Fernando Alfredo Auat Cheein - Departamento de Electrónica

Fernando Alfredo Auat Cheein
Departamento de Electrónica, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile
Department of Electronics Engineering, Federico Santa Maria Technical University,
Valparaiso, Chile
fernando.auat@usm.cl, fernandoauat@gmail.com
Personal Data
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AUAT CHEEIN, Fernando Alfredo
Santiago del Estero, 12 de Agosto de 1979, Argentina
+56 32 2652617 | +56 96759124
fernando.auat@usm.cl, fernandoauat@gmail.com
1997 - 2002
Graduation: Electronics Engineer Degree, by the National University of Tucumán,
Argentina. I was a member of the Honor Roll and the Flag Bearer.
Post Graduation: Master on Control System Engineering, by the National University of San
Juan, Argentina. CONE
- Maximum (CONEAU: National Commission of
Universities Evaluation and Accreditation). Title of the Thesis: A Brain-Computer
Interface Design for Mobile Robot Navigation. Qualification: 10/10.
Post Graduation: PhD on Control System Engineering, by the National University of San
- Maximum (CONEAU: National Commission of
Universities Evaluation and Accreditation). Title of the Thesis: Mobile Robot Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping Oriented to Maximum Uncertainty Zones. Qualification: 10/10.
Post-Graduation: Post PhD at Institute of Automatics (National University of San Juan,
Argentina), working on a Multi-Robot SLAM algorithm for agricultural fields using fusion
of vision, GPS and range laser information.
Researcher (Academico Joven) at the Department of Electronics Engineering, Universidad
Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Valparaiso, Chile.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics Engineering, Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.
2002 - 2005
2004 - 2009
2009 - 2011
2011 - 2013
2013 -
Mother tongue
Current Research Areas
Mobile Robots
Estimation Theory
Computational Intelligence
Control Systems
Robotics and Probabilistic Robotics
Planning and Path Planning
Assistance Robotics and Technology
SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
Previous Research Areas
Human-Computer Interfaces (Brain-Computer Interfaces and Muscle-Computer Interfaces)
Behavioral Robotics (Biological inspirited)
Biological Signal Processing (EEG and EMG)
Human-Robotic Interfaces (not invasive) and Bio-Feedback
Research Projects (English)
Tecnología de Rehabilitación para Discapacidades Sensoriales y Motoras, Universidad Nacional de
San Juan. Director: Dr. Jose F. Postigo. Periodo: 01/03/2003 al 01/03/2005. Adscripto como: Jefe de
Trabajos Prácticos. (Rehabilitation Technologies for Sensor and Motor disabilities, National
University of San Juan. Director: Dr. Jose F. Postigo, from 03/01/2003 to 03/01/2005).
Control Autónomo y Teleoperación de Robots. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y
ANPCyT. Director: Dr. Ricardo Carelli. Cod. PICT03. Periodo: 01/01/2005 al
31/12/2008. (Autonomous Control and Robots Teleoperation. National Agency of Scientific and
Technology Promotion ANPCyT. Director: Dr. Ricardo Carelli. Code PICT03, from 01/01/2005
to 12/31/2008).
Supervisión y Control de Procesos Industriales y Agrícolas. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Cod.
21/I 78. Director: Dr. Ricardo Carelli. Período: 01/04/2006 al 21/12/2007. (Supervision and Control
of Industrial and Agricultural Process. National University of San Juan, code 21 /I 78. Director: Dr.
Ricardo Carelli, from 04/01/2006 to 12/31/2007).
Supervisión y Control de Procesos Productivos. CONICET (Comisión Nacional de Investigación,
Ciencia, Educación y Tecnología). Director: Dr. Ricardo Carelli. Cod. PIP 6292, Res. 306. Periodo:
01/01/2006 al 31/12/2008. (Supervision and Control of Productive Processes, CONICET. Director:
Dr. Ricardo Carelli, code PIP 6292-306, from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2008).
Automatización de Procesos Industriales y Agrícolas. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Director:
Dr. Ricardo Carelli. Cod.: 21 /I 839. Res. 034/08-CS. Periodo: 01/01/2008 al 31/12/2009.
