Instructions: The following information is provided for guidance purposes only. As FTA guidance changes, this form may require additional and/or different information and may require updated versions. If your agency chooses to utilize this document, please ensure that all sections are specifically updated to reflect your agency’s policies and procedures. Text in the gray field requires input from your agency. Instructional language is specifically noted in each gray box. Text that is highlighted yellow is optional language that you can use or discard, or it is instructional language that should be deleted after completing that section. Regardless if you use the language or not, when this form is submitted to ADOT Civil Rights Office, no yellow highlights or gray text boxes should be left in the form. Additionally, agencies must certify that the policies and procedures listed in this plan will be implemented. Audits or inspections by the ADOT Civil Rights Office will be conducted based on your agency’s compliance with the submitted Title VI Plan. ALL COMPLETED PLANS MUST BE POSTED TO YOUR WEBSITE, EXCLUDING COMPLAINTS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND LAWSUITS. SUBMIT YOUR FINAL APPROVED PLAN ALONG WITH SAMPLES (I.E. BROCHURES, FLYERS) TO ADOT WITH YOUR COMPLAINTS, INVESTIGATIONS AND LAWSUITS. ADOT WILL THEN REVIEW YOUR PLAN AND EITHER ACCEPT IT, OR REQUEST MODIFICATIONS. ADOT Civil Rights office can provide technical assistance as requested. Website Guidance – The following documents must have links posted on your website. You may want to add a link titled “Title VI Civil Rights” to access all the required links below. Title VI Implementation Plan Notice to the Public for each language that meets the Safe Harbor Provision Complaint Form and Procedures (may use one link for both documents) Last Updated: March 2016 Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. Title VI Implementation Plan 1 Executive Summary | Title VI Implementation Plan Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 3 Title VI Policy Statement ........................................................................................................................ 4 Title VI Notice to the Public .................................................................................................................... 5 Title VI Notice to the Public -Spanish ..................................................................................................... 6 Discrimination ADA/Title VI Complaint Procedures ............................................................................... 7 Discrimination ADA/Title VI Complaint Form ....................................................................................... 10 Discrimination ADA/Title VI Investigations, Complaints, and Lawsuits ............................................... 12 Public Participation Plan ....................................................................................................................... 13 Limited English Proficiency Plan ........................................................................................................... 15 Non-elected Committees Membership Table ...................................................................................... 18 Monitoring for Subrecipient Title VI Compliance ................................................................................. 19 Title VI Training..................................................................................................................................... 20 Title VI Equity Analysis.......................................................................................................................... 21 Fixed Route Transit Provider Analysis .................................................................................................. 23 Board Approval for the Title VI Program .............................................................................................. 26 Organizational Chart……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….27 2 Executive Summary | Title VI Implementation Plan Executive Summary 5IF Santa Cruz County Arc.(SCC"SD)XBTGPSNFEJOCZBHSPVQPGQBSFOUTUPQSPWJEFQSPHSBNTGPSQFPQMF XJUI EJTBCJMJUJFTJO/PHBMFTBOEUIFTVSSPVOEJOHBSFBTPG4BOUB$SV[$PVOUZ5IFHPBMPGUIJTPSHBOJ[BUJPO XBTUPFTUBCMJTIB DPNNVOJUZBMUFSOBUJWFUPTUBUFJOTUJUVUJPOTGPSQFPQMFXJUIEFWFMPQNFOUBMEJTBCJMJUJFT BOEUIFJSGBNJMJFTJO/PHBMFT 8JUIMJNJUFESFTPVSDFTBOEDPNNVOJUZSFDPHOJUJPOUIFSCC "rcTUBSUFE QSPWJEJOHBGFXTFSWJDFTUIBUHSFXBOEFWPMWFE JOUPXIBUUPEBZIBTCFDPNFUIF4BOUB$SV[5SBJOJOH 1SPHSBNT*OD4$51TFSWFTPWFS75children, adults BOEeMEFSMZ JOBWBSJFUZPGTFSWJDFTQSPWJEFE UISPVHIPVUUIF4BOUB$SV[$PVOUZBSFB5PEBZNPTUQFPQMFXJUIBEFWFMPQNFOUBM EJTBCJMJUiesEPOPUOFFE to leaveUIFJSMPDBMDPNNVOJUZUPHFUUIFTFSWJDFTBOETVQQPSUUIFZOFFE5IFNJTTJPOPG4$$ "SDBOE4$51its BGGJMJBUF,IBTBMXBZTCFFOUPVTFUIFJSMPDBMDPNNVOJUZUPUIFGVMMFTUBOEQSPWJEFBHPPEMJGFGPSBMMPGJUT citi[FOTXJUIEFWFMPQNFOUBMEJTBCJMJUJFT4$51IBTCFFOBQQMZJOHUPUIF"%05GVOEJOHTJODF1986XIJDI GVOEJOHJT VTEFEUPimprove the ability of tranporting them to and from the program and their work site, aTXFMMBNFEJDBMUSJQT when needed by family of SCTP members The Mission of Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. (SCTP) is to work in partnership with others in our community to provide the opportunities and necessary support for people with disabilities and have a right to: Develop a vision of their future.; Participate in and contribute to community life; Make responsible choices; Exert greater cotnrol over their personal future; Establish and maintain relationship with family and friends; Develop, exercise and maintain their shills and talents; Experience self-aceptance, personal safety nd a sense of belonings. What type of program fund(s) did you apply for? X 5310 ☐ ☐ 5311 Other (please explain) Type of Funding Requests? (Select all that apply) X X ☐ Vehicle Funds Operating Funds Other (please explain) 3 Executive Summary | Title VI Implementation Plan Non Discrimination Policy Statement The Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. policy assures full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights act of 1964, the Restoration Act of 1987, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. Title VI states that “no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination” under any SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. sponsored program or activity. There is no distinction between the sources of funding. SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. also assures that every effort will be made to prevent discrimination through the impacts of its programs, policies and activities on minority and lowincome populations. Furthermore, SANTA CRUZ TRANING PROGRAMS, INC. will take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to services for persons with limited English proficiency. When SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. distributes Federal-aid funds to another entity/person, SCTP will ensure all subrecipients fully comply with SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. Title VI Nondiscrimination Program requirements. The Santa Cruz Training Progrms, Inc. has delegated the authority to Executive Director, Marina C. Galhouse Title VI Program Coordinator, to oversee and implement FTA Title VI requirements. _____________________ Marina C. Galhouse SCTP Executive Director 4 Non Discrimination Policy Statement | Title VI Implementation Plan Non Discrimination Notice to the Public Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. The Santa Cruz Training Progrmas, Inc. operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (ADA). Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with the Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. For more information on the Santa Cruz Training Program, Inc. civil rights program, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact Marina Galhouse, ED @ 520-287-2043 x14,, visit our administrative office at 70 East La Castellana Drive Nogales, Arizona 85621, or for more information, visit A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) or the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) by filing a complaint directly with the corresponding offices of Civil Rights: ADOT: ATTN: Title VI Program Manager 206 S. 17TH Ave MD 155A RM: 183 Phoenix AZ, 85007 FTA: ATTN: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington DC 20590 If information is needed in another language, contact Marina Galhouse 520-287-2043 x 14. Para información en Español llamar a: Marina C. Galhouse @ 520-287-2043 x 14. This notice is posted in the following locations: bulletin board at Administration office, DTTA Program, Employment Service, Group Homes, vehicles, and online at: 5 Non Discrimination Notice to the Public | Title VI Implementation Plan Non Discrimination Notice to the Public -Spanish Aviso Público Sobre los Derechos Bajo el Título VI SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. asegura complir con el Título VI de la Ley de los Derechos Civiles de 1964, Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973 y La Ley de ciudadanos Americanos con Discapacidades de 1990 (ADA). El nivel y la calidad de servicios de transporte serán provehidos sin consideración a su raza, color, o pais de origen. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de derechos civiles, de Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc., y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, comunicarse con Marina C. Galhouse, D.E. al 520-287-2043 ext. 14, visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 70 E. La Castellana Drive, Nogales,Arizona 85621, o para obtener mas informacion, visite: Usted puede presentar una queja directamente con Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) o Federal Transit Administration (FTA) mediante la presentación de una queja directamente con las oficinas correspondientes de Civil Rights: ADOT: ATTN Title VI Program Manager 206 S. 17th Ave MD 155A Phoenix AZ, 85007 FTA: ATTN Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor –TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington DC 20590 Esta informacion esta a la vista en las siguientes localidades: Boletin en Oficina de Administracion , Programa DTTA , Programa de Servicios de Empleo , Vehiculos, Casa Hogares y en nuestra pagina internet: 6 Non Discrimination Notice to the Public-Spanish Title VI Implementation Plan Non Discrimination Complaint Procedures These procedures provide guidance for all complaints filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as they relate to any program or activity that is administered by Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc., including consultants, contractors and vendors. Intimidation or retaliation as a result of a complaint is prohibited by law. In addition to these procedures, complainants reserve the right to file a formal complaint with other State or Federal agencies or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination. Every effort will be made to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level. (1) Any person who believes he and/or she has been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability may file a Discrimination complaint by completing and submitting the agency’s Title VI Complaint Form. (2) Formal complaints must be filed within 180 calendar days of the last date of the alleged act of discrimination or the date when the alleged discrimination became known to the complainant(s), or where there has been a continuing course of conduct, the date on which the conduct was discontinued or the latest instance of the conduct. (3) Complaints must be in writing and signed by the complainant(s) and must include the complainant(s) name, address and phone number. The ADA/Title VI contact person will assist the complainant with documenting the issues if necessary. (4) Allegations received by fax or e-mail will be acknowledged and processed, once the identity of the complainant(s) and the intent to proceed with the complaint have been established. For this, the complainant is required to mail a signed, original copy of the fax or email transmittal for the complaint to be processed. (5) Allegations received by telephone will be reduced to writing and provided to the complainant for confirmation or revision before processing. A complaint form will be forwarded to the complainant for him/her to complete, sign and return for processing. (6) Once submitted Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. will review the complaint form to determine jurisdiction. All complaints will receive an acknowledgement letter informing her/him whether the complaint will be investigated by Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. or submitted to the State or Federal authority for guidance. SCTP Executive Director will investigate any and all complaints. 