ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 ANEXOS DE INSTRUCCIONES A LOS PARTICIPANTES 20 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 ANEXO 1 HOJA DE TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES Financiamiento de Buques Panamax 70.000 DWT bajo estructura de “Project Finance” Objetivo: ADQUISICION DE BUQUES TIPO PANAMAX. Monto Equivalente al valor registrado de los buques en libros, al final de la construcción. Financiamiento en el rango de 80-100% del monto. Prestamista Banco o grupo de Bancos u otra fuente de fondos similar Prestatario Venfleet, LTD o una de sus filiales hermanas Registro y Bandera - Se requiere el uso de bandera venezolana del Buque Opciones: 1. Único registro en Venezuela (propiedad) 2. Segundo registro en Venezuela, con permiso del 1er registro, y primer registro con bandera de conveniencia (p.e. Panamá) Armador (Dueño Buque) Venfleet, LTD o una de sus filiales hermanas Fletador Contractual PDVSA Petróleo S.A. Operador Buque PDV Marina, S.A. Facilidad Línea de crédito y préstamos bancarios con o sin participación de Agencias de Crédito a la Exportación u otra similar Estructura Contractual - Contrato(s) para estructurar la facilidad de financiamiento - Contrato de Fletamento entre PDVSA Petróleo S.A. y Venfleet, LTD y/o sus filiales hermanas (“Time Charter Agreement”) por el período que dure el financiamiento - Contrato de derecho de uso de los buques, entre Venfleet, LTD y/o sus filiales hermanas (“Bareboat Contract”) - Contrato de Construcción Garantías - Garantía de “Completación” de la Construcción de los buques dada por PDVSA Petróleo S.A. - Hipoteca naval sobre los buques - Sin recursos para PDVSA S.A. y PDVSA Petróleo S.A. Moneda Dólares de los Estados Unidos Período de Gracia Deseable durante construcción de los buques + 6 meses adicionales después de terminado el último buque Tenor Mínimo 10 años. Forma de Pago Intereses semi-anuales Tasa de interés 6 MO LIBOR + Margen 21 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Comisión 6600006201 1300071796 Como porcentaje del monto a financiar Estructuración Gastos Reembolsables y legales limitados (especificar límite en ambos casos) Otros Gastos En caso de que participen Agencias de Crédito a la Exportación, especificar otras comisiones y costos involucradas Ley aplicable A determinarse posteriormente 22 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 ANEXO 2 SOBRE N° 1: DOCUMENTOS GENERALES PARA LA CALIFICACIÓN DE LOS OFERENTES. DESCRIPCIÓN I.- DOCUMENTOS GENERALES PARA LA CALIFICACIÓN DE LOS OFERENTES: La información requerida debe ser presentada en el acto de apertura de las ofertas en documento físico, conforme a los formatos indicados en la siguiente tabla: a. Manifestación de Voluntad para participar: El Oferente debe presentar este documento firmado por la(s) persona(s) autorizada(s) legalmente para representarlo. FORMATO CONDICIÓN I.1 Obligatorio b. Garantía de Mantenimiento de la Oferta: El Oferente debe presentar, a nombre de VENFLEET, LTD Y/O UNA DE SUS HERMANAS FILIALES Y/O CASA MATRIZ una Fianza o Caución, por un monto de Quinientos Bolívares Fuerte (500,00 Bs.F), con un período de validez de cuarenta y cinco (45) días continuos, contado a partir de la fecha del Acto de Recepción de las Ofertas, a los fines de garantizar el sostenimiento de las mismas hasta la firma del contrato correspondiente. El participante podrá seleccionar una de las siguientes opciones: - Caución: Cheque de Gerencia emitido por una entidad Bancaria. En caso de que la empresa participante seleccione esta opción, se recomienda solicitar a la entidad bancaria emisora del cheque, que la vigencia del mismo sea equivalente al plazo indicado en el párrafo anterior, en caso contrario no podrá utilizarse esta opción. No será válido documento adicional que señale la vigencia de éste. En caso de conformación de Consorcio, alianza o asociación la empresa afianzada deberá ser el consorcio, alianza o asociación, o la empresa que funja como líder representante. La caución o garantía presentada, será devuelta en cualquiera de los siguientes casos: - Vencimiento de la validez de la oferta, si el OFERENTE no prorroga la validez de la misma. - Empresas descalificadas en la Evaluación Técnica - Declarado desierto o terminado el proceso de contratación. - Empresas no beneficiarias de la Adjudicación. Oblitgatorio I.2 - Firma del CONTRATO entre LA CONTRATANTE y El Oferente beneficiado con la Adjudicación. 23 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES c. En caso de Consorcios o Alianzas: Se deberá presentar el Documento constitutivo debidamente notariado. 6600006201 1300071796 Modelo I.3 Obligatorio, en caso que aplique 24 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 ANEXO 3 Logo de la Empresa Oferente MANIFESTACION DE VOLUNTAD FORMATO II LUGAR:_________ FECHA: _______ MANIFESTACION DE VOLUNTAD YO, ________________ CÉDULA DE IDENTIDAD N.° ________________, EN MI CARÁCTER DE ______________________ DE LA EMPRESA MANIFIESTO LA VOLUNTAD DE ________________________________, PARTICIPAR EN EL PROCESO DE C NRO. __6600006201________CUYO OBJETO ES ______________________________________. A los efectos de cualquier notificación pertinente al proceso, la dirección de mi representada es:_________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________, Fax No. ___________, E-Mail: _______________________. Firma del representante legal __________________________ 25 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 ANEXO 4 OFERTA ECONOMICA SOBRE NO. 2 OFERTA ECONÓMICA 1. PRESENTACIÓN DE LA OFERTA ECONOMICA Estará constituida por la estructura de costos solicitada en el Formato de Presentación de la Oferta. La misma debe ser entregada en electrónico en “Diskette de 3 ½ o Compact Disk (CD)”. y en documento físico, en original y copia, debidamente firmado por él (los) representante(s) legal(es) de la empresa. Dicho formato no podrá ser modificado y deben llenarse todas las celdas correspondientes a las columnas de precios unitarios y totales, siendo estas últimas el resultado de multiplicar las cantidades fijadas en los renglones o posiciones por los precios unitarios correspondientes. LA OFERTA ECONÓMICA DEBE INCLUIR: DESCRIPCIÓN A) CARTA DE PRESENTACIÓN DE OFERTA: DONDE SE INDIQUE EL MONTO TOTAL DE LA OFERTA, EN LETRAS Y NÚMEROS, Y EL PERÍODO DE VALIDEZ DE LA MISMA. b) Formato de presentación de la oferta económica: (Computo Metricos) c) Análisis de precios unitarios: Deben estar firmados, sellados y enumerados correlativamente, discriminados por los elementos de costos que la integran: Mano de Obra, Materiales, Equipos, Administración y Utilidad. Adicionalmente, cada una de las partidas o posiciones de los servicios solicitados deben incluir la productividad, expresada en HH / Unidad y el rendimiento en Unidades / Día, calculado en función de la cuadrilla típica de trabajo requerida para su ejecución. Los costos por concepto de fianzas no deben ser incluidos en el precio unitario. Estos conceptos se reconocen como Gastos Reembolsables cuando se causen, con la presentación de los soportes respectivos por parte de La Contratista. d) Estructura de Costo: FORMATO CONDICIÓN III.1 Obligatorio III.2 Obligatorio III.3 Obligatorio III.4 Obligatorio 2. REVISIÓN ARITMÉTICA Se realizará la revisión cuantitativa de las ofertas para detectar y corregir los errores aritméticos o disparidades en unidades de medida y cantidades de obras y montos de las ofertas de la siguiente manera: A. Unidades de medición: las ofertas que presenten errores de las unidades de medición exigidas en los esquemas de precios suministrados por la contratante, se aclarará con la 26 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 empresa el error de trascripción de su oferta y se le pedirá una confirmación por escrito de la aceptación del monto ofertado (sin modificarlo) considerando las unidades de medidas previstas en el pliego de condiciones. en caso que la empresa no acepte dicha corrección será rechazada su oferta. B. Cantidades: en caso de existir cantidades mayores y/o menores a las indicadas en los esquemas de precios exigidos en el pliego de condiciones, se corregirán dichas cantidades por las indicadas en los mismos, prevaleciendo el menor monto. C. Montos: la revisión cuantitativa de los montos en la estructura de precios exigidos será de acuerdo a los siguientes pasos: 1. - En caso de existir discrepancias entre el precio reflejado, las porciones del renglón o posición y el análisis de precio unitario, se corregirá considerando como precio unitario válido, el menor precio que resulte de la comparación, prevaleciendo el menor monto. 2. - En el caso de que el monto total de la partida sea distinto al producto de multiplicar el precio unitario correcto de acuerdo al punto anterior, por la cantidad de obra correcto, se corregirá el monto total de la partida con el valor correcto de la multiplicación, prevaleciendo el menor monto. 3. - En el caso de que la cantidad y precio unitario del renglón sean los correctos y el resultado de la multiplicación, indicado en la oferta para este renglón sea mayor al valor correcto de la multiplicación, se efectuará la corrección colocando el valor correcto de la multiplicación, recalculando el monto total de la oferta. 4. - En el caso de que la cantidad y precio unitario del renglón sean los correctos y el resultado de la multiplicación indicado en la oferta para este renglón, sea menor al valor correcto de la multiplicación, se mantendrá el valor del indicado en la oferta del resultado de la multiplicación del renglón, y sé recalculará el precio unitario del renglón a fin que corresponda con el resultado requerido. 5.- En caso de error en la sumatoria total de la oferta, se corregirá por el monto correcto de la sumatoria de todos los renglones o posiciones siempre que este último resultado sea menor al monto leído de la oferta. 6.- En caso de que el monto correcto de la sumatoria total sea mayor al monto leído de la oferta, se procederá a mantener el monto leído de la oferta. 7.- En caso de detectarse en el análisis de precios unitarios algún elemento no requerido para la ejecución del servicio, dicho elemento se sustraerá y sé recalculará el precio unitario. 8.- Cuando los montos de un componente de la estructura de la oferta económica se encuentren asociados a la aplicación de fórmulas de cálculos para obtenerlo éstas deberán mantenerse sin alteración en sus valores y/o elementos pre-establecidos que la comprenden. En caso de variaciones en los valores y/o elementos pre-establecidos que lo comprenden, se procederá a ajustar en las fórmulas válidas y se tomará como válido el resultado que arrojare, siempre y cuando éste sea menor al expresado en la oferta. El monto corregido según lo indicado anteriormente, será considerado como monto válido de la oferta. El resultado de la revisión aritmética se tomará siempre como válido, el menor monto que 27 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 resulte de la comparación entre el monto registrado en el acto de apertura (monto leído) y el monto resultante de la revisión aritmética. Una vez obtenida la oferta mejor evaluada de acuerdo a los criterios de evaluación y si ésta presentó una corrección de errores aritméticos, la contratante le comunicará por escrito al contratista el origen del error y el monto que se consideró como válido como resultado de esta corrección. Se le solicitará una confirmación (escrita) de la aceptación de la corrección de su oferta e igualmente que exprese que no presentará reconsideración o reclamo alguno a los precios y/o tarifas por estos conceptos durante la vigencia del contrato, salvo por las causas previstas en el mismo. De no aceptar la confirmación de la corrección, su oferta será rechazada y se procederá a ejecutar la caución o garantía de sostenimiento de la oferta. Todos los errores aritméticos o disparidades en montos en que se incurra en las ofertas, distintos a los previstos en este punto (revisión aritmética), serán considerados desviaciones sustanciales y acarrearán el rechazo de la oferta. 