Authors/ Poets and Writers Coming this Fall At a

Fall, 2011
At a
Ongoing Events/
A Reading-filled Summer/
We had a wonderful, reading-filled summer in
the Children’s Room with 302 participants in our reading game One World, Many
Stories. Congratulations to all! Below Librarian Barbara Crespo reads to a captive
audience at the “Bouncing Babies: Stroller Stories” in Patriots Park.
Basic Internet
Workshop, Monday
evenings at 7 PM.
E-mail Computer
Class, two Saturdays a month. Call
the Library at
631-7734 to register.
The Chess Club
meets on the second, third, and fourth
Thursday of every
month from 6:308:45 PM. All ages
and skill levels are
Informal Writers’
Group that meets on
the second Tuesday
of each month at10
AM will read from
their work Thursday,
November 3 at 7 PM.
Senior Benefits
Information at
Warner Library
Wednesdays 10 AM- 1 PM
Note: LV Tutor Training Workshop starts
Saturday. Oct. 15.
Become a Literacy
Volunteer Tutor; call
432-3052 or email
Español p. 4 y 5
Authors/ Poets and Writers Coming this Fall
Monday, October 17 at 7 PM/ Times and Dimes with the Rockefellers/ Local author
Laura Bunt will discuss her personal remembrances of the Rockefeller family.
Thursday, October 27 at 7 PM/ America’s Medicis: the Rockefellers and their
Astonishing Cultural Legacy/ Author Suzanne Loebl will discuss her book.
Saturday, November 5 at 2 PM/ Westchester Review—Prose and Poetry at the
Library. Contributors from the Westchester Review will read from their work.
Monday, November 7 at 7 PM/ Join us for a panel discussion on parenting with
three authors: Alison Gilbert, author of Parentless Parents; Peg Tyres' The Good
School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve; and
Priscilla Gillman's The AntiRomantic Child, a memoir about raising a hyperlexic son.
Saturday, November 12 at 2 PM/ Poet and publisher Meredith Trede will read from
her new book, Field Theory. A question and answer session about writing and
publishing poetry will follow.
Writing Poems, a poetry writing workshop - with Natalie Safir/ Six Sundays at 1:30
PM —Oct. 2, 9, 16, 30 and Nov. 6 and 13. Beginners and experienced writers are
welcome. Sign up at the Reference Desk. Sponsored by a grant from Poets & Writers.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE – Save the date: TEAC Eco Fair/October
Gallery Exhibits
Sept/ Yoram Gelman
displays photography:
landscape, still life
and architecture.
Oct/ Linda Lyons
shows mixed media,
collage, and abstract.
Nov/ Karen Kelleher
shows hotographs of
the Alhambra.
Dec/ Vicki Bond
shows collage.
Warner Library
Book Group
Thursday, Sept. 1 at 7
PM/ Bel Canto by Ann
Patchett; Thursday,
October 13 at 7PM/
Finding Nouf by Zoe
Warner Library is now
part of Westchester
County’s One Stop
Employment Center
to assist unemployed
local residents fulfill
their job search
requirements. Stop by
the Reference Desk to
learn how to utilize the
career resources that
are available at the
1-9 PM
10 AM-6 PM
10 AM-6 PM
1-9 PM
10 AM-5 PM
10 AM-5 PM
1-5 PM
*Open Sundays Oct-May
Closed: October 10, November 11, & 24; December 24,
Thursdays, Sept. 15, 22, Oct. 6, 13, Nov. 3 and 10, 2 to 3:30 PM/ Hidden
Gems from Opera with Susan Grunthal will feature arias and choruses from six
seldom performed operas by Rossini, Verdi, Bizet, Giordano and Dvorak.
Thursday, September 15 at 7 PM/ Gardens and Landscapes of the Hudson
Valley with master gardener Eleanor Hoffman. Join us for slides and discussion
of five historic landscapes in the Great Estates region of the Mid-Hudson Valley.
Monday, September 19 at 7 PM/ 9/11's Blue Collar Heroes: Remembering
the Fallen Heroes and Rescue Workers, a lecture by Richard A. Greenwald/
Embraced by the public as heroes, the workers had a brief moment in the sun
before they were forgotten. This talk seeks to place them again at the center of
the story. Sponsored by NY Council for the Humanities/ Speakers in the Humanities Program.
Thursday, November 10 at 7 PM/ Washington Irving’s Alhambra—Film is
followed by a discussion by filmmaker Karen Kelleher about the making of her
documentary about Washington Irving’s literary journey.
Saturday, November 12 at 1:30 PM / – Create your own jewelry at the Wearable
Art Workshop with Phyllis Ger. Call 631-7734 to register.
Halloween Happenings @Your Library
Monday, October 3 at 7 PM/ Sleepy Hollow cemetery trustee Jim Logan
presents A Visual Tour of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery – the final abode of
famous and infamous residents.
