Dear Parents and Guardians, As mentioned in

Dear Parents and Guardians,
As mentioned in the parent meetings at the beginning of March, this year as last year, we are focusing on three important aspects of our Educational Technology curriculum: practicing responsible use, applying computer skills, and developing design thinking through problem based learning. If you would like to revisit the presentation that was given, you can view it online here:
We would like to take this moment to thank you in advance for your support in helping us develop a culture of responsible use with technology within and outside the physical school environment. Working together we can raise a generation of responsible digital citizens in our globally connected world who will know and understand how to manage and balance their use of technology in a variety of circumstances.
Based on the resources that we use as part of our educational technology curriculum from Common Sense Media and Que Veo foundation, we would like to give the following summary of recommendations:
1. Establish areas of use or zones for technology.... keep technology in public spaces in the house, not in bedrooms, including mobile phones
2. Establish times of use for technology... have a final "turning off time" when phones or devices are off and contact is off until the following day
3. Establish and discuss acceptable use of technology with devices... have mobile phones off during meals, no devices during family outings or discussions, technology free times during vacations
4. Establish and discuss responsible use of technology with devices.... always ask before uploading information or photos of others, think carefully before posting photos/ work of self, develop a clear understanding of the permanence of items on the Internet, always use respectful language online
5. Reinforce personal safety with technology.... always use aliases, never use personal information, never meet someone you know from online alone, use strictest safety settings in social networks
These suggestions and more can be found in the links mentioned above as well as the resources in the document following. In addition, as the research suggests, below are Santiago College guidelines for the use of technology at home according to various age levels:
Ages 2­10/ Grades PreK­ 5
○ Digital devices with parental controls enabled and wifi access only
○ Active monitoring of Internet use at all times following agreed upon family guidelines ○ Shared computers with child profiles activated using monitored/ filtered access
○ Bringing technological devices to school, no younger than Grade 3
○ Personal mobile phones with restricted 3G data plan no younger than Grade 5
Ages 11­14/ Grades 6­8
○ Open and consistent communication about uses of technology and what not to share
○ Application and monitoring of family agreements regarding technology
○ Limited Internet access with restricted 3G data plan and parental controls for mobile phones
○ Active monitoring of technological devices including messaging and texting services
○ Use of social networks according to legal guidelines for ages (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr begin at age 13)
○ Shared computers with child profiles activated using monitored/ filtered access
○ Technology use in open, public areas of the home at all times
Ages 15­18/ Grades 9­12
○ Open and consistent communication about uses of technology and what not to share
○ Application and monitoring of family agreements regarding technology
○ Limited Internet access with restricted 3G data plan and parental controls for mobile phones
○ Active monitoring of technological devices including messaging and text services
○ Awareness of the sites, photos, information and use of technology that your child engages in
○ Technology use in open, public areas of the home at all times
Lastly, we would like to ask that you ensure that you and your child(ren) have read, reviewed, and SIGNED the Responsible Use Policy that is part of the Manual de Convivencia of Santiago College. This policy can be found in the front of the student agenda. Signed papers should be returned to the homeroom teacher as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to continuing to work together with you throughout the school year.
Jessica V. Allen
Director of Educational Technology
Seguridad de Internet y Moviles:
Recursos Para Padres
Fundación Que Veo: "Ser Familia en la
era Digital"
Ministerio de Educación: Internet
Common Sense Media: Manejar la
tecnología en la vida de tus hijos
Recursos Adicionales:
1. Sugerencias para padres y apoderados: Desarrollemos una conciencia digital responsable en nuestros hijos.
Recomendaciones para el buen uso de las pantallas.
2. Manual de recomendaciones para padres: Cómo prevenir y qué hacer frente a los riesgos de internet.
3. Diez claves para una mejor protección on line: Promover un contexto online más respetuoso y seguro con los
menores es un reto diario y exigente.
4. Guía para padres sobre el uso de Facebook
5. Glosario de Quién es quién en la era digital: Independientemente de cuán cercanos y familiarizados nos
sintamos con las tecnologías.
6. Libro en PDF: La Generación Interactiva en Iberoamérica 2010 “Niños y adolescentes ante las pantallas”
7. Advice on mobile phones and communication: Advice on how to manage and instruct your children about the
use of mobile phones and texting
8. Advice on family media management: Advice on how to manage and instruct your children about the
frequency and use of technology
9. 16 básicos para para una sana convivencia digital: Una lista de 16 temas importantes para sus hijos en la era
10. Contrato de Moviles: Contrato escribir por una máma a su hijo/a con todos los sugerencias de usa importante a
su familia.