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English Grammar & Vocab Exercises: Past Tense, Reported Speech

Listening – Edith May Pretty
2021-09-29, 05:51 pm
9 / 9 points (100%)
Edith May Pretty was born.
She visited the pyramids in Egypt.
She spent time in Paris.
She got married.
She bought a house with a large garden.
Her husband died.
Edith had a strange dream.
An archaeologist began digging in her garden.
They discovered a buried ship.
Grammar – Past perfect
2021-09-29, 05:59 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
When they got home, Mum had cooked dinner. (Mum / cook)
I knew I had seen him before. (I / see)
He gave me the money he had borrowed the previous day. (he / borrow)
Sonia had forgotten her password so she couldn't use her computer. (Sonia / forget)
They showed me the email they had received. (they / receive)
When I saw him, he had lost a lot of weight. (he / lose)
Grammar – Past simple and past perfect (1)
2021-09-29, 06:01 pm
8 / 8 points (100%)
Lucy had used her phone for only a day before it broke.
What did you do last night between 8 pm and 9 pm?
Kevin was tired when he got home. He had missed the bus and had to walk back.
By the time I started school, we had moved house three times!
I waited at the bus stop, but you didn't come.
What were you doing when I phoned you earlier this morning?
They were annoyed to find that the rest of the staff had started the meeting without
I saw Penelope Cruz yesterday! She had given an interview outside the cinema, and she
was just getting into a car to leave, when I arrived
Grammar – Past simple and past perfect (2)
2021-09-29, 06:02 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
Paul had seen the film before so he went home.
We got up at seven, ate breakfast and left for school.
Emily was embarrassed about the silly things she had said the night before.
He showed me the guitar he had just bought.
We played video games and then we went to bed.
The test was easy because they had memorised the information.
Vocabulary – Using the -ing form
2021-09-29, 06:08 pm
5 / 5 points (100%)
Example: Martha: I loved to swing from the branch of a big tree.
Martha loved swinging from the branch of a big tree.
David: I remember when we got our first puppy.
David remembers getting their first puppy.
Alex: We had a huge garden. I miss it now.
Alex misses having a huge garden.
Sarah: We always went to the seaside, which we enjoyed.
Sarah enjoyed going to the seaside.
Gemma: I remember when I made a great Halloween costume.
Gemma remembers making a great Halloween costume.
Jonathan: I still think about my favourite teddy bear.
Jonathan keeps thinking about his favourite teddy bear.
Vocabulary – -ing endings
2021-09-29, 06:11 pm
8 / 8 points (100%)
I ran home thinking there was something wrong. (think)
Tom wanted to get his mum something nice for her birthday. (get)
I practise playing the piano every day. (play)
Did you remember to turn off your computer before you left? (turn)
'Keep writing. There's five minutes left,' the teacher said. (write)
Sophie loves cooking but she really hates washing the dishes! (wash)
Imagine living on the Moon! It would be very strange. (live)
We all make mistakes but try to avoid making the same ones next time. (make)
Dialogue – Telling anecdotes
2021-09-29, 06:12 pm
8 / 8 points (100%)
Girl One of my earliest memories is when I was only three years old.
Girl Really? What happened?
Girl My parents took me to the zoo. Until then I had never seen an elephant,
and I just fell in love, I suppose! The problem was, I didn't want to leave, and I
remember crying when it was time to go!
Girl Amazing! You loved the animals so much!
Girl And I particularly remember looking back at the elephant. I watched it until I couldn't see
any more! I still remember it now!
Girl Wow!
Girl I felt so sad when I had to say goodbye to the elephant!
Girl Aaah!
Reading – The worst day
2021-10-12, 09:06 pm
10 / 10 points (100%)
Robin called Gran on the phone before he visited. FALSE
Gran didn't often go out. TRUE
Robin bought vegetables on the way to Gran's house. FALSE
He had known how to open the gate for years. TRUE
He knocked loudly on the back door. FALSE
He couldn't use his mobile to phone her. TRUE
Gran had shown him where there was a key. TRUE
Robin got hurt by the falling metal. FALSE
Gran had called the police. FALSE
Robin spent a long time explaining things to the police. TRUE
Grammar – Past continous
2021-10-12, 09:08 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
Susan was walking to school when the accident happened. Susan saw the
I was sleeping at ten last night. So I didn't see the film.
Mum was making sandwiches and we were putting up decorations. We were
getting ready for a party.
Jen was watching her favourite programme when Danni phoned. The phone call
came in the middle of the programme.
He was living at his aunt's house when I met him. He moved out of his aunt's
house after I met him.
I was writing her a text message when she walked in the room. She didn't receive
my text message.
Grammar – Past simple and past continuous
2021-10-12, 09:18 pm
21 / 21 points (100%)
I was finishing (finish) my homework when someone knocked (knock) at my
Where were you going (you go) when I saw (see) you yesterday?