7 Non Discrimination Complaint Procedures | Title VI Implementation Plan (7) SCTP will notify the ADOT Civil Rights at Office of ALL Title VI complaints within 72 hours via telephone at 602-712-8946; email att 602-712-8946; or email at (8) Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. has 60 days to investigate the complaint. If more information is needed to resolve the case, the Authority may contact the complainant. The complaint has 10 business days from the date of the letter to send requested information to the invstigator assigned to the case. If the investigator is not contacted by the complainant or does not receive the additional information within 10 business days, the Authority can administratively close the case. A case can be administratively closed also if the complainant no longer wishes to pursue their case. (9) After the investigator reviews the complaint, she/he will issue one of two letters to the complainant: a closure letter or a letter of finding (LOF). A closure letter summarizes the allegations and states that there was not a Discrimination violation and that the case will be closed. An LOF summarizes the allegations and the interviews regarding the alleged incident, and explains whether any disciplinary action, additional training of the staff member or other action wil occur. (10) A copy of either the closure letter or LOF must be also submitted to ADOT within 72 hours of that decision. Letters may be submitted by hardcopy or email. (11) A complainant dissatisfied with Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. decision may file a compalint with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) or the Federal Transit Administraiton (FTA) offices of Civil Rights: ADOT: ATTN Title VI Program Manager 206 S. 17th Ave MD 155A RM: 183 Phoenix, AZ, 85007 FTA offices of Civil Rights: ADOT: ATTN Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington DC 20590. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. will request ADOT for a follow up investigation if the complainant is not satisfied with SCTP decision. A copy of these procedures can be found online at: 8 Non Discrimination Complaint Procedures | Title VI Implementation Plan Discrimination Complaint Form Section I: Name: Address: Telephone (Home): Electronic Mail Address: Accessible Format Requirements? Telephone (Work): ☐ Large Print ☐ Audio Tape ☐ TDD ☐ Other Section II: Are you filing this complaint on your own behalf? *If you answered “yes” to this question, go to Section III. If not, please supply the name and relationship of the person for whom you are complaining. ☐Yes* Please explain why you have filed for a third party: Please confirm that you have obtained the permission of the ☐Yes aggrieved party if you are filing on behalf of a third party. Section III: I believe the discrimination I experienced was based on (check all that apply): ☐ Race ☐ Color ☐ National Origin ☐No ☐No ☐ Disability Date of Alleged Discrimination (Month, Day, Year): Explain as clearly as possible what happened and why you believe you were discriminated against. Describe all persons who were involved. Include the name and contact information of the person(s) who discriminated against you (if known) as well as names and contact information of any witnesses. If more space is needed, please use the back of this form. Section VI: Have you previously filed a Discrimination complaint with this agency? 9 ☐Yes Discrimination Complaint Form | Title VI Implementation Plan ☐No If yes, please provide any reference information regarding your previous complaint. Section V: Have you filed this complaint with any other Federal, State, or local agency, or with any Federal or State court? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, check all that apply: ☐ Federal Agency: ☐ Federal Court: ☐ State Agency: ☐ State Court : ☐ Local Agency: Please provide information about a contact person at the agency/court where the complaint was filed. Name: Title: Agency: Address: Telephone: Section VI: Name of agency complaint is against: Name of person complaint is against: Title: Location: Telephone Number (if available): You may attach any written materials or other information that you think is relevant to your complaint. Your signature and date are required below Signature Date Please submit this form in person at the address below, or mail this form to: SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. (i.e. Title VI Coordinator) 70 E. La Castellana Drive Nogales, Arizona 85621 520-287-2043 Ext. 14 A copy of this form can be found online at: 10 Discrimination Complaint Form | Title VI Implementation Plan Forma Para Poner Quejas (De Acuerdo Al Título VI) Nota: La Siguiente información se necesita para procesar su queja. Información de la persona que está poniendo la queja: Nombre:_______________________________________________ Dirección:______________________________________________ Ciudad/Estado/Código Postal:______________________________ Teléfono(Casa):_________________________________________ Teléfono(Trabajo):______________________________________ Persona A La Que Se Discrimino (alguien que no sea la persona que está poniendo la queja) Nombre:___________________________________________________ Dirección:__________________________________________________ Ciudad/Estado/códice Postal:__________________________________________ Teléfono (Casa):___________________________________________ Telefono(Trabajo):___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ¿Cuál de las siguientes razones describe por la que usted siente que se le discrimino? Raza/Color (Especifique):_____________Nacionalidad (Especifique):___________ Sexo: (Especifique):__________________Edad (Especifique):_________________ Incapacidad (Especifique):_____________ ¿En qué fecha(s) sucedió la discriminación?_______________________ Describa la presunta discriminación. Expliqué que sucedió y quien cree usted que fue responsable (si necesita más espacio, agregue otra hoja). __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Escriba una lista con los nombres de las personas que puedan tener Conocimiento de la presunta discriminación y como contactarlas. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ¿Ha presentado esta queja con otra agencia federal, estatal o local, o con cualquier corte federal o estatal? Marque todas las que aplique. Agencia Federal________Corte Federal______Agencia Estatal______ Corte Federal__________Agencia Local________ Por favor proporcione información de la persona a la que presento su queja en la Agencia/Corte. Nombre:__________________________________________________ Dirección:_________________________________________________ Ciudad/Estado/Codigo Postal:_________________________________ Teléfono (Casa):_____________________________________________ Teléfono (Trabajo):___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Por favor firme debajo. Puede anexar cualquier material escrito o otra información que usted crea ser relevante sobre su queja. ____________________________________ Firma Discrimination Investigations, Complaints, and Lawsuits Description/Name Date (Month, Day, Year) Summary (include basis of complaint: race, color, national origin or disability) Status Action(s) Taken (Final findings?) Investigations 1) 2) Lawsuits 1) 2) Complaints 1) 2) This form will be submitted annually. If no investigations, lawsuits, or compalints were filed, a blank form will be submitted. X Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. has not had any ADA nor Title VI discrimination complaints, investigation, or lawsuits in 2016. 