1 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TEACHING GUIDE LEGISLATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS Universidad Católica de Valencia MASTER IMPAIRED SKIN INTEGRITY: WOUNDS AND ULCERS COURSE 2014-15 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 GUÍA DOCENTE DE LA MATERIA Y/O ASIGNATURA ECTS SUBJECT: LEGISLATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS 3 Matter: dermatology psychosocial aspects 3 Module: BASIC THEORETICAL TRAINING 39 COURSE: 1 Semester: 1 Type of Training: mandatory Teachers: Isabel Alastrue Elena Castellano Jaume Granell Marta Palomar E-mail: elena.castellano@ucv.es MODULE ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________________________ BASIC THEORETICAL TRAINING 39 ECTS Duration and temporary location within curriculum: module is structured in 6 subjects which are taught throughout the academic year, being 60% of the total in the first quarter. Field and Subjects Field ANATOMOPHYSIOLOGY DERMATOLOGY AND CARE ECTS Subject ECTS Course/ semester MICROBIOLOGY 3 1/1 HISTOBIOLOGÍY 3 1/1 DERMATOLOGIC PATHOLOGY 3 1/2 CARE IN DERMATOLOGY 6 1/1 6 9 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 SURGERY ERGONOMICS AND PHYSICS OF THE HUMAN BODY BIOCHEMICAL FUNDAMENTALS PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS IN DERMATOLOGY 9 6 6 3 LOWER, PLASTIC AND ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY 3 1/2 GENERAL AND VASCULAR SURGERY 6 1/2 PHYSIOTHERAPY AND PHYSICAL 3 1/2 PODIATRY 3 1/2 BIOCHEMISTRY - PHARMACOLOGY 3 1/1 NUTRITION 3 1/1 LEGISLATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS 3 1/1 TEACHING GUIDE SUBJECT: Prerequisites: GENERAL OBJECTIVES Have and understand knowledge that can provide a base or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a context of research. Students to be able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of formulating judgments from information which, being incomplete or limited, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. That students possess learning skills that you allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous CROSS-DISCIPLINARY SKILLS Weighting of the competition Instrumental 1 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 3 4 4 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 1. Be able to analyze and synthesize the information X 2. Be able to perform appropriate an organization and planning 3. Be X able to solve problems X 4. Be able to develop audiovisual presentations Interpersonal 5. Be X 1 2 3 4 able to work in a team and effectively collaborate in an X interdisciplinary team 6. Be able to make decisions X 7. Be able to develop a critical reasoning X 8.. Be able to assume responsibilities Systemic 9. Acquire X 1 an ethical commitment 2 3 4 X Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 SPECIFIC SKILLS Conceptual 1 2 3 4 C1. Analysing the legal aspects related to skin pathology and its impact according to the etiology of skin problem, as well as social aspects involved. Skills X 1 2 3 H1. Developing strategies and techniques to engage and collaborate with the primary caregivers in the treatment of chronic diseases. 4 X … (…). … (…). … (…). Professionals P1.Assess the psychological effects caused by the cutaneous pathology in the daily life of the individual and health action before them. … (…). … (…). … (…). Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 1 2 3 4 X 6 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 LEARNING OUTCOMES R 1 the student will complete COMPETENCIES plans of joint care for C1-H1-P1 patient and primary caregiver. R 2. The student will learn strategies to help the C1-H1-P1 patient/family in coping with serious pathology R 3. The student will know the legal implications of their C1-H1-P1 medical treatment. TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF CLASSROOM WORK ACTIVITY Teaching-learning methodology THEORETICAL CLASSES SEMINARY Relationship with results of learning of the subject ECTS Exhibition of contents by the Professor through participatory lectures, explanation and R1-R2-R3 demonstration of abilities, skills and knowledge in the classroom. 