UNIVER SIDAD DE CONCEPCIÓN DEPARTAMENTO DE CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA 10° CONGRESO GEOLÓGICO CHILENO 2003 OPENING AND CLOSURE OF AN ISLAND ARC-BACK ARC SYSTEM IN THE EARLY PALAEOZOIC AT THE GONDWANA MARGIN: FAMATINIAN SYSTEM AND LAS TERMAS BELT, NW ARGENTINA MILLER, H., HÖCKENREINER, M. & SÖLLNER, F. Department für Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften der LMU, München, Sektion Geologie, Luisenstr. 37, D-80333 München; e-mail: hubert.miller@iaag.geo.uni-muenchen.de INTRODUCTION In the area between 66°- 68° W and 27°-30° S in southern South America, two geological units have been identified by Aceñolaza & Toselli (1976): the Pampean System in the eastern, and the Famatinian System in the western part (Fig. 1). Geomorphologically the Sierra de Famatina cannot be distinguished from other Pampean Ranges, - range means sierra, rising from the pampa, but its geological development was quite different from that of the “Eastern Pampean Ranges”. In the following, we therefore use the terms Famatinian and Pampean systems to describe the different geological history. North of Tinogasta, squeezed between these two units, a third but lithologically independent series could be separated recently, the so called Las Termas belt (Söllner et al. 2001). The aim of this paper is to focus on the significance of the Las Termas belt, its boundaries to the adjacent units to the east and west and its geochronological history, mostly affected by attendant huge ductile shear zones. THE PAMPEAN SYSTEM (EASTERN PAMPEAN RANGES) The regional extent of the Pampean system can be traced from the Argentine/Bolivian border (22° S) to the Sierras de Córdoba and San Luis (33°S) at least, but may be developed as well, in Patagonia and the Transantarctic Mountains (Aceñolaza & Miller, 1982, Söllner et al., 2000a). Traditionally, the Eastern Pampean Ranges have been separated from the apparently “exotic” terranes of the Precordillera and the Famatinian System to the west. Moreover, the Precordillera and the westernmost parts of the Andean basement of Argentina have been merged to the apparently exotic terrane “Cuyania”. However, we focus here on the more uniform eastern part of the Pampean system. The Pampean system is mainly composed of meta-sedimentary rocks with low to high grade metamorphic overprint. Within very low grade metamorphic rocks a Vendian to Early Cambrian age has been proved by trace fossils (Durand & Aceñolaza, 1990). This period of sedimentation has been supported by age determinations on a syn-sedimentary metavolcanic rock (529 ± 12 Ma, U-Pb on zircons; Söllner et al., 2000b). Locally, high grade metamorphic rocks are suggested to be older than Vendian, which argues for a start of the sedimentation in Precambrian times, at least in some parts. Todas las contribuciones fueron proporcionados directamente por los autores y su contenido es de su exclusiva responsabilidad. Calalaste Re al Laguna Blanca Ch ang o Buenos Aires Bariloche Rivadavia Capillitas Belen Las Termas belt Ushuaia Zapata Caschuil Tinogasta 28°S Catamarca La Rioja La sC Fiambalá e zon Las Planchadas r shea TIPA 27°S Tucumán ue va s Papachacra Quilmes TUCUMÁN Pampean system Vinquis CATAMARCA 29°S Toro Negro Ambato Aimogasta ti cas Cerro Toro Famatina TI PA Velasco Mazán sh ea r zo ne CA T LA AM R ARC IO JA A Shear zone Basic and ultrabasic rocks post-tectonic granite Sierra Brava 50km 68°W Albigasta La Rioja Sañogasta 0 Catamarca Paimán Ñuñorco 30°S El Alto An Famatinian system La Pampa Copacabana 67°W 66°W pre-tectonic meta-granitoid (Famatinian system) metasediments of the Las Termas belt metamorphic basement (Pampean system) Fig.1. Geographical and geological overview of the area considered in detail. The most widespread lithology forms sandstone/claystone series and their metamorphic equivalents, but sporadically completed by marbles and meta-volcanics. The provenance of the sediments has been determined as recycled components from orogens, prevalently from the cratonic area to the north-east. They were transported and deposited mostly by turbidity currents. Folding is manifold, from a simple singural deformation up to three or four stages of refolding (Willner, 1990). Sedimentation of the basement rocks ended before the Mid Cambrian. Again, local post-metamorphic sedimentation started not until Late Carboniferous. Granitoid rocks, intruding the metasediments, are widespread. The intrusion ages show three main phases of magmatic activity in Mid Cambrian, Late Ordovician and Carboniferous. The first two phases can be correlated with the tectono-metamorphic events of the