(Automation of Industrial and Agricultural Processes, National University of San Juan. Director:
Dr. Ricardo Carelli, code 21/I 839 034/08-CS, from 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2009).
Control y Coordinación de Sistemas Robóticos Móviles. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica
y Tecnológica, PICT99, BID 1202/OC-AR-PICT 11-07382. Trianual, periodo 2000-2003.
(Coordination and Control of Mobile Robotic Systems. National Agency of Scientific and
Technologic Promotion, PICT99, BID 1202/OC-AR-PICT 11-07382, 2000-2003).
Localización y Reconstrucción Simultánea de Entornos Usando Múltiples Robots Móviles
Gobernados por Interfaces Músculo-Computadora para la Rehabilitación de Personas con
Discapacidad Motora. Periodo: 1/3/2008 al 1/3/2010. Proyecto de Cooperacion Internacional
SECYT-GRICES (Portugal), Cod. PO/07/016, con el Instituto de Sistemas y Robotica de la
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal. Directores: Dr. Ricardo Carelli (Ar) and Dr. Fernando Lobo
Pereira (Pt). (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using Multiple Mobile Robots Governed by
Muscle-Computer Interfaces for Dissability Rehabilitation. International Cooperation Project
SECYT-GRICES between the Instituto de Automatica (National University of San Juan) and the
Institute of Systems and Robotics (Universidade do Porto, Portugal), code PO/07/016, from
03/01/2008 to 03/01/2010. Directors: Dr. Ricardo Carelli and Dr. Fernando Lobo Pereira -Pt-).
Incertidumbre Estocástica en Señales y Sistemas. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Director: Dr.
Fernando di Sciascio. Periodo: 01/01/2008 al 31/12/2009. (Stochastic Uncertainty in Signals and
Systems, National University of San Juan. Director: Dr. Fernando di Sciascio, from 01/01/2008 to
Robótica avanzada para sistemas productivos. Financiado por la Agencia Nacional de Promoción
Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina. Director: Dr. Ricardo Carelli. Período: 01/01/2007-31/12/2010.
(Advanced Robotics for Productive Systems, funded by the National Agency of Scientific and
Technologic Promotion. Director: Dr. Ricardo Carelli. From 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2010).
Navegación y Mapeo Autónomo en entornos de Agricultura de Precisión (Autonomous mapping and
navigation in agricultural environments). Founded by DGIP Project (code 23.12.09), Universidad
Tecnica Federico Santa Maria. Director: Fernando Auat Cheein. From 03/01/2012 to 02/28/2013.
Robotics in Agricultural Precision Environments. Founded by CCTVal-UTFSM. From 06/2012 to
06/2013. Director: Fernando Auat Cheein.
Navegación y Mapeo Autónomo en entornos de Agricultura de Precisión (Autonomous mapping and
navigation in agricultural environments). Funded by DGIP Project (code 23.12.09), Universidad
Tecnica Federico Santa Maria. Director: Fernando Auat Cheein. From 03/01/2012 to 02/28/2013.
Laboratorio Remoto de Robótica Móvil Teleoperada (UTFSM-UNSW). Funded by DGD project N°
44. Director: Fernando Auat Cheein. From 03/01/2013 to 02/28/2015.
Experience with research groups abroad
from 10/01 to 12/31
from 02/04 to 10/21
from 06/15 to 09/15
from 06/30 to 08/30
from 10/30 to 11/30
from 07/01 to 09/30
Centro Tecnológico II, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo,
(teodiano@ele.ufes.br), working on path planning implementations
of a motorized wheelchair controlled by a BCI based on
probabilistic maps.
ISR- Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Faculdade de Engenharia,
Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Supervisor: Dr. Fernando Lobo
Pereira (flp@fe.up.pt), working on Mobile Robots Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping algorithms (theoretical analysis and
Centro Tecnológico II, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo,
(teodiano@ele.ufes.br), working on Mobile Robots Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping (real time implementations).
