RV: SA Groundnut Forum / Re: PASSED AWAY of Ing. Agr

Gaby Alcorta <gabyalcorta@gmail.com>
RV: SA Groundnut Forum / Re: PASSED AWAY of Ing. Agr. Guillermo J. Olivera (h),
Executive Director of the ARGENTINE PEANUT CHAMBER (CAM) Gaby Alcorta <gabyalcorta@gmail.com>
14 de julio de 2016, 1:22
Asunto: RE: PASSED AWAY of Ing. Agr. Guillermo J. Olivera (h), Execu椀爀ve Director of the ARGENTINE PEANUT
CHAMBER (CAM) Fecha: 2016‐07‐11 05:45 Remitente: SA Groundnut Forum <groundnutforum@opot.co.za> Des椀爀natario: "ANDRES H. HARI GEORGALOS" <ahgeorgalos@arnet.com.ar> Copia: "Gerhard Keun (oliesade@worldonline.co.za)" <oliesade@worldonline.co.za> Good day It is with regret that we learnt of the loss of Mr Olivera. On behalf of the South African groundnut industry, please be so kind as to forward our sincere condolences and sympathy to his family and collogues. Best regards ADRI BOTHA ADRI BOTHA (MS) Chairperson SA Groundnut Forum Email: groundnutforum@opot.co.za [1] FROM: andreshgeorgalos@hotmail.com [mailto:andreshgeorgalos@hotmail.com] ON BEHALF OF ANDRES H. HARI GEORGALOS SENT: Thursday, July 7, 2016 10:16 AM TO: ANDRES H. GEORGALOS ahgeorgalos@arnet.com.ar [2] SUBJECT: PASSED AWAY of Ing. Agr. Guillermo J. Olivera (h), Execu椀爀ve Director of the ARGENTINE PEANUT CHAMBER (CAM) WE REGRET TO INFORM THE PASSED AWAY OF ING. GUILLERMO J. OLIVERA (H), EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE ARGENTINE PEANUT CHAMBER (CAM), OCCURRED ON LAST MONDAY JULY 4, 2016. A GREAT LOSS FOR THE ARGENTINE PEANUT SECTOR. Links: ‐‐‐‐‐‐ [2] mailto:ahgeorgalos@arnet.com.ar ­­ Lic. Gabriela Alcorta
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