Representation, aggregation and classification models for decision

Jornadas de Seguimiento de Proyectos, 2009
Programa Nacional de Tecnologı́as Informáticas
Representation, aggregation and classification
models for decision making aiding under
imprecise information
Javier Montero ∗
Faculty of Mathematics
Complutense University of Madrid
This project represents an evolution within a consolidated research group, which has
been granted from the Spanish Programme for the Promotion of General Knowledge since
1988. The project is based on past results obtained in the framework of previous projects.
The main core of this project is to study different components of decision aid tools under
different kinds of uncertainty, being these tools mainly understood as representation techniques. In particular, a key paper published by this research team allows measurements
of the quality of each classification system, taking into account particular families of operational and consistent aggregation rules, being therefore the basis for subsequent learning
and optimization procedures. This approach is specially significative when classes have
no clear borders and large transition zones appear, since in this context a pure statistical
analysis may be inappropriate. Hence, particular emphasis is devoted to develop algorithm representation techniques with non probabilistic uncertainty. The project pursues
the design of classification aid models by putting these pillars together, to be checked in
several scientific fields where we have already some experience, in collaboration with other
research groups (stars or cells classification, land cover use, systems reliability, preference
representation, etc.)
Keywords: Decision making, preference representation, knowledge representation, aggregation information, classification, fuzzy sets, optimization.
Being this project a project on basic research, it must be made clear that the first objective we
pursue is the development of models and tools potentially useful for some specific problems,
not the practical resolution of these problems. Nevertheless, the policy of this research team
has been always to strength scientific links with partners in direct contact to those problems.
Without them we can not produce useful results. We think this procedure is in the best
∗ Email:
scientific tradition and indeed they provide us the inspiration framework for most theoretical
objectives. Whenever we get so close to a real implementation, a contract is signed in advance
in order to clarify scientific achievements from their industrial implications. In this sense, this
team has always stressed the operationality of each approach, avoiding the development of tools
that can not be taken by our partners, because its computational or conceptual requirements.
There were five main theoretical objectives being declared in the application of this still
ongoing project:
1. The bottom aggregative subproject has deserved a special attention, being a main component of the project. In particular, we have stressed the recursive approach for aggregation
operations as a constructive approach that contains a relevant proportion of aggregation
rules that can be found in practice. Although we have shown also some limits, perhaps
the most relevant consequence of our study is the paper that appeared in Fuzzy Sets and
Systems [18] pointing out that structure should be made always explicit in any context
(objects, criteria, classes, alternatives, etc.) The general model proposed in this paper
will become one of the key foundations for next next project we are actually applying to. As a first consequence, this paper offers an interesting explanation of the great
dispute that has been created around Atanassov’s ”Intuitionistic” fuzzy sets: it is the
absence of such a structure the missing argument that makes a difference between two
models with different intuitive support. It is a extremely original ongoing research. In
parallel, several studies have been developed on interval fuzzy sets, in collaboration to
H. Bustince’s research group at the Public University of Navarra [33, 35]. In addition,
we have obtained a functional characterization of migrativity [34] in collaboration to R.
Mesiar from Slovakia.
2. The consistency issue has also devoted an attention that has been always present in past
projects. In particular, we have developed several algorithms to approximate inconsistent preferences to the closet consistent preference, according to several transitive-based
consistencies [7]. Related to consistency we have also presented original approaches to Arrow’s paradox in group decision making [58] together with some positional paper pointing
out the role of fuzziness in decision making and Science [19, 60].
3. In order to deal with the computational problems related to dimensional representation,
we have developed an alternative representation approach [51]. Although this approach
has been shown useful to estimate criteria weights, we are still working on the uniqueness
issue (i.e., which one is the good representation among the family of possible representations. It is again an extremely original research that has lead in the past to the first
algorithm to evaluate dimension within the crisp context (published in Journal of Algorithms).