28 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES LOGO DE LA EMPRESA OFERENTE 6600006201 1300071796 ANEXO 5 FORMATO III. CARTA DE PRESENTACION DE LA OFERTA LUGAR FECHA SEÑORES: PROCESO DE CONTRATACIÓN N° 6600006201 “DESCRIPCION DEL PROCESO” ESTIMADOS SEÑORES: NOS PERMITIMOS PRESENTAR A SU CONSIDERACIÓN NUESTRA MEJOR OFERTA ECONÓMICA PARA EL PROCESO EN REFERENCIA, LA CUAL SEGÚN CONSTA EN LOS DOCUMENTOS ANEXOS, REITERÁNDONOS A SU DISPOSICIÓN PARA CUALQUIER ACLARATORIA, NOS SUSCRIBIMOS. FIRMA DEL REPRESENTANTE LEGAL NOMBRE DEL REPRESENTANTE LEGAL CÉDULA DE IDENTIDAD SELLO DE LA EMPRESA 29 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 ANEXO 6 MODELO DEL CONTRATO THE FOLLOWING IS THE NORWEGIAN SALES FORM 1993 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Dated: hereinafter called the Sellers, have agreed to sell, and hereinafter called the Buyers, have agreed to buy Name: Classification Society/Class: Built: By: Flag Place of Registry; Call Sign: Grt/Nrt Register Number: hereinafter called the Vessel, on the following terms and conditions: Definitions "Banking days" are days on which banks are open both in the country of the currency stipulated for the Purchase Price in Clause 1 and in the place of closing stipulated in Clause 8. "In writing or "written" means a letter handed over from the Sellers to the Buyers or vice versa, a registered letter, telex, telefax or other modern form of written communication. "Classification Society" or "Class" mean the Society referred to in Line 4. 1. Purchase Price 2. Deposit As a security for the correct fulfilment of this contract, the Buyers shall pay 30 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 a deposit of 10% - ten per cent - of the Purchase Money within banking days from the date of this agreement. This deposit shall be deposited with and held by them in a joint account for the Sellers and the Buyers, to be released in accordance with joint written instructions of the Sellers and the Buyers. Interest, if any, to be credited the Buyers. Any fee charged for holding said deposit shall be borne equally by the Sellers and the Buyers. 3. Payment The said Purchase Money shall be paid free of bank charges to on delivery of the vessel, but not later than three banking days after the Vessel is in every respect physically ready for delivery in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Notice of Readiness has been given in accordance with Clause 5. 4. Inspections a)* The Buyers have inspected and accepted the Vessel's classification records. The Buyers have also inspected the Vessel at / in on and have accepted the Vessel following this inspection and the sale is outright and definite, subject only to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. b) The Buyers shall have the right to inspect the Vessel's classification records and declare whether same are accepted or not within The Sellers shall provide for inspection of the vessel at / in The Buyers shall undertake the inspection without undue delay to the vessel. Should the Buyers cause such delay they shall compensate the Sellers for the losses thereby incurred. The Buyers shall inspect the Vessel without opening up and without cost to the Sellers. During the inspection, the Vessel's deck and engine log books shall be made available for examination by the Buyer's. If the vessel is accepted after such inspection, the sale shall become outright and definite, subject only to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided the Sellers receive written notice from the Buyers within 72 hours after completion of such inspection. Should notice of acceptance of the Vessel's classification records and of the Vessel not be received by the Sellers as aforesaid, the deposit together with interest earned shall be released immediately to the Buyers, whereafter this contract shall be null and void. * 4a) and 4B) are alternatives; delete whichever is not applicable. In the absence of deletions, alternative 4a) to apply. 5. Notices, time and place of delivery 31 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 a) The Sellers shall keep the buyers well informed of the Vessel's itinerary and shall provide the Buyers with , and days of estimated time of arrival at the intended place of dry-docking / underwater inspection / delivery. When the vessel is at the place of delivery and in every respect physically ready for delivery in accordance with this agreement, the Sellers shall give the Buyers a written Notice of Readiness for delivery. b) The vessel shall be delivered and taken over safely afloat at a safe and accessible berth or anchorage at /in in the Sellers option. Expected time of delivery: Date of cancelling (see Clauses 5c), 6b), (III) and 14): c) If the Sellers anticipate that, notwithstanding the exercise of due diligence by them, the vessel will not be ready for delivery by the cancelling date they may notify the Buyers in writing stating the date when that the vessel will be readyfor delivery and propose a new cancelling date. Upon receipt of such notification the Buyers shall have the option of either cancelling his agreement in accordance with clause 14 within 7 running days of receipt of the notice or of accepting the new date as the new cancelling date. If the Buyers have not declared their option within 7 running days of receipt of the Sellers notification or if the Buyers accept the new date, the date proposed in the Sellers' notification shall be deemed to be the new cancelling date and shall be substituted for the cancelling date stipulated in line 61. If this agreement is maintained with the new cancelling date all other terms and conditions hereof including those contained in clause 5a) and 5c) shall remain unaltered and in full force and effect. Cancellation or failure to cancel shall be entirely without prejudice to any claim for damages the Buyers may have under clause 14 for the vessel not being ready by the original cancelling date. d) Should the vessel become an actual, constructive or compromised total loss before delivery the deposit together with interest earned shall released immediately to the Buyers whereafter this agreement shall be null and void. 6. Drydocking/Divers inspection a)** The Sellers shall place the vessel in dry dock at the port of delivery for inspection by the Classification Society of the Vessel's underwater parts below the deepest load line, the extent of the inspection being in accordance with the Classification Society's rules.If the rudder, propeller, or bottom or other underwater parts below the deepest load line are found broken, damaged, or defective, so as to affect the Vessel's class, such defects shall be made good at the Seller's expense to the satisfaction of the Classification Society without condition / recommendation. b)** (i)The Vessel is to be delivered without dry docking. However the Buyers shall have the right at their expense to arrange for an underwater 32 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 inspection by a diver approved by the Classification Society prior to delivery of the Vessel. The Sellers shall at their cost make the Vessel