Important Message Regarding the Cold Weather Rule

Important Message Regarding
the Cold Weather Rule
ith natural gas costs expected to rise this winter, customers should
prepare for higher gas bills. The Cold Weather Rule allows for
special payment and disconnection procedures for residential natural gas
customers with unpaid accounts to keep or restore service throughout
the cold weather period (November 1 through March 31). The Kansas
Corporation Commission oversees the provisions of the Cold Weather Rule
for all Kansas utility companies.
A utility shall not generally disconnect a customer’s service from November 1
through March 31 when the local National Weather Service forecasts that
the temperature will be 35 degrees or colder within a 48-hour period.
If you have difficulty paying your natural gas bill, let us know,
and we will provide you with the names of organizations where
funds may be available to assist you.
You may want to sign up for the Third-Party Notification Plan. Under this
plan you can designate a “third party” to receive a copy of the final billing
notice prior to disconnecting service. The third party is usually a caregiver
such as a relative, friend, or member of the clergy, who is not responsible
for paying past due bills. The notice gives this individual an opportunity to
assist the customer in taking action before service is discontinued.
To keep from having service disconnected when the temperature is
35 degrees or above, or to have service reconnected regardless of
temperature, you must comply with all of these conditions:
1. Inform the utility if you are unable to pay the bill in full;
2. Give the utility enough information to make a payment agreement with you;
3. Make an initial payment of 1/12 of the total account balance, and
• the full amount of any disconnection or reconnection fees, plus any
applicable deposit installment, and
• enter into an 11-month payment plan for the remainder of the
account balance. You may elect the Equal Payment Plan for current
and future consumption.
4. Apply for federal, state, local or other assistance funds for which you
may be eligible.
Kansas Gas Service is required to give you 10 days notice before
discontinuing service. One day before termination is scheduled, we will
call your telephone number or attempt to make personal contact with you.
If we do not make contact with you, we will place a disconnect notice on
your door on the day before the termination is scheduled.
If you have questions about the Cold Weather Rule, please visit our Web
site at or call 1-800-794-4780. If you have
a question about how Kansas Gas Service implements the provisions of the
Cold Weather Rule, contact the Kansas Corporation Commission Office of
Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at 1-800-662-0027.
En Español u
Un Mensaje Importante
En Cuanto a la Regla de Tiempo Frío
omo probablemente va a subirse el costo del gas natural este invierno,
los clientes se deben preparar para recibir facturas de gas más altas.
La Regla de Tiempo Frío (Cold Weather Rule) permite procedimientos
especiales de pago y de cortar servicio para clientes de gas en Kansas
que tienen cuentas atrasadas para poder mantener o restablecer servicio
durante el período de tiempo frío (entre 1 Noviembre y 31 Marzo). La
Comisión de Empresas de Kansas (Kansas Corporation Commission)
supervisa las provisiones de la Regla de Tiempo Frío para todas las
compañías de servicios en Kansas.
Normalmente no se debe cortar servicio entre Nov. 1 y Mar. 31 cuando el
Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (Nacional Weather Service) pronostica
temperaturas que estén menos de 35 grados F. dentro de 48 horas.
Si usted tiene problemas en pagar su cuenta de gas, háganos
saber, y le daremos los nombres de organizaciones donde puedan
ser disponibles fondos para ayudarle.
Tal vez quiere inscribirse para el Plan de Aviso a Tercera Parte. Bajo este
plan, puede nombrar a otra persona para recibir copia del último aviso
antes de desconectar el servicio. La “tercera parte” normalmente es alguien
que se encarga de cuidar a alguien, como pariente, amigo, o un clérigo,
que no es responsable de pagar las cuentas atrasadas. Este aviso permite
que este individuo tenga la oportunidad de ayudar al cliente en tomar
medidas antes de que se le desconecte el servicio.
Para evitar que se le corte el servicio cuando la temperatura esté 35 grados
o más alta, o para restablecer servicio a pesar de la temperatura, hay que
cumplir con todos estos requisitos:
1. Avisar a la compañía de servicios si no puede pagar la cuenta entera;
2. Darles suficiente información para hacer un acuerdo de pagos con usted;
3. Hacer un pago inicial de lo siguiente:
• 1/12 del balance total, y
• la suma entera de la multa para cortar el servicio o restablecerlo,
más cualquier depósito a plazo que se pueda deber, y
• entrar en un acuerdo de pagos de 11 meses para pagar lo demás del
balance. Usted puede elegir el Plan de Pago Parejo para su consumo
actual y futuro.
4. Meter solicitud(es) para fondos de ayuda federal, estatal, o local, u
otros fondos a que pueda tener derecho.
Tenemos que darle aviso previo de 10 días antes de cortar el servicio. Un día
antes de cortarlo, llamaremos su número de teléfono o trataremos de ponernos
en contacto con usted. Si no le podemos hablar, colocaremos un aviso escrito
en su puerta el día antes de que está programada la desconexión.
