MR BOOK, MY GOOD FRIEND. .Mr Book, my good friend.

Los alumnos/as del primer ciclo de E.P. (1º y 2º) han
representado la siguiente obra para celebrar el día del libro (23
de Abril) cuyo principal objetivo es el fomento de la lectura.
Esta actividad se ha trabajado en el área de Lengua
.Mr Book, my good
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Characters: Mr Book, three boys and two girls
Narrator: Mr. book wants to make new friends. One day…
Scene 1
A girl is watching TV with the remote control in her
hand: Mr Book arrives and stands between the girl and
the TV set.
Mr. Book: Hi, I’m Mr. Book. I can tell you a story.
Girl 1: Move aside, please. I’m watching TV.
Looking sad, Mr book walks away slowly.
Scene 2
A boy is speaking on his mobile phone when Mr Book
Boy 1: …yes, we can go to…
Mr. Book: Hi, I’m Mr. Book. I can tell you…
Boy 1: Sorry, I’m speaking on the phone now.
Mr. Book: (in a sad tone)… a story
Mr Book leaves the room quietly.
Scene 3
A boy is playing video games.
Mr. Book: Hi, I’m Mr. Book. I can…
Boy 2: Shhh, I’m playing video games.
So, Mr Book goes away again.
Scene 4
A girl is sitting in an armchair looking bored. Feeling
very sad, Mr Book arrives. He is about to go away without
speaking, when the girl calls him.
Girl 2: Hey, wait!!
Mr. Book: (looking surprised) Me?
Girl 2: Yes, I’m bored. Can you help me?
Mr. Book: Sure, I can tell you a story about a princess and
a pirate.
Girl 2: Sounds great!!
Mr. Book: Once upon a time there was a beautiful
Narrator: Later more children arrive.
Boy 1: Sorry…
Girl 1: We are bored.
Boy 2: Can we stay?
Mr. Book: (looking very happy) Sure my friends. Here we go
again. Once upon a time…
The children sit on the floor, next to their sister and start
listening to Mr Book.
Narrator: Books are good friends. Just read a book and let
your imagination fly…