Our Lady of the Desert Catholic Church 18386 Corwin Rd., Apple Valley, CA 92307 Office Hours: 8:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday; Fridays 8:30am - 2:30pm 760 242-4427 FAX: 760 242-1195 Website: oldccav.org 3rd Sunday of Easter - April 10, 2016 Parish Administrator: Rev. Delwyn G. Haroldson, C.R. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Eliseus Uju In Residence: Rev. Henry Ruszel, C.R. Catechetical Formation: Susan Janowicz (ext. 18) e-mail: susan.j@oldccav.org Elementary Formation: Irma Muñoz (ext. 20) e-mail: irma.m@oldccav.org Youth Ministry/Confirmation: Shari Hartz (ext. 19) e-mail: shari.h@oldccav.org Religious Ed. Secretary: Yolanda Serrato (ext. 21) e-mail: yolanda.s@oldccav.org RCIA: Roberta Leruth (ext. 14) or 760 946-0915 e-mail: roberta.p@oldccav.org Mass Schedule Saturdays: Confessions 2:30pm Vigil Mass 4:00pm Sundays: 7:30am Mass 9:30am Mass (Deaf Interpreter) 11:30am Spanish Mass 5:00pm Youth Mass Weekday Masses: 7:30am, Monday - Saturday Religious Education Office: 760 242-5819 Hours: 9:30am-4:30pm Monday - Thursday Closed on Fridays Director of Bereavement Services & Events Coordinator: Robin Mutschler e-mail: r.mutschler@yahoo.com Office Manager: Imelda Salgado (ext. 10) e-mail: imelda.s@oldccav.org Receptionist: Pam Herman (ext. 11) e-mail: pamela.h@oldccav.org Receptionist: Patty Magaña (ext. 17) e-mail: patricia.m@oldccav.org Head of Maintenance: Jeremiah Blackford Maintenance: Fernando Silva Diocese of San Bernardino 909 475-5300 website: www.sbdiocese.org For emergency anointing ONLY, call 760 242-4427 and leave information on ext. 5. Emergencia de unción de los enfermos SOLAMENTE llame 760 242-4427 y deje información en ext. 5. From Fr. Delwyn Haroldson, C.R. The first time Peter was in front of a charcoal fire, Jesus was arrested and peter denied Jesus three times (Jn 18:17-18; 25-27). Now, the second time Peter is in front of a charcoal fire, Jesus asks him, Do you love me? Three times (Jn. 21:9, 1517). The third time Peter, with tears in his eyes says “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” It is true, God knows everything about us. But before Peter even answered Jesus, he realized something. Jesus believed in his love. Jesus believed in his love even before he asked the first question. But there was something different now. It came to him. Now Jesus needed Peter’s love. Now after Peter had denied Jesus three times; now after Peter had experienced Jesus’ suffering and death, he understood: Jesus needed Peter’s love. And Jesus needs our love too. Maybe when we sin against Jesus, Jesus still believes in our love. Jesus knows everything about us, so surely he knows that even when we sin, we still love him. Maybe when we sin, before we even have a chance to go to confession, we should repent like Peter. We should tell God we are sorry, truly sorry, and we should ask God for mercy and to be forgiven. Then the first chance we get, we should go to confession. In confession we will be certain to receive absolution and penance. It’s almost like Jesus is giving Peter a form of penance. Jesus said: “Feed my lambs.” “Tend my sheep.” “Feed my sheep.” This was Peter’s new mission in life: to love Jesus by responding to Jesus’ thirst for his love by tending, feeding and caring for his sheep. It was almost like Jesus was saying, “you may offend me a thousand times, but keep loving me by loving others.” “Never deprive me of your love.” Our Church teaches us that with these words “feed my sheep” repeated three times, Jesus commissioned Peter as shepherd of his flock, the Church. The word feed means to teach and promote the spiritual welfare of the members of the Church. The word tend means to govern or rule the members of the Church. And there are two sides to every coin. By commanding Peter to govern his sheep, Jesus implies that we, his sheep, must submit to and obey our universal shepherd. Then Jesus tells Peter to “follow me.” In this, Jesus is telling