She was (be) on the phone for a long time! Who was she talking (she talk) to?
James came (come) to visit me yesterday, but nobody was home. I was
studying (study) in the library and my sister was playing (play) hockey.
I wasn't looking (not look) at the road, so I tripped (trip) and fell (fall) over.
What were you doing (you do) when I phoned (phone) you this morning?
When we arrived (arrive) at the station, the train was just leaving (just leave).
He was downloading (download) a song when suddenly the
computer froze (freeze).
Why were you laughing (you laugh) in class - did you just remember (you just
remember) something funny?
I think they were talking (talk) about us when we arrived.
Grammar – could have
2021-10-12, 09:22 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
Example: Why didn't you tell me?
You could have told me.
Why didn't they call the doctor?
They could have called the doctor.
This didn't take long after all – why didn't we go to the beach?
We could have gone to the beach after all.
I didn't realise you would be there. Why didn't we meet for coffee?
We could have met for coffee.
You are lucky you didn't hurt yourself.
You could have hurt yourself.
My exam results were bad. Why didn't I study more?
I could have studied more.
It was possible for him to phone me, but he didn't.
He could have phoned me.
Vocabulary – Childhood (1)
2021-10-12, 09:23 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
play pen
high chair
sand pit
round about
see- saw
teddy bear
Vocabulary – Childhood (2)
2021-10-12, 09:25 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
My little sister always takes her teddy to bed with her.
At the dinner table the baby sits in the high chair to eat.
Mauro fell off the swing and hurt himself.
I liked to play with dolls when I was little.
We can take Megan to the fair in her push chair.
Joe's favourite thing in the park is the slide. It's really high!
Dialogue – Telling anecdotes
2021-10-12, 09:28 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)
Boy: I can remember when I was only two!
Girl: Really? What do you remember?
Boy: Well, I particularly remember being in the garden of our house.
Girl: That's interesting. What was happening in the garden?
Boy: Unfortunately, I can't remember much, but I remember that the sun was
shining and I was playing in the sand pit.
Girl: That reminds me of when I was young. We used to have a sand pit too.
Helbling 3
Listening – Boys and girls
2021-10-29, 01:26 am
6 / 6 points (100%)
The boy doesn't think that girls are adventurous. TRUE
The old house had belonged to the girl's family. FALSE
The girl always told her mum when she was going to the old house. FALSE
Inside, the house was decorated like a palace. FALSE
Only girls used to go inside the old house. TRUE
The boy is frightened by the girl's story. TRUE
Grammar – Reported speech (1)
2021-10-29, 01:00 am
8 / 8 points (100%)
Janet to Sian: I saw you at the shopping centre yesterday.
Janet told Sian that she had seen her at the shopping centre the day before .
Mum: I couldn't do sports when I was at school.
Mum said she couldn't do sports when she was at school.
Dad: Elena, you really shouldn't stay up so late.
Dad told Elena she really shouldn't stay up so late.
Tom to his teacher: I'm sorry, I forgot my homework.
Tom told his teacher that he was sorry, he had forgotten his homework.
Tania and her friend: We might go to the cinema.
Tania and her friend said they might go to the cinema.
The ski instructor to the students: Be careful.
The ski instructor told the students to be careful.
Matthew to Steve: I'll meet you at 7 pm.
Matthew told Steve he would meet him at 7 pm.
John Keats, the poet: 'Love is my religion - I could die for it.'
John Keats, the poet, said that love was his religion - he could die for it.
Grammar – Reported speech (2)
2021-10-29, 01:05 am
8 / 8 points (100%)
Where did you go to school?
He asked me where I had gone to school.
What work experience have you had?
He asked me what work experience I had had.
What are you going to study at university?
He asked me what I was going to study at university.
Can you design web pages?
He asked me if I could design web pages.
Are you happy to work on Saturdays?
He asked me if I was happy to work on Saturdays.
Do you like working on your own?
He asked me if I liked working on my own.
Why do you want the job?
He asked me why I wanted the job.
How will you get to work every day?
He asked me how I would get to work every day.
Grammar – Reported speech (3)
2021-10-29, 01:21 am
8 / 8 points (100%)
'Stop!' the policeman ordered the thief.
The policeman ordered the thief to stop.
'Please help me, someone!' begged the woman.
The woman begged someone to help her.
'I'll be there,' Cathy promised her mother.
Cathy promised her mother that she would be there.
'You should start your revision in good time,' the teacher advised us.
The teacher advised us to start our revision in good time.
'Don't forget Dad's birthday!' Mum reminded me.
Mum reminded me not to forget Dad's birthday.
'Why don't you ask the teacher to explain the work again?' he suggested to me.
He suggested that I ask the teacher to explain the work again.
'Let me open the door for you, Mrs Kent,' the boy offered.
The boy offered to open the door for Mrs Kent.
'It's dangerous to do sport without warming up first,' the coach warned the players.