available for such inspection. The extent of the inspection and the conditions under which it is performed shall be to the satisfaction of the Classification Society. If the conditions at the port of delivery are unsuitable for such inspection, the Seller's shall make the Vessel available at a suitable alternative place near to the delivery port. (ii) If the rudder, propeller, bottom, other underwater parts below the deepest load Line are found broken, damaged or defective so as to affect the Vessel's class, then unless repairs can be carried out to the satisfaction of the Classification Society, the Seller's shall arrange for the Vessel to be drydocked at their expense for inspection by the Classification Society of the Vessel's underwater parts below the deepest load line, the extent of the inspection being in accordance with the Classification Society's rules. If the rudder, propeller, bottom or other underwater parts below the deepest load line are found damaged or defective so as to affect the vessel’s class such defects shall be made good by the Sellers at their expense to the satisfaction of the Classification Society without condition/recommendation*. In such event the Seller's are to pay for the cost of the underwater inspection and the Classification Society's attendance. (iii) If the Vessel is to be drydocked pursuant to Clause 6B) (ii) and no suitable drydocking facilities are available at the port of delivery, the Sellers shall take the Vessel to a port where suitable drydocking facilities are available, whether within or outside the delivery range as per Clause 5b) which shall, for the purpose of this clause, become the new port of delivery. In such event the cancelling date provided or in Clause 5 b shall be extended by the additionaltime required for the drydocking and extra steaming, but limited to a maximum of 14 running days. c) If the Vessel is drydocked pursuant to Clause 6 a) or 6 b) above (i) the Classification Society may require survey of the tailshaft system, the extent of the survey being to the satisfaction of the Classification surveyor. If such survey is not required by the Classification Society, the Buyers shall have the right to require the tailshaft to be drawn and surveyed by the Classification Society, the extent of the survey being in accordance with the Classification Society rules for tailshaft survey and consistent with the current stage of the Vessel's survey cycle. The Buyers shall declare whether they require the tailshaft to be drawn and surveyed not later than by the completion of the inspection by the Classification Society. The drawing and refitting of the tail shaft shall be arranged by the Sellers. Should any parts of the tailshaft system be condemned or found defective so as to affect the Vessel's class, those parts shall be renewed or made good at the Seller's expense to the satisfaction of the Classification Society without condition / recommendation. (ii) the expense relating to the survey of the tailshaft system shall be borne by the Buyers unless the Classification Society requires such survey to be carried out, in which case the Sellers shall pay these expenses. The Sellers shall also pay the expenses if the Buyers require the survey and parts of the system are condemned or found defective or broken so as to 33 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 affect the Vessel's class*. (iii) the expense in connection with putting the Vessel in and taking her out of drydock, including the drydock dues and the Classification Society's fees shall be paid by the Sellers if the Classification Society issues any condition/ recommendation* as a result of the survey or if it requires survey of the tailshaft system. In all other cases the Buyers shall pay the aforesaid expenses, dues and fees. (iv) the Buyer's representative shall have the right to be present in the drydock, but without interfering with the work or decisions of the Classification Surveyor. (v) the Buyers shall have the right to have the underwater parts of the Vessel cleaned and painted at their risk and expense without interfering with the Sellers' or the Classification surveyors work, if any, and without affecting the Vessel's timely delivery, If, however, the Buyer' work in drydock is still in progress when the Sellers have completed the work which the Sellers are required to do, the additional docking time needed to complete the Buyers' work shall be for the Buyers' risk and expense. In the event that theBuyers'work requires such additional time, the Sellers may upon completion of the seller's work tender Notice of Readiness for delivery in accordance with Clause 3, whether the Vessel is in drydock or not and irrespective of Clause 5 b). Notes, if any, in the surveyor's report which are accepted by the Classification Society without condition / recommendation are not to be taken into account. 6 a) and 6 b) are alternatives; delete whichever is not applicable. In the absence of deletions, alternative 6 a) to apply. 7. Spares/bunkers etc The Sellers shall deliver the Vessel to the Buyers with everything belonging to her on board and on shore. All spare parts and spare equipment including spare tail end shaft(s) and or spare propeller(s) if any, belonging to the Vessel at the time of inspection, used or unused, whether or board or not shall become the Buyers property, but spares on order to be excluded. Forwarding charges, if any, shall be for the Buyers account. The Sellers are not required to replace spare parts including spare tail end shafts(s) and spares propeller(s) which are taken out of store and used as replacement prior to delivery, but the replaced items shall be the property of the Buyers. The radio installation and navigational equipment shall be included in the sale without extra payment, if the same is the property of the Sellers. Unused stores and provisions shall be included in the sale and be taken over by the Buyer's without extra payment. The Sellers have the right to take ashore crockery, plate, cutlery, linen, and other articles bearing the Sellers flag or name, provided they replace same with similar unmarked items. Library forms etc, exclusively for use in the Sellers' Vessel(s), shall be excluded from the sale without compensation. Captain's, Officers' and Crew's personal belongings including the slop chest are to be excluded from the sale, as well as the following additional items (including items on hire): The Buyers shall take over remaining bunkers, unused lubricating oils in storage 34 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 tanks and sealed drums and pay the current net market price (excluding barging expenses) at the port and date of delivery of the Vessel. Payment under this clause shall be made at the same time and place and in the same currency as the Purchase Price. 