Saint Joseph Catholic Church
87 Lacy Street NW, Marietta, Georgia 30060-1111
Mission Statement
We, Saint Joseph Catholic church, the Body of Christ, seek to grow
in faith, love, and service of God and one another.
Parish Contact Numbers
Bruce Reed...............(770)422-5633 x27 Tina Harding..............(770)422-5633 x24 Sister Olivia……..(770)422-5633 x32
Dolores Lomeli..........(770)422-5633 x37
Carol Donofrio...........(770)422-5633 x22 Ralph Keene.............(770)422-5633 x50 SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL
EDGE/MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY Pat Allen..........................(770)428-3328
Laura Fenton.............(770)422-5633 x53 FACILITIES MANAGER
Jim Arnold.................(770)422-5633 x39
Tom Reichert.............(770)422-5633 x25 MUSIC MINISTRY
John Brandt...............(770)422-5633 x62 PRESCHOOL
Pat Roberts...............(770)422-5633 x75
Kathy Christianson....(770)422-5633 x52
Parish Office
Phone: (770)422-5633
Fax: (770)422-1148
Office Hours
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Schedule of Masses
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
5:30 PM Vigil
7:30 PM Vigilia en Español
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
8:15 AM School Mass Sunday
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM,
12:00 PM Anointing of the Sick
12:30 PM,2:30 PM en Español
7:00 PM en Español
5:00 PM Life Teen
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
Pastor: Monsignor John Walsh
Parochial Vicars: Rev. Michael Sherliza • Rev. Mark Starr
Deacons: Deacon Thomas Shaver, OFS • Deacon Bruce Reed
Deacon Frank Devereux • Deacon Norman Keller • Deacon Jose Trinidad Merlo • Deacon Greg Smilski
May 18, 2014 •
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Parish School of Religion
Mother’s Circle
is a
new ministry for moms of the parish
with young children. We will meet
weekly for playdates and fellowship.
Our next activities are:
Vacation Bible School
needs you!
We are looking for volunteers to help with craft planning. The week of VBS is scheduled for June 23—27
from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. This crucial team is also in
need of a coordinator. The coordinator would be
responsible to contact team members about
meeting times and oversee the preparation of the
VBS craft projects. VBS is always a fun and spirit filled
week! We hope that you will consider joining this
important ministry. A Nursery Coordinator, nursery
helpers (the VBS nursery is offered to the younger
children of VBS volunteers), teachers, teacher assistants, snack and craft helpers are also needed.
Please contact Kathy at or
(770)422-5633 x52 for more information.
VBS registration will be available in May.
Thanks to all who participated
in this year’s Rice Bowl
collection. The Hispanic and
English PSR programs together
collected $3,376.90. This
generous donation will be sent to Catholic Relief
Services. Please visit to learn
more about the work of CRS.
Monday, May 19—Mom’s Night Out at Movie
Tavern at Sandy Plains Village.
All mothers of the parish are welcome.
 Thursday, May 22—Zoo Atlanta at 10:00 AM
 Tuesday, May 27—Laurel Park at 10:00 AM
For more information contact Amy Lyons at
(404)966-3710 or
Layette Program We are in need of
donations of NEW items of clothing, blankets,
booties, caps, sleepers, etc., for our program.
All items are distributed to families in need within
our community.
Thank you for your tremendous generosity in
helping us with this wonderful ministry that brings
hope and comfort to new families.
Saint Joseph
The monthly gathering of the Lectio Divina Prayer
Group is this Wednesday, May 21. Lectio Divina is a
'divine reading' of Scripture that helps us discover
how God is speaking to our hearts. No experience is
necessary to begin this form of meditative prayer, only
an open heart. Please join us promptly at 7:00 PM in
the Chapel of Peace. You may contact Deacon Norm
at (678)594-6597 for more information.