Friday, October 28 at 7 PM/ Pipe Dream Theater presents the Legend of
Sleepy Hollow, in a one-act, 40 minute, musical performance.
Saturday, October 29 at 2 PM/ Alan Sklar reads Edgar Allan Poe’s terrifying
suspense story, The Pit and the Pendulum, in celebration of Halloween at
Warner Library.
Sunday, October 30 at 3:15 PM/ Legends and Lore of Sleepy Hollow and the
Hudson Valley presented by author Jonathan Kruk.
Musical Events
Saturday, September 17 at 2:30 PM/ A Song for All Seasons, featuring
sopranos Catherine Campbell Nesbit and Julie Majchrzyk with Sue Anderson,
piano. A quartet, featuring Carol Collins, violin, Laura Macbeth, violin, Katherine
Branch, viola, and Howard Cohen, cello, will also perform.
Sunday, October 23 at 2:30 PM/ Jazz singer Marlene VerPlanck will perform
great standards and new songs from America’s finest composers.
Sunday, November 13 at 2:30 PM/ The Really Terrible Orchestra of
Westchester is an ensemble of musical amateurs who do not let rusty skills or
fear of success get in the way of philharmonic fun - with director Barbara
Saturday, November 19 at 2:30 PM/ The Capitol Heights Lyric Opera presents
highlights from Carmen, Don Giovanni, The Barber of Seville, and La
Save the Date! Saturday, December 3— Annual Tree Lighting at Patriots Park
and Holiday Gathering and Hudson Bells Concert at 6:30PM at Warner Library.
More Adult Events on Page 8.
WARNER LIBRARY/Serving the Villages of Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow since 1929
Fall Storytimes/
Bouncing Babies/ Tuesday 11:15 AM (babies not yet walking)
It’s Toddlerific!/ Wednesday 10:15 & 11:15 AM (ages 1-3 yrs)
3s Company/ Tuesday 2:30 PM (2 ½ - 3 ½ years)
Stories & More/ Monday 4 PM (4-7)
Cuentos y Canciones/ Friday 10:30 AM (all ages)
Monthly Storytimes for all ages/ Saturday Stories & Teddy
Bear Storytime, plus Craft Table; Bingo; Movies
(September 30, Clone Wars) and Movies in Spanish. See
our calendar and web page for dates.
Children’s Room Afternoon Craft Table
The Good Dog reading program continues two Saturday afternoons a month for children
who are reading and learning to read. Enjoy a tail-wagging reading time with a trained
therapy dog. Call 631-7734 to sign up for a time to read, one-on-one, to a furry friend!
Special Events
Mock Newbery Discussion
Club – there is still time to join
in the debate over the 2012
Newbery winner! We are
reading and voting for books
that are candidates for the
Newbery Medal, the country’s
most prestigious prize for
literature written for young
people. We meet one
Thursday a month. Call for a
list of books to read and signup. For children in fourth grade
and older.
Book Bunch – a first book
discussion club, for grades 1
through 3. We meet once a
month on Saturday afternoons. Please call for more
information and to sign up!
Wednesday, October 5, 12,
19 at 3:30 PM/ Kitchen
Science – Please sign up now
for this series that explores the
connections between food and
science through
experimentation and hands-on
activities. For grades 3–6.
Sunday, October 9 at 2 PM/
Help us celebrate Gunpowder’s
Kids projects (supported by
Ichabod Alive) with awards
and refreshments.
Thursday, October 13 at 7:15 PM/
Jonathan Kruk —The Hudson
Valley’s master storyteller
returns for an evening of spellbinding stories of Sleepy Hollow
and beyond. Don’t miss this
chance to see Jonathan in an
intimate setting at your library.
Creepy Carnival – Saturday,
October 22, 1-2:30 PM/
Games, crafts, face painting and
more. Come in your Halloween
costume for extra tickets to play!
Saturday, September 17
from 1-4 PM/
Make sure your child
has the most important
school supply:
a library
card! Join
us for an activity
between 1 and 4
and a story at 2 PM.
Wednesday, October 26 at
3:30 PM/ A Taste of Culture/
Los Sabores de Cultura – In
celebration of Hispanic Heritage
Month, bring in a favorite dish
from your culture to share.
Please sign up in the Children’s
Wednesday, November 2, 9,
16 at 3:30 PM/ Beading
Bonanza – Please sign up now
to make beaded hemp
friendship bracelets, knotted
necklaces, and pony bead
creatures. For grades 3-6.
Saturday, November 5, 2 –4 PM
Amazing Authors & Artists!
Join us for a showcase of
writing and artwork by children,
ages six and older. Please
contact children’s room staff if
you have work to exhibit.