4. Great results have been obtained within the segmentation and coloration subproject,
developing and applying our algorithms to remotely sensed images, with the collaboration
of G. Biging at the University of California, Berkeley (USA). Improved algorithms have
been applied to real images [47, 49, 50]. Classical crisp models have been translated
to the fuzzy context, allowing a fuzzy clustering that is conceptually simpler than the
equivalent crisp clustering, and more informative due to the structure of regions being
created. It is again quite original and it is increasingly cited by other researchers.
5. First steps towards a fuzzy verification process have been developed [56, 57], an issue
that we think deserve more effort since quite a number of practical situations do not
allow an appropriate statistical analysis to check results (quite often the consistency
of the supporting argument or algorithm is the only support for a decision). There is
still a lot of work ahead, but we are missing a more sophisticated partner to fix the
mathematical foundation for a general model, and we are actually trying to introduce
some new elements [26, 27].
From a practical point of view, consequences of theoretical results in the subsequent modeling have been tested in different practical frameworks, together with a number of decision
making fields that allow a more complete view of the general project that guides this particular
three-years research. Additional and relevant results have been obtained in related fields, that
not being included in the list of main objectives, will perform the next three-years research
(there is for example an underlying absolutely needed research related to graphs and networks
as key structures to be taken into account in the next future). The long-term objective of the
research group, perhaps never formally stated in a three-years project, is to create a interdisciplinary group with theoretical, technological and human capacity to address every stage of
a decision making process, from experimentation, data analysis and representation tools, decision analysis (amalgamating and decomposition), choice and final verification of the process
itself and its results. At this point, important results relative to decision making modeling have
been obtained in scheduling and social networks. These collaborations have been developed
with the Department of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley, the US technological company
Smiths Aerospace (Grand Rapids, Michigan), the Department of Astronomy at Complutense
University of Madrid, some Non-Governmental Organizations (like Red Cross and Médicos sin
Fronteras) and some national energy and transport companies, among others, taking advantage of the interdisciplinary composition of our research group and in some particular cases
bringing some complementary economic (and human) support from other institutions.
Status of the project
Below we include a quite complete list of articles produced during the first two years of the
project. It is important to realize that the project has almost 1/3 of its time ahead, so we
expect to complete results during 2009 (we plan to ask on time for an extension of the project
till December 31 because of the initial delay in the real access to funding. Nevertheless, we
think results already obtained are extremely good not only because of the number and quality
of publications produced, but because of the maturity reached by the research group, which has
extended contacts with other research groups in Madrid, Spain and the whole word. The research group has been able to get involved into this project to new young and senior researchers
(some of them barely needed in order to cover the whole decision making process), and has
attained major impact in the scientific community. The organization of the 8th international
FLINS conference (200 participants, see including the active participation of leading researchers in the field like L.A. Zadeh, P. Bonissone,
W. Pedrycz, J. Kacprzyk, E. Trillas and F. Herrera, among others, and the organization of the
1st FuzzyMAD meeting for the whole fuzzy community in Madrid (40 attendants), had helped
the group to get ready to more important scientific objectives.
In the present research team we are 12 researchers: V. Cutello, L. Garmendia, D. Gómez,
E. Kerre, V. López, J. Montero (I.P.), S. Muñoz, T. Ortuño, J.T. Rodrı́guez (Ph.D. student),
B. Vitoriano, J. Yáñez plus E. Roano, recently incorporated. It is indeed relevant the number
of collaborations (in terms of joint published papers) with other research groups that the new
team (that will hopefully include profs. T. Calvo, L. de Ledesma and A. Pradera plus 2 Ph.D.
students) will present as a guarantee for the next three-years project application within the
national research framework:
• At Complutense University, the research groups of A.I. Gómez de Castro (Dept. of
Astronomy), M. Santos (Faculty of Informatics) and J. Tejada (Statistics and Operational
• In Spain, the groups of H. Bustince (Public University of Navarra) and L. Escudero (Rey
Juan Carlos University) among the rest, but also the groups of E. Carreño (National
Geographical Institute), E. Castiñeira and S. Cubillo (Technical University of Madrid), F.
Herrera (Granada University), J.L. Garcı́a Lapresta (Valladolid University), L. Martı́nez
(University of Jaén), G. Mayor (University of the Balearic Islands), P. Sobrevilla and E.