Saint Joseph Preschool is seeking two teachers
for the 2014-2015 school year. The openings are
for a lead teacher in the Twos Class and a lead
teacher in the Threes Class. Applicants for these
positions should have an Early Childhood Degree
or equivalent preschool teaching experience.
For more information contact
Pat Roberts, Director, at (770)422-5633 x75.
Resumes may be sent to
Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia •
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all
the good he has done for me?
Psalm 116:12
Mass Intentions
May 18—May 25
Offertory for May 11....................................................................$37,769.00
Online Giving
Made Easy!
Did you know you can contribute to Saint Joseph
(i.e. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express)?
It’s easier than you think! Visit our website at and click on the
Scripture Readings
May 18—May 25
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 6:1-7
1 Pt 2:4-9
Jn 14:1-12
Liturgy of the Hours: Psalms I
Acts 14:5-18 • Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28 • Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6 • Jn 15:1-8
Fifth Sunday of Easter
5:30 PM (Vigil)..........Mother’s Day Novena
7:30 PM (Vigilia) En Español………………..
† Adolfo Piña Lopez
7:30 AM……............ Mother’s Day Novena
9:00 AM............................... † Andrew Gazo
10:45 AM….............................. Parishioners
12:30 PM............................. † Steve Segars
2:30 PM En Español…………………………
Rafael Hidalgo Flores
5:00 PM Life Teen…. † John C. Tarinelli, Jr.
Monday, May 19
8:00 AM……………….……….….. Leo Dioso
12:00 PM...……….... Mother’s Day Novena
Tuesday, May 20
8:00 AM................................... Nora Racelis
12:00 PM..………. (birthday) Diane Johnson
Wednesday, May 21
8:00 AM......................... † Bob Waguespack
12:00 PM.......................For those who are ill
7:00 PM En Español…………………………….
† Manuel Molina Martinez
Thursday, May 22
8:00 AM................................ † Gary Meader
12:00 PM…………………..……Unemployed
Acts 15:7-21 • Jn 15:9-11
Friday, May 23
8:00 AM................................ † Mary Bradley
12:00 PM.......................... † Kieran Brennan
Acts 15:22-31 • Jn 15:12-17
Saturday, May 24
8:00 AM................................. † Eric Richard
Acts 16:1-10 • Jn 15:18-21
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 8:5-8,14-17
1 Pt 3:15-18
Jn 14:15-21
Liturgy of the Hours: Psalms II
Sixth Sunday of Easter
5:30 PM (Vigil).....................† Thomas Ward
7:30 PM (Vigilia) En Español………………..
† Sonia Magaña Prudente
7:30 AM….. (birthday) Jose Van Beverhoudt
9:00 AM.................................. † Davis Owen
10:45 AM….............................. Parishioners
12:30 PM............................ † Norbert Arnold
2:30 PM En Español…. † Juana Belmontes
5:00 PM Life Teen……….. † Norbert Arnold
May 18, 2014 •
Fifth Sunday of Easter
The flowers on the altar today
are in thanksgiving
from Miguel A. Malagon
En agradecimiento de lo que
Dios me a dado
We pray for our loved ones
For the sick and suffering
Egan Allen
Susan Gordon
Katie Grant
Heather Malone Baggett Barbara Green
Christine Grisby
Lena Basile
Pete Gudenzi
David Beard
Penny B. Guthrie
Simone Begin
Barry Hall
Selwin Bernard
Maddie Harris
Libby Bradley
Julia Henderson
Daniel Brown
Sally Henkiel
Donny Burrows
Courtney Hicks
John Cervini
Christopher Cook
Susan Kim Holland
David Cole
Valerie Hogan
Luke Cornille
Hagan Hussey
Donna Dedula
Ryan James
Trudy Delhey
Jack John
Wayne Dempsey
Jack Johnson
Rob Doeschner
Karen Johnson
Andrew Dubois
Edward Johnston
Josh Duncan
Kevin Jones
Shelly Dusek
Jennifer Joyner
Tom Eshelman
Cass Knight
Lena Ferree
Cheryl Lee Kodobocz
Ed Flynn
Donna Lassiter
Laurie Gearhart
Marie Leday
Steven Gensler
Bob Liemandt
Jean Goad
Phillip Maloney
Francess Marnell
Joanne McDonald
Fran Anderson
James McNeal
Matthew McMahon
Marilyn Merchant
Timothy Murphy
Melissa Hudson Nagel
Linda Page
Stephanie Patenande
Daniel Pazak
Laurel Quinn
Bill Ramsay
Joyce Reed
Sandra Lee Sable
Linda Simmons
Leeann Sims
Anne Smith
Helen Smith
Tina Carlini-Smith
Mary Tankersley
Linda Taylor
Mary Temple
Florencia Thomas
Charlene F. Tillis
Daneen Uhrman
Leonard Zagorski
Bill Zegers
For all of those in nursing homes and hospice, especially the ones
suffering or dying.
