Encuentro Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARTS / artsevilla 16 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: MEDIALAB ORGANISE: ARTSevilla16 International Meeting of Contemporary Art of Seville ARTSevilla16 in collaboration with Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville is willing to keep creating synergies between young artists and specialists in Arts at I MEDIALAB FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS. The Medialab is taking place during the meeting, lasting four days. Participants will have the opportunity, before attending the event, to visit all the different scenes, getting involved in the different activities developed there. The aim of the project I Medialab is to establish contact between students, looking for help with projects and ideas, and professionals (gallery owners, teachers, artists, designers, illustrators, etc.) All of them have strong knowledge to guide and advise young artists to achieve their goals. Professionals shall be selected among different profiles. Sharing ideas and making contact will be the main objectives during the event. Collaborative projects to explore and learn will be played out at Medialab. They will be broadcast at different digital platforms seeking new opinions about projects presented. That to say Internet audience is encouraged to participate in. We look forward to creating an Ideas Laboratory where collective and alternative projects could keep going. A talent source with a wide range of proposals, where new projects would occur. www.artsevilla.es info@artsevilla.es Móvil. 620565205 Encuentro Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARTS / artsevilla 16 Participants will be able to sign up for diverse disciplines. We are also open to new proposal not appearing below: PAINTING SCULPTURE DIGITAL ART VIDEO ARTE PERFORMANCE ILLUSTRATION COMIC INSTALLATION DESIGN ENGRAVING RESTORATION PHOTOGRAPHY The twenty ones selected artists could exhibit their own projects in a ten minutes formal presentation (required), accompanied with digital support if it is needed. Once the presentation is done, participants will be distributed in five different research fields tables according to their own interests. Nevertheless artists could exchange positions in these research fields tables during the event. Registration form model below is needed to be attached, along with artist’s portfolio remarking artistic field followed. Participation implies acceptance of terms and conditions of committee. www.artsevilla.es info@artsevilla.es Phone. +34620565205 Encuentro Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARTS / artsevilla 16 I MEDIALAB FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS Dates: October 27 - 28 , 2016. Place: Fundación Tres Culturas and Santa Inés Space. More info: www.artsevilla.es Deadline: october 10, 2016 Application: The form has to be sent to artsevillatangente@artsevilla.es ImedialabARTS16 should appear at the email subject Type: open to students or recent graduates in fine arts or similar. Programme: Day one. October 27: 8.45 - 9.00h. Collection of participants passes. F. Tres Culturas. 9.00 - 12.00h. Artists’ presentations. 12.00 -12.15h Coffee break 12.15h - 12.45. Guided tour F. Tres Culturas. 13.30. Guided tour to the main exhibition at Santa Inés’ place. Day two. October 28 09.30 - 13.00h. Meeting tables (research field time) and brainstorming at Fundación Tres Culturas. 13.00h. Collection of ideas. www.artsevilla.es info@artsevilla.es Phone. +34620565205 Encuentro Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARTS / artsevilla 16 REGISTRATION FORM ARTSevilla16 ARTIST PERSONAL DATA FULL NAME: ID: ADRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Education, exhibitions, professional career, etc. www.artsevilla.es info@artsevilla.es Phone. +34620565205 Encuentro Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARTS / artsevilla 16 BRIEF DESCRIPTION about what to expect about the research field tables attended by professionals. Choose at least one field PAINTING SCULPTURE DIGITAL ART VIDEO ARTE PERFORMANCE ILLUSTRATION COMIC INSTALLATION DESIGN ENGRAVING RESTORATION PHOTOGRAPHY Other____________________ www.artsevilla.es info@artsevilla.es Phone. +34620565205 Encuentro Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARTS / artsevilla 16 Mr./Ms_________________________ REQUEST to participate in I MEDIALAB FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS for students and recent graduates, taking place during the International Contemporary Art Meeting and Exhibit ARTSevilla16, accepting the requirements in agreement on the published regulations. ID photocopy attached. Artist portfolio accompanying the registration form will be send to artsevillatangente@artsevilla.es until October 1, 2016. Signed Data www.artsevilla.es info@artsevilla.es Phone. +34620565205