Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 TEACHING GUIDE PRESCRIPTION AND EXERCISE ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN DIFFERENT POPULATIONS UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE VALENCIA “SAN VICENTE MÁRTIR” Course 2016/17 1 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 SUBJECT TEACHING GUIDE ECTS SUBJECT: Prescription and assessment of physical activity in different populations 6 FIELD: Physical Activity and Quality of Life 6 MODULE: MODULE: Career paths III-8-Physical Activity and Quality of Life 12 COURSE: 4º TYPE OF TRAINING: Optional TERM: 7º DEPARTMENT: FACULTY: Health and functional assessment LAURA ELVIRA MACAGNO E-mail: MARIA FARGUETA ESPERT 2 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 MODULE ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________________________ Career paths III-8-Physical Activity and Quality of Life Nº ECTS 12 TERM AND TEMPORARY LOCATION WITHIN THE CURRICULUM The module on Physical Activity and Quality of Life is divided into two compulsory subjects: Promotion programs and healthy lifestyles and Prescription and assessment of physical activity in different populations The goal is that students know the content specifically to enable it to start in the professional field of exercise in relation to health. The materials developed during the 4 th year in the 7 th semester. FIELD AND SUBJECTS COURSE/ FIELD ECTS SUBJECT ECTS SEMESTER PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE 18 Promoting and healthy lifestyle programmes. 6 4/7 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE 18 Prescription and assessment of physical activity in different populations 6 4/7 3 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 TEACHING GUIDE PRESCRIPTION AND EXERCISE ASSESSMENT IN DIFFERENT POPULATIONS PREREQUISITES: Having passed the course on Physical Activity and Health. As a recommendation, be approved Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Kinesiology, Biomechanics, and Theory and Practice of Fitness. GENERAL GOALS a. Understand concepts related to physical activity, health and exercise prescription for special populations. b. Understand and analyze the characteristics of special populations. c. Design and implement appropriate intervention programs each of special populations. d. Identify risks that may pose health exercise training in special populations. e. Developing reflective thinking, critical and research on the implementation of various intervention programs considering the impact of physical, social or psychological. f. Acquire the skills to find, identify and use sources of scientific information in this field. g. Appreciate the importance of professionals in CCAFD in the field of exercise prescription for special populations. 4 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 Competence measuring scale 1 2 3 4 GENERAL COMPETENCES CG1-Understanding scientific literature in English and other important languages widely used in the scientific field achieving a X good management of information. CG2 Applying Communications and Information Technology(CIT). X CG3.-Developing problem-solving competences through decision X making. CG4.- Conveying written and oral information about the subject in X a correct way. CG5.-Efficiently planning and organising any type of activity. X CG6- Developing interpersonal and team-work skills both in a national and international context and in interdisciplinary as well as non interdisciplinary teams X CG7.- Being able to carry out critical reasoning using the acquired X knowledge. CG8.- Being able to recognise multicultural and diverse X environment. CG11.- Developing competences for creativity, initiative and x enterprising spirit. CG13.-Being able to apply theoretical knowledge to real situations. CG14.- Using the Internet adequately as communication and as a source of information. CG18.- Being able to carry out self-assessment. a means X of X X 5 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 Competence measuring scale SPECIFIC COMPETENCES 1 CE1.- Knowing and understanding the contents within the scope of 2 3 4 X Physical Activity and Sports Science. CE5.-Knowing and understanding the effects of physical activity on X human body’s structure and function. CE6.- Knowing and understanding the effects of physical activity X on psychological and social features of human being. CE11. Promoting and assessing the development of lasting and independent habits in physical activity and sports. X CE13. Applying physiological, biomechanical, behavioural and social principles to different fields of physical activity and sports. X CE14. Assessing physical condition and prescribing physical exercises with a view to improve health. X CE15. Identifying risks of inadequate physical activity on health. X CE16. Planning, developing and assessing physical activity programmes. X CE18. Selecting and correctly using the sport material and equipment suiting every kind of activity. X 6 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 LEARNING OUTCOMES COMPETENCES R.1. Acquire knowledge and theoretical understanding of exercise prescription for special populations. CG1, CG2, CG3, CG13, CG14, CE1, CE5, CE6, CE15, CE18 R.2. Analyze and evaluate the importance of physical exercise prescription for special populations. CG3, CG7, CG8, CG13, CE1, CE5, CE6, CE 11, CE15, R.3. Demonstrate practical skills in the implementation and evaluation of exercise prescription for special populations R.4. Demonstrate ability to locate, identify and use sources of scientific information concerning exercise prescription for special populations. R.5. Demonstrate the ability to express orally and in writing the acquired knowledge and reflections raised. CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG11, CG13, CE11, CE13, CE14, CE15, CE16, CE18 CG2, CG11, CG14, CG18, CG3, CG4, CG6, CG7, CE14, CE18 7 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 ON-CAMPUS EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY ON-CAMPUS CLASS PRACTICAL CLASSES (LABORATORY) SMALL TEAM PROJECT PRESENTATIONS TUTORING ASSESSMENT Teaching-Learning Methodology Teacher presentation of contents, analysis of competences, explanation and in-class display of skills, abilities and knowledge. Activities carried out in spaces with special equipment. Applying interdisciplinary knowledge Personalized and small group attention. Period of instruction and/or orientation carried out by a tutor for the purpose of reviewing and discussing the materials and topics presented in lectures, seminars, readings, writing papers, etc. Group of oral and/or written tests used during initial, formative or additive assessment. Total Relationship With Learning Outcomes for the subject ECTS 1 R1, R3, R2, R4, R5 2 R1, R2, R3, R5 0,2 R1, R3, R5 0,16 R3, R4, R5 0,14 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 0,1 (2,6*) 1 The field and/or subject is based on ON-CAMPUS, CLASS AND INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES with an estimated percentage in ECTS. An appropriate distribution would be as follows: 35-40% on-campus activities and 65-60% independent work. (For a 6 ECTS subject: 2.4 and 3.6 respectively). In this Teaching Guide, teaching-learning methodology is just outlined. A detailed description is available in the teaching units of each subject. 