Pampean and Famatinian orogenies. THE FAMATINIAN SYSTEM The Famatinian system stretches across about 300 km (Fig. 2) and forms various mountain ranges, with the Famatina Range as the typical, the most important and the highest one. Its lithology contrasts with that of the Eastern Pampean Ranges. Sedimentation started in Vendian as well with sediments, comparable to that of the Eastern Pampean Ranges. Andesites Fig. 3. Generalised sketch of sedimentation and volcanism of the Vuelta de Las Tolas member (Suri Formation, Arenigian), a typical situation of rock forming during the Ordovician in the Famatinian system (taken from Mangano & Buatois, 1996). Legend Mylonites Granitoids Sedimentary and volcanic rocks Fig. 2. The distribution of granitoids as well as of sedimentary and volcanic rocks within the Famatina Range (Famatinian system) is taken from Clemens and Miller (1996). In contrast to the Pampean system, in the Famatinian system sedimentation continued after a hiatus in the Cambrian, again in the Early and Mid Ordovician (Fig. 3; Mangano & Buatois, 1996). During this time, fossiliferous sediments of craton interior and recycled orogene type were deposited, similar to those of the northern Puna and the Eastern Cordillera regions (Fig. 4; Clemens & Miller, 1996). Volcanic rocks are frequent. Granitoids are widespread in the Famatinian system but obviously limited to the Ordovician. The Ordovician magmatism in the Famatina Range is of calc-alcaline composition (Fig. 5; Mannheim & Miller, 1996), and thus can be related to a subduction zone (Toselli et al., 1996). The Sr-initial ratio of the magmatites of about 0.708 (Mannheim & Miller, 1996) and their deposition upon pre-existing metasedimentary rocks allocate for the Famatinian arc to have developed on continental crust, described in detail by Rapela (2000). This arc may have been separated from the Gondwana continent (“Pampia terrane”) by spreading in Late Cambrian and thus, took its own development, independent from that of the Eastern Pampean Ranges. Q SiO2 %weight Rhyolite 75 Craton Interior 70 Dacite 65 Transitional Continental Trachyte 60 Recycled Orogenic Andesite 55 Phonolite Dissected Arc 50 Basement Uplift 45 Transitional Arc Alcaline Basalt Subalcaline Basalt Undissected Arc F L Fig. 4. Provenance of sediments of the Famatina Range (all observed localities and ages). All samples fit in the marked field, representing homogeneous continental provenance sites (taken from Clemens and Miller, 1996). Q = quartzose grains, F = feldspar grains, L = lithic fragments. 40 Zr/TiO2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Fig. 5. Subalcaline, bi-modal characteristics of the volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the Famatina Range. Circles: Syn-sedimentary volcanic rocks of the Lower and Mid Ordovician. Crosses: dykes. Drawing taken from Mannheim & Miller (1996). LAS TERMAS BELT If there is an island arc, a back-arc basin should also be present. As a result, the manifold gneiss and calc-silicate rock series (Fig. 6) around the thermal springs of Fiambalá north of Tinogasta (Fig. 1) were supposed to be non-subducted remains of such a back-arc basin (Mannheim & Miller, 1996; Neugebauer & Miller, 1996), formed between the Pampean hinterland and a separated span. The unit which developed during back-arc spreading is now called Las Termas belt (Söllner et al., 2001). The rock types forming this belt are of medium- to high-grade metamorphic overprint indicated by sillimanite-garnet-biotite gneisses, migmatites and banded calc-silicate rocks. These metasediments were intruded by numerous basic dykes, boudined to several bodies aligned in the lineation. The most prominent and largest is the Fiambalá meta-gabbronorite (FMGN), Late Cambrian in age. The lithology characterises the series best as a small and discontinuous back-arc basin, which opened in Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician and closed contemporaneous with the cessation of sedimentation and volcanism in the adjacent Famatinian arc. Therefore, we consider the Las Termas belt as part of the Famatinian system. Furthermore, the Las Termas belt is characterised by a huge amount of meta-granitoids of crustal origin, which intruded the series in Late Ordovican. Igneous activity was followed by ductile shear deformation in long lasting, wide mylonite zones. Again in Carboniferous, this area of crustal weakness has been the location of granite intrusions. Fig. 6. Sketch of the manifold deformation in the Las Termas belt (not to scale, taken from Neugebauer & Miller, 1996). THE DUCTILE SHEAR ZONES OF THE LAS TERMAS BELT