Names appear on the prayer list for two weeks unless otherwise
requested. To add someone to our prayer list, please email
For our loved ones serving in the military
Mike Alvarado
Brandt Ange
Kenneth McIntosh
Wesley Farren
Gabriel Fennelly Nicholas Mieszala
Matthew Molmer
Andrew C. Arbogast Lisa Flanagan
Justin Austin
Stephen Gaughan Jeremy Moore
Joseph Bailey
Andrew Gebert Andrew Mulcare
Russell O’Neill
Ramon Bargallo Michael Gnall
Andrew Barron John B. Greene IV Kenny O’Reilly
Patrick O’Reilly
Michael Haley
Alex Bartlett
Chris Brinkmann Drew Hanshaw Jim Orfe
Alexandria Patterson
David Brinkmann Ryan Harris
Ryan Parker
Matthew A. Burgess Eddie Hawke
James R. Cater Theresa Humphries Preston Pass
Sean Pitts
Michael Ivey
Adam Cole
Logan Jackson Kevin Regan
Andrew Cole
Danielle Colson Brandon Jennings Ryne Regan
Chad Jennings Blane Risinger
Arista Cowan
Russell Johnson Jr. Jason M. Robb
Dan Cowen
Mason Danner Timothy Johnson Carlos Rodriguez III
Jeremy Sanusi
Matthew Danner Ryan Jones
Hunter Jordan
Todd Sartian
Michael Darby
David Scafe
Michael DeStefano Patrick Kane
Stephen Deuble Ali Medford Kent Jamie Scheirer
Michael C. DiMartino John Kruszuwsky Clayton Sears
Alexander Echols Derek Lowery
Joseph Sellman
Daniel Eugenio Alixandra Mackey Brian Sexton
Esteban Eugenio William J. Mackey Misty Sheerer
Anthony J Falvo IV Jeffrey Majkrzak Matt Schlosser
Tyler McCaslin Logan Steele
Micheal Falvo
Brian P. McCartney
Clayton Stokes
William J. Strapp
Anna Marie Sweat
Brian M. Sweat
John T. Sweat
Michael Sweeney
Arthur L. Tarantino
Tyson Thibault
Heidi Ultzer
Matthew Ultzer
John Ryan Walsh
Patrick J. Walsh
Matt Whittenburg
Jalil Williams
Mike Williams
Bob Wright
Knights of Columbus
Super Raffle Winners
Week 12
$30 Lea Blackburn, Jim Jehle, Scott Gregory
$40 Joe and Theresa Novis
$100 Suzie Baxter
Interested in becoming a
Knights of Columbus member? If so, please visit for more information
JAMS (Joseph’s Awesome Middle Schoolers)
Meets the 3rd Friday of each month
From 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
All students in 6th to 8th grades are invited to join us!
Evening includes snacks, fun, and fellowship.
Life teen
Meetings: Sundays,
6:00 PM—6:30 PM
food and fellowship,
6:30 PM—7:45 PM Meeting
May 18: TBD
May 25: No Life Teen-Happy Memorial Day!