8. Documentation The place of closing: In exchange for payment of the Purchase Money the Sellers shall furnish the Buyers with delivery documents, namely: a) Legal Bill of Sale in a form recordable in (the country in which the Buyers are to register the Vessel), warranting that the Vessel is free from all encumbrances, mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever, duly notarially attested and legalised by the consul of such country or other competent authority. b) Current Certificate of Ownership issued by the competent authorities of the flag state of the Vessel. c) Confirmation of Class issued within 72 hours prior to delivery. d) Current Certificate issued by the competent authorities stating that the Vessel is free from registered encumbrances. e) Certificate of Deletion of the Vessel from the Vessel's registry or other official evidence of deletion appropriate to the Vessel's registry at the time of delivery, or, in the event that the registry does not as a matter of practice issue such documentation immediately, a written undertaking by the Sellers to effect deletion from the Vessel's registry forthwith and furnish a Certificate or other official evidence of deletion to the Buyers promptly and latest within 4 (four) weeks after the Purchase Price has been paid and the Vessel has been delivered. f) Any such additional documents as may reasonably be required by the competent authorities or the purpose of registering the Vessel, provided the Buyers notify the Sellers of any such documents as soon as possible after the date of this Agreement. At the time of delivery the Buyers and the Sellers shall sign and deliver to each other a Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance confirming the date and time of delivery of the Vessel from the Sellers to the Buyers. At the time of delivery the Sellers shall hand to the Buyers the classification certificate(s) well as all plans etc which are on board the Vessel. Other certificates which are on board the Vessel shall also be handed over to the Buyers unless the Sellers are required to retain same, in which case the Buyers to have the right to take copies. Other technical documentation which may be in the Sellers possession shall promptly be forwarded to the Buyers at their expense, if they so request. The Sellers may keep the log books, but the Buyers have the right to take copies of same. 9. Encumbrances 35 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 The Sellers warrant that the Vessel, at the time of delivery, is free from all charters, encumbrances, mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever. The Sellers hereby undertake to indemnify the Buyers against all consequences of claims made against the Vessel which have been incurred prior to the time of delivery. 10. Taxes Any taxes, fees and expenses connected with the purchase and registration under the Buyer's flag shall be for the Buyer's account, whereas similar charges connected with the closing of the Sellers register shall be for the Sellers' account. 11. Condition on delivery The Vessel with everything belonging to her shall be at the Sellers risk and expenses until she is delivered to the Buyers, but subject to the conditions of this contract, she shall be delivered and taken over as she is at the time of inspection, fair wear and tear excepted. However, the Vessel shall be delivered with her class maintained without condition/recommendation*, free of average damage affecting the Vessel's class, and with her classification certificates and national certificates, as well as all other certificates the Vessel had at the time of inspection, valid and unextended with condition / recommendation* by Class or the relevant authorities at the time of delivery. “Inspection" in this clause 11, shall mean the Buyer's inspection according to Clause 4a) or 4b), if applicable, or the Buyer's inspection prior to signing of this Agreement. If the Vessel is taken over without inspection, the date of this Agreement shall be the relevant date. * Notes, if any, in the surveyor's report which are accepted by the Classification Society without condition/recommendation are not to be taken into account. 12. Name /markings Upon delivery the Buyers undertake to change the name of the Vessel and alter funnel markings. 13. Buyers' default Should the deposit not be in accordance with Clause 2, the Sellers have the right to cancel this contract, and they shall be entitled to claim compensation for their losses and for all expenses incurred together with interest. Should the Purchase Money not be paid in accordance with Clause 3, the Sellers have the right to cancel this Agreement, in which case the amount deposited together with interest earned shall be released to the Sellers. If the deposit does not cover their loss, they shall be entitled to claim further compensation for their losses and for all expenses together with interest. 36 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 14. Sellers' default Should the Sellers fail to give Notice of Readiness in accordance with Clause 5 a) or fail to be ready to validly complete a legal transfer by the date stipulated in line 61 the Buyers shall have the option of cancelling this Agreement provided always that the Sellers shall be granted a maximum of 3 banking days after Notice of Readiness has been given to make arrangements for the documentation set out in Clause 8. If after Notice of Readiness has been given but before the Buyers have taken delivery, the Vessel ceases to be physically ready for delivery and is not made physically ready again in every respect by the date stipulated in line 61 and new Notice of Readiness given, the Buyers shall retain their option to cancel. In the event that the Buyers elect to cancel this Agreement the deposit together with interest earned shall be released top them immediately. Should the Sellers fail to give Notice of readiness by the date stipulated in line 61 or fail to be ready to validly complete a ;legal; transfer as aforesaid they shall make due compensation to the Buyers for their loss and for all expenses together with interest if their failure is due to proven negligence and whether or not the Buyers cancel this Agreement. 