Lord, You Have Come/Pescador de Hombres VERSES/ESTROFAS: Tempo di barcarolle (J. =66) (a tempo) 1. Tu 2. Tu 3. Tu 4. Tu, 1. Lord, 2. Lord, 3. Lord, 4. Lord, has ve - ni - dox_xa sa - bes bien lo ne - ce - si - tas pes - ca - dor de_oyou have come to see my goods, my take my hands and as I drift on la\~/o - ri - Ha, que ten - go; mis ma - nos, tros la - gos, the sea - shore, pos - ses - sions; di - rect them. the wa - ters, no has bus \-S en mi mi can an - sia\^e nei in Help be ther my me the (a tempo) 1. ca do 2. bar ca do 3. san 4. ter na 1. search- ing for 2. boat you find 3. spend my- self 4. rest - ing place niv-xa sa-bios ni\_xa ri - cos;' nqjiay o - ro ni^es-pa - das, queji o - tros des - can - se, . de al-mas que^es-pe - ran, the rich nor the wise, no pow - er, no wealth, in seek-ing the lost, _ of my rest- less heart, _ tan so - lo tan so - lo a - mor que a - mi - go de - sir - ing Will you acre - turn-ing my life'scom- REFRAIN/ ESTRIBILLO: 1. quie - res 2. re - des 3. quie - ra 4. hue - no, 1. on - ly 2. cept, then, 3. love for 4. pan - ion, que yo te si - ga. y mi tra - ba -- Jose - guir a - man - do. que a - si me lla - mas. that I should fol - low. my nets and la - bor? the love you gave me. my friend and re - fuge. Text: Spanish by Cesareo Gabarain, 1936-1991; tr. by Robert C. Trupia. Music: Cesareo Gabarain; choral arr. by Joseph Abell. Text and music ©1979, 1987, Cesareo Gabarain. Published by OCP Publications. 284 Se - nor, O Lord, LORD; YOU HAVE COME/PESCADOR DE HOMBRES, cont. (2) me\^>has mi- ra-do\-xa los o - jos, with your eyes set up - on me, son gent n - en - do ly smil - ing, has di-cho mi nom - bre, you have spo-ken my name; en all Iqji -re - na I longed for J he de - ja - do I have found by mi the bar wa ca, ter, J- Ti side, bus - ca - re o - tro mar. I will seek oth - er shores. 285 jun at tos-'a your