Save the Date – Saturday,
January 21 for our 2nd annual
Read-a-thon, sponsored by the
EPTA of the Tarrytowns. Join
us in a celebration of children’s
books and to raise money for
the Children’s Room as well.
We offer our thanks to the family and friends of Mike and Alicia Love for the many generous donations to the Children's Room made
in memory of their son, Finn Alpert Love. Books, tables and chairs, were purchased, and a collage created by Lynda Lyons in Finn's
memory were donated to the Children's Room Please visit to view this work, and our new furniture.
Eventos en Curso
Programas y Eventos para Adultos
Taller de Internet básico,
los Lunes a las 7 PM
Jueves, Sept. 15, 22, Oct. 6, 13, Nov. 3 & 10. 2-3:30 pm/ Tesoros Escondidos de Opera, con
Susan Grunthal, presentará coros de seis diferentes όperas de Rossini, Verdi, Bizet, Giordano and
Clase de E-mail y
Computadoras: Dos
sábados al mes. Llame a la
biblioteca al 631-7734 para
Jueves 15 de Septiembre a las 7 PM/ Jardines y paisajes del Valle del Hudson con la Maestra en
jardinería, Eleanor Hoffman. Únase a nosotros para disfrutar de fotos y discutir sobre cinco paisajes
históricos en el Valle del Rio Hudson.
Club de Ajedrez, Se reúne
el segundo, tercero y cuarto
jueves de cada mes de 6:30
a 8:45 PM/ Todas las
edades y niveles son
Información sobre los
beneficios para las
personas de la Tercera
Edad en la Biblioteca
Warner, los miércoles de
10 AM a 1 PM.
Venta de libros de Otoño
de los Amigos de la
Biblioteca Warner/
Sábado 15 y Domingo 16
de Octubre de 10am a 5
pm. Busque las carpas
blancas en la parte de
adelante de la Biblioteca
donde encontrará libros,
DVD, CDs. Todas las
ganancias irán al fondo
para programas de la
La Biblioteca Warner ahora
forma parte del “One Stop
Center” (Centro de
Empleo) del condado de
Westchester que provee
asistencia a los residentes
locales que están
desempleados para
cumplir los
requerimientos de
búsqueda de trabajo.
Acérquese al
departamento de
Referencia e infórmese
como utilizar los
recursos disponibles.
Sábado 17 de Septiembre a las 2:30 pm/Una canción para todas las estaciones, con las sopranos
Catherine Campbell Nesbit y Julia Majchrzyk con Sue Anderson en el piano, mas las cuerdas de:
Carol Collins, violin; Laura Macbeth, violín; Rama Katherine en la viola y Howard Cohen en el
Lunes 19 de Septiembre a las 7 PM/ 9/11’s Trabajadores Héroes: Recordando a los héroes
caídos y trabajadores de rescate/ Conferencia presentada por Richard A Greenwald / Patrocinado por el Consejo de Nueva York para las Humanidades/Voceros en el Programa de Humanidades.
Sábado 1 de Octubre a las 7 PM/ AARP regresa a la biblioteca con el curso popular de manejo
seguro. Para registrarse llame por favor al departamento de referencia de la Biblioteca
Lunes, 3 de Octubre a las 7 PM/ El administrador del cementerio de Sleepy Hollow, Jim Logan,
presentará un tour visual del cementerio, morada final de los residentes de Sleepy Hollow tanto famosos como no famosos.
Sábado 8 de Octubre, 2011 de 1 a 3PM/ La Técnica Alexander. Taller en teoría y práctica de esta
técnica para el tratamiento del dolor.
Lunes 17 de Octubre a las 7 PM/ Tiempos con los Rockefeller/ Laura Bunt una autor de la localidad compartirá sus experiencias personales con la familia Rockefeller.
Domingo 23 de Octubre a las 7 PM/ La cantante de jazz Marlene VerPlanck presentará en la Biblioteca Warner grandes estándares y nuevas canciones de los mejores compositores de los Estados
Jueves 27 de Octubre a las 7 PM/ Medicis Americana: Los Rockefeller y su asombroso legado
cultural/ Autor Suzanne Loebl discutirá sobre su libro.
Viernes 28 de Octubre a las 7 PM/ Pipe Dream Theater presenta la Leyenda de Sleepy Hollow,
en un acto, 40 minutos, presentación musical.
Sábado 29 de Octubre a las 2:30 PM/ Alan Sklar leerá la historia terrorífica y de suspenso de Edgar Alan Poe, El Pozo y el Péndulo, en celebración de Halloween en la Biblioteca Warner.
Domingo Octubre 30 a las 3:15PM/ Leyendas y Cuentos de Sleepy Hollow y del Valle del Hudson, con el autor Jonathan Kruk.