15. Buyer's representatives After this agreement has been signed by both parties and the deposit has been lodged, the Buyers have a right to place two representatives on board the Vessel at their sole risk and expense upon arrival at on or about These representatives are on board for the purpose of familiarisation and in the capacity of observers only, and they shall not interfere in any respect with the operation of the Vessel. The Buyers' representatives shall sign the Sellers' letter of indemnity prior to their embarkation. 16. Arbitration a)* This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according with English law and any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be referred to arbitration in London in accordance with the Arbitration acts 1950 and 1979 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force, one arbitrator being appointed by each party. On the receipt by one party of the nomination in writing of the other party's arbitrator, hat party shall appoint their arbitrator within fourteen days, failing which the decision of he single arbitrator appointed shall apply. If two arbitrators properly appointed shall not agree they shall appoint an umpire whose decision shall be final. b)* This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Title 9 of the United States of America Code and Law of the State of New York and should any dispute arise out of this Agreement, the matter in dispute shall be referred to three persons at New York, one to be appointed by each of other the parties hereto, and nthe third by the two so chosen; their decision or that of any two of them shall be final, and for the purpose of enforcing any award, this Agreement may be made a rule of the Court. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Society or Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. New York. 37 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 c)* Any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be referred to arbitration at , subject to the procedures applicable there. The laws of shall govern this Agreement. * 16 a), 16 b) and 16 c) are alternatives; delete whichever is not applicable. In the absence of deletions, alternative 16 a) to apply Signed by......................................... Signed by.......................................... for and on behalf of the Sellers for and on behalf of the Buyers Signature....................................... Signature........................................ Witness........................................ Witness.......................................... Occupation................................... Occupation................................... Address....................................... Address.................................... Signature......................... Signature...................... Copies 1) Sellers 2) Buyers 3) Brokers 38 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 ANEXO 7 MATRIZ DE EVALUACION TECNICA 39 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 MATRIZ DE EVALUACION TECNICA La oferta técnica debe ser presentada con base en la documentación (modelos, formatos) que forman parte integral del Pliego de de Condiciones y estar firmada por el representante de la empresa, agrupados y en la secuencia indicada a continuación, según la siguiente matriz de evaluación técnica: EVALUATION MATRIX FOR PANAMAX PURCHASING BIDDING PROCESS OFFER SUBMMITED BY:______________________VESSEL (S) NAME / ID (S):____________________ SHIPYARD/OWNER SHALL BE QUALIFIED AND RANKED AS PER EVALUATION WEIGHT QUESTION WEIGHT 1-10 DESCRIPTION General The vessel (s) submitted shall be double hull, single screw, single balanced rudder, and diesel driven oceangoing tanker to be registered in Venezuela (as described in the Building Contract). 3 years max aged if the vessel is in operation, if the vessel is under construction, delivery date must be before December 2008. Principal Dimensions vessel’s principal dimensions are to conform to the following: Length overall not to exceed 228 m. Design draft shallow as much as possible. Beam according to panamax or post-panamax. Maximum air-draft while in light ballast condition not to exceed 40.8m Scantling draft to be suitable for maximizing deadweight when carrying oil products and crude oil of specific gravity 0.98 Capacities Tank capacities are to be sufficient to satisfy regulatory and operational requirements of the vessel. The below listed capacities are for preliminary guidance only: RESPONSE SCALE 1-5 RESULT MAX. 10 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 50 10 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 50 10 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 50 Ballast tanks: Capacity to satisfy IMO MARPOL Protocol 78 and latest amendments and to permit and monitor Ballast Water Management and safe navigation in ballast conditions Cargo tanks (with slop tanks) 70.000 m3 at 98% 40 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Heavy oil tanks about 1,000 m3 Diesel oil tanks about 300 m3 Fresh water tanksabout 350 m3 Lube oil tanks about 70 m3 Deadweight The total deadweight shall not be less than 70,000 metric tons at design draft and even keel. Ships 3% under 70.000 mt, shall not be considered. Cargo deadweight shall be calculated with the tanks 98% full and capable of taking 450,000 barrels of oil at specific gravity of 0.98 t/m3. Design conditions shall be based on a round trip of 4,000 nautical miles, bunkers being taken at the loading port for the round trip. Deadweight shall include cargo, heavy fuel, diesel oil, lube oil and fresh water in piping systems and tanks, as well as provisions and stores, crew and personal effects. The vessel shall have zero trim and heel in the design deadweight condition on departure from the loading port and on arrival at the discharge port. The full load design deadweight during departure condition shall be without ballast. Deadweight at scantling draft shall be maximized for oil products and crude with specific gravity of 0.98 t/m3. Speed and Endurance The vessel expected speed is 15 knots, at design draft and even keel with a clean