Programación AICLE TÍTULO NIVEL LINGUISTICO MCER IDIOMA AREA/MATERIA NÚCLEO TEMÁTICO GUIÓN TEMÁTICO Identificación del material AICLE Our Society A2 English Social Studies Our society, other cultures and countries. Respecting each other. Throughout this unit, our students we´ll learn- always on a communicative basis-, about other cultures, societies and specially, the importance of respecting them all. They will also learn about immigration and emigration, which is a very important topic nowadays, and some concepts such as natality or mortality. FORMATO PDF(rellenable)+ Audio Listenings. CORRESPONDEN 5th Grade CIA CURRICULAR AUTORÍA Francisco Javier Rodríguez Carvajal TEMPORALIZAC 8-10 lessons. Including final task. IÓN APROXIMADA COMPETENCIAS BÁSICAS o DISCPLINARES BÁSICAS 1. Comunicación lingüística. - Expresar de forma oral el significado de vivir en sociedad. - Saber cuáles son las lenguas oficiales de España y saber saludar en alguna de esas lenguas 2. Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología. - Interpretar datos de densidad de población para realizar comparaciones entre ciudades y comunidades autónomas de España. TRANSVERSALES 3. Competencia digital. -Realizar consultas guiadas por internet para obtener información sobre diferentes tradiciones de otras comunidades autónomas. 4. Aprender a aprender. - Buscar información en enciclopedias sobre la influencia de diversos factores (por ejemplo, el clima) en la forma de vida de una zona determinada, y redactar un breve informe. 5. Competencias sociales y cívicas. - Desarrollar actitudes para mantener una buena convivencia en una sociedad cada vez más diversa. 6. Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor. Tomar conciencia de la importancia que tiene adoptar y aplicar comportamientos tolerantes para que impere la buena convivencia dentro de un colectivo diverso. 7. Conciencia y expresiones culturales. - Apreciar la cultura del entorno y de otras zonas, como parte de una cultura común de España. OBJETIVOS 1. Distinguish Population classification by ages. 2. Get to know How people live in other countries. 3. Get to know and communicate emigration and inmigration concept. 4. Distinguish between rural and urban population. 5. Get to know the concept of cultural diversity and some examples. 6. Be able to communicate orally and use the Unit Vocabulary in English. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO/CICLO -Know the population of some provinces and countries. -Be able to differ between rural and urban populations. -Get to know the concepts of immigration and emmigration. -Get to know the reality of our society: Immigration and emigration. TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS CONTENIDOS LINGÜÍSTICOS CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN Our society - Analyse and find out Why people have to move to other countries. - Analyse and find out why many people have to leave their country and come to spain. - Analyse the differences between rural and urban populations. - Compare these differences between rural and urban populations. - Discover and respect other cultures. - Compare the population of different countries. - Interview an immigrant or emmigrant in order to get to know our reality. - All the tasks in this unit have an unique GOAL: COMMUNICATE IN L2. - Ask each other - Interwiew - Discover - Watch videos - Final task: Show the final product to our classmates. - Understand graphs. - Interaction. FUNCIONES ESTRUCTURAS LÉXICO -Expressing -There is/There are -Unit Vocabulary: Immigration, opinions. -To be -Interacting each -Have to emmigration, other. -Do/Did population, jobs, respect, countries, -Finding out: -Comparatives: Interviewing. Bigger than, smaller rural, urban, Spaniards, -Analizing graphs. than... -Make sentences. - I think, I´d move...etc. -Showing change... agreement or -Can you? disagreement. - Asking for information. -He/She´s able to comunícate orally the unit contents. -He/She understands that the society is changing and people is moving around. - He/She is able to differ between the concepts of immigratio and emmigration. - He/She is able to differ between the concepts of rural and urban population. -He/She is able to analyze graphs of population. -He/She is able to to work in group in order to carry out the final task. - He/She is able to to evaluate himself with the final task rubric. *More about evaluation on the rubric self evaluation sheet *