Lunes Noviembre 7 a las 7PM/ Los Padres sin Padres/ Autora Allison Gilbert analiza como la pérdida de nuestros padres y madres afecta en la manera en que criamos a nuestros hijos.
Jueves 10 de Noviembre a las 7 PM/ Alhambra de Washington Irving - Película, seguida por
una discusión con el cineasta Karen Kelleher.
Sábado 12 de Noviembre a la 1:30 PM/ Crea tus propias joyas en el Taller del Arte de vestir con
Phyllis Ger.
Sábado 12 de Noviembre a las 2 PM/ La poeta y editora Meredith Trede leerá de su libro, Teoría
del Campo.
Domingo 13 de Noviembre a las 2:30 PM/ La Orquesta Realmente Terrible de Westchester, es
un conjunto musical de aficionados que tocan por diversión, dirigida por Barbara Rosenthal.
Sábado 19 de Noviembre, 2:30 PM/ El Capitol Heights Lyric Opera, presenta lo más destacado
de Carmen, Don Giovanni, El Barbero de Sevilla y la Cenerentola.
Salve el Dia! Sábado 3 de Diciembre/ Iluminación Anual del Árbol en el Parque Patriot, concierto
de Hudson Bells, y celebraciόn de festividades navideñas (a las 6:30 PM) en la Biblioteca Warner.
Todos los programas son gratuitos y financiados por los Amigos de la Biblioteca Warner, a menos
que se indique lo contrario.
Serving the Villages of Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow since 1929
Programas y Eventos para Niños
Horas de Cuentos del Otoño
Bebés Saltarines – Todos los Martes a las 11:15am
Tres en Compañía - Todos los Martes a las 2:30pm
Terríficos cuentos para Niños- Miércoles a las 10:15am y 11:15 am (1-3años)
Usted puede atender a una sesión cada miércoles.
Historias y mucho más: Lunes a las 4:00 pm (4-8años)
Cuentos y Canciones – Viernes a los 10:30 am (todas las edades)
Historias Mensuales para todas las edades:
Historias de los Sábados / Tiempo para las historias del Osito Teddy: Una vez al mes
Mesa de manualidades y Bingo en la Biblioteca
Películas – Septiembre 30, Clone Wars y Películas en Español
Grupo de Discusión de Newbery - que se reúne una vez al mes, los jueves. Lee y vota por el libro que merece el
premio Newbery del 2012. Para niños del cuarto grado en adelante.
Club de Lectura - que se reúne una vez al mes los Sábados por la tarde, para una discusión de libros. Para niños de
1 ° - 3 ° grado.
Ciencia de la Cocina - Explora las conecciones entre la comida y la ciencia. Para niños en 3 °- 6 ° grado.
Octubre 13 a las 7:15 de la noche el en tercer piso - Jonathan Kruck narrador de cuentos presentará en vivo
historias espantosas de Sleepy Hollow y pueblos del más alla.
Carnaval Espantoso - Sábado, Octubre 22 a la 1pm hasta las 2:30pm. Juegos, manualidades y mucho más. Venga
disfrazado para ganar extra boletos.
Los Sabores de Cultura - Miercoles, Octubre 26 a las 3:30 de la tarde. En celebración del mes de la Herencia
Hispana, traiga un plato de comida para compartir con todos. Inscríbase ahora.
Salve el Día - Sábado, Enero 21, para la segunda Lectura-a-thon anual de libros, fundado por el EPTA de Tarrytown.
Celebra con nosotros los libros y recauda dinero para el Salón de Niños.
Bonanza de Joyas - Miercoles Noviembre 2, 9 y 16 a las 3:30. Construya collares, brazaletes y mucho más.
Inscribase ahora.
Sábado, Noviembre 5 a las 2 de la tarde hasta las 4 de la tarde ¡Fántstico Autores e Ilustradores! - ¿Quieres
mostrar a la comunidad tu talento? Traiga su arte e historias para un exhibición en el Salón de Niños. Inscribase
ahora. Para niños de 6 años en adelante.
Solo Para Adolescentes!
Jueves 22 de Septiembre, 2011, 3:30 a 5:00PM, Su anillo de Abalorios. Jaime Ross demostrara a los
adolescentes como hacer su anillo personal inicial con abalorios. Para edades de 11 a 18 años.
Miércoles 5 de Octubre, 2011, 3:30 a 4:45 PM/” Regreso a la Escuela” Melanie Rose enseñará a los
adolescentes como hacer un separador de hojas con alambre y un collar de cuero. Para edades de 11 a 18 años.
Miércoles 9 de Noviembre, 2011 de 3:00 a 5:00 PM/ Libros hechos a mano – Nancy Hayes demostrará las
técnicas de hacer libros a mano. Para edades de 11 a 18 años.
