Lendie Follett - Iowa State University

Lendie Follett
2207 Snedecor Hall Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 lfollett@iastate.edu (515) 297-­‐3024 Education
Ph.D Statistics
Department of Statistics
Expected Graduation: Spring 2016
Iowa State University of Science and Technology – Ames, IA
M.S. Statistics
Department of Statistics, May 2014
Iowa State University of Science and Technology – Ames, IA
Creative Component: Visual Inference for Multiple Choice Lineups
Bachelors of Science in Statistics
Department of Statistics, May 2012
Iowa State University of Science and Technology – Ames, IA
Cumulative GPA: 3.71/4.0
Major GPA: 3.9/4.0
Relevant Computer Skills: R, SAS, MATLAB, LaTex, knitr, SQL, Excel
Research Interests: Bayesian inference, forecasting, consulting, data visualization, exploratory
data analysis, statistical computing
Professional Experience
Industry Experience
Customer Analytics and Business Intelligence Internship
May 2015 – August 2015
The Principal Financial Group
• Conducted independent research on current methodology for market mix models and
attribution models
• Wrote SAS and R code for implementing models
Consulting Experience
AES Consulting RA
August 2013 - Present
Iowa State University
• Provide statistical consulting support for faculty, staff, and grad students in any
department associated with the Agriculture Experiment Station.
• Design and analysis of experiments
• Provide support for R and SAS coding
Statistics in the Community (StatCom)
January 2014-Present
Member, Executive Committee
• Provide pro bono statistical consulting to non-profit organizations
• Increase the perception of statistics through community-driven outreach
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant
August 2012 - Present
Iowa State University
Introduction to Statistics (Stat 101) – Lab Instructor
• Led weekly labs, in which I helped students learn objectives and complete lab work. Held
regular office hours. (2 sections with 50 students each)
Teaching Assistant
Iowa State University
Statistical Computing (Stat 480)
• Graded weekly homework and held office hours.
Iowa State University
• Stat 500: Statistical Methods I
• Stat 510: Statistical Methods II
• Stat 512: Design of Experiments
Fall 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Research Experience
Undergraduate Research Assistant
August 2011- May 2012
Iowa State University
• Worked under advisor to complete several research projects. Focused on graphical
analysis and visual inference using R.
Knights Foundation: Soul of the Community
Iowa State University
• Analysis focused on what attaches people to their community.
July 2012 – August2012
Loy, Adam, Lendie Follett, and Heike Hofmann. "Variations of QQ Plots--The Power of our
Eyes!." arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02098 (2015).
Follett, Lendie, Heike Hofmann, and Ulrike Genschel. “Graphical Exploration of the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill.” Computational Statistics (2012). Print. Invited Submission.
Hofmann, Heike, Lendie Follett, Mahbubul Majumder, Dianne Cook. “Graphical Tests for
Power Comparison of Competing Designs” InfoVis (2012). Print.
Posters and Presentations
Graphical Exploration of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Mathematics and Statistics
Opportunities for Undergraduate Women, November 12, 2011, Iowa State University
Graphical Tests for Power Comparison of Competing Designs. Joint Statistical Meetings, July
30, 2012, San Diego, California
Follett, Lendie, Heike Hofmann, and Ulrike Genschel. “Graphical Exploration of the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill.” Joint Statistical Meetings 2011, Miami Beach, Florida
Honors & Awards
Dan Mowrey Consulting Excellence Award 2015
Vera David Fellowship 2013
Magna Cum Laude – Graduated with GPA over 3.70
ASA Data Exposition – 1st place with poster titled “Graphical Exploration of the
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill”
Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
Dean’s List: Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012
Iowa State University Academic Recognition Award 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012
STATers (member)
STATers (vice president)
Fall 2012 – Present
Fall 2014–Spring 2015
Graphics Working Group
Statistical Inference Working Group
President of Undergraduate Statistics Club
ISU Hockey Cheerleader
Relevant Coursework
• Statistical Methods I & II & III
• Advanced Statistical Methods
• Theory of Probability and Statistics I & II
• Foundations of Probability Theory
• Advanced Probability Theory
• An Introduction to R
• Exploratory Methods and Data Mining
• Design of Experiments
• Reliability
• Advanced Theory of Statistical Inference
• Theory and Applications of Linear Models
• Stochastic Processes
• Bayesian Statistics
• Advanced Bayesian Methods*
Introduction to the Theory of Probability and Statistics I & II
Statistical Methods for Research Workers
Statistical Methods for Spatial Data
Survey Sampling Techniques
Applied Time Series
Computer Processing of Statistical Data
Statistical Computing Applications Financial Accounting Principles of Finance * indicates the course is in progress or planned
Fall 2011 – Present
Fall 2012–Fall 2013
Fall 2010 – Spring 2012
Fall 2009 –Spring 2012