Centro Tecnológico II, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo,
(teodiano@ele.ufes.br), working on Motorized Wheelchair
integration of control strategies with mapping and localization
ISR- Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Faculdade de Engenharia,
Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Supervisor: Dr. Fernando Lobo
Pereira (flp@fe.up.pt), working on computational analysis of the
real time SLAM algorithm.
(postDoc research) Centro Tecnólogico II, Universidade Federal do
Espirito Santo, Brazil. Supervisor: Dr. Teodiano Freire Bastos-Filho
(teodiano@ele.ufes.br), working on maneuverability strategies of a
Motorized Wheelchair and Car-Like robots in restricted
Teaching Experience
from 01/10 to 11/30
organized by the IEEE Student branch at the National
to 02/28/2005
to 07/31/2010
from 07/15 to 07/21
Second Semester
Second Semester
First Semester
University of Tucuman, Argentina (40 hs).
Auxiliar Professor of the Project: Rehabilitation Technology
for Sensorial and Motor Impairments. Coordinator: Dr. Prof.
Jose Postigo, Engineering Faculty, National University of San
Juan, Argentina.
Seminar: Design of a Finite State Machine governed by Facial
Electromyographic Signals, imparted at the Institute of
Automatics, National University of San Juan, Argentina.
Seminar: Design of a Brain Computer Interface for Mobile
Robots Navigation, imparted at the Institute of Automatics,
National University of San Juan, Argentina.
Seminar: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for
Autonomous Mobile Robots, imparted at the Institute of
Automatics, National University of San Juan, Argentina.
Ad-honorem Assistant Professor in the graduation course:
Identification and Adaptive Control, in the Electronics
Engineering Career at the Engineering Faculty, National
University of San Juan, Argentina.
Professor of the Post-Graduation course: Linear Systems
Theory, imparted at the National University of Chaco Austral,
Argentina (60 hs).
Professor of the Graduation course: Computer Arquitecture
(ELO311), imparted at the Department of Electronics
Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
Teaching evaluation score: 4.56/5.
Professor of the Graduation course: Computer Arquitecture
(ELO311), imparted at the Department of Electronics
Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
Teaching evaluation score: 4.72/5.
Professor of the Graduation course: Digital Systems
Laboratory (ELO212), imparted at the Departement of
Electronics Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa
María. Teaching evaluation pending.
Relevant Publications
Editor of the Book: Assitive Technology, ISBN: 978-953-51-0348-6, IN-TECH
Editor of the ISI Special Number: Assistive Robotics, International Journal of Advanced Robotics
Systems, Vol. 8, N° 3, 2011, ISBN: 1729-8806.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein. Diseño de una Interface Cerebro-Computadora para la Navegacion de
Robots Moviles. Editorial Fundación Universidad Nacional de San Juan. ISBN: 950-605-463-3.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein. Localización y Reconstrucción Simultánea de Entornos por un Robot
Móvil basada en la Navegación Orientada a las Zonas de Máxima Incertidumbre. ISBN: 978-98705-6727-1. 2009.
Book Chapters
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Fernando di Sciasio; Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho; Ricardo Carelli.
Towards a Probabilistic Manipulator Robot´s Workspace Governed by a BCI. In: A. Fred, J.
Filipe, and H. Gamboa (Eds.): BIOSTEC 2008, CCIS 25. (Org.). Communications in Computer and
Information Science. Berlim: Springer-Verlag, 2008, v. 1, p. 73-84. ISBN: 1865-0929.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Fernando di Sciascio; Marcos Toibero; Ricardo Carelli. Robot
Manipulator Probabilistic Workspace applied to Robotic Assistance. Invited by IN-TECH
editorial for the book: Robot Manipulators, New Achievements, 2010, pp. 401-418. Editors:
Aleksandar Lazinica and Hiroyuki Kawai.
Marcos Toibero; Flavio Roberti; Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Ricardo Carelli. Stable Switching
Control for Wheeled Mobile Robots. Invited by IN-TECH editorial for the book: Mobile Robots
Navigation, 2010, pp. 379-400. Editor: Alejandra Barrera.