Miércoles 16 de Noviembre, 2011 3:30 – 5 PM/ Decorando pasteles para festividades navideñas, liderado por Laura
Rypka y Liz Siracusa. Podrá comer todas las decoraciones! Para edades de 11 a 18 años.
Escribiendo el ensayo para la Universidad – Taller de dos partes/ Sábado 17 y 24 de Septiembre de 10:30 AM a
12 M/ La educadora Naomi Vladeck, ayudará a los estudiantes a empezar la composición de su ensayo. Para 11vo y
12vo grados del colegio.
Jueves 29 de Septiembre de 7-8 PM/Aplicación para Universidad – Dr. Gay Pepper y Bill Ford darán orientación
sobre el proceso de aplicación universitaria incluyendo la instrucción de cómo completar una aplicación común. Para
estudiantes y padres.
Jueves 3 de Noviembre de 7-8 PM/ Pagando la Universidad. Lo Básico de Ayuda Financiera/ Dr. Gay Pepper y Bill
Ford discutirán las estrategias para encontrar el dinero para financiar la educación universitaria.
Nuevo! Obtener un GED/ Sábados a las 10 AM- Los tutores estarán disponibles para ayudarle a prepararse
para el examen. No se necesita cita. Patrocinado por la Biblioteca y el Sistema Bibliotecario de Westchester.
Thanks to the Community for Contributions Received June 1, 2010 through May 31, 2011
Leonard Abraham
Gloria & Louis Agro
Robert & Betty Albertson
Jay Albrecht
Miriam S. Alers
Irene Amato
Leonard & Helen Andrew
Edson Andrews & Margaret Rubick
George & Barbara Angevine
Joseph & Judith Angiolillo
Daniel & Gail Antos
Marie E. Arcate
Gertrude Arduino
Jeanne Arduino
Michael Arum
Christopher & Janet Atkinson
Wilfredo & Joanne Avenaut
Herbert & Melissa Baer
Rathindra & Kalyani Banik
Rosemarie Barbera
Harriet Barnett
Anne Barschall
Alan & Mary Bates
Kiran & Jenny Batheja
Spofford & Patricia Beadle
Alison Beall
Andrew & Lori Beaton
Jordan Becker & Katharine Swibold
Johanne Beers
Mario & Edna Belanich
Derrick Bell
Betty Benjamin
Vilma Bergane
Cliff Berger & Anne Kershaw
Edward & Miriam Bernabei
Jordan Bernstein & Michelle Crepeau
Harriet Bettman
Harvey & Alice Binder
Anna Biros
Mary Bittles
Margaret Black
Veronica Black
Haig & Valerie Bohigian
Kathryn Bonomi
Thelma Borenstein
Michelle Boyar
Thomas J. Boyle
Walter Bradshaw
Matthew & Susan Brennan
Theresa Broadway
Opal Wilson Broner
Peter & Frances Brooks
Florence Brown
Ronald Brown
Todd & Martina Z. Brown
Bruce & Joan Buckley
Lillian Burdi
Diane Byrd
Joyce Byrne
Edna K. Cahill
Joseph Callahan
Tim & Jeannie Callanan
Katherine Camillieri
Brian & Melissa Campbell
Bruce & Margo Campbell
Brian & Lauren Candee
Mary J. Cannoles
Sal & Lisa Cappiello
Gundelinde Carissimo
Maryann Carlino
Elisa Carrillo
Grace Carroll
Marie Carter
Robert & Paula Casazza
Marcia Case
Stephen & Miriam Caspi
Jean Cavrell
Arthur & Lucille Ceconi
Joan Ceconi
Kevin Ceconi
Walter & Barbara Ceconi
Martha Cember
William & Rosemary Cerbone
Beverly Chabinsky
Alex & Maryann Chambers
Priscilla Chang
Cynthia Chazotte & Robert Madden
Diana Muenz Chen
Benjamin & Mary Lynn Child
Edward & Beverly Child
Martha Child
Hong Rae & Joo Ja Cho
Nicholas & Margaret Cicchetti
Diana Cirillo
Frank Cofone
I. Roy & Joan Cohen
Leonard & Sandra Cohen
Patricia Cohn
Shelly & Ian Colley
Michael & Barbara Collins
Patricia Collins
John Connors
Gail Conway
Ann Cooney
Elaine Cooney
Alyce Coqueran
Eleanor Cornett
Nelson & Bernardita Correa
Joan Crispinelli
Daniel Croft
Anne Marie Currie
Marion Dale
Dorothy Dalia
Helen Dalzell
David Davenport & Robert Welsch
Carol David
Mark & Linda Davies
Elizabeth Dawes
Joseph & Linda DeBellis
Ruth Dewey
Nancy Dexter
Joshua & Kristin Dick
CH & Joan Dobson
Ida Doctor
Steven & Carol Dodson
Jean Donnelly
Angel Dopico
Jorge Dopico & Joy Joseph
Bradley Dorfman
William & Mary Jane Driscoll
Jane Dubin
Sean & Martha Dugan
Trudy Dunbar
Stephen Dyott
Patricia Eade
Barry & Maria Eastmond
Laurie Edelman
Jack Eisert
Ann Marie Ellinghaus
Fred Ellman & Joan Raiselis