GOT FACEBOOK? Find us at
St. Joseph Catholic Church Life Teen
to find out what’s happening
Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia •
Parish Meetings and Support Groups
Centering Prayer Group: Second and fourth Wednesday
of the month at 7:00 PM in the PMC building. Please contact Linda Lee Davis at or
(770)218-1584 for information.
Divine Mercy Group. Fourth Monday of every month after
the 8:00 AM Mass in the Sugar Hill House. Please call Dick
Bomeisl (770)971-4473 for more information.
Separated and Divorced Support Group: Wednesdays, at
7:00 PM upstairs in the PMC building. Call Pattie
(770)422-1783 for more information.
WEDS: Join us monthly for ongoing support of the
Sacrament of Marriage. Call the Armstrongs
(770)795-0853 for more information.
Spring is here! Summer is near!
Are you enjoying it with the one
you call ‘Dear’?
A weekend Marriage Encounter is a great way to learn
how to lovingly share the beauty and growth each day
brings. Your next chance is June 20-22 at the Atlanta
Marriott Northwest (Windy Hill). Relax in the romantic
atmosphere and thrill in the result.
You’ll want to come back!
Applications for June or for future weekends are
available at or call
(404)372-6637 for more information.
For Spanish speaking weekends call (770)425-1328.
World Wide Marriage Encounter—Making Good Marriages Great!
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory would like to honor
married in 1964 and 1954 with
an invitation to a
Golden/Diamond Wedding
Anniversary Mass
on Saturday, October 4, at
12:00 PM at
Saint Brigid Catholic Church. A reception will
follow the Mass for the anniversary couples and
their families. Space is limited. Please visit to RSVP for this
event and for additional information.
Save the Date! August 23rd, 2014
Catechist Faith Formation Day
Hosted by the Churches of the North and Northwest Metro Deaneries
Join catechists from around Atlanta on Saturday, August
23 at Transfiguration Church for a day of networking,
learning, and living your faith. You will have your choice
of workshops featuring nationally known speakers to
help you be a better catechist and Catholic. Check-in
begins at 8:00 AM and the final session ends at 4:30 PM
Lunch will be provided.
Ministries News
Love to peruse thrift stores?
Consider visiting the new MUST Marketplace!
A recent Saint Joseph Church volunteer commented,
“The re-sale shop is bright and spacious, lots of bargains.
Clean. Does not have the feel of so many dark, musty thrift
shops I have prowled over the years...truly delightful selection of household goods, furniture, clothing, jewelry, etc.”
MUST Marketplace is located just north of Church St.
Extension/Bells Ferry Road on the left going towards
Barrett Pkwy (1407 Cobb Pkwy N, Marietta).
MUST Ministries Diaper Run!
Please consider donating diapers for MUST
Ministries to give out to families in need. We are in
need of ALL size diapers and individual packages of
baby wipes. Please place your contributions in the
MUST bin located in the Narthex.
MUST Summer Lunch Program
Thousands of children who, throughout the school
year, are able to eat free or reduced cost lunches, go
without during the summer break. This situation is alleviated through efforts like the MUST Summer Lunch
Program. Every weekday, for 10 weeks, sack lunches
are packed and hand-delivered to targeted locations
suggested by school counselors throughout the area.
This year, our Summer Lunch Program is reaching
children in seven counties! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Chris Butler, (770)576-9088
18 de Mayo de 2014
A Los Nuevos Parroquianos
El Padre Mark Starr les da la mas
cordial bienvenida a nuestra comunidad parroquial!