11 Discrimination Investigations, Complaints, and Lawsuits | Title VI Implementation Plan Public Participation Plan SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGARMS, INC. Public Participation Plan 12 Public Participation Plan | Title VI Implementation Plan SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. is engaging the public in its planning and decisionmaking processes, as well as its marketing and outreach activities. The public will be invited to paticipate in the process whether through public meetings or surveys. As an agency receiving fedral financial assistance, SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. made the following community outreach efforts: Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. attends a Government Affairs monthly meeting as often as possible, Nogales Community up-dates, monthly meeting, Qualified Vendor Providers Quarterly Meeting, and the Santa Cruz County Transit meetings. We also participate in the 90 day review as welll as the annual ISP meetings for each member whom we provide services thru DES, Division of Developmental Disabilities at which a transit plan will be reviewed with member and team to meet their transportation needs. Attend the Shelter Community Connections meeting, Community Responce Team and Task Force against Family Violance (CCRT). Monthly Meetings Arizona Association of Providers for People with Disabilities (AAPPD). In the upcoming year Santa Cruz Training Program, Inc. will make the following community outreach efforts: Will continue to attend the above outreach meetings. Public Meetings: (1) Public meetings are scheduled to increase the opportunity for attendance by stakeholders and a general public. This may require scheduling meetings during non-trandional business hours, holding more than one meeting at different times of the day or on different days, and checking other community activities to avoid conflicts. (2) When a public meeting or public hearing is focused on a planning study or program related to a specific georgraphic area or jurisdiction within the region, the meeting or hearing is held within that georgraphic area or jurisdiction. (3) Public meetings are held in locations accesible to people with disabilities and are located near a transit route when possible. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. submits to the Arizona Department of Transportation annually an application for funding. Part of the annual application is a public notice, which includes a 30-day public comment period. SUBMIT SAMPLE DOCUMENTS OF THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION METHODS YOUR AGENCY USES. Upon introductions at any Public Meeting, Transptation Services to our members or Public, are made known to that group of people. 13 Public Participation Plan | Title VI Implementation Plan Limited English Proficiency Plan SANTA CRUZ TRAINING TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. Limited English Proficiency Plan 14 Limited English Proficiency Plan | Title VI Implementation Plan SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. has developed the following Limited English Proficiency Plan (LEP) to help identify reasonable steps to provide language assistance for LEP persons seeking meaningful access to SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGTRAMS, INC. services as required by Executive Order 13166. A Limited English Proficiency person is one who does not speak English as their primary language and who has a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English. This plan details procedures on how to identify a person who may need language assistance, the ways in which assistance may be provided, training to staff, notification to LEP persons assistance is available, information for future plan updates. In developing the plan while determining SCTP,s extent of obligation to provide LEP services, SCTP undertook a US Department of Transpiration four-factor LEP analysis which considers the following: 1) The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible in the SCTP service area who may be served or likely to encounter by SCTP programs, activities, or services; Language other than English spoken at home 82%, English spoken less than "Very Well" 18% * American Fact Finder Census 2010* (See American Fact Finder - Results) 2) The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with SCTP services; Approximately 97.5% of the clients we serve are mostly Spanish speaking, very few bi-lingual. SCTP currently serves 85 individuals, only 2.5 are Non-Hispanics . Based on an agency survey conducted by SCTP Staff using prgram directories of the members we serve. 3) The importance of the activities or services provided by SCTP to the LEP population depend on SCTP providing Transportation for medical appointments, attendance to day services for Job Training, Rehabilitative and Recreational activities which are considered important to them to teach them how to interact and participate within their community. 4) The resources available at Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. and overall costs to provide LEP assistance are minimal as we produce brochures and signs in house. A brief description of these considerations is provided in the following section. A statement in (Spanish) will be included in all public outreach notices. Every effort will be made to provide vital information to LEP individuals in the language requested. Approximately 59% of Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. staff is bi-lingual. The staff will be able to both communicate verbally and in writing to the local LEP population. We also reach out through our Bi-lingual Web-Site. 15 Limited English Proficiency Plan | Title VI Implementation Plan Safe Harbor Provision SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. complies with the Safe Harbor Provision, as evidenced by the number of documents available in the Spanish language. With respect to Title VI information, the following shall be made available in Spanish: (1) Title VI Notice (2) Complaint Procedures (3) Complaint Form In addition, we will conduct our marketing (including using translated materials) in a manner that reaches each LEP group. Vital Documents include the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Notices of free language assistance for persons with LEP Notice of Non‐Discrimination and Reasonable Accommodation Outreach Materials Bus Schedules Route Changes Public Hearings Our Brochure of SCTP with our Menu from our Café serves all of Santa Cruz County. 