Fearless Jane (primeras páginas)

Ana Alonso
Illustrated by
Ester García
audio CD
1st edition: March 2014
Original title: Juana Sin Miedo
© Text: Ana Alonso, 2014
Linguistic supervision: David Silles McLaney
© Illustrations: Ester García, 2011
© Cover photography: Pérez de Tudela/Anaya
and Getty Images
© Work card photography: Anaya’s Image Library
(6x6 Producción Fotográfica; Cruz, M.; Pozo, M.; Rivera Jove,
V.; Rossi, J.; Ruiz, J.B.; Sanz, C.; Valls, R.; Zuazo, A.H.)
© Grupo Anaya, S. A., Madrid, 2014
Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 15. 28027 Madrid
e-mail: anayainfantilyjuvenil@anaya.es
Cover design:
Miguel Ángel Pacheco, Javier Serrano
and Patricia Gómez
ISBN: 978-84-678-6102-0
D. L.: M-183/2014
Printed in Spain - Impreso en España
Note: The audio contains the recording of all the Chapters
(locution by Graham Purvis)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
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without the prior permission of the publishers.
Chapter 1
Nadir is a country where there are
no mammals. There are flies, and frogs,
and birds and snakes, but no mammals
at all.
People killed all mammals long ago.
First, they hunted wild mammals like
lions and zebras. They killed them all.
And then they started to hunt farm
animals: cows, horses and sheep. They all
Now people don’t remember all
those animals. Sometimes they read
their names in ancient books and they
think they are imaginary creatures, like
dragons and sirens. They are afraid of
them. Sometimes adults say their names
to scare children.
When a little child doesn’t want to go
to bed, his father tells him: “Go to bed or
the cat will come!”
And, if he doesn’t want to eat his
soup, his mother tells him: “Eat the soup
or the sheep will come and take you!”
So children are scared of mammals.
They believe they are monsters.
But Jane is different.
She is not scared of mammals.
She knows a lot of things about them
because she reads a lot of books.
Fearless Jane
There are no mammals in Nadir. People there think
these animals are imaginary monsters. But there is
a girl who is not afraid of them: Fearless Jane.
With this book you will learn…
About mammals and the importance of wildlife
Reading level: Elementary [A2]