Horarios de Oficina
Lunes a Viernes, 9:30 AM—4:30 PM
Oficina del Ministerio Hispano
770 422-5633 extensiones: 34, 32, 37
Fax 770 422-1148
Horario de la Santa Misa
Sábado: 7:30 PM
Domingo: 2:30 PM
Miércoles: 7:00 PM
Confesiones: 6:00 PM
Grupos del Ministerio Hispano
Grupo de Oración
Stella Novoa 678 598-8094
Grupo Nueva Vida
Luis Carlos 678 755-5011
Grupo de Biblia
D. José T. Merlo 404 644-0691
Grupo Apóstoles de la
Esther Fabre 678 891-7012
Visita a enfermos
Rosa Juárez 678 668-6045
Unidos en Cristo
Amalia Cervantes
678 934-1385
Ministerio Stephen
Karina Garcia
770 422-5633 ext. 81
Adoración Perpetua
Todos los días las 24 horas..
Tendrás tiempo para El? Si
estas interesado en acompañarlo
una hora, llama a Lubin para
que te informe 770 906-2123.
Adoración—Viernes primero.
Te recordamos que todos los viernes primeros de cada mes tenemos Adoración al
Santísimo Sacramento. A las 7 pm confesiones, 7:30 pm misa, enseguida adoración hasta las 10 PM. Jesús te espera!
V Domingo de Pascua
“El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre,
tendrá vida eterna” (Jn. 6, 54)
¡Felicidades a los niños y niñas que por primera vez recibieron a
Jose Alcantara, Yasritsi Almazan, Jocelyn Arce, Jakyelin Arellano, Mireya Arellano, Daniela Arellano, Gustavo Arreola, Guadalupe Arreola, Erick Arreola, Emmanuel Arreola,
Monserrat Bahena, Jose Benitez, Yaylin Cabrera, Mary Carlderon, Bridgett Castillo, Alexandra Chavez,
Ashely Cobian, Christina Cortez, Jovanne Crua, Jaqueline Druan, Ashely Esquer, Elizabeth Flores, Karla
Garcia, Andrew Gasca, Reyli Gonzalez, Jennifer Gonzalez, Angel Govea, Melvin Govea, Edurado Ibarra,
Alan J. Jaime, Xotchill Juarez, Jesus D. Lima, Samantha Lizaola, Karyme Lozano, Jonathan Luna Maria
G. Luna, Sebastian Martinea, Maria F. Martinez, Mario Maritnez, Jose Martinez, Dulce Mejia, Jenifer Mejia, Kerry Mejia, Ashton Mejia, Jonathan Mendez,
Briana Mendez, Henry Mendoza, Angel Meza, Noel Muñoz, Gerardo Padilla, Jennifer Padron, Gerardo Palma, Adrian Palma, Francisco Perez,
Jonnie Perez, Isabella K. Reyes, Jonathan Rivas, Julio Sanabria, William
Santos, Cesar Santos, Karla Santos, Janet Serrano, Christian Torres, Dalia
Vallejo, Jesus Zapata, Alexander Sanchez.
Felicidades a todos los Padres que han hecho posible wl que sus hijos
lleguen a este momento tan importante en sus vida.
Congreso Eucarístico
20 y 21 de Junio. Guarda esta fecha!! Habrá
servicio de transporte gratis saliendo de nuestra Iglesia, llamar al Diacono Trini Merlo para reservar su asiento.
Bautizos se celebran el cuarto sábado del mes. Llamar a la oficina para
confirmar fechas y horarios 770 422-5633. Próximo fecha: 24 de mayo @
9 AM; platicas prebautismales 17 de mayo.
Matrimonios llamar a la oficina y pedir cita con el Padre Mark. Ver folletos de información localizados en el Kiosco.
Misas de XV años se celebran Sábados @1:00 PM. Llama a la oficina
para reservar la fecha deseada. Quinceañeras que tengan su celebración
registrada deberán asistir obligatoriamente a una charla de preparación,
asi como chambelanes, padres y padrinos.
Presentaciones para bebes de 40 días y 3 años de edad, es necesario pasar
a la oficina para anotarlo y recibir recomenaciones
La Fe no es algo privado, una concepción individualista, una opción objetiva.
Por su naturaleza, la Fe nos abre a la vida de la Iglesia y su lugar esta dentro
de su comunidad.