congratulations to the students and staff of King’s College Alicante on another outstanding set of examination results this summer. GCE Advanced Level The 2014 A Level results achieved by the hard working pupils at King’s College, Alicante have once again been excellent with almost all of our students achieving a passing grade at A2 level and 51% of all grades achieved were at A* and A grade at A2 Level. Congratulations to all students who have recently received their examination results. We are pleased that the majority of Year 13 are going on to their first choice universities including several elite Russell Group universities in the UK and prestigious universities in Spain and Europe. Spanish Credential The Spanish Authorities have validated the results of those students who applied to Spanish universities and have given our students 100% pass. International GCSE % Pass Rate: 98.5 % Grade A*-B: 63.0 % Grade A*-A: 50.7 Pass rate: 100% A*- A: 50% A – C: 90.4% Our Year 11 pupils continued the high standards of previous cohorts and achieved excellent grades in their IGCSE examinations this summer. Over 90% of them were awarded A*-C grades with exactly half the grades awarded been the top A* or A grades. student destinations It is easy to forget that King’s College Alicante is a relatively young school. This adds greatly to the pleasure we all take in the success of all students who have chosen to continue their education at university Congratulations to the following students, to whom we wish every success in their continuing education, both in Spain and the U.K. Somos un colegio joven y nos sentimos orgullosos de contra con varias promociones de alumnus y alumnas en Universidades Españolas y del Reino Unido. Enhorabuena a todos los estudiantes a quienes deseamos much éxito en su future educación, tanto en España como en el Reino Unido. U.K. & Other Universities Universidades del Reino Unido y Otras National Universities Universidades Nacionales Administración de Empresas Carlos III Madrid DEUSTO IE University Universidad de Alicante Biología Universidad de Valencia Ciencias de la Actividad Física Universidad de Alicante Art & Design Leeds College of Art International Business Regent’s University Derecho Universidad Autónomo de Madrid Universidad de Alicante Biomedical Science Northampton University International Foundation Middlesex University Ingenieria Industrial ICAI Business & Management Birmingham City University Joint Honours Programme University of Newcastle Ingenieria Informática Universidad de Alicante Chemical Engineering University of Manchester Liberal Arts University College Roosevelt (NL) Cognitive Science University of Edinburgh Medicine University of Groningen (NL) Ingenieria Mecánica Universidad de Málaga Universidad Miguel Hernández Mechanical Engineering Queen Mary’s, London Technische Universitat Munchen Fashion Buying Manchester Met University Phyiscs University College London Psychology London Metropolitan University Medicina Universidad Católica de Valencia Relaciones Públicas y Publicidad Universidad de Alicante Turismo Universidad de Alicante