The coach warned the players that it was dangerous to do sport without warming up
Vocabulary – Reporting verbs
2021-10-29, 01:22 am
8 / 8 points (100%)
'I won't do it! - Lewis refused to do it.
Be careful here!' - The course leader warned us to be careful.
'I'll tell the teacher if you ever do that again!' - Alicia threatened to tell the teacher.
'Don't forget to bring your swimming stuff!'
She reminded us not to forget to bring our swimming stuff.
'Would you like me to help you carry those books?'
Angela offered to help me carry the books.
'I think it's a good idea if everyone reads the book first, before seeing the film.'
The critic suggested that everyone read the book first.
'Put that magazine away!'
The teacher ordered the student to put the magazine away.
'Don't worry, your children will be perfectly safe.'
The ski instructor reassured our parents that we would be perfectly safe.
Vocabulary – Extreme sports (1)
2021-10-29, 01:23 am
6 / 6 points (100%)
para sailing
rock climbing
body boarding
go karting
white-water rafting
tree climbing
Vocabulary – Extreme sports (2)
2021-10-29, 01:25 am
5 / 5 points (100%)
Dialogue – Getting around
2021-10-29, 01:26 am
5 / 5 points (100%)
How much are these T-shirts, please? They're five euros each.
Can I help you with anything else? Can I see that book, please? That big one up there.
Excuse me. How do you get to the station from here? Go to the end of this road. You
can't miss it.
Could you tell me if you have any rooms available? How many nights?
Can I have a ticket for the High Street, please? Yes, certainly. Here you are.
Helbing 4
Reading – Bear Grylls
2021-10-29, 01:45 am
6 / 6 points (100%)
Bear Grylls is well-known in Britain.
While he was still at school, he learned sailing and climbing.
He was in a parachuting accident which nearly killed him.
Climbing Mount Everest was something that he had thought about doing for years.
A later expedition had to stop after he had another accident.
On television, he uses skills he learned as a Survival Instructor.
Grammar – Reporting verbs
2021-10-29, 01:49 am
8 / 8 points (100%)
Becky: 'I can't do this work!'
Becky said that she couldn't do that work.
The little girl: 'No, I won't be quiet!'
The little girl refused to be quiet.
The teacher: 'Class, be quiet!'
The teacher ordered the class to be quiet.
Ollie: 'We mustn't forget our cameras.'
Ollie reminded us to bring our cameras.
Mr Herbert: 'Watch out, or I'll tell your parents about the incident, Daniel.'
Mr Herbert threatened to tell Daniel's parents about the incident.
Mum: I'll iron your shirt for you, Jess.'
Mum offered to iron Jess' shirt for her.
The Headmaster: Come in and sit down, Miss Smith.'
The Headmaster invited Miss Smith to come in and sit down.
The doctor: 'You shouldn't eat so many chips, Mr Baker.'
The doctor warned Mr Baker not to eat so many chips.
Grammar – Indirect questions
2021-10-29, 01:35 am
6 / 6 points (100%)
Could you tell me what your name is?
I'm phoning to ask if you have a double room for tonight.
Could you let me know what time the castle opens?
I want to find out where they are from.
I would like to know what time the bus leaves.
Please can you tell me where I can buy tickets?
Grammar – Reported speech: modals
2021-10-29, 01:33 am
7 / 7 points (100%)
The instructor told me not to worry.
Philip suggested that I went first.
He told me that I needed to be very careful.
Sara offered to cook us dinner.
They said that they could not see.
He told me I had to wait for five minutes.
She said she would not be coming to the party.
Vocabulary – Holidays (1)
2021-10-29, 01:32 am
6 / 6 points (100%)
A guesthouse is a place where you can have meals served — you don't cook your own
A canyon is a deep hollow at the bottom of a mountain.
A gallery is a place where you can see art.
A temple is a place where people practise religion.
A palace is a large building.
A hostel is often the cheapest form of accommodation for large groups.
Vocabulary – Holidays (2)
2021-10-29, 01:31 am
7 / 7 points (100%)
On day one of our holiday, we spent the morning exploring the city. We went to
the palace where the king used to live, and afterwards, we saw some of the king's old
furniture in the museum. We saw some amazing paintings at the art gallery and then we
went for an open-air lunch in the park. In the afternoon, we had a trip into the country,
and we climbed a short way up a mountain before stopping at a waterfall to cool off!
Then it was back to our guest house for dinner.
Dialogue – Getting around
2021-10-29, 01:47 am
7 / 7 points (100%)
Do you have this shirt in medium?
Woman: Wait a moment. Yes, here you are.
I'm going to the train station. Could you tell me when to get off, please?
Yes, of course.
Here's five pounds.
Woman: Thank you. Here's your change.
Does this bus go to the youth hostel?
Yes, it does.
Could you tell me how to get to the swimming pool?
Yes. Turn left here and go to the end of the road.