Montseny (Technical University of Catalunya) and E. Trillas (European Centre for Soft
Computing, Mieres).
• And around the world, A. Amo (GE Aviation Systems, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA),
G. Beliakov (Australia), G. Biging (University of California at Berkeley, USA), K. Cios
(moving from the University of Ohio, Toledo, USA), V. Cutello (University of Catania,
Italy), B. De Baets (University of Gent, Belgium), J. Fodor (Hungary), E.E. Kerre (University of Gent, Belgium), J. Lu (Australia), A.D. Pearman (University of Leeds, UK)
and R.R. Yager (University of New York, USA)
A weakness of the present team is the low number of Ph.D. students, but the fact is that
during the last years quite a number of students asked us to join our research group, but finally
we had to redirect them to join other research teams with Ph.D. grants. Getting Ph.D. grants
associated to the new research project we are actually applying to is a major priority.
[1] A. Alonso, L.F. Escudero and M.T. Ortuño : On a stochastic sequencing and scheduling
problem. COMPUTERS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH 34:2604-2624 (2007)
[2] A. Alonso, L.F. Escudero and M.T. Ortuño : On Modelling Planning under Uncertainty
31:109-150 (2007)
[3] A. Amo, L. Garmendia, D. Gómez and J. Montero : A spatial classification model for
multicriteria analysis. IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Mulcticriteria
Decision Making (IEEE Press, Piscataway); pp. 348-353, ISBN: 1-4222-0702-8 (2007)
[4] H. Bustince, E. Barrenechea, M. Pagola, R. Orduña and J. Montero : Special construction
of Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy S-implications. Proceedings IWIFSGN 2007
[5] H. Bustince, V. Mohedano, J. Montero and E. Barrenechea : Semiautodualiy in a restricted
family of Klir-Folger’s aggregation operators. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 158:13601377 (2007)
[6] J. Castro, D. Gómez and J. Tejada : A project game for PERT networks. OPERATIONS
RESEARCH LETTERS 35:791-798 (2007)
[7] L. Garmendia and J. Recasens: Approximation of Proximities by Aggregating Tindistinguishability Operators. MATHWARE AND SOFT COMPUTING 3:171-181 (2007)
[8] D. Gómez, J. Montero and G, Biging : Accuracy measures for fuzzy classification. EUROFUSE’07 (A Demanda, Jaén); pp. 55-60, ISBN: 978-84-690-4561-9 (2007)
[9] D. Gómez, J. Montero and J. Yáñez : Decomposing preference relations. FUZZ-IEEE’07
(IEEE Press., 2007), pp. 1251-1255, ISBN: 1-4244-1210-2
[10] D. Gómez, J. Montero, J. Yánez and C. Poidomani : A graph coloring approach for image
segmentation. OMEGA-Int.J.Manag.Sci. 35, 173-183 (2007)
[11] L.M. Laita, E. Roanes Lozano and L. de Ledesma: What Machines Can and Cannot
Do. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fı́sicas y Naturales, Serie A,
Matemáticas 101:133-157 (2007)
[12] V. López and J. Montero : Fuzzy specification of software requirements. JCIS’07 (Ass.
Intelligent Machinery, Salt Lake City, 2007)
[13] V. López and J. Montero : Fuzzy specification of algorithms. EUROFUSE’07 (A Demanda,
Jaén); pp. 151-156, ISBN: 978-84-690-4561-9 (2007)
[14] V. López and J. Montero : Análisis de requisitos difusos em valoración de inmuebles.
CEDI-LFSC’07 (Thomson-Paraninfo, Zaragoza); pp. 181-187. ISBN: 978-84-9732-609-4
[15] L. Martı́nez and J. Montero : Challenges for improving consensus reaching process in
collective decisions. NEW MATHS AND NATURAL COMPUTATION 3:203-217 (2007)
[16] I. Martı́nez, B. Vitoriano, A. Fernández and P. Cucala : Statistical dwell time model for
metro lines. Urban Transport XIII: Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st
Century. WIT Press, Reino Unido, ISBN: 978-184564-087-3 (2007)
[17] J. Montero, D. Gómez and H. Bustince : Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy sets as a classification model. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4529:69-75 (2007)
[18] J. Montero, D. Gómez and H. Bustince : On the relevance of some families of fuzzy sets.
FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 158:2429-2442 (2007)
[19] J. Montero, V. López and D. Gómez : The role of fuzziness in decision making. STUDIES
IN FUZZINESS AND SOFT COMP.215:337-349(2007)
[20] S. Muñoz : Identifying violated maximal cover inequalities in 0-1 problems. Actas del
XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadı́stica e Investigación Operativa (2007)
[21] E. Roanes Macı́as and E. Roanes Lozano: 3D-extension of Steiner chains problem. MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING 45:137-148 (2007)
[22] E. Roanes Lozano: Sobre la colaboración de sistemas de geometrı́a dinámica y de álgebra
computacional y el nuevo sistema Geometry Expressions. Boletı́n de la Sociedad ”Puig
Adam” de Profesores de Matemáticas 75:72-90 (2007)
[23] E. Roanes Macı́as, E. Roanes Lozano and J.F. Biarge: Extensión a 3D del teorema de
Desargues, sustituyendo triángulos por tetraedros. Boletı́n de la Sociedad ”Puig Adam”
de Profesores de Matemáticas 75:13-28 (2007)
[24] E. Roanes Macı́as and E. Roanes Lozano: Determinación de lugares geométricos, vı́a
sintética y computacional, aplicada a lugares de tipo cisoide. Boletı́n de la Sociedad ”Puig
Adam” de Profesores de Matemáticas 76:32-52 (2007)
[25] E. Roanes Lozano, J. Cabezas, P. Ortega, E. Roanes Macı́as, C. Romo and M. de la V.
Vara: Un proyecto para el uso del sistema de cómputo algebraico Máxima en Educación
Secundaria. Boletı́n de la Sociedad ”Puig Adam” de Profesores de Matemáticas 76:68-77
[26] E. Roanes Macı́as and E. Roanes Lozano: A Maple Package for Automatic Theorem
Proving and Discovery in 3D-Geometry. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4689:171-188 (2007)
[27] A. Sols, J.E. Ramı́rez-Márquez, D. Verma and B. Vitoriano : Evaluation of Full and
Degraded Mission Reliability and Mission Dependability for Intermittently Operated MultiFunctional Systems. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEM SAFETY 92:12741280 (2007)
[28] J. Yáñez, J. Montero and D. Gómez : Astronomical images: a segmentation algorithm.
The World Space Observatory Ultraviolet (WSO/UV) Project, A.I. Gómez de Castro and
E. Verdugo, eds. (Ed. Complutense, Madrid); pp. 297-308, ISBN: 978-84-7491 (2007)
[29] A. Amo, D. Gómez, J. Montero and G. Biging : Improving fuzzy classification by means
of a segmentation algorithm. STUDIES IN FUZZINESS AND SOFT COMP.220:454473(2008)
[30] H.Bustince,E.Barrenechea,M.Pagola,R.Orduña and J.Montero : Special construction of
Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy S-implications. Proceedings IWIFSGN’07 (Academic
Pub. House EXIT,Warsaw); pp. 23-32. ISBN: 978-83-60434-52-9 (2008)
[31] H. Bustince, J. Fernández and J. Montero : Grados de solapamiento entre conjuntos
difusos. ESTYLF’08, pp. 79-84. ISBN: 978-84-691-5807-4 (2008)
[32] H. Bustince, F. Herrera and J. Montero (editores) : Fuzzy Sets and their Extensions
(Springer, 2008)
[33] H. Bustince, J. Montero, E. Barrenechea and M. Pagola : Laws for conjunctions and
disjunctions in interval type 2 fuzzy sets. Proceedings WCCI’08; pp. 1613-1618 (IEEE
Press, Piscataway). ISBN:978-1-4244-1819; ISSN: 1098-7684
[34] H. Bustince, J. Montero and R. Mesiar : Migrativity of aggregation operators. FUZZY
[35] H. Bustince, J. Montero, M. Pagola, E. Barrenechea and D. Gómez : A survey on intervalvalued fuzzy sets. STUDIES IN FUZZINESS AND SOFT COMP. (2008)
[36] H. Bustince, J. Montero, R. Orduna, M. Pagola and E. Barrenechea : A survey of