us to follow him. Let us pray. Jesus you told us how to do it: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Lk. 9:23). This is how I too will feed your sheep. I will feed the sheep of the world by my daily crucifixion. This way I will share in your sacrifice (CCC 618). Your apostle Peter said it himself. He said the way you suffered for me is my example. This is how I should suffer for others (1 Pet. 2:21). Jesus, give me the grace to set aside my own needs and live to help others. And even if I fall and sin against you a thousand times, give me the ability to keep loving you by loving others. Give me the grace to do this and become your glory (1 Pet 4:12-13). Give me the grace to do this so I too will become a shepherd and martyr who lays down his life for your sheep. 2 La primera vez que Pedro estaba en frente de un fuego de carbón, Jesús fue arrestado y Pedro lo negó a Jesús tres veces (Jn. 18:17-18; 25-27). Ahora, la segunda vez que Pedro está en frente de un fuego de carbón, Jesús le pregunta: ¿Me amas? tres veces. (Jn. 21:9, 15-17). La tercera vez, Pedro, con lágrimas en los ojos dijo: "Señor, tú lo sabes todo, tu sabes que te quiero." Es verdad, Dios sabe todo de nosotros. Pero antes de que Pedro pudiera contestar, se dio cuenta de algo. Jesús ya creía en su amor. Jesús creía en el amor, hasta antes de que él hizo la primera pregunta. Pero esta vez fue diferente. Se le ocurrió. Ahora Jesús necesitaba el amor de Pedro. Ahora, después de que Pedro había negado a Jesús tres veces, y ahora después de que Pedro había experimentado el sufrimiento y muerte de Jesús, lo entendió: Jesús necesitaba el amor de Pedro. Y Jesús necesita nuestro amor también. Tal vez cuando pecamos contra Jesús, Jesús sigue creyendo en nuestro amor también. Jesús sabe todo de nosotros, entonces ha de saber que cuando pecamos seguimos amándolo. Tal vez cuando pecamos, antes que tengamos la oportunidad de ir a la confesión, debemos arrepentirnos como Pedro. Debemos decirle a Dios que nos arrepentimos, y deberas lo sentimos, y debemos pedirle a Dios por su misericordia y perdón. Entonces en la primera oportunidad que tenemos, debemos ir a confesión. La confesión nos da la seguridad de recibir la absolución y la penitencia. Es casi como si Jesús está dándole a Pedro una forma de penitencia. Jesús dijo: "Apacienta mis corderos," "Cuida mis ovejas," "Apacienta mis ovejas." Esta fue la nueva misión de Pedro en la vida: Amar a Jesús en cuidando, alimentando, y apacentando a sus ovejas . Fue casi como si Jesús dijo, "me puedes ofender mil veces, pero sigue amándome en amar a los demás." "Nunca me privan de su amor." Nuestra Iglesia nos enseña que con estas palabras "apacienta mis ovejas", repetidas tres veces, Jesús lo comisiono a Pedro como pastor de su rebaño, la Iglesia. La palabra “alimenta” quiere decir enseña y apoya el bienestar espiritual de los miembros de la Iglesia. La palabra “tiende” quiere decir gobierna y manda los miembros de la iglesia. Y cada moneda tiene dos lados. Si a Pedro lo mandaron a gobernar las ovejas, entonces nosotros, las ovejas tenemos que obedecer a nuestro pastor universal. Entonces Jesús predice cómo Peter va glorificar a Dios en su muerte: "abrirás los brazos y otro te amarrara la cintura y te llevara a donde no quieras.” Se dice que en la Historia de la Iglesia, Eusebio escribió que Pedro fue crucificado cabeza abajo. Él lo pidió así porque no sentía que era bastante digno para morir de la misma manera como lo hizo Jesús. Entonces Jesús le dice a Pedro: “sígueme." Con esto, Jesús nos dice a nosotros que lo sigamos. Oremos. Jesús tu nos dijiste cómo hacerlo: "Si alguno quiere seguirme, que se niegue a si mismo, que cargue con su cruz de cada dia y que me siga” (Lucas 9:23). Así es como yo también voy a dar de comer a tus ovejas. Voy a dar de comer a las ovejas del mundo por mi crucifixión diaria. Así que voy a compartir en tu sacrificio (CCC 618). Tu apóstol Pedro lo dijo él mismo. Dijo que la manera en que sufriste por mí, es mi ejemplo. Así es como yo debo sufrir por los demás (1 Ped. 2:21). Jesús, dame la gracia de dejar al lado mis necesidades y vivir para ayudar a otros. Y hasta si me caigo y peco contra ti mil veces, dame capacidad de seguir amándote en amar a los demás. Dame la gracia para hacer esto y convertirme en tu gloria (1 Pedro 4:12-13). Dame la gracia para hacer esto, para que yo también me convierta en un pastor y mártir que da su vida por tus ovejas. THANK YOU Our community changed lives this Lent, and CRS Rice Bowl wants to say THANK YOU!! