The didactics of logic and argumentation - CECyT No. 5

Call for papers
Revista Innovación Educativa
Volumen 13, número 63, september-december 2013
A four-monthly Journal of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México
Call for papers
Researchers, docents, postgraduate students and the academic community
in general to contribute unpublished research articles, in Spanish and
English, to the thematic section, Aleph, of issue 63 focused on:
“The didactics of logic and argumentation”
We will consider, though not exclusively, the following related
- Didactics of logic and argumentation for youth
- Methodologies and strategies for learning logic and
- Asian theories of argumentation and their current relevance
- The role of argumentation and critical thinking in the construc
tion of citizenship
- Teaching and learning logic and argumentation in South Asia
- Problems and possibilities in the didactics of logic and argu
mentation in secondary and higher education
Consult the guidelines for sending originals at:
Send all contributions to with copy to
Reception deadline for issue 63: November 4, 2013
Innovación Educativa (ISSN 1665-2673) is an indexed, blind peer-reviewed,
international journal that publishes specialized research and works on educational innovation.