Atanassov’s Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations. HANDBOOK OF GRANULAR COMPUTING (Wiley, New York, 2008). ISBN: 978-0470-03554-2
[37] J. Castro, D. Gómez and J. Tejada : A project game for PERT networks. OPERATIONS
[38] J. Castro, D. Gómez and J. Tejada : The use of proportional rule applied to durations for
slack distribution in a PERT network. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL
RESEARCH 187:556-570 (2008)
[39] J. Castro, D. Gómez and J. Tejada : A polynomial rule for the problem of sharing delay
costs in PERT networks. COMPUTERS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH 35:2376-2387
[40] D. Dı́az, A. Garmendia, L. Garmendia and A. Salvador : Diseño mediante lógica fuzzy de
un sistema de determinación de especies de plantas de la familia Primula. JOURNAL
[41] L.F. Escudero and S. Muñoz : Improvements on the extended rapid transit network design problem modelling. Technical Reports on Statistics and Decision Sciences, TR08/01,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
[42] L.F. Escudero and S. Muñoz : An approach for solving a modification of the extended
rapid transit network design problem. TOP (in press)
[43] A. Felipe, M.T. Ortuño and G. Tirado : Neighborhood structures to solve the double traveling salesman problem (TSP) with multiple stacks using local search. COMPUTATIONAL
[44] M.A. Fernández de Sevilla, L.M. Laita, E. Roanes Lozano and L.A. Gonzalez Sotos: An
Expert System Devoted to Automated Music Identification and Recognition. In: J. Shen,
J. Shepherd, B. Cui, L. Liu, editors: Intelligent Music Information Systems 80-101 (2008)
[45] A. Garmendia, A. Salvador and L. Garmendia : The importance of the intensity and
frequency of perturbations on the germination delay. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES
211:153-165 (2008)
[46] L. Garmendia, A. Salvador and J. Montero : Computing a T-transitive opening of a proximity. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION AND CONTROL 1:157-162
[47] D. Gómez, G. Biging and J. Montero : Accuracy statistics for judging soft classification.
[48] D. Gómez and J. Montero : Fuzzy sets in remote sensing classification. SOFT COMPUTING 12:243-249 (2008)
[49] D. Gómez and J. Montero : Determining the accuracy in supervised fuzzy classification
[50] D. Gómez, J. Montero and G. Biging : Improvements to remote sensing using fuzzy
classification, graphs and accuracy statistics. PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
165:1555-1575 (2008)
[51] D. Gómez, J. Montero and J. Yánez : An algorithmic approach to preference representation. UNCERT.,FUZZ.AND KNOW.-BASED SYST. 16-1-18 (2008)
[52] D. Gómez, J. Montero and S. Muñoz : Fuzzy information representation for decision
aiding. Proceedings IPMU’08 (Málaga,Spain); pp. 1425-1430. ISBN: 978-84-612-3061-7
[53] V. López, A. Del Monte and J. Montero : Fuzzy logic in real estate valuation. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION AND CONTROL 1:1021-1026 (2008)
[54] V. López and J. Montero : Fuzzy logic for formal specification of systems. Proceedings
ISA’08, pp. 234-237. ISBN: 978-972-8924-67-6 (2008)
[55] V. López and J. Montero : REV, valuation and price adjustment in a fuzzy logic framework. Proceedings ISKE’08, pp. 640-645, vol. 1 (IEEE Press, Beijing, 2008). ISBN: 9781-4244-2196-1 (2008)
[56] V. López and J. Montero: Software engineering specification under fuzziness. MULTIPLEVALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING (in press)