Janet Elmiger
Carol Endres
Robert & Nancy Errico
Gloria Esteves
Hedwig Eulau
Keith & Leslie Evans
Lance & Patricia Evans
James & Connie Fadden
Christa Fagerberg
Petronella Feaster
Shirley Feldman
Philip & Gloria Figler
Thomas Finn
Jasmine Fiore
Jeff & Paddy Fisher
Drew Fixell & Victoria Hudson
Eva Flanagan
Ellen Flynn
Beth Ford & Jill Schurtz
John Ford & Alice Casey
Judith Forrest
Bryant Frazer & Karen Ringen
Janet Freund
Barbara B. Friedlich
Vivian Frommer
Joel Frutkin
John & Joy Furtado
Francis & Mary Galgano
Josephine Galgano
John & Domenica Galindo
Dean Gallea
John & Karen Garibaldi
David & Susan Geisker
Ann Gerli
Robert & Barbara Gerson
Ron & Sarah Gillespie
Linda Giuliano
Rita Gladstone
David Glickhouse & Carin Rubenstein
Thomas & Liza Glover
Deborah Golab
James & Sara Goldberg
Richard Goldfarb
Adila Goldman
Helene Gomez
Samuel & Michele Gonzalez
Susan Goodwin
Alexandra Gordon
Tim Grajek & Margaret Fox
Margaret Green
Meg Greenberg
Pearl Greenberg
Diane Gross
Jesse Gross
Ann E. Grow
Ingrid Ronngren Guerci
Ralph Gunderman
Ahmet Gursoy
Patricia Hafner
Meredith Hale
William Hall
Richard Harbus
Erica Hartog
Martin Hauser
Kate Hecht
Susan H. Hecht
Herbert Hennas
Sally Herguth
Marta Hernandez
Barbara Hersch
Lillian Hess
Glenn & Susan Higgins
Maureen Higgins
Dorothy H. Hill
Evelyn Hilliard
Sydney Hinds
Adam & Kathleen Hinge
Lois Hinman
Gloria Hofgartner
James Hogan
Alan Holder
Mary Hollanda
Elaine Hopson
Hugh & Ruby Howell
Frank & Gertrude Hrotko
Cora E. Hubbard
David Huber & Gwenn Glover
Gregory & Ann Hull
Eleanor Hunt
Veronica Hunt
Burton & Hedda Hurvich
Husereau Family
Maria Ilardi
Elio Ippolito
Agnes Jackman
Miranda Jaffe
Beverly Rose Jansen
Andrew & Eleanor Jass
Vera Jenne
Paul & Leslie Jeris
Barry Johnson & Niamh Fitzgerald
Christopher Jones
Robert & Nancy Jones
Arlene Kaplan
Natalie Kase
Haskell & Mary Kassler
Marion Kassler
Jodie Katz
Andrea Kelligrew
Marcus & Dorothea Kelligrew
Sally Kellock
Eileen Kelly
Josephine Kelly
Julianne Kelly
Ellen Kennes
Joan Kent
Paul & Ruth Keppler
Davis Kezur
Ravilal Khatri
Marie Kielar
Carolyn Kihm
Sharon Kirschner
James Kittler
Robert & Marcia Klein
Michael & Meryl Klekman
Robert & Margaret Kogan
Anne Koss
John & Margaret Kraft
John A. Krall
George Kraus
Madeleine Kubicek
Lawrence & Catherine Kunz
Marilyn Ladis
John Lagana
Pauline Lagana
R. W. & Elizabeth Laite
WARNER LIBRARY/Serving the Villages of Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow since 1929
William Lane & Susan Wortman
Jean Latrille & Yolanda Willmore
Thomas & Kathleen Lauro
Danny Lawrence
Gloria Lazar
Stanley & Wilma Mendelowitz
Philip Merker
Edwin & Krystyna Mernyk
Michael Miernik
Dickerson & Jennifer Miles
Steven Rudder & Catherine Foti
Todd & Roberta Ruppel
John & Suzan Ryan
Glen & Chrstina Sacco
Gail Saldis
John Walsh
Matthew Weidner & Heather Hewett
Nat & Isabell Weinberg
Mark & Maelia Weisenberg
R. Weiss & Joan Levy
Herbert & Anne Le Fevre
Phyllis Leary
Michael & Marcia Lechner
Nancy Leddy
Harry Leeds
Terry Leeds
John & Dorothy Lefever
Nicholas & Carmela Legnini
Judith Levine
Lorain Levy
Olive Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Leyman
Paul Libsman
Susan Lichten
Marian Linden
Lisa Linsky
Janet Lippmann
Fred Lipschitz
Edith Litt
David & Dorothy Logan
James Logan
Domenic Lombardo
Dominick Lopano
Marion Losier
Michael Love & Alicia Kelligrew
Grace Lowney
Virginia Moore
Randie Moss
Linda Motelson
Mary Ann Motta
Margaret Murphy
Sean & Mistrella Murphy
Donald & Frances Murray
Steven Mustacchi
Kevin & Wanda Myers
Nicholas & Marie Nardullo
Ralph & Katharine Nixon
John Nolon
John Norwood & Anne Ocone
Richard & Marjorie O'Brien
Abraham & Cynthia Ofer
Mary Kay Olson
Fergus & Louise O'Sullivan
Mona Page
Linda Pankovic
Violet R. Paretti
Evelyn Partalis
Norman Parton & Ellie Becker
Sylvia Perez