16 Limited English Proficiency Plan | Title VI Implementation Plan Residential Services Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. provides residential service for adults who need a 24 hour supervised home setting. The goal of our homes is to provide quality care and supervision in a home environment where a person 1) is part of the community, 2) participates in a work or a rehabilitation day program, 3) entertains friends and family, 4) develops a hobby and personal interests, or 5) just relaxes listening to favorite music or enjoying movies. Retirement Services One of the two Group Homes is designated as a retirement home for residents who reach a certain age and need to retire. The retirees are provided with individualized retirement activities within the home and the community. SPONSORS Santa Cruz County ARC, Inc. and The Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc., owes much to the Nogales/ Rio Rico communities, Borderland Food Bank, City of Nogales, County Fair White Elephant, Port Devanning, Santa Cruz Community Foundation, Unisource, United Way of Santa Cruz County and various Service Clubs. Those providing work opportunities for the people we serve are: The City of Nogales, Rio Rico Utilities, Unisource , and the Santa Fe Ranch. Many private businesses & the citizens of Santa Cruz County have also been very generous with their purchases and contributions. Without this broad based support, Santa Cruz Training Programs would not be able to continue providing quality services to people with developmental disabilities in our community. To all– THANK YOU!! Vision Statement All individuals with disabilities are valued members of the community where, based on their own choices and abilities, they actively participate. Mission Statement The mission of Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. (SCTP) is to provide the necessary training, direct care, and support for people with disabilities, by working in partnership with others in our community. The goal is for them to: Developing a vision for their future Participate in and contribute to community life Make increasingly responsible choices Exert greater control over their personal future Establish and maintain relationships with family and friends Develop and exercise their unique gifts and talents Experience personal security, self-respect, acceptance and a sense of belonging 2016 Under Title VI & Title VII respectively of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(ADA) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 & the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, SCTP prohibits discrimination in admissions, programs, services or employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age & Disability. The SCTP must make a reasonable accommodation to allow a person with a disability to take part in a program, service, or activity. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For example, this means that if necessary, the SCTP must provide sign language interpreters for people who are deaf, a wheelchair accessible location, or enlarged print materials. It also means that the SCTP will take any other reasonable action that allows you to take part in and understand a program or activity, including making reasonable changes to an activity. If you believe that you will not be able to understand or take part in a program or activity because of your disability, please let us know of your disability needs in advance if at all possible. To request this document in alternative format or for further information about this policy please contact: Marina C. Galhouse at (520)287-2043 Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. Affiliate of: Santa Cruz County Arc “Supporting People with Disabilities in Their Communities since 1968” Mailing Address P.O.Box 638 70 E. La Castellana Dr. Nogales, AZ 85628 * USA Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: 520-287-2043 Fax: 520-287-4437 E-mail: Web Page: HISTORY The Santa Cruz County Arc was formed by a group of parents in 1968 to provide programs for people with disabilities in Nogales and the surrounding area of Santa Cruz County. The goal of this organization was to establish a community alternative to state institutions for people with developmental disabilities and their families in ambos Nogales. With limited resources and community support , the SCC Arc started providing a few services that grew and evolved into what today has become the "Santa Cruz Training Programs" SCTP serves over 70 people ages birth to elderly in a variety of services provided throughout the Santa Cruz County area. Today most people with developmental disabilities do not need to leave their local community to get the services and support their need. The mission of Santa Cruz County Arc and its affiliate, Santa Cruz Training Programs, has always been to serve the local community by striving to provide a better life for all of its citizens with developmental disabilities. Supporting People in the Community SCTP encourages people with disabilities to participate in and to contribute to their community. Key efforts of our agency are to provide training for clients, and guidance to families on how to use community services and by providing relief and support in their homes. TRANSPORTATION The Agency provides transportation for all its Members. We have vehicles available with lifts, for those who use a wheel chair, or walkers for mobility. If family requests transportation as part of their service for their son or daughter, they will be picked up from home in the AM and delivered back home in the PM. Those in GSE, will be transported to their work sites, or if in DTTA, they will be taken to Rehabilitative and Recreational Activities. Both Group Homes have 24/7 Transportation available. La Española DTTA This Program provides specialized sensory-motor, cognitive, communicative, social interaction and behavioral training. Our goals are:1) to provide training and supervision for the consumer to maintain or increase their self help, socialization and adaptive skills; 2) to maintain and/or develop positive relationships between consumers and their families; 3) to provide consumers the opportunities to interact socially within the community and; 4) to provide them access to available resources. Thus, DTTA provides its consumers the opportunity to participate in meaningful and challenging experiences in a successful manner. Employment Services Work is important to all of us; it is how we support our families and reach our goals. People with disabilities can also work to earn money and be an important part of our economy. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. provides training for employment opportunities and has several work crews doing grounds keeping at City of Nogales, Unisource, Liberty Waters and Santa Fe Ranch. Clients go out to sell our kitchen products as part of their job training. SCTP has two Industrial kitchens where baked goods, a variety of burritos, and chilaquilas w/beans are prepared. These are offered for sale in the community and in “La Castellana Café”, opens from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm and is located at 71 E. La Castellana. The special food items and delicious pastries are served with a variety of coffees and teas by the trainees. Nayo’s Plant Nursery is open to the public. When trainees are ready, we can also provide job coaching support to help them work in private businesses within the community. Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) Respite Care Respite is the provision of “short care and supervision” for children/adults with developmental disabilities, providing relief for the primary caregiver while supporting the emotional, physical, and mental well being of the person with disabilities. When this service is provided regularly, it can keep families and other primary caregivers strong and energized. Habilitation Habilitation services are provided to children/adults with developmental disabilities in their homes. These services include developmental skill training and may also provide training in cleaning, shopping, washing clothes or working in the yard. Thereby, this program enables a person to acquire knowledge and skills in order to maintain or increase self-sufficiency. Attendant Care Attendant care assists a person in maintaining or attaining safe and healthy living, which includes personal cleanliness and activities of daily living. These activities can include assistance with showering, bathing, transferring, and eating. Programa Residencial Declaración de Nuestra Visión Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. proporciona servicio residencial para adultos que necesitan supervision las 24 horas. Todos los individuos con incapacidades son miembros valiosos de nuestra comunidad donde participan segun sus propias opciones y capacidades. El objetivo de nuestras casas es proporcionar cuidado de calidad y supervision en un anbiente donde una persona 1) es parte de la comunidad, 2) participa en un trabajo o un programa de dia de rehabilitacion, 3) entretiene amigos y familiares, 4) desarrolla una aficion y intereses personales o, 5) solamente se relaja escuchando su musica favorita o disfruta viendo peliculas. “Transportacion disponible.” Programa de Retiro Una casa hogar es designada casa de retiro para residentes que alcanzan cierta edad y necesitan retirarse. Se les provee a la personas que se retiran, actividades individualizadas dentro de la casa y de la comunidad. “Transportacion disponible” Patrocinadores Santa Cruz County Arc y Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. debe mucho a la comunidad de Nogales/Rio Rico. Hemos recibido donaciones de: Banco de Alimentos, Ciudad de Nogales, Condado de Santa Cruz, Elefante Blanco, Port Devanning, Santa Cruz Community Foundation, Unisource, United Way; y varios clubs de servicio. Los negocios que proporcionan oportunidades de trabajo para la gente que servimos son: La Ciudad de Nogales; Rio Rico Utilities , Unisource y El Rancho Santa Fe. Muchos negocios privados y los ciudadanos del condado de Santa Cruz, tambien han sido muy generosos con sus compras y contribuciones. Sin este apoyo Santa Cruz Training Programs no podria continuar proporcionarndo los servicios de calidad para las personas con discapacidad en nuestra comunidad. ¡GRACIAS ! Declaración de Nuestra Misión La mision de SCTP es proveer el entrenamiento necesario, cuidado directo y apoyo a las personas con incapacidad, trabajando en compañerismo con otros en la comunidad. El objetivo para ellos es: Desarrollar una vision para su futuro Participar y contribuir a la vida de la comunidad Hacer cada vez mas decisiones responsables Ejercer mayor control sobre su futuro personal Establecer y mantener relaciones de familiares y amigos Desarrollar y ejercitar sus dones y talentos Experimentar la seguridad personal, respeto a si mismo, aceptacion y un sentido de pertenencia. 2016 "Bajo el Título VI y Título VII respectivamente, de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964; la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990 (ADA); Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973 y la Ley de Discriminación por Edad de 1975, SCTP prohíbe la descriminación en admisiones, programas, servicios o el empleo basado en raza, color, religión, sexo, origen nacional, edad y discapacidad. SCTP tiene que hacer arreglos razonables para permitirle a una persona con discapacidad participar en un programa, servicio o actividad. Ayudantes y servicios auxiliares están disponibles a petición de personas con discapacidad. Por ejemplo, esto significa que si es necesario, SCTP debe proporcionar intérpretes de lenguaje de señas para personas sordas, un espacio accesible para sillas de ruedas, o materiales con letras grandes. También significa que el SCTP tomará cualquier otra medida razonable que le permita a usted entender y participar en un programa o una actividad, incluso efectuar cambios razonables en la actividad. Si usted cree que usted no es capaz de entender o participar en un programa o actividad a causa de su discapacidad, por favor, háganos saber de sus necesidades con anticipación si es posible. Para obtener este documento en otro formato u obtener información adicional sobre esta política por favor contacte a: Marina C. Galhouse al (520) 287-2043. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. Afiliado de: Santa Cruz County Arc “Apoyando a Personas con Discapacidades en sus Comunidades desde 1968” Direccion: 70 E. La Castellana Drive P.O. Box 638 Nogales, AZ 85628 * USA Horas de Oficina Lunes a Viernes 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Teléfonos:(520) 287-2043 Fax: (520) 287-4437 Correo electrónico: Pagina Web: HISTORIA El Arc del Condado de Santa Cruz fue formado por un grupo de padres en 1968 para proveer programas para gente con discapacidades en Nogales y alrededor del Condado. La meta de esta organización era establecer para la comunidad una alternativa a las instituciones estatales para la gente con discapacidades y sus familias en ambos Nogales. Con recursos limitados y el apoyo de la comunidad, el Arc comenzó a proveer algunos servicios que crecieron y que se desarrollaron en lo que hoy es “Santa Cruz Training Programs” Actualmente SCTP sirve alrededor de 70 personas entre las edades de tres años a adultos en una variedad de servicios proporcionados alrededor de todo el Condado. El dia de hoy la mayoria de las personas con discapacidad no necesitan dejar su comunidad para obtener los servicios y apoyo que necesitan. La misión de Santa Cruz County Arc y de Santa Cruz Training Programs, como su afiliado, ha sido siempre servir a lo máximo y proveer una buena vida para todos los ciudadanos con discapacidades. Apoyando a Personas en la Comunidad SCTP anima a las personas con discapacidades para que participen y contribuyan a su comunidad. El objetivo principal de nuestra agencia, es proporcionar entrenamiento a los clients y una guianza a las familias; enseñándoles como utilizar los recursos de la comunidad, proveyéndoles descanso y apoyo en sus hogares. TRANSPORTACION La Agencia provee transportacion para todos sus miembros. Tenemos vehiculos disponibles con rampa, para aquellos que utilizan silla de reudas, o andaderas para moverse. Si las familias requieren transportacion como parte del servicio de su hijo o hija, ellos seran recogidos en sus casas en la mañana y entregados en sus casas por