Leer un libro en inglés no es traducir, consiste en ser capaz de

Leer un libro en inglés no es traducir, consiste en ser capaz
de entender información, el transcurso de una historia, las
características de los personajes…contenidos en un texto
escrito. A ser posible, debes disfrutar tu lectura, imaginar
escenas, predecir qué pasará en el próximo capítulo.
Aquí te propongo un plan de trabajo para la lectura en inglés
1st reading:
- Read the titles, subtitles.
- Look at the images.
- Read the chapter. Try to understand the story
without using the dictionary (predicting, guessing meaning
from context…).
2nd reading:
- Read the story.
- Use the dictionary if necessary.
- Write notes:
- Vocabulary.
- Characters.
- Summary of every chapter ( write sentences
about the
- Write questions.
3rd reading:
- Read the story
Para ayudarte a retener mejor el contenido de las historias
así como vocabulario, estructuras, etc. debes hacer el
siguiente trabajo escrito:
Chapter ONE
- Get lost (perderse). Stefan gets lost in the forest. p.8
- suddenly (de repente). “Suddenly, an old man in a
purple tunic appears. p. 8
- wood (madera). “…and always put wood on the fire.”
Stefan.- He’s lost. He comes to a palace. He is poor. He
works in the stables for food. He falls in love with Melinda.
He forgets to put wood in the fire. He must leave the
palace. Magic helps him. He marries Melinda
Zaberon.- He’s the wizard king. He has a daughter, Melinda.
He is furious because Stefan forget to put wood in the
Melinda.- She is a princess. She is King Zaberon’s daughter.
She falls in love with Stefan….
Magic.- It’s a horse. It’s Melinda’s favourite horse….
Chapter 1. “Zaberon, the Wizard King”
Stefan, a poor boy, is lost and hungry in the forest. He
comes to a palace. He meets the King. Stefan works in the
stables for food. He gives the horses food and water. He
puts wood on the fire.
He meets princess Melinda. Melinda’s favourite horse is
Magic. Stefan and Melinda fall in love. Stefan can’t marry
Melinda because he’s poor.
- What does Stefan do in the stables?
- What is Melinda’s favourite horse?
- Why can’t Stefan marry Melinda?