bottom in deep water, obtained with a power absorption not exceeding 80% MCR at not less than 97% nominal propeller RPM. Correction for wind resistance shall be made according to BSRA Report NS466. Wind speed during sea trials shall not exceed 15 m/s. No correction for the influence of waves will be allowed. Cruising range at service speed (15 knots and 90% MCR power) is to be at least 10,000 n. Miles and 3 days spares. Vibration and Noise Vibration levels in accommodations and work spaces are to be below “Adverse comments probable” zone as defined in ISO 6954-1984 (E) in the main engine speed range from 80% to 100% of rated speed. Structural vibration levels in all areas shall be below the “Damage probable” zone of Figure 2 of Lloyds Register’s “Guidance Notes on Acceptable Vibration Levels and Their Measurement” over the entire main engine operating speed range. Vibration levels of main and generator engines shall be below the “Damage probable” zone of Figure 3 of Lloyds Register’s “Guidance Notes on Acceptable Vibration Levels and Their Measurement” over the entire main engine operating speed range. All vibration limits shall be satisfied in both loaded and ballast condition. 1300071796 10 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 50 10 FULLY PROVIDED 1 KN LESS MORE 1 KN LESS NO-INFORMATION =5 =4 =1 =0 50 10 PROVIDED OTHER MATERIAL PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 50 41 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 For purposes of this evaluation matrix the main engine operating speed range is to span the entire range of engine operating speeds from dead slow maneuvering to rated speed without any barred speeds. Noise levels are to conform with IMO Resolution A.468 (XII), “Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships” during operation of the vessel at its normal continuous rating and during cargo discharge at the rated capacity of the cargo pumping system. In addition, the noise level on any part of the main deck shall not exceed 80 dBA during the above stated cargo discharge condition. Cargo Segregations & Distribution The vessel shall be suitable for carrying IMO Annex I oil products and Crude oils . It will be preferable if the tanks will be fully coated with epoxy coating temperature resistant. 10 FULLY PROVIDED =5 NON SIMILAR DIST. =3 LESS THAN 3 SEG =1 NO-INFORMATION =0 50 10 FULLY PROVIDED >5% LOWER > 10% LOWER NO-INFORMATION 50 It shall be provided with double side and double bottom and shall be able to carry THREE (3) grades of segregated cargoes simultaneously. It will be preferable a minimum of 5 pairs of cargo tank plus two slop tanks shall be provided. The vessel is to be arranged with aft engine room and accommodations, single screw and balanced rudder, bulbous bow and transom stern. Center tanks are to be used for cargo; double side for water ballast, double deck and double bottom tanks void space for cargo insulation. Cargo Oil Pumps The cargo pumping system shall be designed to provide a minimum total discharge rate of 7,500 m3/h when discharging oil products and API 8° with a specific gravity of 1.0 with at least three (3) cargo pumps in operation. Each cargo pump shall be rated to 2500 m3/h. Rated pump head is to be sufficient to allow the pumps to deliver rated capacity against a rail pressure of 10.0 bar when the tank levels are 40% of maximum. In no case is the rated pump head to be less than 120 mlc. Pumps are to be capable of handling all products listed of this specification, as well as lubricating oil and seawater. =5 =3 =1 =0 42 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Cargo and Ballast Systems The cargo tanks are to be contained within the segregated ballast wing tanks and double bottom / double deck void spaces. The cargo block is to consist of a minimum of five (5) sets of port and starboard cargo tanks. Optionally two (2) slop tanks or two cargo tanks to be certified as slops tanks. The vessel is to be arranged to simultaneously carry up to a minimum three (3) fully segregated cargoes. 1300071796 10 PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 50 Materials containing copper shall not be used inside of cargo tanks. An oil spill prevention coaming shall be provided on the main deck around the entire cargo tank area in accordance with USCG requirements. Drain wells shall be fitted aft and arranged to drain to the slop tanks. 43 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Hull Construction The vessel shall be of all welded construction. The tank area shall be longitudinally framed; transverse framing may be used in the forward and aft sections. A water tight centerline bulkhead shall be installed. 1300071796 10 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 50 10 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 50 Scantlings and construction of the hull shall be in accordance with the requirements and regulations of the Classification Society and its ShipRight or equivalent Structural and Fatigue Design Assessment performed for a 20 years time and Construction Monitoring. The hull girder shall be capable of carrying part cargoes without need of ballasting to control stresses. Higher tensile steel shall be utilized only in hull girder top and bottom longitudinal structure. Hopper type transitions shall be used between the inner-bottom and wing tank longitudinal bulkheads and inner-top and wing tank longitudinal bulkheads. The structural arrangement in the side and double bottom ballast tanks shall provide suitable access and space for effective close up inspection and maintenance of internal structure and coatings. Intermediate structural stringer platforms shall be arranged in the wing tanks at not more than about three - (3) meters vertical spacing. Provisions (such as eyeplates) shall be made in the center tanks to permit erection of scaffolding for shipyard repair periods. The ventilation configuration of wing tanks shall specially consider providing sufficient circulation to remote areas in order to support adequate emergency inerting, purging and supply of air during personnel entry. Painting and Cathodic Protection All steel plates and shapes of 6-mm thickness and above are to be shot-blasted to SIS SA 2.5 and coated with 15 microns of zinc silicate. Secondary surface preparation shall conform to the following: Prior to application of the first coat in the block stage, all burnt, rusted and damaged areas of blocks shall be blasted to SA 2.5 and remaining areas grit or sand swept. After erection of blocks, erection joints and other damaged areas shall be power tool cleaned to SIS St 3 and re-coated. Deck erection joints (and pre-erection joints where coating is damaged) shall be vacuum blasted prior to re-coating. All pipes to be coated. 