him earn his
own. Why should he have things as
tough as you had them?
Never give him any spiritual training.
Wait till he is 21 and then let him
“decide for himself.”
Avoid use of the word “wrong.” It may
develop a guilt complex. This will
condition him to believe that society is
against him and he is being persecuted.
Pick up everything he leaves lying
around (books, shoes, and clothing).
Do everything for him so he will be
experienced in throwing all responsibility on
to others.
Let him read any printed matter he
can get his hands on. Be careful that
the silverware and drinking glasses
are sterilized, but let his mind feast on
Satisfy his every craving for food,
drink, and comfort. See that every
sensual desire is gratified. Denial of
his desires may lead to harmful frustration.
Take his part against neighbors,
teachers, and policemen. They
are all prejudiced against your
When he gets into real trouble,
apologize for yourself by saying, “I
never could do anything with him.”
Prepare for a life of grief.
You will probably have it.
Taken from the leaflet: Twelve Rules for Raising Delinquent Children distributed by the Houston Police
Durante la infancia empieze a darle
a su hijo(a) todo lo que pide. De
esta manera crecerá creyendo que
se merece todo y que el mundo le debe.
Ríase cuando repita malas
palabras. De esta manera el niño
(a) creerá que es gracioso(a).
Discuta frecuentemente en
presencia de sus hijos. De esta
manera no se sorprenderán
cuando el hogar se desbarate.
Dele a su hijo(a) todo el dinero
que pida. Nunca le deje ganar su
propio dinero.
Nunca le dé entrenamiento
espiritual. Espere a que tenga 21
años para “que decida por sí
Satisfaga todos sus gustos y
antojos por comida, bebida y
confort. Así verá que todos sus
deseos son gratificados.
Evite usar el término “está mal”
puede desarrollarle complejo de
culpa. Más tarde, cuando sea
arrestado(a) ésto lo llevará a creer que
la sociedad está en su contra y que está
siendo perseguido(a).
Deje que lea todo tipo de
lecturas y que escuche la
música que caiga en sus
manos. Asegúrese que los cubiertos y
vasos estén esterilizados; pero deje que
su mente se llene de basura.
Recoja todo lo que deja tirado.
Hágale todo así se acostumbrará a
dejar caer la responsibilidad en
Esté de su parte y en contra de los
vecinos, maestros y policía.
Todos ellos están prejuiciados en
contra de su hijo(a).
Cuando se meta en serios
problemas, justifíquese a sí
mismo(a) diciendo: “Nunca
pude hacer nada con él-ella.”
Prepárese para una vida de
duelo. Posiblemente la tendrá.
Tomado de un panfleto titulado: Twelve Rules for Raising Delinquent Children distribuído por el
Departamento de Policía de Houston