Double Degree M.Sc. Infection Biology, Alemania, Argentina AMIBA

*Further information
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Infection Biology is directed at
Bachelor students and Estudiantes de Licenciatura.
The program starts in May 2017 in Argentina.
The students are selected in a joint admission process and are
enrolled at both universities.
⁄ Argentina
› Application deadline: 1st of November 2016 ‹
Program Director Argentina
Prof. Dr. Hugo Luján
Laboratorio de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular. Facultad de Medicina.
Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
Centro de investigación y Desarrollo en Inmunología y Enfermedades
Infecciosas (CIDIE-CONICET)
Selection criteria: previous grades, additional qualifications and
personal (Skype) interview.
Applicants must provide proof of sufficient knowledge of English.
Spanish or German skills are not required.
Questions concerning the application process will be gladly answered by the coordinators of the master‘s program via e-mail.
Apply now!
Double Degree
M.Sc. Infection Biology,
Alemania, Argentina
Coordinator Argentina
Milton E. Escobar
Secretario de Asuntos Internacionales. Área de Cooperación Internacional
e Intercambio Académico. Universidad Católica de Córdoba
⁄ Germany
Program Director Germany
Prof. Dr. Tim Sparwasser
Institute of Infection Immunology. TWINCORE – Centre for Experimental
Infection Research, a joint venture between the Medical School Hannover
(MHH) and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)
Coordinator Germany
Andrea von Craushaar
TWINCORE – Centre for Experimental Infection Research, a joint venture
between MHH and HZI
photo: M. Rohde, HZI
120 ECTS
*Key data
Small classes with 1-to-1 supervision
Funded study periods abroad in Germany and Argentina
Interdisciplinary education program focusing on infectious diseases and
host-pathogen interaction
Scientific knowledge and state-of-the-art experimental experience in
current and emerging biomedical research areas
Scientific exchange and translational research for vaccine development
and novel therapies to treat endemic diseases
Language courses in Spanish or German
*Is this course suitable for you?
The Masters is directed at Bachelor students and students who:
successfully completed their study in a biological or related field of
demonstrate a strong interest in infection research in an international
want to pursue an international career in academia or internationally
operating industry
max. 20 students per year
DAHZ/CUAA’s funds will cover costs related to flights, international
health insurance and living costs abroad for the best 4 applications
• from Germany/Europe (1st year)
• from Argentina/South America (2nd year)
120 ECTS points
Classes are in English
1321 hours on-site training (according to CONEAU accreditation)
1022 hours self-study
Double degree issued by the Hannover Medical School (GER) and the
Universidad Católica de Córdoba (ARG)
Spanish or German training
1st Semester
3rd Semester 2nd Semester
*What we offer
Two year top level training course for students of biosciences and
4th Semester
AMIBA is an international Masters program focusing on cutting edge research
in infection biology and translational
*Participating Institutions
Universidad Católica de Córdoba (ARG)
Hannover Medical School (GER)
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (ARG)
Twincore (GER)
Successfully accredited by
ZEvA (Zentrale Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover)
CONEAU (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria)
Sponsored by
In Argentina:
Immunology, Infection Biology,
Methods I, (Spanish)
In Argentina:
Biochemistry, Advanced Immunology,
Lab Training I
In Germany:
Transl. Medicine, Methods II+III,
Lab Training II, (German)
In Germany or Argentina:
Masters Thesis including Scientific Writing
The M.Sc. Infection biology is a research oriented Masters,
which qualifies for :
Employment in industry and academia, especially doctoral training in
the field of infection research
Employment in research and development, but also in diagnostics
and analytics
Preparation for international work with focus on Central Europe and
South America