In consequence of the special evolution in the Las Termas belt (back-arc spreading, crustal thinning, huge magmatic activity) crustal weakness resulted in the development of important shear zones. Several, subparallel ductile mylonite zones, striking NNW - SSE can be traced in the Sierras de Fiambala, Copacabana and Velasco (Fig. 1). Our investigations concentrated on the TIPA (Tinogasta-Pituil-Antinaco) shear zone, the most prominent. Investigations were carried out to date movements along the shear zone as well as to examine the geochronological framework (formation of the protolith, cooling history). Movements have been proceeded mainly by WSW directed reverse faults with a dextral transcurrent component. Thus, the north-eastern block (Eastern Pampean Ranges) was thrust over the Las Termas belt and the Famatinian system. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY ALONG THE TIPA SHEAR ZONE Several isotopic systems were applied to clarify the geological history of the TIPA shear zone and the rocks adjacent to it (see Fig. 7 and Höckenreiner et al., 2003). The metasedimentary frame, intruded by the granitoids, only preserved in slices yields a Nd 1-stage model age of about 2.5 Ga, pointing to an early Proterozoic provenance age of the detrital input. Nd 2-stage model ages and U-Pb upper intercept ages on zircons from the meta-granitoids themselves, as well as of the mylonites yield ages of about 1.6 Ga and 1.8 Ga, respectively. On the one hand, these ages may indicate variable mixtures of Proterozoic components forming the actual crust. On the other hand, as U-Pb upper discordia intercept ages may refer to inherited zircons derived from uniform molten crustal components, the deviating age of about 1.3 Ga may reflect a real Grenville provenance age. Sedimentation and volcanism started in the Sierra de Famatina (magmatic arc) in the late Cambrian or in the early Ordovician, after a Cambrian hiatus. Simultaneously the back-arc basin of the Las Termas belt opened, documented by the intrusion of basic and ultrabasic rocks (510 to 515 Ma, Grissom et al. 1999). Unequivocal data result from meta-granitoid formation at 467 ± 4 Ma and 488 ± 4 Ma (zircon U-Pb lower intercept and concordant ages), the precursor rocks of the mylonites. These granitoid intrusions, definitely of crustal origin (mean of Sr-initial ratios: 0.7125) are prevalently related to the Las Termas belt, an area of pronounced weakness and thinning, and the series adjacent to the east. This distribution of magmatites suggests block movements and a thermal separation in the evolution (downward shift of the Las Termas belt). The culmination of movements along wide (up to 2 km) and long shear zones (more than 200 km) has been dated by syntectonically grown garnet at 402 ± 2 Ma (Sm-Nd, Fig. 8; Höckenreiner et al., 2003). The present outcrop level reflects a crystallisation temperature of 587 ± 50 °C. We correlate this fundamental deformation with the final collision between the Famatinian magmatic arc and the Pampean hinterland. Time not to scale 300 Ma --- 350 Ma --- Age Method Rb - Sr on biotite (mean value) 300 ± 4 Ma uplift and regional cooling below 300°C U - Pb on apatite (rehomogenisation and new crystallisation age) 328 ± 3 Ma 342 ± 2 Ma regional reheating accompanied by granite intrusions T ~ 350-550(?)°C 355 ± 1 Ma 357 ± 8 Ma Ar - Ar on muscovite 360 - 370 Ma 392 ± 9 Ma 402 ± 2 Ma TIPA shear zone and western Las Termas belt 2500 Ma --- U - Pb on zircon lower intersept and/or concordant age U - Pb on zircon upper intercept ages uplift and regional cooling below 300-350°C uplift and regional cooling below 350-400°C uplift and regional cooling below ~500°C 400 Ma --- Rb - Sr on muscovite 1) 2) Shear zone Sm - Nd on garnet (crystallisation age) 2) 390 ± 10 Ma Rb - Sr on muscovite and apatite 1500 Ma --- 1) Ar - Ar on biotite Rb - Sr on biotite Rb - Sr on muscovite (mean value) 500 Ma --- Interpretation mylonitisation in metasediments T ~ 530 - 500 °C mylonitisation and influx of melts and fluids in granitoids of the TIPA shear zone T = 587 ± 50 °C eastern Las Termas belt and Eastern Pampean Ranges 425 ± 17 Ma 2) uplift and regional cooling below ~500°C 467 ± 4 Ma 488 ± 4 Ma Intrusion of granitoids 1268 ± 46 Ma real Grenville crustal component (?) or see below 1828 ± 119 Ma Nd 2-stage model ages granitoids, mylonites 1,59 - 1,64 Ga Nd 1-stage model age metasediment about 2,5 Ga variable mixture of early and late Proterozoic components prevalently early Proterozoic crustal detrital components Fig. 7. Time table, representing age data of tectono-thermal events from the transition zone of the