8 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 INDEPENDENT WORK ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY TEAM WORK Teaching-Learning Methodology Team work preparation. Students must present their work and answer some questions about it. Relationship With Learning Outcomes for the subject ECTS R1, R3, R4, R5 1,5 R1, R3, R4, R5 1,9 Work done on the university's on-line campus ( Student study Data search. Oral presentation preparation INDEPENDENT WORK Practical and/or small-group tutoring sessions. Work done on the university's on-line campus ( ) Total (3,4*) 9 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE ACQUISITION OF THE COMPETENCES AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Assesment tool2 ASSESSED LEARNING OUTCOMES percentage awarded R1, R2, R3, R5 50% R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 20% R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 20% R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 10% Oral and / or written TEST Assistance Individual work-group - display SELF ASSESMENT o To pass the subject at 1st or 2nd enrolment: The results obtained by the student will be graded according to the following numerical scale of 0 to 10, with 2 decimal expression, which may be added the corresponding qualitative rating: 4,9: Suspense (SS), 5,0 - 6,9: Aproved (AP), 7,0 - 8,9: Notable (NT), 9,0 - 10: Outstanding (SB). The minimum score of each section evaluated in order to average the final grade for the course will be 4.5 points. The final average to pass the course will be 5 points. In the event that a sanction, a party is suspended, regardless of the average of all remaining parts being approved on 5, the student will be awarded a maximum grade of 4.5 points. Criteria for granting a grade of A with honors: Mention Honors (MH) may be granted to students who score at or above "9", provided that the number of these students does not exceed 5% of those enrolled in that subject (if the student group is less than 20 an honors would be awarded to the student / to reach the required score). If the number of students meeting the conditions of honors exceed 5%, this rating will be assigned to complete this percentage starting with the highest score. if result obtaining the honors will be demonstrated by conducting a new test or criterion of teaching. Evaluation techniques and tools: a review, oral presentation, written test (objective testing, development, concept maps ...), directed works, projects, case studies, observation notebooks, portfolio, etc.. 10 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS ORGANIZATION OF CONTENT OR BLOCKS THEMATIC GROUPING DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONTENT ON TEACHING GUIDES COMPETENCES COMPETENCES RELATED, INDICATED BY NUMBER UNIT 1: BASIC PRINCIPLES UNIT 2: Special Populations: Physical, psychological and social. Prescription and assessment exercise. Programs, control protocols. 2.1-Physical activity in people with musculoskeletal disorders. 2.2-Physical activity in people with cardiovascular disorders. 2.3-Physical activity in people with metabolic 2.4-Physical activity in people with respiratory disorders 2.5-Physical activity in people with psychological disorders 2.6-Physical activity in older people 2.7-Physical activity in women who are pregnant, prenatal and postpartum. 2.8-Physical Activity in other populations CG3, CG7, CG8, CG13, CE1, CE5, CE6, CE 11, CE15, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG11, CG13, CG14, CG18, CE1, CE5, CE6, CE11, CE13, CE14, CE15, CE16, CE18 11 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING: (1st and 2nd enrolment students) BLOCK CONTENT / TEACHING UNIT Unit 1 Unit 2 2.1 BASIC PRINCIPLES Special Populations: Physical, psychological and social. Prescription and assessment exercise. Programs, control protocols. Physical activity in people with musculoskeletal disorders. Number of sessions 4-6 20-22 4 Physical activity in people with cardiovascular. 2 2.2 Physical activity in people with metabolic 2 2.3 2.4 Physical activity in people with respiratory disorders 2 2.5 Physical activity in people with psychological disorders 2 2.6 Physical activity in older people 4 2.7 Physical activity in women in gestational period: pre and post delivery. 2 2.8 Physical Activity in other populations 4 12 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 o To pass the subject at 3rd or 4th enrolment: The teacher in charge of this group performed 6 sessions monitoring and tutoring for 2 hours each it. Each session is for developing the subject to reforce the competences work that each student need for pass the subject.. Evaluating contents will be set in the examination in the official calendar for this subject and the skills already taken and passed will be taken into account. The dates of the sessions are available on the specific timing of the tutorial. TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING: (3rd and 4th enrolment students)): BLOQUE DE CONTENIDO/UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA Unit 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES Unit 2 Special Populations: Physical, psychological and social. Prescription and assessment exercise. Programs, control protocols. o 2.1 Physical activity in people with musculoskeletal disorders. 2.2 Physical activity in people with cardiovascular. 2.3 Physical activity in people with metabolic 2.4 Physical activity in people with respiratory disorders 2.5 Physical activity in people with psychological disorders 2.6 Physical activity in older people 2.7 Physical activity in women in gestational period: pre and post delivery. 2.8 Physical Activity in other populations Nº DE SESIONES 1 5 To pass the subject at 5th and successive enrolments: These students will only be qualified with 100% exam department. No ratings take into account the skills and studied / approved. They may request tutoring the subject teacher. 13 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Prescription and exercise assesment of physical activity in different populations PCA-27- F-01 Ed 00 BIBLIOGRAPHY American College of Sports Medicine (1998). 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