women​`​s body and fundamental rights new challenges

Asociación Argentina de Mujeres de Carreras Jurídicas presents
Enlarged Administrative Council of the
Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 14 to 17, 2016
Day 1 - Monday, November 14, 2016
09:30 - 13:00 h
Bureau meeting
Palacio San Martín, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. Salón Berni
Location: Arenales 761
10:00 - 17:30 h
Office of the Asociación Argentina de Mujeres de Carreras Jurídicas
Location: San Martín 945 1-B
18:30 h
Cocktail reception
Palacio San Martín, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. Hall Los Frescos
Location: Arenales 761
20:00 h
Welcoming concert
Centro Cultural Kirchner
Location: Sarmiento 151
Day 2 - Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Colegio Público de Abogados de Capital Federal
Location: Paraná 423
10:00 h
Opening ceremony
Jorge Rizzo, President Colegio Público de Abogados de Capital Federal. Argentina.
Fabiana Tuñez, President Consejo Nacional de las Mujeres. Argentina
María Elena Elverdin, President FIFCJ. Argentina
10:30 h
Keynote Address
Rita Segato, anthropologist. Argentina-Brazil.
11:15 h
Coffee break
11:45 h
Body Politics: Abortion, Surrogacy and LGBT Activism
Mabel Bianco, President Fundación para el Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer (FEIM). Argentina
Fernanda Gil Lozano, Mercosur Parliamentary. Argentina
Marcela Romero, President Federación Argentina LGBT. Argentina
12:45 h
Contributions from participants
12:30 h
Debate and conclusions
13:15 h
15:30 h
Technologies and Contemporary Threats: Cyberbullying and Terrorism
Dafne Sabanes Plou, Regional Coordinator of women's program Asociación para el Progreso de las
Comunicaciones para América Latina y el Caribe. Argentina
Caterina Flick, FIFCJ Representative at UNESCO, President Work Commission Internet, ICT (Information
and Communications Technologies) and Media. Italy
Anne Sireyjol, FIFCJ Counselor and representative at European Women's Lobby. France
Aysen Önen, FIFCJ first Vice-President and representative at UNESCO. Turkey
16:45 h
Contributions from participants
17:15 h
End of session
21:00 h
Gala Dinner ​(registration required)
Sucre Restaurant Bar Grill
Location: Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre 676
Day 3 - Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Colegio Público de Abogados de Capital Federal
Location: Paraná 423
10:00 h
Gender, Access to Justice and Imprisonment Conditions
Stella Maris Martínez, Attorney General of the Nation. Argentina
María Fernanda López Puleio, Responsible for the Secretaría Especial de la Defensa Pública para la
Implementación Estratégica del Sistema Penal. Argentina
Susana Medina de Rizzo, President Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Jueces. Argentina
11:00 h
Coffee break
11:30 h
Women’s Body: Violence and Resistance​:
Mercedes Hernández, President Asociación de Mujeres de Guatemala. Spain
Diana Rodríguez, President Fundación Pro Bono. Peru
Representative Work Commission on Torture. FIFCJ
Representative Women's Network for Change. France
12:45 h
Contributions from participants
13:15 h
15:30 h
Debate and presentation of the agreed conclusions
16:15 h
Closing ceremony of the conference
16:45 h
End of session
19:00 h
Cocktail courtesy of the French Ambassador, Jean-Michel Casa ​(registration required)
Palacio Ortiz Basualdo, Embassy of France in Argentina
Location: Cerrito 1399
Day 4 - Thursday, November 17, 2016
Colegio Público de Abogados de Capital Federal
Location: Paraná 423
10:00 h
Meeting of Work Commissions and liaison with international organizations
13:15 h
15:30 h
Administrative Council meeting
18:00 h
End of session
If you wish to make an intervention during the conference, please send your written contribution to ​infopresident@fifcj-ifwlc.com
by ​14 October, 2016​. The intervention cannot last more than five (5) minutes and should refer exclusively to the main themes of the
The registration fee is US$ 300.
The registration deadline is set for ​October 14, 2016​. Prior to this date, with no exceptions, you must submit your registration form
to ​infopresident@fifcj-ifwlc.com​.
Due to the expensive fees applicable to bank transfers to Argentina, we strongly recommend to pay for your registration in cash at
the office of the ​Asociación Argentina de Mujeres de Carreras Jurídica​s on November 14, 2016 (from 10 to 17 hours).
In our website ​(​www.fifcj-ifwlc.com​) you will find an official invitation letter that, if necessary, may be submitted at embassies or
other institutions. Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail in case of further questions.
We offer simultaneous interpretation services (Spanish, French, English and Portuguese) only for the second and third day of
activities. This does not include the meetings of the Bureau, of the Work Commissions, and of the Administrative Council.
To access the Palacio San Martin (November 14, 2016) and the ​Embassy of France in Argentina ​(November 17, 2016), you must send
an e-mail with your name, passport number, and country of origin to ​infopresident@fifcj-ifwlc.com​ before ​October 14, 2016​.