Eat Dinner with Your Family

Resources and News for the Church of the Home
Archdiocese of Baltimore – Department of Evangelization
August 2010 -- Volume 8, Number 1
Eat Dinner
with Your
Table Talk
My favorite
summer memory
Mi recuerdo
favorito de
verano es ...
My hope for the
coming school
year is…
Mi esperanza
para el próximo
año escolar es...
The most
interesting new
person I met this
week was…
La nueva
persona más
interesante que
se reunió ha
A person our
family should
pray for is…
Una persona de
nuestra familia
debe orar por
Paste your parish or school news
Monday, Sept. 26
For formatting assistance, contact Department of
Evangelization, 410-547-5420 or
Family Day - A Day to Eat
Dinner with Your Children
- is a part of a national effort
to promote parental
engagement as a simple,
effective way to reduce youth
substance abuse and raise
healthier children. Family
Day is sponsored annually by
the National Center for
Addiction and Substance
Regular family dinners aren‟t the
only way to help keep your kids
substance free. Here are some
other important things you can do:
Set a good example.
Know your child‟s
whereabouts, activities and
Set fair rules and hold your
child to them.
Maintain open lines of
Surround your child with
positive role models.
Learn the signs and
symptoms of teen substance
abuse and conditions that
increase risk.
To learn more about the effort and to see all the
support the project is receiving from community and
church organizations, visit their Web site,
Log on for Faith-building Tools
Family Meals are the key
moments for shaping family
faith. Visit,
sponsored by Stouffers Foods,
for stories and encouragement
for better family times, plus use the neat template
to create and print your own “Story Starter” family
placemats on the computer. Everyone leaves the
table full…of love
Un espacio para
inspirar, ayudar y
exhortar a las parejas
de habla hispana a
vivir más
plenamente su relación de pareja. Aquí encontraras
consejos, historias, testimonios y recursos que te
acompañen en tu vida diaria, para llegar a ser un
matrimonio feliz.
Celebrate the Occasion! Send Catholic
Greetings cards for all occasions from St. Anthony
Messenger Press. Beautiful free e-cards offer links
to deeper understanding of our faith.
You Are Not Alone! Remarrying couples find
assistance with parenting at Stepfamily Association
of America, 800-735-0329
Group offers a variety of educational resources
aimed at preparing couples for marriage and
remarriage, selected articles and other resources.
Also in English:
Internet Safety Resources Tools
for parents, educators,
children, and teens for safe
surfing and blogging.
Disponible en Español!
Books and
Courageous Kids:
Eight Steps to
Practical Heroism
Your Marriage, the Great Adventure
Lauri Przybysz
Marriage is for Your Neighbors
– Charles A. Smith
An engaged couple usually sees the wedding as “their
day,” but Christian marriage is about more than the two
of them. Marriage, like all the Sacraments, is never just a
private event. Weddings are such a sign of God‟s love
that they have a transformative effect on the whole family
and on everyone who attends. What will really impress
the neighbors is married life full of love, commitment,
self-sacrifice and faith.
Courage develops from
birth to early adolescence. With inspiring stories of real
life heroes, Dr. Smith shows parents that while we can‟t
protect our children from every peril, we can prepare
them-at every stage of their development-- to face
challenges with courage.(Notre Dame: Sorin Books,
When we call Christian marriage a Sacrament, we are
not only talking about the grace the couple receives to
live out their promises. We are saying a marriage is a
sign of God‟s love, taking shape in ordinary events of
life, in the day to day loving and sacrifices that life
together calls for.
Making Your Way after Your Parents’
Divorce– Lynn Cassella
Written by a “child of divorce” for “children of
divorce,” this short book takes an honest look at the
effects that divorce can have on the life of a teenager or
young adult and the ways that they can move to healing
and forgiveness. (Liguori Publications, 2002)
When we baptize our children, we pledge publicly to
teach and model for our children the most basic
Christian values. We hope that they will someday say,
“When I look at my parents‟ marriage, I see love,
respect, politeness, fun, and tenderness. They have been
through tough times, but they have always made me
Continued on p. 3
Support Groups for Divorced,
Separated, and Widowed
Resources for marriage enrichment are available from
Marriage and Family Life,
Your Marriage, the Great Adventure,
continued from p. 2
Take the Time for
Family! Associate with other
feel safe and secure in our home. I want my marriage to
be like theirs.” As the years roll by, married couples
sanctify their marriages and families in their own homes,
the “domestic church,” which is a true expression in
miniature of the larger Church. When others are drawn
into their circle of care, they are also blessed and
enriched by your marriage.
families who care about their faith to
strengthen your family and your
marriage. Help is available from Marriage and Family
Life to help you start a Christian Family Movement
group in your parish or neighborhood. Simply invite a
few friends to meet once a month to discuss and plan
ways to live their faith daily – and have fun doing it!
Members of this Catholic lay organization (National
Office: 812-962-5508) receive program
books and leader materials to create an action group
that builds family faith and Christian community. Also
great for mixed-church families! Call Lauri Przybysz at
Marriage and Family Life to get an Easy Starter Kit
that has all you need to get a group going, featuring
Taking the Time to Make a Difference. 410-547-5420.
Sacramental marriage reflects the Paschal Mystery,
taking its inner meaning
from the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus. Like
Jesus, the spouses in
sacramental marriage “die”
to selfishness and “rise” to
selfless service to one
another, their children, their
extended family, and
beyond the doors of their
home into their community
and society. In his first encyclical message, God is Love,
Pope Benedict XVI reminds married couples of their
responsibility to reveal God‟s love to society: “Anyone
who needs me, and whom I can help, is my neighbor.
