Employees Lend Seniors a Helping Hand NEW! Take Our Online

Natural Gas Pipeline
December 2014 | nmgco.com
NEW! Take Our Online Home Energy Audit
Have you ever wanted to learn more about
how your home uses energy — and ways
you can save energy and $$$ based on the
characteristics of your home? We have a
new, online tool that can help you discover
your savings potential.
The Home Energy Analyzer — available on our
home page at nmgco.com — uses your answers
to a quick and easy survey to create a home
energy profile and a customized action plan to
help you use energy more efficiently.
The survey takes about five
minutes. In return, you’ll
get an energy ranking,
a savings estimate and
upgrade recommendations.
You’ll also have the option
to save your results so
that you can come back to
them at any time.
Don’t delay — take the survey today and
get started on the path to energy savings!
Follow Us On Facebook and Twitter
If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, we’d like to connect with you!
New Mexico Gas Company is using Facebook and Twitter to
share energy saving tips and find out what customers are doing
to save money and use energy more wisely. We are also online
to answer your questions about customer service, the cost of gas,
safety, reliability and other important issues.
Want to be part of the discussion? Come join us!
Employees Lend Seniors a Helping Hand
Recently, 46 New Mexico Gas Company employees and their friends and families volunteered their
time and energy for our annual Winterization Day. The result? Twenty-two seniors in Albuquerque have
their homes winterized and ready for winter. We’re committed to the communities we serve!
Safety First: Pipeline Markers
New Mexico Gas Company owns and operates
an extensive network of natural gas transmission
and distribution pipelines which deliver natural gas
to customers throughout the state.
Transmission pipelines are in pipeline right of ways
and are identified by pipeline markers. Pipeline
markers are placed as close as practical over the
buried pipeline but may not always be directly
over the line. Markers identify the product carried
in the pipeline, such as natural gas, the name of
the pipeline operator, a 24-hour emergency contact
number, and 811, the one-call center number.
Distribution pipelines are found in our streets,
alleyways, and on residential and business
properties. These distribution pipelines are typically
not identified by pipeline
markers. Therefore, if you
plan to excavate in your
property, please call 811
and we will come and locate
our distribution lines for
you up to the meter. To learn
more about the location
of distribution pipelines in
your property, contact New
Mexico 811 by calling 811.
The Cost of Gas
We do not make a
profit on the natural
gas we purchase on
behalf of our customers.
New Mexico Gas Company
posee y opera una red
extensiva de gasoductos de
transmisión y distribución de
gas natural que le entregan
gas natural a los clientes en todo el Estado.
Gasoductos de transmisión están localizados
en derechos de paso de gasoductos y están
identificados con marcadores de tubería.
Marcadores de tuberías están colocados tan cerca
como posible sobre la tubería enterrada pero
no siempre estarán directamente arriba de la línea.
Marcadores identifican el producto transportado
en la tubería, así como gas natural, el nombre
del operador de la tubería, un número de contacto
de emergencia de 24 horas por día y 811, el
número del centro de una-llamada.
Gasoductos de distribución se encuentran en
nuestras calles, callejones y en propiedades
residenciales y comerciales. Estas tuberías de
distribución típicamente no están identificadas
con marcadores de tubería. Por lo tanto, si planea
excavar en su propiedad, por favor llame al 811
y nosotros vamos y localizamos nuestras líneas de
distribución hasta el medidor de gas por usted.
Para más información sobre la localización de las
tuberías de distribución en su propiedad, póngase
en contacto con New Mexico 811 llamando al 811.
As a regulated utility, New Mexico Gas Company does not make a profit on
the natural gas we purchase on behalf of our customers, but passes the cost
of natural gas from suppliers directly on to you. The cost of gas is a line item
on your bill. The final December cost of gas can be found on this month’s bill.
Last month’s cost of gas was $0.4502, and last December’s cost of gas was
$0.4143. The estimated average home gas use for December is 99 therms,
and the estimated average residential gas bill for December is $93.
Para información en español llámenos al 888-NM-GAS-CO
(888-664-2726) o visite nuestro sitio en línea www.nmgco.com.
Customer Service E-mail: customerservice@nmgco.com
Customer Service: 505-697-3335 (Albuquerque Metro)
or toll free: 888-NM-GAS-CO (888-664-2726)
Call Center hours: 7:30 am – 6 pm weekdays
Gas Leaks/Emergencies 24/7:
888-NM-GAS-CO (888-664-2726)
Web site: www.nmgco.com
New Mexico 811:
Call 811 before you dig
Correspondence Address:
New Mexico Gas Company
PO Box 97500
Albuquerque, NM
Payment Address:
New Mexico Gas Company
PO Box 173341
Denver, CO 80217-3341
For a list of our
Business Offices and
walk-in locations, please
visit www.nmgco.com.