October 16, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral

St. James Catholic Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801
www.stjamesorlando.org Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009
October 16, 2016
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
Parochial Administrator:
Rev. Miguel Gonzalez
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Serge Pardo
Rev. Martin Nguyen
David Gray , Carlos Sola &
Patrick McAvoy
School Principal:
Dawn Helwig
My dear Cathedral family,
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for the kind words,
prayers and support as I begin my ministry at St. James. I am conscious of
the fact that as a community we are still grieving the physical loss of our
beloved Fr. John. I say physical, because we all know that he will always
remain in our hearts and minds. Stepping into this new role as
Administrator presents overwhelming challenges that I know I cannot do
First and foremost, I rely on Jesus Christ, the High Priest, who has called me to serve
and follow Him. Secondly, knowing fully well that I stand on the shoulders of Giants
who have led this community with such great love and dedication beginning with Fr.
Michael J. Fox, up to my dear brother and friend Fr. John McCormick. Thirdly, I rely on
Bishop John Noonan, Fr. Martin Nguyen and Fr. Serge Pardo, who have been so kind
and supportive through this transition. Lastly, I rely on you the committed staff and
parishioners of St. James Cathedral and School. Together we are called to come
together as members of Christ’s body by generously assisting one another as we make
Jesus known and loved in downtown Orlando.
I look forward to our journey together as we begin a new
chapter that honors the hard work of those who served
and worshiped before us on this sacred and holy ground.
Please place me before the Lord in your prayers! Take a
moment and visit the Lord who is always present in the
Tabernacle, and ask Him to bless the work we are engaged
to accomplish together, for the good of our community.
Together let us continue to celebrate the goodness of the
Lord! St. James, pray for us!
Fr. Miguel
FOMM presents an evening with
Gabriel Donahue
Saturday, October 22 at 7 PM
This talented, Irish born, multi-instrumentalist singer and
songwriter has toured with the Chieftains and recorded
with The Boston Pops. Tickets can be purchased on our
website or email stjamesfomm@gmail.com.
Journey Into Faith
Are you feeling called to Christ?
Are you in need of Baptism? To
get more information, call
Steve at 407-422-2005 ext. 123
or e-mail
Wednesday, October 19 is a
good time to turn off the voices
inside and outside our heads and
tune into what God wants to tell
us through Adoration! Please join
the Young Adults in the Chapel for an evening of
prayer, praise and worship. Rosary begins at 7 PM
followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Please remember in your
prayers our parishioners who
are ill, especially:
Lukas Kessler
Members of our local St.
James Council will be
available after Mass to
answer questions about the
Knights of Columbus this weekend. If you
want to find out more about the Knights
of Columbus, feel free to reach out to
George at gkgolson@kofc12402.org.
Next Sunday,
October 23, our
Knights of
Columbus will be
serving breakfast
following all morning Masses. Enjoy a
fabulous meal for just $5. Your generous
donations of baby food, diapers and baby clothes are
always appreciated for JMJ Life Center.
The Annual Collection
for Catholic Charities of
Central Florida will be
held on the weekend of
October 22 & 23. This
collection raises much
needed funds for Catholic Charities to respond to
the needs of the poor and vulnerable throughout
the nine counties of the Diocese of Orlando.
Your donation will help individuals and families in
crisis to obtain rent, food and emergency medical
care as we empower them to become selfsufficient. We thank you for giving generously.
St. James Cathedral School Spirit Night
at Orlando City Soccer
Sunday, October 23 at 4 PM
Tickets: $25 per person
All proceeds benefit St. James
School and Athletic Program
Contact: Lisa at
pacsportsclub@gmail.com for
ticket purchases.
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“…be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient…”
2 Timothy 4:2
It is not always convenient to be a good steward,
especially when all the temptations of our busy and
materialistic world get in the way. Now add our own
pride and ego into the equation, and living a
stewardship lifestyle may be downright
uncomfortable! Remember, God didn’t call us to
be comfortable. He called us to be faithful.
Stewardship October 8 & 9 $25,954.69
For your convenience, electronic fund transfers and credit
card giving is available at stjamesorlando.org.
Thank you for placing God first!
Saints On A Road
7th-12th grade students
Thursday, October 20 Join us in the
Parish Council Room from 6-8 PM
for dinner and scripture.
Thursday, October 27 Meet in the
Parish Council for dinner and
scripture from 6 -8 PM.
CANCELLED- We had to cancel our October
Dave & Busters breakfast, school is back in
session. Thanks, Hurricane Matthew!!
For upcoming events, follow us on Instagram
at sjcsoar or check us out at stjamesyouth.org.
