Subido por Mrs Real

Vertebrate Animals: Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians

Made by: Julia Magalie Laureano Real
7-S Mrs.Valle
• Mammals are endothermic (They
produce their own body heat)
• They are vertebrates (They have
backbones), have hair on their
skin,and mother feed their own milk!
Some examples of mammal homes
includes messy-looking nests
(squirrels), and burrows.Mammals
usually have relatively sold scat,or
feces (especially plant eaters), in
pellets or large pieces.
Animals whose bodies are
coverd with warm feathers,and
whose forelimbs are modified
into wings! Birds are in class
Aves,wich contains over 9,500
divided among 31 living orders.
Birds are also a group of
vertebrates,characterised by
feathers,toothless breaking
jaws,the laying of hard-shelled
eggs,a high metabolic rate,a
foured-chambered heart, and
a strong yet lightweigh
• Amphibians are class of animals just like
reptiles,mammals, and birds.They live the first part
of their lives in water, and then last part on
land.When they hatch from the egg, amphibians
have gills so they can breathe under water.They
also have fins to help them swim, just like fish!
• Amphibians begin their lives in water with gills, and
tail. As they grow, they develop lungs, and legs for
their live on land. There are more than 4,000
different kind of amphibians. member of this class
are: frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and
caecilians or blindworms.
• Fish are class of aquatic vertebrates. The
combination of gills, fins, and the fact
that they can only live on water, which
makes them different of other animals.
• Fish fin like salmon have gills, are covered
in scale, and reproduce by laying eggs.
Fish has develop other senses, too:
transmits sounds, disperses chemicals, and
conduct electricity better than air, fish rely
less on their vision, and more on their
hearing taste, and smell.
• Reptiles are air-breathing vertebrates
covered in special skin made up of scales,
bony plates, or a combination of both.
They include crocodiles, snakes, lizard,
turtles. Unlike bird, and mammals, reptiles
do not maintain a constant interaction
body temperature.
• They are cold-blodded vertebrates
I had a great experiece making
it! There are so many species,
and habitats. There is no end to
the numbers of questions, and
kinds of information that can be
obtained from vertebrates
animals. Now i learned the
different groups of animals that
go with each. Hope you enjoyed
my vertebrate presentation!