Si tiene pregunta alguna en cuanto a la Regla de Tiempo Frío, favor de
visitar el sitio de la Red o llamar Kansas Gas
Service al 1-800-794-4780. Si tiene preguntas en cuanto a cómo Kansas
Gas Service pone en práctica la Regla de Tiempo Frío, póngase en contacto
con la oficina de Asuntos Públicos y Protección al Consumidor de Kansas
Corporation Commission en el 1-800-662-0027.
In English u
Notice of Public Hearing Concerning
Natural Gas Service Rate Increase Request
Kansas Gas Service, a division of ONEOK, Inc., has filed an application
with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) requesting an annual
natural gas service rate increase of $73.3 million, or an overall increase of
approximately 37 percent.
The rate request does not involve the price of gas, which is the wholesale price
Kansas Gas Service pays to natural gas producers and pipeline companies for
the commodity, plus storage and transmission costs without any mark-up.
In its application, Kansas Gas Service said it is seeking to earn a reasonable
rate of return on its utility investment, and recover significant cost increases
associated with operating its natural gas delivery system, employee medical
and pension benefits, and property taxes. Kansas Gas Service also is requesting
permission to implement a new rate design for residential and general service
customers that would provide two rate options within each classification.
Residential and General Service customers would be divided into two rate
classifications determined by average annual usage. Kansas Gas Service
would select the most economical rate classification for each customer,
based on their historical usage. Customers would have the option of changing
rate classifications once per 12-month period. Samples for residential and
general service rate classifications are shown below, with charges based on
average usage for customers in each option:
Option A: Under 80 Mcf / year
Service Charge (per month)
Delivery Charge (per Mcf)
Average Monthly Bill*
(based on 59 Mcf annually)
Option B: Over 80 Mcf / year
Service Charge (per month)
Delivery Charge (per Mcf)
Average Monthly Bill*
(based on 114 Mcf annually)
Residential customers will be divided into two rate classes, customers using less than
80 Mcf /year and customers using more than 80 Mcf/year.
*These charges do not include the cost of gas.
General Service
Option A: Under 265 Mcf / year
Service Charge (per month)
Delivery Charge (per Mcf)
Average Monthly Bill*
(based on 95 Mcf annually)
Option B: Over 265 Mcf / year
Service Charge (per month)
Delivery Charge (per Mcf)
Average Monthly Bill*
(based on 682 Mcf annually)
General Service customers will be divided into two rate classes, customers using less
than 265 Mcf/year and customers using more than 265 Mcf/year.
*These charges do not include the cost of gas.
Public Hearings
The KCC has scheduled three public hearings regarding Kansas Gas Service’s
request to increase natural gas rates. Each public hearing will consist of
two parts. The first part consists of a question and answer period, which
gives customers the opportunity to ask specific questions pertaining to
the rate case. The second part gives customers the opportunity to present
their statements to the three-member Commission. Public hearings are
scheduled on:
• Thursday, October 19, 2006
7:00 p.m., Overland Park City Hall, Council Chamber
8500 Santa Fe Drive, Overland Park, KS
• Thursday, October 26, 2006
7:00 p.m., Kansas Corporation Commission
1500 S.W. Arrowhead Rd., Topeka, KS
• Monday, October 30, 2006
7:00 p.m., Wichita State University
Eugene M. Hughes Metropolitan Complex
5015 E. 29th Street North, Sudermann Commons, Room 132
(Go to door C on East side of building)
Wichita, KS
The KCC will also accept written comments from customers through
November 3, 2006. Written comments should reference Docket No.06KGSG-1209-RTS and may be e-mailed to
or mailed to the Kansas Corporation Commission; Office of Public Affairs
and Consumer Protection, 1500 S.W. Arrowhead Road, Topeka, KS, 66604.
You may reach the KCC Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection by
calling 1 800 662-0027 or in Topeka at 271-3140.
About Kansas Gas Service
Kansas Gas Service, headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas, provides service
to approximately 642,000 customers in Kansas. The company’s last rate
increase was in 2003, when it was allowed to increase rates by $45 million.
Evidentiary Hearing
The Commission will conduct an evidentiary hearing with regard to the
Kansas Gas Service rate request beginning November 6, 2006, at 10:00
a.m. in the first floor hearing room at the KCC office, 1500 S.W. Arrowhead
Road in Topeka. During this hearing, Commission staff, Kansas Gas Service
representatives and other interveners such as the Citizens’ Utility Ratepayer
Board will present their case to the Commission, which must issue a decision
on the case by January 10, 2007.
Additional Information
Any person requiring special accommodations under The Americans with
Disabilities Act must notify the Commission at least 10 days prior to the
scheduled hearing date. Contact the Office of Public Affairs and Consumer
Protection at 1 800 662-0027 or 785 271-3140.