Subido por Miguel Rivera


Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners
by CoffeeGirlWood
I was always fond of Sweden. It's a really beautiful
country. Swedes study and work hard but they also
take their rest and relaxation seriously. So the fika – a
coffee break that normally consists of coffee or tea,
cookies or sweet buns, but can also include soft
drinks, fruit and sandwiches – is a social institution
and an important part of the national culture. You can
fika (it’s a verb as well as a noun) with your family or
on your first date.
home to the children in the villages where they
became much-treasured toys.
After our last visit to Sweden, my husband and I
made a Dala horse and I'm going to share it with
you. Plus it fits the multi-discipline contest the
best, it combines drawing, carving and painting
skills at once.
Maybe I'm a Swede, I'm having fika for more than 5
times a day :D
- horse blank (or just some wood)
- whittling knife
At the time I visited Sweden last time, I've seen their
national symbol - Dala horse a lot of times. During the
- sandpaper
19th century, it became custom to paint the wooden
horses with richly colored floral patterns, similar to the
- paints
Dalecarlian paintings that decorated furniture and
interior walls. Since Viking times, the horse has been
- pencil
considered a holy animal.
It was quite natural that the handicraft was a
horse. 18th century, people would sit around the
fireplaces during winter nights, carving figures
from odd pieces of wood.
The popular choice was a horse, which was a
creature of great value for families. These were taken
- brush
OR Dala horse carving kit that includes all above +
leather strop, polishing compound to take care of the
knife, safety tape to protect your fingers + a step-bystep video tutorial
Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners: Page 1
Step 1: Drawing Phase I
- Take a pencil, a ruler and your horse blank.
- Make marks of 0.5’’ to connect the hooves of a
horse. Then draw circles for the hooves.
- Draw lines on both sides.
- Do the same on each side of the hooves (4 times).
- Draw a central line through the whole horse.
- Draw additional lines on both sides of a horse.
Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners: Page 2
Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners: Page 3
Step 2: Drawing Phase II
- Draw additional lines on both sides from the central line.
- Make the lines 1/16’’ on both sides from the edge to round off the horse.
- Shade the area which we will remove from the top.
- Shade the area which we will remove from the sides.
Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners: Page 4
Step 3: Carving Phase
- Start removing the shaded areas from both sides.
For this, you'll need a whittling knife, either get one
yourself, or you can receive a knife with all other
necessary stuff in a kit.
- Split off the ears by making two triangles.
- Cut the area between the hooves.
- Cut the ears and round face from both sides.
- Draw the lines from the center of the head on both
Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners: Page 5
Step 4: Sanding Phase
Use sandpaper P150 to sand the horse, so that the paint would cover a horse well in the next step.
Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners: Page 6
Step 5: Painting Phase
Choose any design you want and follow it! The
traditional color of Dala Horses is a bright orange-red,
but they can also be found in white, blue, or black.
feel free to message me here anytime.
Check out my other Instructables for some easy wood
carving projects!
Hope you enjoyed my instructable.
It's really easy to make a horse. Even for kids, it
would be an easy-peasy and fun thing to do.
Coffee Girl
In case you face any issues/questions while carving,
Dala Horse Carving in 5 Steps I Easy Wood Carving for Beginners: Page 7