Publications in indexed International Journals (ISI)
F. Auat Cheein and R. Carelli. Analysis of Different Features Selection Criteria based on a
Covariance Convergence Perspective for a SLAM algorithm. In Sensors (Basel), Vol. 11(1):62-89,
M. Segura, F. Auat Cheein, J.M. Toibero, R. Carelli and V. Mut. Ultra Wide-band Localization and
SLAM: a comparative study for mobile robot navigation. In Sensors (Basel), Vol. 11(2):2035-2055,
F. Auat Cheein, F. di Sciascio, G Scaglia and R. Carelli. Towards Features Updating Selection
based on the Covariance Matrix of the SLAM System State. In Robotica (Cambridge), Vol.
29(2):271-282, 2011.
A. Ferreira, W. Celeste, F. Auat Cheein, T.F. Bastos, M. Sarcinelli-Filho and R. Carelli. Humanmachine interfaces based on EMG and EEG applied to robotic systems. In Journal of
NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, Vol. 5(10):1-15, 2008.
F. Auat Cheein, N. Lopez, C. Soria, F. di Sciascio, F. Lobo Pereira and R. Carelli. SLAM algorithm
applied to robotic assistance for navigation in unknown environments. In Journal of
NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, Vol. 7(10):1-15, 2010.
F. Auat Cheein, C. De la Cruz, R. Carelli and T.F. Bastos. Silla de Ruedas Robotizada con
Navegación Autónoma Asistida para Entornos Restringidos. In Revista Iberoamericana de
Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAII), Vol. 8(2):81-92, 2011.
F. Auat Cheein, G Scaglia, F. di Sciascio and R. Carelli. Feature Selection Algorithm for Real Time
EKF-SLAM Algorithm. In International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 6(3):229-238,
F. Auat Cheein, C. De la Cruz, T.F. Bastos and R. Carelli. SLAM-based Cross-a-door Solution
Approach for a Robotic Wheelchair. In International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol.
6(3):239-248, 2009.
F. Auat Cheein, F. Lobo Pereira, F. di Sciascio and R. Carelli. Autonomous Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping driven by Monte Carlo uncertainty maps-based navigation. In The
Knowledge Engineering Review (Cambridge), Vol. 28(1):35-57, March 2013.
F. Auat Cheein, G. Steiner, G. Perez Paina and R. Carelli. Optimized EIF-SLAM algorithm for
Precision Agriculture Mapping based on Stems Detection. In Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Vol. 78:195-207, 2011.
F. Auat Cheein, C. De la Cruz and T.F. Bastos. Maneuverability Strategy for Assistive Vehicles
Navigating within Confined Spaces. In International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol.
8(3):62-75, 2011.
F. Auat Cheein and G Scaglia. Laser-Based Trespassing Prediction in Restrictive Environments: A
Linear Approach. In Sensors, Vol. 12(9):11870-11887, September 2012.
F. Auat Cheein. Covariance-Based Measurement Selection Criterion for Gaussian-Based
Algorithms. In Entropy, Vol. 15(1):287-310, January 2013.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein. SLAM algorithm for a mobile robot navigation oriented to maximum
http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0269888913000015, 2012.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein. SLAM-based maneuverability strategy for unmanned car-like vehicles.
Robotica (Cambridge), vol. 31, pp. 905-921. 2013.
Accepted and in press publications in ISI International Journals
T.F. Bastos, F. Auat Cheein, S. Müller, W. Celeste, C. De la Cruz, D. Cavalieri, M. Sarcinelli, P.
Amaral, E. Perez, C. Soria and R. Carelli. Towards a New Modality-Independent Interface for a
Robotic Wheelchair. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNSRE.2013.2265237. 2013.
F. Auat Cheein and R. Carelli. Unmanned Robotic Service Units in Agricultural Tasks. In IEEE
Industrial Electronics Magazine. Accepted, 2013.
3. F. Auat Cheein and G. Scaglia. Trajectory Tracking Controller Design for
Unmanned Vehicles: a New Methodology. In Journal of Field Robotics (August,
4. F. Auat Cheein and J. Guivant. SLAM-based Incremental Convex Hull Processing
Approach for Treetop Volume Estimation. Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture (August, 2013).