Baptism classes for parents and
godparents are held at 6:30 PM on
the first Thursday of each month in
both Spanish and English. To
register or for more information,
contact Valeria at 407-422-2005 ext. 119 or email
A Celebration of Thanksgiving
The Harvest Ball of Bishop Grady Villas includes
a silent and live auction, entertainment, dancing
and a gourmet dining experience that is not to be
missed. The funds raised help support the mission
of Bishop Grady Villas; helping persons with
disabilities to use their God-given gifts to achieve
greater independence, physical and emotional
well-being and spiritual growth. Register online at
Monday, October 17
7:00 AM Hammond Taylor & Sara Anabel †
12:10 PM Father John McCormick †
Tuesday, October 18
7:00 AM Narciso & Tecla Lopez †
12:10 PM All Souls in Purgatory †
Wednesday, October 19
7:00 AM Stephen T. West †
12:10 PM Manuel Angel Rivera †
Thursday, October 20
7:00 AM Romeo Turla †
12:10 PM Valentina & Exequiel Turla †
Friday, October 21
7:00 AM Murray Osgood †
12:10 PM Cynthia Healy †
Saturday, October 22
8:00 AM Babies saved at 40 Days for Life Vigil
4:00 PM Joseph & Mary Bowman †
Sunday, October 23
7:30 AM Ricardo Lopera †
9:00 AM Stephen & Florence Bucki †
10:30 AM Nestor Martinez †
12:15 PM Gabriel Valencia †
5:00 PM Ricardo Lopera †
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
Carmelites belong to the Carmelite
Order, just like Franciscans belong to
the Franciscan Order in the Catholic
Church. What is an Order? It is not
an organization or “club”. It is a
group of men and women who form a
community often established by a
founder. They follow a Rule or prescribed way of life
sanctioned by the Holy See. They take vows or
promises, typically of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Each Order lives out its Christian witness in a slightly
different way. Some Orders include lay men and
women in varying roles. The Carmelites, founded by
laymen in the 12th century, include as FULL members
of the Order friars, cloistered and active religious, and
lay members who have made profession of promises
in the Order after several years of formation study.
Carmelite spirituality centers on developing a deep
intimacy with Jesus Christ through prayer and
contemplation. Daily practice includes Christian
Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours), Mass, Lectio Divina
(scripture reading), quiet prayer time, “active” ministry
(prayer lived out in the ministry/service to others in
everyday life). The Lay Carmelite Community at St.
James began in 1974 and has been present ever since.
For more information about the community or the
Carmelite Order, please contact Kathleen at 407-4217769 or email krville@cfl.rr.com. See
laycarmelitespcm.org or carmelstream.net for more
Mi querida familia de la Catedral,
Quisiera tomar esta oportunidad para agradecerles a todos por sus amables palabras, oraciones y apoyo al comenzar mi ministerio en St. James. Estoy consciente
del hecho de que como comunidad todavía estamos llorando la presencia física
de nuestro querido Padre John. Digo física porque todos sabemos que permanecerá en nuestra mente y corazón. Comenzar este nuevo rol como administrador
presenta desafíos abrumadores que sé que no puedo enfrentar solo.
Primero y ante todo, confío en Jesucristo, el Sacerdote Mayor, quien me ha llamado a servir y a seguirlo. Segundo, sé bien que me paro en los hombros de gigantes
que han liderado esta comunidad con tanto amor comenzando con el Padre Michael J. Fox y siguiendo con mi querido hermano y amigo el Padre John McCormick. Tercero, confío en el Obispo John Noonan, en el Padre Martin Nguyen y en el Padre Serge Pardo, quienes han sido tan amables y de gran apoyo durante esta transición. Por último confío en el personal y en los parroquianos comprometidos de la Catedral y Escuela St. James. Juntos estamos llamados a ser miembros
del Cuerpo de Cristo al generosamente ayudar a otros al dar a conocer y a amar a Jesús en el centro de Orlando.
Espero caminar y comenzar juntos un nuevo capítulo que honra el arduo trabajo de aquellos quienes sirvieron y adoraron antes que nosotros en esta tierra santa y sagrada. ¡Por favor pónganme
ante el Señor en sus oraciones! Tomen un momento y visiten al Señor quien está siempre presente
en el Tabernáculo, y pídanle que bendiga el trabajo que estamos comprometidos a lograr juntos
por el bien de nuestra comunidad.
¡Juntos continuemos celebrando las bondades del Señor! St. James, ora por nosotros.
Padre Miguel
¿Que debe hacer el votante Católico?
Los fieles católicos son
urgidos a escoger sus líderes
políticos basados en sus
principios, no en la afiliación
partidista o interés personal.
Esta participación debe ser
influida por las convicciones
morales de conciencias bien formadas y enfocada en
la dignidad de cada ser humano, la búsqueda del bien
común, y la protección de los débiles y vulnerables.
La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de la Florida,
para asistir a los feligreses que quieren conocer la
posición de candidatos políticos sobre temas claves,
ha encuestado aquellos postulándose para el congreso
y la legislatura estatal. Para ver como los candidatos,
que aparecerán en la papeleta de la Elección General
de noviembre 8, respondieron al cuestionario, visite:
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 9 de octubre……$1,834.40
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!