Michael & Louise Perillo
David & Linda Perlmutter
Jill Perlstein
Linda Sama
Leonard Sander
Thomas & Cynthia Sandler
Walter & Susan Sartor
Peter Schaffer
Martin Schaffner
Jean Schatz
Jeff & Rhonda Schoen
Rachel Schroeder
Raymond Schroeder
Andrew Schulman & Angela Olmeta
Gerald & Toni Schwartz
Yetta Schwartz
Wolfgang & Susan Schwarz
William Seltzer
Kathryn Semenza
Lori Semeraro
Lynne Shafer
Mary Sheehy
Merlin Shelstad
Edward Shockey
Edythe Shuchman
Edward & Patricia Sohn
Amy Spiridakis
Myra & Alyssa Spitz
Thomas Stanley & Christine Lloreda
Cynthia Weniger
Yolanda Wesely
Robert & Mary Westerfield
Rita Wexler
John Whysner & Amy Bianco
Jean Wilson
Deborah Wood
Laurel Woolf
Kenneth & Lynn Wray
Christopher Wynne
Mary Louise Young
John & Bertha Yurczak
Wlodek Zadrozny
Salvatore & Anna Zambelletti
Marion Zinman
Jerome & Barbara Luks
David & Lynda Lyons
Jennie Lyons
Douglas & Diane Maass
Margaret Maguill
Barbara Mahoney
Virginia Mahoney
Evelyn & Khosrow Majidi
Robert Mannion
Kimberly Marcus
Nancy Marin
Laurence & Shelley Markowitz
William & Susan Marmo
Jon & Terry Ann Marshall
St. Clair & MaryAnn Marshall
Norman Mason
Frederic Mauhs & Cathy Ruhland
Kate McCabe
Michael McCallion
Bridget McCarthy
Charles McCauley
Robert & Sharman McCoach
Kevin & JoAnn McDermott
Ellen McDonough
Mary & John McGee
Raymond & Rebecca McGovern
Mick & Mary McGuire
Peggy McLaughlin
Rosemarie McManus
Marilynn J. McReddie
Dean Mead
Jay & Ethel Melnick
Mark Mendelowitz
Charles & Caroline Persell
Anne Petry
John & Maureen Petry
Ann Phillips
Patricia Pinckney
Richard Plano & Kathy Yeager
Amy Plofker
Clarice Pollack
Robert & Deborah Pomeranz
Debra Portnoy
Poy Family
Joseph Queenan & Francesca Spinner
Nancy Quinn
Andrea Rahl
William & Evelyn Rakower
John & Rose Raniolo
Thomas & Priscilla Read
Gonzalo & Amanda Reimundez
Richard & Rozelle Rennert
Dennis & Sheila Resino
Hildegard Rexing
Berkeley & Annegret Rice
Barbara Rissmeyer
Barbara Robertson
Niurka Rodriguez
Marianne H. Roffman
Barbara Rogers
Herbert Rose
Jack Rosenberger
Abram & Anne Rosenthal
Irene Ross
Robert & Miriam Rowell
Daniel Rubertone
Lawrence Ruck
John & Annette Stiloski
Ellen Stone
Fannie Stone
Alfred Strasser
John & Madeline Sullivan
James Sweeney & Ellen Baker
Peter Tagni
Sharon Tanzer
Clara Teagle
Lynn Tepper
Connie Thiel
Rachel Tieger
Marie Timmings
Beulah Tishelman
David Titcomb & Mary Kohrherr
John & Mafalda Tornello
Heidi Torpey-Condon
Joseph Trainor
Catherine Trapasso
Judith Tygard
Ennio Uccellani
Ernest Uthgenannt
Phil & Leslie Vachon
Andres Valdespino & Michelena Hallie
Veronica Vallo
Tara Van Tassell
Ann Marie Variano
Veronica Vatter
Antonio & Irene Vidal
Sujata Vidyasagar
Joan Wald
Mary Lou Walker
Dennis & Margaret Wallace
Sheila Wallace
Coffey Funeral Home, Inc
Cogate-Palmolive Company
David Rockefeller Fund
DeutscheBank Americas Foundation
Dillanos Coffe Roasters, Inc
EF International Language School
Espresso Supply, Inc
Fortnightly Club
General Espresso Equipment
IBM International Foundation
J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Java Jacket, Inc
JC Publishing, Inc/Roast Mag
Neighborhood House Board
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
LaMarzocco International LLC
Monin, Inc
Pediatrics of Sleepy Hollow
Pollack Paints
Posca Servicenter, Inc
Praxair Foundation
Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc
Rotary Foundation of Tarrytown
Silver Tips, Inc
Tappan Zee Gallery
The Village Bookstore, LLC
Web Beams Staff
VFW 1939 of Tarrytown
We also thank all the
organizations and companies
for their support and their
matching gifts:
AIG Matching Grants Program
Allan M. Block Agency, Inc
Barista Exchange/Matt Milletto
Cafe Imports Fulfillment, LLC
Coffee Labs Roasters, Inc
We hope all our supporters
are listed, but if we missed
you, please accept our
sincere apologies.