5. E. Serrano; G. Scaglia; Fernando A. Auat Cheein; V. Mut; O. Ortiz. Trajectory
Tracking Controller Design with Constrains in the Control Signals: a case study in
mobile robots. In Robotica (Cambridge). Accepted, 2013
Articles Submitted to ISI Journals
Fernando Auat Cheein. Multi-Vehicle Trajectory Tracking Controller: a case study in precision
agricultural environments. Submitted to International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2013.
Fernando Auat Cheein, M. Torres-Torriti, G. Scaglia. Trajectory Tracking Control of an
Articulated Service Unit in Agricultural Tasks. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems
Techonology, 2013.
Publications in non-ISI Journals
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Ricardo Carelli; Wanderley Cardoso Celeste; Teodiano Bastos Filho;
Fernando di Sciasio . Maps Managing Interface Design for a Mobile Robot Navigation governed by
a BCI. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 1, p. 1/012088-10, 2007. DOI: 10.1088/17426596/90/1/012088
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Fernando di Sciasio; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Ricardo Carelli.
Probabilistic Scan Mode of a Robot Manipulator Workspace using EEG signals. Part I. Journal of
Physics. Conference Series, v. 1, p. 1/012095-8, 2007. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/90/1/012095
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Andre Ferreira; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Fernando di Sciasio; Ricardo
Carelli. Probabilistic Scan Mode of a Robot Manipulator Workspace using EEG signals. Part II.
Journal of Physics. Conference Series, v. 1, p. 1/012096-8, 2007. DOI: 10.1088/17426596/90/1/012096
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; G. Steiner; G. Perez Paina; R. Carelli. Aplicación de un EIF-SLAM
en Entornos Agrícolas basado en detección de troncos de árboles. In Ciencia y Teconología, Vol.
11(2):201-219, 2012.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; R. Carelli. Estrategia de Planificación Conmutada para la Navegación
de Robots Móviles en Entornos Agrícolas usando SLAM. In Ciencia y Tecnología, Vol. 11(2):9-30,
Publications in International Conferences
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Zulma Millan; Ricardo Carelli. Nuevo Algoritmo de Deteccion y
Eliminacion de Artefactos en Senales de EEG. In IV Congresso Ibero-Americano Sobre Tecnologias
de Apoio a Portadores de Deficiência, 2006, Vitória. Anais do IV Congresso.
Wanderely Cardoso Celeste; Vinicius Ruiz Martins; Anselmo Frizera Neto; Fernando A. Auat
Cheein; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Mario Sarcinelli; Ricardo Carelli. Interface Homem-Máquina
Baseada em Sinais Eletro-Biológicos para Controle de Veículo Móvel. In: XVI Congresso Brasileiro
de Automática, 2006, Salvador. Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2006. p. 144149.
Andre Ferreira; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Mario Sarcinelli; Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Ricardo
Carelli; Jose Postigo. Sobre a Utilização de Sianis de EEG para Comandar Dispositivos Robóticos.
In: XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2006, Salvador. Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de
Automática, 2006. p. 488-493.
Teodiano Bastos Filho; Andre Ferreira; Wanderley Cardoso Celeste; Fernando A. Auat Cheein;
Mario Sarcinelli Filho. Human-Machine Interfaces Based on EMG and EEG Applied to Robotic
Systems. In: The Second International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification Biosignals and Sensing for Human Computer Interface / ICINCO (International Conference on
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics), 2006, Setúbal. Proceedings of
BPC2006/ICINCO2006, 2006. v. 1. p. 116-125. Chosen as best paper.
Andre Ferreira; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Mario Sarcinelli; Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Jose Postigo;
Ricardo Carelli. Teleoperation of an Industrial Manipulator Through a TCP/IP Channel Using EEG
Signals. In: International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2006, Montreal. Proceedings of
ISIE2006, 2006. v. 1. p. 3066-3071.