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl. ¡GRACIAS! Nuestra comunidad cambió vidas esta Cuaresma, y Plato de Arroz de CRS quiere decir ¡¡Gracias!! No olvide entregar su Plato de Arroz de CRS. The Knights of Columbus are selling Applebee's Breakfast Tickets for Saturday April 23rd. The breakfast will be held from 8am through 10am at Applebee's on the corner of Apple Valley and Bear Valley Rds. Breakfast includes scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, toast, juice and coffee. Proceeds from the breakfast will be used to support Knights of Columbus charities in the High Desert such as the Boy Scouts, Funeral Ministry, Coats for Kids, Special Olympics and Net Ministries as well as others. Knights will be in the lobby after Mass selling tickets. Thank you for your support! BUY SCRIP! Gift Cards for Gifts! By purchasing Scrip through the Church, the Church receives 1% to 9% from your purchases. Stop by the Scrip Table after Mass! ¡SCRIP PARA REGALOS! Son tarjetas para comprar o regalar. La Iglesia recibe 1% hasta 9% de sus compras. ¡Compre después de Misa para sus regalos! Albertson’s 4%Arco 1.5%Applebee’s 8% Carl’s Jr. 5%Chipotle 10% CVS Pharmacy 6% Del Taco 4%Denny’s 7% El Pollo Loco 6%Home Depot 4% Jack in the Box 4% KFC 8% Lowe’s Hardware 4% Olive Garden/Red Lob 9%Pizza Hut 9%Smart & Final 3% Starbucks 7% Stater Bros. 6% Subway 6% Target 2.5%Wal-Mart 2.5% - $25, $100 Gi Cards $50, $100 Gi Cards $25 Gi Cards $10 Gi Cards $10 Gi Cards $25 Gi Cards $10 Gi Cards $10 Gi Cards $10 Gi Cards $25 Gi Card $10 Gi Cards $5 Gi Cer ficates $25 Gi Card $25 Gi Cards $10 Gi Cards $25 Gi Cards $10, $25 Gi Cards $50, $100 Gi Cards $10 Gi Cards $25, $100 Gi Cards $25, $100 Gi Cards Note: Dates/Times are subject to change. Sisters of Agape Congregation Visit Weekend, 4/16-17 4 WE Pray! ¡Vamos a rezar! Michael DiPietro Pat & Judy Kennedy Nolan Rogers Carl & Kristina Strub Maxine Fierro Norma Garcia Hector Delgadillo Kavan King Daniel Delgadillo Claudia Castro Susan Dunagan Patricia Tarango Evelyn Watman Ramona Vasquez Martin Gonzales Jr. Gonzales Family Gomez Family George & Veronica Hernandez Rose Mary Newlon Alexander L. Allen Hightower Marlin Dwayne Bellah Nena Ortiz Alicia Peters May Family Juan Gomez Edward Carroll Otho Raye James Carroll Williams & Family Gloria Greear Kayla Johnston Tom Johnston Jr. Christopher Johnston Wendy Burns John Dobbs Jeff Dunagan Anthony & Eric Salgado Hans Smallwood Lori Axton Brzozowski Family Marlin Dwayne Bellah Ann Amberg Ita Holenbrook Mary Teachout John Wellch Joann Willis Maria Gomez & Family Phillip Steven McCafferty Caitlin McCafferty Dani & Joe McCafferty Lauren & Connor McCafferty Meagan & Matt McCafferty William J. McCafferty Anthony Zura Mass Intentions (Intenciones de las Misas) Sunday, April 10th, 7:30am Mass: Geraldine Franey † Herlinda Hernandez † Sunday, April 10th, 9:30am Mass: Joe & Larry Peters † Ian Meza (anniversary of baptism) Madeline Barreto (in thanksgiving) Domingo, 10 de abril, 11:30am Misa: Alexa Violet Cervantes Gamboa † Esmeralda Gamboa (intención especial) Anthony Cervantes (intención especial) Sunday, April 10th, 5:00pm Mass: Phillip & Michael Kories † Robert Grier † Tony Salas (healing) Monday, April 11th, 7:30am Mass: Rafael & Evelyn Hernandez (25th anniversary) Tuesday, April 12th, 7:30am Mass: Dr. Antonio Rabor † Wednesday, April 13th, 7:30am Mass: Dorothea Crews (special