Famatinian and Pampean systems (Las Termas belt). All data, except those marked by 1) and 2) are from Höckenreiner et al. (2003); 1) data from Grissom et al. (1999); 2) data from Söllner et al. (2001). Nd 2-stage model ages of granitoids and mylonites indicate very homogeneous average crustal residence ages of 1.59 – 1.64 Ga (T2 = 470 Ma in 0.523 Garnet isochron 0.521 143 + Age = 402 ± 2 Ma Nd/144Nd initial = 0.511857 ± 0.000015 MSWD = 1.03 PUN1 0.517 0.5126 0.515 0.5124 PUN1 Whole rock samples 143 Nd/144Nd 0.519 + ga PUN6 KAP + PUN4 0.5120 0.10 0.511 0 1 0.14 2 147 ro ch n PUN4 KAP PUN6 HUE1 FLO2 0.5122 0.513 e rn o t is 0.18 3 0.22 0.26 0.30 4 144 Sm/ Nd Fig. 8. Garnet of four samples from mylonites of the TIPA shear zone yield a Sm-Nd isochron age of 402 ± 2 Ma. This age clearly demonstrates shearing in Early Devonian. Deformation is correlated with the final closure of the back-arc basin opened in the Ordovician between the Famatinian magmatic arc and the Pampia terrane (Eastern Pampian Ranges). Mineral age determinations indicate, that post-tectonic uplift and regional cooling developed separately in blocks east and west of the TIPA shear zone (Fig. 7). A rapid regional cooling is documented in the rocks east of the TIPA shear zone and within those of the Pampean system (eastern block) such, that the present outcrop level has passed the 500°C- and 300°C-isogrades at about 392 Ma and about 355 Ma, respectively. In contrast, the TIPA shear zone and the area west of it remained in deeper crustal level. This is documented by U-Pb apatite recrystallisation in metamorphic rocks at 342 ± 2 Ma and 328 ± 3 Ma and by numerous Carboniferous granites intruding the block at about 335 Ma (Grissom et al., 1999). The western block passed the 300°Cisograde not until 300 ± 4 Ma (Late Carboniferous; Fig. 7). Block-wise uplift and cooling history coincide with block movements along the shear zones. In consequence of these movements, the eastern Las Termas block and the Pampean series were thrust over the Famatinian arc series (Fig. 9). CONCLUSIONS The crust whereon the Famatinian system developed, including the Las Termas belt, is composed of Proterozoic detritus and prevalently of continental origin. The formation of the Famatinian magmatic arc and the Las Termas back-arc basin are short events during the continuous subduction of the Pacific crust below the Pampia terrane (Fig. 9). The Famatinian tectonothermal event ceased with the closure of the back-arc basin and the back docking of the Famatinian system to the Pampia terrane, and can easily be understood as a local phenomenon. The collision of an exotic terrane, such as Chilenia, is not a requirement to explain the deformation features. Erosion level Litho sphe ric m antle Lithosph eric man As the nos ph eric tle ma nt le b Early Famatinian orogeny ca. 495 - 460 Ma Famatinian granitoids and volcanics Famatinian accretionary wedge Lith osp he ri c As the a no sph eric Pampean granites Las Termas belt Ast he n ma ntle osp he ric Puncoviscana formation Lithospheric mantle ma n tl e ma ntle Post-Devonian sedimentary cover Post-tectonic granite (Carboniferous) Syn-tectonic granitoids (Pampean age) Meta-volcanics of the Famatinian sytem Pre-tectonic meta-granitoid (Famatinian system) Puncoviscana metasediments (Pampean system) Metasediments of the Famatinian system Basic to ultrabasic rocks of the Las Termas belt Metamorphic basement (Pampean system) Fig. 9. Schematic model of the orogenic evolution of the Pampean and Famatinian system in a cross section north of Tinogasta (not to scale) for Ordovician (a) and Early Devonian to Carboniferous times (b), taken from Höckenreiner et al. (2003). Back-arc spreading leads to formation of the Las Termas belt sediment series on continental crust (a), accompanied by intrusion of basic rocks and crust-derived granitoids. Compression of the orogenic belt led to backthrust of the Pampean series over the Famatinian system (b). The Las Termas belt was squeezed between these two units. In consequence, ductile shear zones developed, with the TIPA shear zone as the most prominent. The influx of melt/fluid during deformation led to syn-kinematic garnet growth in mylonites at 402 ± 2 Ma. REFERENCES Aceñolaza, F.G. y Miller, H. 1982. Early Palaeozoic orogeny in southern South America. Precambrian Research. Vol. 17. p. 133-146. Aceñolaza, F.G. y Toselli, A.J. 1976. Consideraciones estratigráficas y tectónicas sobre el Paleozoico inferior del Noroeste Argentino.- Mem. II. Congr. Latinoamer. Geol. 1973. Vol. 2. p. 755-764. Clemens, K. y Miller, H. 1996. 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