WARNER LIBRARY/Serving the Villages of Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow since 1929
Warner Library
Non-Profit Org.
U.S . Postage
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Just for Teens!
Writing the College Essay - Two-Part Workshop/
Saturday, September 17 and 24, 10:30 AM to 12
Noon/ Educator Naomi Vladeck will help students
begin the composition of their college essay. This is
a hands-on-workshop with individual attention. For
juniors and seniors.
Thursday, September 22, 3:30 to 5 PM/ Bead-aRing - Skilled craftsperson Jamie Ross will show
teens how to make their own personal initial ring
with beads. For ages 11 to 18.
Thursday, September 29, 7 to 8 PM/ The College
Application - Dr. Gay Pepper and Bill Ford will
give guidance on the college application process
including instruction on completing the common
application. For students and parents.
Wednesday, October 5, 3:30 to 4:45 PM/ 'Back to
School' Beading - Melanie Rose, owner of Beadz
Inc., will show teens how to make a bookmark with
wire, and a leather necklace. For ages 11 to 18.
Thursday, November 3, 7 to 8 PM/ Paying for
College: The Basics of Financial Aid - Dr. Gay
Stebbins Pepper and Bill Ford will discuss
strategies for finding the money to finance a college
Wednesday, November 9, 3 to 5 PM/
Handmade Books - Expert crafter Nancy Hayes
will demonstrate the technique of making
handmade books. For ages 11 to 18.
Wednesday, November 16, 3:30 to 5 PM/
Decorating Cupcakes for the Holidays with teen
leaders Laura Rypka and Liz Siracusa. Eating all
you decorate is included! For ages 11 to 18.
New! Getting Your GED/ Saturdays at 10 AM/
Tutors are available to help you prepare for the
exam. No appointment necessary. Sponsored by
the Library and Westchester Library System.
More Adult Events, continued from page 2.
Saturday, October 1, 10 AM to 4 PM/ AARP’s
popular course on Safe Driving returns to the
Library. Call Reference at 631-7734 to register.
Saturday, October 8, 1 to 3 PM/ The Alexander
Technique, a workshop in the theory and
practice of the Alexander Technique for pain
Small Business Series
Thursday, October 6, 6:30 to 8 PM/ Part IFinancing a Small Business—Presented by a
member of the faculty at Westchester Community
Thursday, October 13, 6:30 to 8 PM/ Part IIDeveloping the Business Plan for a Small
Business—with a representative from the N.Y.
State Small Business Development department.
Thursday, October 20, 6:30 - 8 PM/ Part IIIHow to Make Your Small Business Idea a
Success- Presented by Colleen Goudi of
Shaylula Jewelry, 23 Main St., Tarrytown.
Warner Library Film Series: The library shows
a recently released movie on DVD once a month.
Check our website for dates and titles in October,
November and December.
Thank you to illustrator Max Lipson for the
donation of The Night the Lighthouse Lost His
Light by Gregg Russell. Max is a 2006 graduate
of Sleepy Hollow High School.
Friends of Warner Library Fall Book Sale/
Saturday and Sunday, October 15 and 16,
10 AM to 5 PM. Look for the big white tents on the
lawn in front of the library, and stop by for bargain
books, DVD, and CDs. All proceeds fund Warner
Library programs.
Note: All the events listed in the newsletter are funded by
the Friends of the Library unless otherwise noted.
Sept 15, 2011