intention) Thursday, April 14th, 7:30am Mass: Geraldine Franey † Friday, April 15th, 7:30am Mass: Herlinda Hernandez † Saturday, April 16th, 7:30am Mass: Archie Hardy † Saturday, April 16th, 4:00pm Mass: Sera Cooper (anniversary of baptism) Gloria Lucero † Daniel Zura Rebecca Zura Sinatra Cornelius Cristal Lillehaug Richard Franco Joe Vega Nellie Alvarado Raymond & Maria Madrid Margie Perez Tom McDonnell, Jr. Tom McDonnell Sr. JoAnn Sweeney Richard Sweeney Fr. Ray Skonezny Connie Skonezny Nancy Rosen Todd Moen Mary Damiani Bernice Clothier R. Lewis Ben Tafoya Nancy Feilen Herminio Gonzalez Bernadette Hinshaw Mary Tankesly Elaine Hatch Angie Marie Cardillo Maria Navarro Jennie R. Casey Ligaya Sia Sia Family Wheatherly Family Wimer Family Brima Sanchez Tailer Tapia Claudette Kirk Tracy & Jeff Suzan Arment George Small Clodell Taber Clifford Rodgers Ilene Gilmore Miranda Salcedo Skip Lind Tabitha Hartlage Bob Taber Audrey Ceglinski Chet Hanna Michael May Jim Price Evelyn Bonaviso Arthur Moss Epriam Limpiado Evelyn Roach Our Food Pantry served 125 families and 376 people during the month of March. Your donations of canned fruit, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, personal hygiene items are still needed. Thank you for your support! 5 For more readings go to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops www.usccb.org LECTURAS DE HOY Primera Lectura — Hch 5:27-32, 40b-41 Segunda Lectura — Apocalipsis 5:11-14 Evangelio — Juan 21:1-19 [1-14] LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 6:8-15; Sal 119 (118):23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Martes: Hch 7:51 — 8:1a; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Miércoles: Hch 8:1b-8; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 4-7a;Jn 6:35-40 Jueves: Hch 8:26-40; Sal 66 (65):8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Viernes: Hch 9:1-20; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Sábado: Hch 9:31-42; Sal 116 (115):12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Domingo: Hch 13:14, 43-52; Sal 100 (99):1-3, 5; Ap 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 Second Reading — Revelation 5:11-14 Gospel — John 21:1-19 [1-14] READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Our Lady of the Desert is forming a Capital Campaign Committee. We are looking for parishioners willing to serve our community for a minimum of two years. If you are interested in serving our parish community in this capacity, please email Denise at dancingmama6@yahoo.com or call the office and leave your name and phone # by April 11th. Next Meeting Saturday, April 16th Court Our Lady of La Salette, #2499 Consider joining the fun & fellowship with your Sisters in Christ! Rosary: 9:30 a.m. Meeting: 10:00 a.m. This month we will be hosting a Tea Party after the meeting; Tea starts @ 1:00 p.m. We meet in the Hall of Our Lady of the Desert Church— Rm. 1 & 2 6 Our Mission - We, as members of Our Lady of the Desert Church, through the guidance of our Blessed Mother Mary, are a community of believers in Jesus Christ, from whom we have the mission of making His Gospel alive in our parish and in the world. By living out His Gospel, we help to shape a society with greater respect for human life, economic and environmental justice, cultural diversity, and global solidarity, so that we will build a church where everyone feels welcome and through it will find happiness and salvation. Nuestra Misión - Nosotros, como miembros de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Desierto, con la dirección de Nuestra Madre María, somos una comunidad de creencia en Jesús Cristo, que tenemos la misión de hacer su evangelio vivo en nuestra parroquia y en el mundo. Viviendo su evangelio, ayudamos a formar una sociedad con mayor respecto a la vida humana, a la economía y justicia al ambiente, diversidad cultural, y la solidaridad global, de modo que construyamos una iglesia donde todos se sientan bienvenidos con felicidad