la tarde. Aquellos en GSE, seran transportados a sus areas de trabajo, o si estan en DTTA, seran llevados a sus actividades de rehabilitacion y recreacion. Las dos Casas de Asistencia tienen transportacion las 24/7. La Española DTTA Este programa provee motriz-sensorial especializado, cognitivo,comunicativo, interacción social y entrenamiento de comportamiento. Nuestras metas son: 1) proveer entrenamiento y supervisión al cliente para conservar o incrementar su auto ayuda, socialización y habilidad de adaptación; 2) mantener o desarrollar relaciones positivas entre consumidores y sus familias; 3)proveer a los clients oportunidades para interactuar socialmente dentro de la comunidad; y 4) proveerles acceso a los recursos disponibles. Asi el programa de dia provee a sus clientes la oportunidad de participar en experiencias significativas y de desafio de una manera exitosa. Servicios de Empleo, El trabajo es importante para todos nosotros; asi es como apoyamos a a nuestras familias y alcanzamos nuestras metas. Personas con discapacidades pueden también trabajar y ganar dinero y ser una importante parte de nuestra economia. SCTP proporciona entrenamiento para oportunidades de empleo y cuenta con varios equipos de trabajo haciendo labor de limpieza en terrenos de la Ciudad de Nogales, Unisource, Rio Rico y Rancho Santa Fé. Los Clientes salen a vender nuestros productos de la cocina como parte de su trabajo de entrenamiento. SCTP cuenta con dos cocinas industriales donde se hace reposteria, una variedad de burritos, y chilaquiles c/queso son preparados. Estos productos se venden en la comunidad y en “La Castellana Café”, abierto de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm, localizado en 71 La Castellana St. Los alimentos y deliciosa reposteria se sirven con una variedad de cafés y tés por los mismos clientes a los cuales se les entrena diariamente. Vivero Nayo’s se encuentra abierto al publico. Cuando el aprendiz esta listo, le proporcionamos apoyo de entrenamiento para ayudarles a trabajar en negocios privados dentro de la comunidad. Servicios en el Hogar y Comunidad (HCBS ) Cuidado de Respiro Es un servicio de cuidado y supervisión de corto tiempo para niños/adultos con discapacidades del desarrollo; proporciona ayuda al cuidador primario mientras se da apoyo en lo emocional, físico y mental a la persona discapacitada. Cuando este servicio es proporcionado regularmente, ayuda a la familia o cuidador primario a conservar sus fuerzas y energias . Habilitación Los servicios de habilitación son proporcionados a niños/adultos con discapacidades del desarrollo en sus propios hogares. Estos servicios incluyen entrenamiento en habilidades de desarrollo; también proporciona entrenamiento con la limpieza, lavado de ropa o trabajo en el jardín, lo que permite a una persona a adquirir conocimientos y habilidades para aumentar o mantener su autosuficiencia. Cuidado Personal El servicio de cuidado personal es para ayudar a una persona a llevar o mantener una vida segura y saludable, incluye condiciones para mantener la higiene personal y las actividades de la vida diaria. Esto puede incluir actividades de cuidado personal, tales como la asistencia en hygiene personal, transferencia y comida. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. 2016 Monthly Menu (Any questions:) 287-2043 ext. 22 We can deliver / Podemos entregar Week 1ra 2da 3ra MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Gallina Pinta Beef Soup w/corn & beans Bistek Ranchero w/ arroz y frijol Tacos de Pescado c / ensalada de repollo Fish Tacos with clod slaw Fettuchini Alfredo w/chicken, (de pollo) and green salad con ensalada verde Tacos Dorados (Beef or chicken) Cocido/Beef Soup w/vegetables Chiles Rellenos Pescado al horno con verduras al vapor Arroz Blanco Ensalada de Pollo con Mayonesa, Consome de Pozole (Red) Pork Soup Albondigas Con arroz blanco Meat ball soup arroz rojo, frijol, tortilla arina Pepper stuffed w/cheese Tortas de Pibil Spicy Pork Meat Sandwich w/French fries 5ta con arroz blanco with white rice Pollo empanizado Tacos de Pescado con pure de papa Consome de pollo c/ensalada de repollo Tinga (tacos) with beans Spicy chicken (tacos) with beans Ensalada Verde c / pollo a la parrila with clod slaw salad Chiles Rellenos Enchiladas ( queso o con arroz rojo y frijoles Pollo) con frijoles Pepper Stuffed w/cheese Cheese or chicken w/ red rice and beans Enchiladas w/ beans Pollo en chipotle Chicken with chipotle sauce with white rice “Please place your $6.00 order Fish Tacos (Beef or chicken) Pollo, frijol y galletas saladas Grilled Chicken salad 4ta Milanesa con papas fritas Chop Suey de res (beef) Chimichangas before 10 a.m.” “Favor de poner su orden de $6.00 Tostadas (Beef or chicken) Flautas (Beef or chicken) Hamburguesas c/ papas fritas Hamburgers with French fries antes de las 10a.m.” Non-elected Committees Membership Table A subrecipient who selects the membership of transit-related, non-elected planning boards, advisory councils, or committees must provide a table depicting the membership of those organizations broken down by race. Subrecipients also must include a description of the efforts made to encourage participation of minorities on these boards, councils, and committees. Table Depicting Membership of Committees, Councils, Broken Down by Race Body Caucasian Latino African American Asian American Native American Population SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. 1% 99% 0% 0% 0% Describe the process the agency uses to encourage the participation of minorities on such committees should be included X SANTA CRUZ TRAINING PROGRAMS, INC. does NOT select the membership of any transitrelated committees, planning boards, or advisory councils. 17 Non-elected Committees Membership Table | Title VI Implementation Plan Monitoring for Subrecipient Title VI Compliance DESCRIBE HOW YOU MONITOR YOUR SUBRECIPIENTS. This can be through site visits, submissions of Title VI Plans annually, or training and surveys x Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. does NOT use nor monitor subrecipients for Title VI compliance. 18 Monitoring for Subrecipient Title VI Compliance | Title VI Implementation Plan Title VI Training Title VI Coordianator: Staff Updated training date Feb. 16th 2016 Training dates started May 1, 2015 Updated training once update plan is approved by ADOT. Each SCTP Department Coordinator, who will be trained at a Management Team Meeting this fall, will intern train their staff on the Title VI Plan. Staff will receive training on a yearly basis to ensure they are informed on the new plan. Title VI Equity Analysis A subrecipient planning to acquire land to construct certain types of facilities must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin, against persons who may, as a result of the construction, be displaced from their homes or businesses. “Facilities” in this context does not include transit stations or bus shelters, but instead refers to storage facilities, maintenance facilities, and operation cente There are many steps involved in the planning process prior to the actual construction of a facility. It is during these planning phases that attention needs to be paid to equity and non-discrimination through equity analysis. The Title VI Equity Analysis must be done before the selection of the preferred site. Note: Even if facility construction is financed with non-FTA funds, if the subrecipient organization receives any FTA dollars, it must comply with this requirement. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. has not, in the past, currently or anticipates plans to develop new transit facilitites covered by these requirements. 19 Title VI Training | Title VI Implementation Plan Board Approval for the Title VI Program Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. P. O. Box 638 Nogales, AZ 85628 • USA Phone: 520-287-2043 • Fax: 520-287-4437 Email: “Supporting People with Disabilities in Their Community Since 1968” June 08, 2016 SCTP BOD: Mark Valenzuela, Hector Bojorques, Francisco Padilla,Cassandra Smith, Manuel Coppola (Telephone conference.) Staff present: Marina C. Galhouse, Lourdes Vasquez, Lupita Zuniga Meeting called to order: June 8, 2016 @ 12:35 pm 1. Invocation: Given by Mrs. Marina C. Galhouse 2. Approval of SCTP Minutes from: Oct 28, 2015: Mark Valenzuela - calling meeting to order and requesting a motion to approval minutes of June 27, 2016. Hector Bojorquez and Francisco Padilla second the motion, all approved. Discussion followed. 3. Approval of Financial Reports: M. Valenzuela - requested a motion for approval of Financial of Jan., Feb., March, and April 2016. L.Vasquez – mentioned, we have four (4) month to approve and according to April balance there is $112,000.00 a positive to inform where we are. H. Bojorquez – From being at the Financial Meeting F. Padilla and I can say all looks good, all was justified. F.Padilla agreed on comments. M.Valenzuela – Asking on Over/Time on salary people. M. Galhouse – Both AAPAD and Insurance have sent flyers, everyone that is on salary will be hourly except me (Marina C. Galhouse). H.Bojorquez – Will it affect non-profits? M. Valenzuela- Asking if we had done a time study of how many hours it would be to get a better picture. M. Galhouse- DDD schedules ISP, Review at different time’s example: after the 8 hours worked or during the 8 to 5 time. M. Valenzuela – We would need to talk to them regarding this. You would need to make a study to see how much it comes out. I do not think it would take effect this year but with this budget changes we might be looking for a minimum wage increase for next year. We need to start thinking ahead on all that is coming regarding budget issues. H.Bojorquez – We should request funding from Federal Government or look for more funding. M. Galhouse- There is a rumor of a 1% raise from DDD this coming July on all services. L. Vasquez and M. Galhouse will be attending on June 24th to see what is on the table regarding DOL Laws. M.Valenzuela- Motion to close and continue on Financial Approval, all those in favor say I, H. Bojorquez and F. Padilla second the motion, all approved. Discussion followed. 4. Approval of Applying for ADOT Operating Funds & Capital: M. Galhouse – Continues applying for ADOT Opperating Funds. M. Valenzuela – Motion to approve ADOT Operating Funding, F. Padilla second the motion, all approved. Discussion followed. 5. Approval of Revised Transportation Policy & Procedures: M. Valenzuela requesting approval to table Transportation Policy & Procedures to the following meeting of BOD, C. Smith second the motion, all approved. Discussion followed. 6. Review of 2016 -2017 Budget (Draft): M. Valenzuela: Open Floor for discussion and suggested to do time study and to be approved at time of BOD Meeting also to revise any necessary issue. H. Bojorquez: Asked if we are anticipating a change? F. Padilla: For this it will be seven months. L. Vasquez: Items were revised and calculated for some time. H. Bojorquez: Go back one or two years and see how many times they have been over the thresh hole. We have decreased the over/time for this year but we have added the new line of O/T rate (training) and it will increase again since they are done on weekends. H. Bojorquez :Are this trainings done out of town? M.Galhouse: We are trying to have them in town. We had a trainer but moved out of town and we also have translation that was put aside. I would also like to mention that Sara would be the person that will have observe regarding O/T. H. Bojorquez: How many hours is she staying? M. Valenzuela: Does she have her cell set up to take time? They do not have a time clock? M. Galhouse: That is something we wanted to talk about. M. Valenzuela: Anything on the draft that needs to be discussed. M. Galhouse: United Way was denied to us, we sent letter to appeal and have not had a chance to talk to contact. H. Bojorquez: Are they denying us? M.Galhouse: When we applied we were under their criteria. Last year we used their funds for the floors for DTTA. H. Bojorquez: What is the purpose of Cameras? M.Galhouse: For the clients safety, incident was brought up, the Proto issue. M.Valenzuela: Looking at budget, you do not have capital expenditures. L. Vasquez: Expenditures are around 10,000 to 15,000 for Employment Services, at this time we have put them on Program Expenses. H. Bojorquez: Fund Raisers unable to locate them? L. Vasquez: This year we did not hear anything. On operations we went down by $39,000.00 what was taken out? Remember we had done discussions without doing it correctly and all switch things at the end, see balance of 72,000.00 calculation of how we will end up this year. Confusing because we started the year as how it was going to be. H. Bojorquez: Did not change much. C. Smith: Need price of equipment, Insurance 3,000, SCCF 5,000.00. M. Valenzuela: What is the Personnel size? M. Galhouse: We have 71 employees, 29 consumers @ Employment Service, 22 consumers @ DTTA. C. Smith: Are there new people? M. Galhouse: Two new persons coming in this summer. M. Valenzuela: Requested again the Time Study for 3 months on O/T regarding the DOL of Salary. 7. Director Report: Informing BOD of trainings being provided by SEAGO/ADOT on new and true cost of transportation Management helps to report ADOT better and how to manage the budget. All approved for the buying of vehicle (truck) that Ms. Connie Gastelum came to offer. H. Bojorquez: Requesting if possible for all BOD members to come 5 minutes before noon to start right at 12:00 pm. M. Valenzuela: To please send package before day of meeting. Anything else that needs to be discussed? Then I am calling this meeting to be adjourned, all in favor say I, H. Bojorquez and C. Smith second the motion. End of meeting @ 1:30 pm. Organizational Chart 22 Organizational Chart | Title VI Implementation Plan