The concept of „neighbor‟ is now universalized, yet it
remains concrete. Despite being extended to all
mankind, it is not reduced to a generic, abstract and
undemanding expression of love, but calls for my own
practical commitment here and now” (Deus Caritas
Apostleship of the Sea provides hospitality and
ministry to third-world international seafarers whose
ships call at Baltimore harbor. If seeing and serving
Jesus in the faces of poor lonely third
world seafarers struggling in a
tough industry and at times
abusive environment intrigues
you, give it a try. Training is
Familly Service Idea:
Christmas outreach project collects items for
sailors far from home—a family-style action anyone
can do. Contact Msgr. John Fitzgerald at 410-8890351 or
As a society and as committed Christians, we must look
at what we can do to promote healthy marriages while
committing ourselves to finding ways to assist those
families who have found it necessary to leave hurting or
hurtful marriages.
Faith-Full Families e-Newsletter is published
quarterly for families across the lifespan by the
Archdiocese of Baltimore Division of Catechetical
Formation, Department of Evangelization. Parishes and
schools are invited to add their own news and distribute
it to their families.
Editor: Lauri Przybysz, Coordinator of Marriage and
Family Life 410-547-5420.
Whatever can be done to help people achieve
satisfactory marriages, whether by Church, family, or
government organizations, would be beneficial not only
for the family members but also for society in general.
Small efforts are also important, like those you can do in
your parish or neighborhood. Sponsor a day of renewal
for married couples.
Hacer tiempo para comer juntos da entender a los miembros de la familia lo mucho que se les quiere y lo
especial que son ! Estudios indican que las familias que comen juntos el mayor numero de dias en la
semana, tienden a ser mas felices y desarrollan un nivel mas alto de habilidades sociales. Comen mas
saludablemente – mas frutas y vegetales, menos botanas. Los niños tienen un porcentaje mas bajo de
fumar, tomar alcohol y de usar drogas ilegales.
Las comidas familiares son un tiempo para el humor, celebraciónes alegres y para ponerse al corriente
uno con otro.
Cuantas veces por semana come nuestra familia……
Comida rapida en el carro
Ordena comida
para llevar
Come a diferentes
Comen juntos
Piensenlo Bien:
Mi comida favorita es:_________________________________________________
Que partes de preparar o limpiar de una comida me gusta mas? Me gusta menos?
(Por ejemplo - como cocinar, poner la mesa, limpiar, barrer, lavar los trastes.)
Que podemos hacer para sentarnos como familia mas seguido__________________________________
Actúen: Reflejen sobre nuestras reglas familiares de mesa: Se anticipa la presencia de todos? Que
cortesias comunes esperan verse en nuestra mesa? Expresamos gratitud por lo que tenemos?
Recordamos las muchas manos involucradas en traer comida a nuestra mesa: La mano de Dios, las manos
de los agricultures, transportadores, procesadores, comerciantes, preparadores? Como se distribuye y se
comparte la comida en nuestra mesa? Se espera que probemos un poco de todo? Que es la actitud de
nuestra familia acerca de desperdiciar comida, o de comer demasiado?
Escritura: Lucas 22: 15-18 Cuando llegó la hora tomó su lugar en la mesa con los apostoles. Les dijo a
ellos, “Yo he deseado con ansia comer ésta Pascua con ustedes antes de sufrir, porque, Yo les digo, Yo no
la comere (otra ves) hasta que se realize en el Reino de Dios. “Luego tomó una taza, dió gracias, y dijo,
“Tomen ésto y compartanlo entre ustedes; porque Yo les digo (que) de éste tiempo en adelante Yo no
tomaré de la fruta de la viña hasta que venga el Reino de Dios.”
Propiedad de la Asociación Nacional de Ministros Católicos de Vida Familiar . Permiso para
reproducir es da a los miembros de NACFLM.
Families Eating Together
Making time to eat together lets family members know how much you love them and how special they are!
Research shows that families who eat dinner together most days of the week tend to be happier and develop higher
level of social skills. They eat more healthfully- more fruits and vegetables, fewer snacks. The children have a
lower rate of smoking, drinking alcohol, and using illegal drugs.
Family meals are a time for humor, joyous celebration and catching up with each other.
How many times a week does our family eat…
Fast Food in the car
Orders take out
Eat at different times
Eat together
Think It Through:
My favorite meal is __________________________________________________
What parts of preparing or cleaning up from a meal do I enjoy most? Least?
(i.e., cooking, setting the table, cleaning up, sweeping the floor, doing the dishes.)
What can we do to sit down as a family more often?
Reflect on our family‟s table rules: Is everyone‟s presence expected? What common courtesies are
expected at our table? Do we express gratitude for what we have? Do we remember the many hands involved in
bringing food to our table: The hand of God, the hands of farmers, transporters, processors, grocers, preparers?
How is food distributed and shared at our table? Are we expected to try a bit of everything? What is our family‟s
attitude toward wasting food, toward overeating?
Luke 22: 15- 18: When the hour came, he took his place at table with the apostles. He said to them,
"I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer, for, I tell you, I shall not eat it (again) until
there is fulfillment in the kingdom of God." Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and said, "Take this and share it
among yourselves; for I tell you (that) from this time on I shall not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom
of God comes."
Resources: Book:
The Surprising Power of Family Meals: How Eating Together Makes Us Smarter,
Stronger, Healthier and Happier, by Miriam Weinstein, Aug 2005, Steerforth
Property of National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers –
Permission to reprint granted to NACFLM members. Others may call 937-229-3324 for reprint permission.