y salvación. Wedding/Marriage: Church Ministries (Ministerios de la Iglesia) Appointments will be Adora on: Fridays, 8am-7pm, Shirley Smock: 760 240-1554 scheduled for preparation. Recent Altar Servers: Tom Cook: 760 243-1427 baptismal certificate, Blue Army: 1st Sat., (office, rm 3) 8:30am, Stephanie Rowe:760 694-1894 first communion & Bible Reflec on: Wednesdays 10am, Jim Chambers: 760 242-8310 confirmation certificates Bible Reflec on: Thursdays at 7pm,office, rm 3, Jackie Ray:760 242-8519 will be needed. At least six months to a year notification. Boy Scouts: Wednesdays at 7pm, Joe Bertola: 760 242-2040 Boda/Matrimonio: Catholic Daughters: Gina Greear: 760 963-5571 Se harán reuniones para la Choir Directors: Jeane e Cox, Terry Constance, John Tonyan & Rafael Montañez preparación. Certificado reciente Charisma c Prayer: Tuesdays 7pm, Dennis Blackford: 760 247-9318 del bautismo, certificados de ESL (English as a Second Language): 10am on Tuesdays primera comunión y confirmación Eucharis c Ministers: Joe Allee:760 403-5183; serán necesarios. Notificación de Spanish: Maria E. Novahom:760 242-4505 seis meses a un año. Filipino Ministry: Elizabeth Mendoza: 760 508-9872 Infant Baptism: Food Pantry: Wednesdays & Thursdays from 9:00am to 11:30am Parents need to call Funeral Hospitality: Bea Stanley: 760 242-5793 for an appointment Giving Hands to the Needy: Antonia Gamez: 760 552-1158 with Yolanda Serrato Guadalupanos: Rafael Montañez : 760 221-6968 for children 6 yrs. old Grupo de Oración: Miércoles 7pm salón, Angel Dorantes: 760 887-7071 & under. A copy of Hearing Impaired: Sunday, 9:30am Mass, Linda Hardy: 760 964-1089 V/VRS the child’s birth Knights of Columbus: Bob Heckmann: 760 240-4549 certificate will be needed. Bautismo Infantil: Lectors: Chris Cook: 760 243-1427; Spanish: Maria Franco: 760 964-7639 Los padres necesitan de Life Teen-High School Students Sundays from 6:15-8:15 p.m. llamar para hacer una cita con Marriage Encounter: Robert & Denise Borruel: 951 520-7478 Yolanda Serrato para infantiles Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe: Ramiro & Mara Alvizures 760 684-0040 hasta los 6 años. Es necesario una Prayer Line: Mary Clavin 760 242-2754 copia de la acta de nacimiento. Prison Ministry: Cindy Dorcey: 760 900-4319 Quinceañera Ministry: Arcelia Diaz & Pahola Diaz 760 784-1840 Funeral Services: SCRIP Sales: A er weekend Masses or place order in office Call the office for information Servicios de Funeral: Senior Pot-luck Luncheons: 1st Wednesday of the month at Noon Llame la oficina por información. Sunday Scripture Study: Tuesdays 9am, office-, Peggy Perring-Mulligan . Ushers: Flo Donaldson: 760 887-1117 Parish Council Members Tracy Taber (President) email: tracytaber@gmail.com Bob Von Buelow (Vice-President) Virginia (Ginny) Tapia (Secretary) Frank Amico Larry Caldera Maria Conchita Franco Manny Hernandez Manny Joia Andrea Mendoza email: andeemay1@verizon.net Cliff Rodgers Meetings every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the office. Community Services Al-Anon: Saturdays at 11:00 am, office, room 3. Caritas Counseling: 909 388-1239; Catholic Charities: 760 2422311, ext. 8454, 16051 Kasota Rd., Suite 700, A.V. Second Time Around Thrift Store: 760 241-0700, 15527 8th St., Victorville The Lord’s Table: 760 2412043, St. Joan of Arc Church, 15512 6th St., Victorville (Hot meals 11am-12noon) Things to remember when visiting God’s House The Church is a sacred place. Always show respect. Dress appropriately and respec ully. Do not eat food, candy or chew gum in Church. Turn your cell phones off. Be a good listener and be kind to others. Please walk your children to the restrooms. Cosas de recordar cuando se visita la casa de Dios La Iglesia es un lugar sagrado. Mostrar siempre respeto. Ves r adecuadamente y con respeto. No comer comida o mas car chicle en la iglesia. Apague sus teléfonos celulares. Ser buen oyente y ser amables con otros. Por favor acompañe sus hijos a los baños.