ESCUELA SECUNDARIA TÉCNICA “AGUILA” CCT: 28PST0039E TAMPICO, TAMAULIPAS CICLO ESCOLAR 2015-2016 WRITING A PARAGRAPH. The student must make 4 different paragraphs of 4 different animals (descriptive paragraph.) Instructions: 1. The student must choose 4 different animals and make a descriptive paragraph of every animal according to the five steps of writing (pre-write, draft, revise, edit, publish.) 2. The students must use 2 sheets of paper, 1 for making the draft, revise and edit, and the other to publish it (make it clean.) 3. The students must do the activity “BY HAND”. 4. The two sheets of paper with the activity must be delivered according to the specifications of the classroom regulations published on September 11th., 2015.