Anselmo Frizera Neto; Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Wanderley Cardoso Celeste; Cesar de Castro
Toniolo; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Mario Sarcinelli; Ricardo Carelli. Navegação de um Veículo Móvel
a Rodas em Ambientes Mapeados Utilizando Tabuleiro Eletrônico com Varredura Automática. In:
IV Congresso Ibero-Americano Sobre Tecnologias de Apoio a Portadores de Deficiência, 2006,
Vitória. Anais do IV Congresso Ibero-Americano Sobre Tecnologias de Apoio a Portadores de
Deficiência, 2006. v. 1. p. MO151-MO155.
Andre Ferreira; Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Jose Postigo; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Ricardo Carelli;
Mario Sarcinelli. Teleoperação de um Manipulador para uma Cadeira de Rodas Usando Sinais de
EEG. In: Iv Congresso Ibero-Americano Sobre Tecnologias de Apoio a Portadores de Deficiência,
2006, Vitória. Anais do IV Congresso Ibero-Americano Sobre Tecnologias de Apoio a Portadores de
Deficiência, 2006. v. 1. p. MA23-MA27.
Andre Ferreira; Wanderley Cardoso Celeste; Teodiano Bastos Filho; Mario Sarcinelli; Fernando A.
Auat Cheein; Ricardo Carelli. Development of Interfaces for Impaired People Based on EMG and
EEG. In: International Congress on Domotics, Robotics and Remote-Assistance for All, 2007,
Madrid. Proceedings of International Congress on Domotics, Robotics and Remote-Assistance for
All, 2007. p. 28-40.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein; Fernando di Sciasio; Ricardo Carelli; Teodiano Bastos Filho.
Probabilistic Workspace Scan Modes of a Robot Manipulator Commanded by EEG Signals. In:
International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies BIODEVICES/BIOSTEC 2008, 2008, Funchal. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC 2008. Portugal : INSTICC, 2008. v.
2. p. 3-8. Chosen as best paper.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein, Celso de la Cruz, Teodiano Bastos Filho, Ricardo Carelli. A Solution to
a Cross-a-Door Problem for an Autonomous Wheelchair. In the Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 09), pp. 4931-4936, 2009, Saint
Louis, USA.
Fernando A. Auat Cheein, Celso de la Cruz, Teodiano Bastos Filho, Ricardo Carelli. SLAM-based
Turning Back for Non-Holonomic Assistive Vehicles. In the Proc. of ISSNIP Biosignals and
Biorobotics Conference 2010 (co-sponsored by IEEE-EMBS, accepted papers will appear at IEEE
Computer Society), Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil, 2010.
Fernando Auat Cheein, J. M. Toibero, F. Lobo Pereira, F. di Sciascio, R. Carelli. Monte Carlo
Uncertainty Maps-based for Mobile Robot Autonomous SLAM Navigation. In the IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE-ICIT), pp. 1433-1438, Viña del Mar, Chile, 2010.
Fernando Auat Cheein, Celso De la Cruz, Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho, Ricardo Carelli. SLAMbased turning strategy in restricted environments for car-like mobile robots. In the IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE-ICIT), pp. 602-607, Viña del Mar, Chile,
14. Celso De la Cruz, Fernando Auat Cheein, Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho, Ricardo Carelli. SLAMbased Robotic Wheelchair Navigation System Designed for Confined Spaces. In the IEEE
International Symposium of Industrial Electronics (IEEE-ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy, 2010.
15. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, Celso De la Cruz, Ricardo Carelli, Teodiano F. Bastos Filho.
Autonomous Assistance Navigation for Robotic Wheelchairs in Confined Spaces. In the IEEE-EMBC
2010, pp. 503-506, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010.
Publications in National Congresses
Fernando A. Auat Cheein, J. F. Postigo. A Fast Finite State Machine Design for a Brain Computer
Interface. In XI Reunión de Trabajo en Proceso de la Información y Control (RPIC), 2005.
2. Fernando A. Auat Cheeín, C. M. Soria, E. Avila Perona. Utilización de Señales Electromiográficas
Faciales para el Gobierno de un Robot Móvil y de un Manipulador Robótico. In VI Simposio
Argentino de Tecnología (AST), 34 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa
(JAIIO - SADIO), 2005.
3. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, C. M. Soria, J. F. Postigo. Estrategia de Comportamiento para la
Navegación de un Robot Móvil Gobernado por una Interfa Cerebro-Computadora. In VI Simposio
Argentino de Tecnologia (AST), 34 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa
(JAIIO - SADIO), 2005.
4. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, R. Carelli, A. Frizera Neto, T. F. Bastos Filho, W. C. Celeste. Mapeo
Probabilístico y Localización Simultáneas en un Robot Móvil Gobernado por una ICC. In IV
Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica (JAR), 2006.
5. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, W. C. Celeste, R. Carelli, J. F. Postigo, T. F. Bastos Filho, M. Sarcinelli
Filho. Doble Interface Musculo-Computadora para la Navegación de Robots Móviles en Entornos
Conocidos. In XX Congreso Argentino de Control Automático (AADECA), 2006.
6. A. Rodriguez, Fernando A. Auat Cheein, C. Soria, H. Secchi, R. Carelli, X. Cerdá. Following an
. In XII Reunión de Trabajo en Proceso de la Información y Control
(RPIC), 2007.
7. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, R. Carelli. Algoritmo de SLAM aplicado a la Navegación de un Robot
Móvil Basada en la Extracción de Puntos de Máxima Incertidumbre Local. In XXI Congreso
Argentino de Control Automático (AADECA), 2008.
8. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, F. di Sciascio, R. Carelli. Planificación de Caminos y Navegación de un
Robot Móvil en Entornos Gaussianos mientras realiza tareas de SLAM. In V Jornadas Argentinas de
Robótica (JAR), 2008.
9. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, C. de la Cruz, R. Carelli, T. F. Bastos Filho. Cross-a-door Problem
Approach for an Autonomous Motorized Wheelchair using SLAM. In XIII Reunión de Trabajo en
Proceso de la Información y Control (RPIC), 2009.
10. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, G. Scaglia, F. di Sciascio, R. Carelli. Feature Selection Criteria for
EKF-SLAM Algorithm Correction Stage. In XIII Reunión de Trabajo en Proceso de la Información y
Control (RPIC), 2009.
11. Fernando A. Auat Cheein, Celso De la Cruz, Teodiano F. Bastos-Filho, Ricardo Carelli. Asistencia
Autónoma para la Navegación de una Silla de Ruedas Robóticas en Espacios Restringidos.
Accepted in: AADECA (Asociación Argentina de Control Automático), 2010.
Non-Robotic Publication in International Conference
A. Rodríguez Navas; Fernando A. Auat Cheein; X. Cerdá. Actividad de recolección y umbrales
térmicos de la hormiga cortadora de hojas Acromyrmex Lobicornis en un desierto de arena de
Argentina (Harvest activity and termal threshold of Acromyrmex Lobicornis ant in a sand desert of
Spain. September of 2008.
Editing, Chairing and Reviewing
Robotica (Cambridge), 2010, 2011, 2012,2013.
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2010, 2011, 2012.
Revista Iberoamericana de Informática y Automática Industrial, 2010, 2011,2012.
Journal of Field Robotics, 2010, 2011.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2010, 2011, 2012.
IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2012. 2013.
Asian Journal of Control. 2012,2013.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2011, 2012, 2013.
Sensors (Basel), 2012, 1013.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics (IEEE-IROS), 2010.
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE-ICIT), 2010.
AADECA (Asociación Argentina de Control Automático), 2006, 2008, 2010.
JAR (Jornadas Argentinas de Robótica), 2006, 2008.
RPIC (Reunión de Procesamiento y Control), 2005, 2007, 2009.
ICIRA 2010 (International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications). Part of
the International Scientific Comitee.
ICIRA 2011(International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications). Part of
the International Scientific Comitee
ACRA 2013 (Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation). Part of the
International Scientific Comitee
IEEE ICAR 2013 (IEEE Int. Conference on Advanced Robotics). Part of the
International Scientific Comitee.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ISI journal). Member of the Editorial
Board in 2012.
Editor of the Book: Assitive Technology, ISBN: 978-953-51-0348-6, IN-TECH
Editor of the ISI Special Number: Assistive Robotics, International Journal of Advanced
Robotics Systems, Vol. 8, N° 3, 2011, ISBN: 1729-8806.
