From Sea to Sky: the Evolution of Air Navigation from the Ocean and

From Sea to Sky: the Evolution of Air Navigation from the Ocean
and Beyond
9–10 June 2016
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
Thursday 9 June
Curator-led session on charts and navigational instruments (Caird
Curator-led session on chart and navigational instruments (Caird
Meeting point for the above sessions is by the Information Desk in the Sammy Ofer
Wing Foyer
13.30: Registration and refreshments (Propeller Area)
14.00: Welcome and introduction (Lecture Theatre)
Kevin Fewster, James Taylor and Peter Chapman-Andrews
14.30: Session 1
Moving On Up: Tracing a Career in Air Navigation
Richard Dunn, Senior Curator of the History of Science, Royal Museums
Air-Craft on Board: An Account on the History of the ‘Airships Carrier’, 1913–
Francisco A. González Redondo, Associate Professor of History of Science,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Battenberg to Simmonds-Goudime, the Evolution of the Navigational
Keith Hope-Lang, Royal Institute of Navigation
16.00: Coffee and tea (Propeller Area)
16.30: Session 2
Angles and Beacons: Time on the Wrist, Time on the Dash
Rory McEvoy, Curator of Horology, Royal Museums Greenwich
Wireless Waves in the Air: Military and Civilian Use of Wireless
Communications in Air Navigation in the Interwar Years
Dr Elizabeth Bruton, Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre, University of Manchester
The Nautical Almanac
Steve Bell, Nautical Almanac Office
18.00: Reception
Friday 10 June
10.00: Arrival and refreshments
10.30: Session 3
Learning to Navigate in the Air: Technological Maturity in Celestial Air
Navigation, 1927–31
Roger Connor, Aeronautics Department, Smithsonian Institution
Francis Chichester: Solo Biplane Astro
Brian Walton, MRIN
The Evolution of the Aircraft Sextant
David Pike, FRIN Independent Researcher
12.00: Coffee and tea (Propeller Area)
12.30: Session 4
‘The Development and Improvement of Methods to Solve the PZX Triangle’
Terry Hayward, Royal Institute of Navigation
‘The V-force Seven-sight Two-star Fix’
Paul Hickley, Royal Institute of Navigation
13.30: Lunch (Propeller Area)
14.30: Session 5
The Rise and Fall of Celestial Navigation in Early Space Exploration
Andrew K. Johnston, Vice President for Research and Collections, Adler
The 1970s North Atlantic Flight Routeings Revolution
Peter Brooker, Royal Institute of Navigation
From Disaster to Desert: the End of Navigation
Gabriel Gee, Franklin University, Switzerland
15.30: Closing remarks and departure
FEE: £60. Concessions: £45 (RIN members, students and people over 60)
For more information and to book a place please call 020 8312 6716 or e-mail