1 Monographic sessions 0.5 supervised R1-R2-R3 shared participation. Internal tutorials: personal and small group assistance. Period of instruction or guidance by the teacher in order to review and TUTORY discuss the materials and themes presented in classes, R1-R2-R3 0.3 R1-R2-R3 0.2 seminars, readings, realization of cooperative work. Virtual tutoring across the virtual campus (ucv.net). EVALUATION Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 A set of oral and/or written tests used in the initial, formative or additive evaluation of the student. TOTAL 2 CRITERIALS FOR THE AWARD OF HONOURS:Explicitar criterios concretos señalados para la asignatura y facultad a la que se adscribe el título y de acuerdo con la normativa general que indica que sólo se puede dar una matrícula de honor por cada 20 alumnos no por fracción de 20, con la excepción del caso de grupos de menos de 20 alumnos en total, en los que se puede dar una matrícula. TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF AUTONOMOUS STUDENT WORK ACTIVITY Teaching-learning methodology Relationship with results of learning of the subject ECTS AUTÓNOMOUS WORK The student study: individual preparation of readings, essays, resolution of issues, seminars, jobs, reports to expose or deliver in theoretical classes, practical classes and/or small group tutoring. Work on the platform of the University ( www.plataforma.ucv.es) R11,R12,R13 1 Total 1 THE ACQUISITION OF THE SKILLS EVALUATION SYSTEM AND GRADING SYSTEM Assessment tool Theory test. Test objective ASSESSED LEARNING OUTCOMES R11, R12, R13 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Percentag e granted 100% 8 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 0. 1. 2. 3. COMPETENCIES SOCIAL ASPECTS: introduction. Importance of social factors on health and disease States. background historical Social work in the field of health. Objet and objectives of Health Social work. 3.1. General functions of the Social worker in health institutions. 3.2. the Social worker as a member of the interdisciplinary team. 4. Comprehensive patient care. 4.1. health social diagnosis and intervention plan integrated into the general plan of treatment. 4.2.metodology in work Social. 4.3.Instruments of Social work registration. 4.4. the interview at work Social. 4.5.El basic process of intervention of the Social worker at the different levels of health care. Scales and rates of assessment: Barthel, Pfeiffer, Aggar family, Zarit, Social worker gijon. 4.6.el as a link in sociosanitary. 5. Cases coordinating professional important intervention in Social work. PSYCHOLOGICAL aspects: 1. Introduction 2 Styles of coping 3 Strategies to be used by medical personnel To cope with the stress: techniques of self-control To improve the autoestima R1-R2 To improving patient relations / health workforce: communication. 4. The social support: formal and informal networks. Health information. 5. Special cases that relate to Dermatologic pathology Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 psychology. INFORMATION TO THE PATIENT LEGAL ASPECTS OF DERMATOLOGIC PATHOLOGY R3 Temporal organization of learning (students of first registration): CONTENT/UNIT BLOCK NUMBER OF SESSIONS 1 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS 5 2 SOCIAL ASPECTS 5 .3 LEGAL ASPECTS 2 .4 INFORMATION TO THE PATIENT 1 . N BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ballesteros, S; García B, Procesos psicológicos Básicos, Madrid, 2001. 2. Beare, P, Myers, J. Enfermería Medicoquirúrgica Vol. I. 1995, Barcelona . Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 10 Teaching guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 3. Davis, M, McKay; M, Eschelman, E. Técnicas de autocontrol emocional, Barcelona, 2001. 4. Grimalt, T. Cotterill, J.A. et al, “ Dermatología y Psiquiatría”Historias clínicas comentadas, Madrid. Aula médica ediciones.2002: 20-38. 5 . Mota López, P; Carretero Hernández, G “Manual de la consulta de Enfermería dermatológica” CEDER 2007. 6. Oliver Martinez, V. Valoración integral del paciente. Unidad didáctica II, Enfermería Dermatológica. Master Deterioro de la Integridad Cutánea: Úlceras y heridas.Iª edición.2007 7. Ribó Boixareu, M.J. Dermatosis relacionada con el trastorno del impulso. Aula. 2006 8. Vallejo-Nágera, J.A, Guía práctica de Psicología, Barcelona, 2000. 9. Whartan, M; Uncida, Tet al “ Light tanning as a type of substance related disorder”. Archivos de dermatología, agosto 2005. Vol 141, 963-966. 10. Worchel, S, Shebilske, W. Psicología: Fundamentos y aplicaciones, Madrid, 1998. 11. Código Deontológico de Trabajo Social. Texto aprobado por la asamblea general de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales en su sesión extraordinaria de 29 de mayo de 1999. Madrid. - 12. Cristina De Robertis. Metodología de la Intervención en Trabajo Social. Lumen. Buenos Aires, 2006. 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