WORKSHEET Nº 5 UNIT 1 GLOBALIZATION AND COMMUNICATION From June14th to 25th NAME CLASS 2nd High…….. SEN TEACHER Claudia Torres TEACHER AUTHOR Patricia González Figueroa OA/AE OA 14 Escribir una variedad de textos, como cuentos, correos electrónicos, folletos, etc REINFORCED SKILL Escritura DATE This activity was taken from The British Council Learn English Teens web site and adapted for the second grade high. Complete the website review. Think about these questions: Which website do you want to review?Completa la critica a una pagina web que sea de tu interés, considera la información propuesta para cada párrafo. Paragraph 1: What general information about the website can you give? Paragraph 2: What are the website’s good points? Paragraph 3: What are the problems with the website? Paragraph 4: What’s your overall opinion? Would you recommend it? Who would you recommend it to? Website: Paragraph 1: What general information about the website can you give? This is a website about making different recipes of food and then post it on the social media like Instagram or Facebook. Everyone will be able to watch the website. Paragraph 2: What are the website’s good points? One of the good points is that people will learn more about how to cook, about other meals that they can prepare, and then they could take photos of the meals. Paragraph 3: What are the problems with the website? The problems of this website is that the recipes are not considering vegan or vegetarian options each day. Paragraph 4: What’s your overall opinion? Would you recommend it? Whowould you recommend it to? To sum up this website is very useful. I would recommend this website for those who do not know how to cook or what to cook.