MANIPULATOR COMMANDED BY EEG SIGNALS. In: International Joint Conference on
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIODEVICES/BIOSTEC 2008.
Best paper award: Human-Machine Interfaces Based on EMG and EEG Applied to Robotic Systems.
In: The Second International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification - Biosignals and
Sensing for Human Computer Interface / ICINCO.
CONICET (National Commission of Research, Science and Technology of Argentina) PhD Grant
(2004 - 2009).
PhD grant by the European Commission ALFA Program in Process and Systems Engineering.
Developed at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal. 2006.
Post PhD grant by the CONICET (National Foundation of Research, Science and Technology of
Argentina), 03/2009-03/2010.
In 2011, I won a position to be part of the CONICET as a full time Researcher. I rejected such
The local TV show: University and Society, made a documentary about my work developed within
the cooperation project between the National University of San Juan, Argentina, and the University
of Porto, Portugal. The documentary can be seen at the following link:
http://www.creacom.unsj.edu.ar/reproductor.php?Id=103&capitulo=1 (I appear from the minute 15
an article
A Brain-Computer Interface Design for
Mobile Robot Navigation (my master degree thesis).
About me
I feel very comfortable working with interdisciplinary research groups. For example, I have
worked with biologists during a research about ants behavior and their exploration
techniques (I have two conference articles in this area, entitled:
a Mobile Robot and Harvest activity and termal threshold of Acromyrmex Lobicor
herein), and with bioengineers and psychologists during my work with Human Machine
Interfaces. I have been working with psychologists because we were studying how the biofeedback is related with the cognitive process of individuals that present some kind of
physical disability.
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, with whom I started the research group GRAI
(in Spanish: Grupo de Robótica Autónoma e Industrial; in English: Autonomous and
Industrial Robotics Research Group). We have one common research project with the
Universidad Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil, two master students and around ten
graduation students.
on research with the following Professors: Giulio
Reina (Università de Salento, Italy), Karl Iagnemma (MIT, USA), José Guivant (University
of New South Wales, Australia) and Miguel Torres-Torriti (Pontificia Universidad Católica
de Chile). I also maintain active collaboration with Argentina, Brazil and Portugal.
References (english)
Dr. Prof. Fernando Lobo Pereira (Portugal)
Professor Associado / Associate Professor
Responsavel pelo grupo: Grupo de Engenharia de Deciçao e Controlo / Head director of the
Decision and Control Engineering Group
DEEC - Departamento de Engenharia Electrotecnica e de Computadores / Department of
Electronic and Computers Engineering
FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto / Faculty of Engineering,
University of Porto
ISR-P - Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica - Porto / Robotics and Systems Institute - Porto
Address: Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Tel.: + 351 22 508 1539
Fax.: + 351 22 508 1443
Email: flp@fe.up.pt
Homepage: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~flp/
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Carelli (Argentina)
Profesor Titular / Full Professor
Director del Instituto de Automatica (INAUT) / Head director of the Institute of Automatics
Departamento de Electrónica / Electronic Department
Facultad de Ingeniería / Faculty of Engineering
Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina / National University of San Juan, Argentina
Address: Av. Libertador General San Martin 1109 Oeste, 5400 San Juan, Argentina
Tel.: +54 264 4213303
Fax.: +54 264 4213672
Email: rcarelli@inaut.unsj.edu.ar
Homepage: http://www.inaut.unsj.edu.ar/person.asp?rcarelli
Prof. Dr. Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho (Brazil)
Professor Associado / Associated Professor
Centro Tecnologico II / Technological Center II
Departamento de Engenharia Eletrica / Electric Engineering Department
UFES - Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brazil / Federal University of Espirito
Santo, Brazil
Address: Av. Fernando Ferrari 514, Goiabeiras,
29075-910 - Vitoria, ES - Brasil
Tel.: +55 27 40092077
Fax.: +55 27 33352737
Email: teodiano@ele.ufes.br, teodiano@gmail.com
Homepage: http://www2.ele.ufes.br/~tfbastos/
Dr. Mg. Eng. Fernando A. Auat