[57] V. Lopez, J. Montero, L. Garmendia and G. Resconi : Specification and computing states in
SYSTEMS 16:301-336 (2008)
[58] J. Montero : The impact of fuzziness in social choice paradoxes. SOFT COMPUTING
12:177-182 (2008)
[59] J. Montero : Soft Sciences versus Crisp Sciences, a look into the future of Science. Proceedings ISKE’08, pp. 1328-1387, vol. 2 (IEEE Press, Beijing, 2008). ISBN: 978-1-42442196-1 (2008)
[60] J. Montero : Fuzzy logic and science. STUDIES IN FUZZINESS AND SOFT COMPUTING (in press)
[61] J. Montero, D. Gómez, H. Bustince and E. Barrenechea : The underlying structure in
Atanassov’s IFS. Developments in FS, IFS, GN and Related Topics, vol. 1 (Academic
Publishing House EXIT, Warsaw); pp. 243-252. ISBN: 978-83-60434-52-9 (2008)
[62] E. Roanes Lozano, A. Martı́nez Zarzuelo, A. Garcı́a Alvarez and E. Roanes Macı́as: Unas
reflexiones sobre el reconocimiento de rutas en mapas ferroviarios y teorı́a de grafos. Boletı́n de la Sociedad ”Puig Adam” de Profesores de Matemáticas 78:79-90 (2008)
[63] E. Roanes Lozano, L.M. Laita and E. Roanes Macı́as: Un sistema predictivo para la toma
de decisiones inspirado por el modelo gravitacional. Boletı́n de la Sociedad ”Puig Adam”
de Profesores de Matemáticas 79:43-55 (2008)
[64] E. Roanes Lozano, L.M. Laita and E. Roanes Macı́as: A Symbolic-Numeric Approach to
MPL Continous Logic and to Rule Based Expert Systems whose Underlying Logic is MPL.
The Open Applied Mathematics Journal 11:126-133 (2008)
[65] E. Roanes Macı́as, E. Roanes Lozano and J. Fernández Biarge: Extensión natural a 3D
del teorema de Pappus y su configuración completa. Boletı́n de la Sociedad ”Puig Adam”
de Profesores de Matemáticas 80:38-56 (2008)
[66] E. Roanes Lozano and E. Roanes Macı́as: A Simple Geometric Theorem with a Constructive Configuration Whose Truthfulness Depends on the Base Field Considered. ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (in press)
[67] E. Roanes Lozano, L.M. Laita, E. Roanes Macı́as, M.J. Wester, J.L. Ruiz and C. Roncero:
Evolution of Railway Network Flexibility: the Spanish Broad Gauge Case. MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION (in press)
[68] E. Roanes Lozano, L.M. Laita and E. Roanes Macı́as: A Groebner Bases Based Manyvalued Modal Logic Implementation in Maple. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 5144:170-183 (2008)
[69] E. Roanes-Lozano, A. Hernando, L.M. Laita and E. Roanes Macı́as: A Shell for RuleBased Expert Systems Development Using Groebner Bases-Based Inference Engines COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION AND CONTROL 1:769-774 (2008)
[70] J.T. Rodrı́guez, B. Vitoriano, J. Montero and A. Omaña : A decision support tool for
internacional relief operations. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION
AND CONTROL 1:805-810 (2008)
[71] J.T. Rodrı́guez, B. Vitoriano, J. Montero and D. Gómez : Modelling Bipolar Multicriteria
Decision Making. Proceedings IEEE MCDM’09 (IEEE Press, in press).
[72] D. Ruan, J. Montero, J. Lu, L. Martı́nez, P. D’hondt and E.E. Kerre (editores) : Computational Intelligence in decision and control vol. 1 (2009)
[73] B. Vitoriano, M.T. Ortuño and A.F. Ruiz-Rivas : A goal programming model for humanitarian aid distribution. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION AND
CONTROL 1:811-816 (2008)
[74] J. Yáñez, S. Muñoz and J. Montero : Graph coloring inconsistencies in image segmentation. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION AND CONTROL 1:435-440