44 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 Blasting abrasives shall be clean and free of oil, grease, moisture, salts, dust, etc. Air used for blasting shall be clean and oil free. Blast cleaning and paint application shall not be conducted when the surfaces are less than 3ºC above the dew point or when the relative humidity of the air is above 85%. Surface preparation, coating schedules methods of application, environmental conditions and inspections shall be strictly in accordance with the coating system manufacturer’s written standards, instructions and recommendations. Preparation and application are to be inspected and warranted by the coatings manufacturer for a minimum of 60 months after delivery. All sharp corners and edges in coated areas are to be ground to a radius of about 2 mm in tanks and 1 mm elsewhere. All weld splatter is to be removed prior to coating. The following painting schedule is to apply to coated areas of the vessel. Thickness shown is total average of dry film, except as indicated. All coats shall have contrasting colors: Inorganic-zinc shall be of the type resistant to 800°C temperature. Bottom Two (2) coats – high build epoxy (300 mic dft) One (1) tie coat – (50 mic) Three (3) coats – high build self polishing A/F (300 mic) Topside and Boot-top (above assigned load line) Two (2) coats – high build epoxy high resistant (300 mic dft) One (1) coat – epoxy finish polyerethane paint (50 mic dft) Exposed Weather Decks One (1) coat – inorganic zinc (75 mic) One (1) coat – quick dry epoxy primer (50 mic) One (1) coat – high build epoxy (150 mic) One (1) coat – epoxy finish paint (50 mic) One (1) coat – high build epoxy non-slip deck paint in designated walking areas Superstructure, External One (1) coat – inorganic zinc (75 mic) One (1) coat – quick dry epoxy primer (50 mic) One (1) coat – high build epoxy (100 mic) One (1) coat – epoxy finish polyerethane paint (50 mic) FULLY COMPLIED + 75 45 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 Cargo and Slop Tanks No painting required inside. Special consideration shall be given to painted for refined products cargo tanks + 75 points Ballast Water Tanks One (1) coat – inorganic zinc (75 mic) Two (2) coats – high solids tar free epoxy (300 mic dft minimum) Two (2) stripe coats – high solids tar free epoxy Stripe coats to be applied before each full coat to edges of face bars and stiffeners, scallops, manholes, welds, areas difficult to access, etc. All coats are to be of a light color. Paint manufacturer maximum film thickness recommendations to be strictly followed. Cargo/Inert/Vapor Recovery System Pipes (Internal) One (1) coat – inorganic zinc (75 mic) Two (2) coats – high solids epoxy (300 mic) Deck Piping (All Systems) One (1) coat – inorganic zinc (75 mic) Finish coats same as surroundings Fresh Water Tanks Two (2) coats – low solvent, high solids epoxy (300 mic) Engine Room, Auxiliary Machinery and Stores Spaces Two (2) coats – alkyd (150 mic) Engine Room – Below Floor Plates Two (2) coats – high solids epoxy (200 mic) Bilge, Oily Waste, Soot Drain and Sewage Tanks, Bilge Wells and Chain Locker Two (2) coats – high solids epoxy (300 mic) Void Spaces and Cofferdams One (1) coat – inorganic zinc (75 mic) One (1) coat – high solids epoxy (150 mic). Accommodation Two (2) (2 x 50 mic) coats of rust preventative paint on steel panels covered by joiner work. Pipes (unless described otherwise), supports, railings, outfit items, etc. Shall be coated using the same system as their surroundings. Pipes (unless described otherwise), supports, railings, outfit items, etc. Shall be coated using the same system as their surroundings. 46 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 An impressed current cathodic protection system shall be fitted for the complete underwater hull and appendages. Output current is to be automatically controlled by a computer type controller to maintain required hull potential at an optimum. System to be self-testing and self- calibrating and shall prevent overprotection in fresh water. Wetted hull mean current density shall be not less than 50 mA/m2. Grounding to be provided for propeller shaft and rudderstock. Design of the cathodic protection system shall consider separate aft and forward system operating must of the time in shallow water. Sacrificial anodes are to be installed in all ballast tanks to provide a minimum current density of 10 mA/m2; system design service life is to be five (5) years based on a 40% ballast ratio. Cranes One (1) cargo oil hose crane, rated at 10 Mt, is to be installed, in accordance with OCIMF recommendations. The unit is to be provided with hydraulic fluid from the central hydraulic system and be fully operable with 5º of vessel list and 2º trim. Hoist speed shall be 10 m/min at rated load and 20 m/min at no load. 10 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 50 10 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =0 50 One pneumatic crane with fixed air motor, rated at 1.5 t, is to be located on each side of the accommodation for fuel hose handling. Crane outreach is to be three (3) meters beyond the maximum beam of the ship. One electrically driven spares/stores monorail hoist with motorized trolley is to be installed aft of the accommodation, with an outreach of 4 meters beyond the maximum beam of the vessel port and starboard. The hoist shall be rated to lift the heaviest of the main engine cylinder liner, cylinder cover or turbocharger (minimum of 5 metric tons). Hoist and trolley shall be capable of operating at 3º list and 2º trim. Alternatively, hydraulic cranes may be supplied port and starboard to provide a similar lifting capability. An engine room bolted hatch served by the spare parts lifting gear shall be fitted (large enough for a main diesel generator block). The bolted hatch shall be provided with a smaller dogged and gasketed hatch (approx. 1m x 1m). Accommodation The accommodation is to be of “Scandinavian” standard, of a high level and comfort, arranged for a total of thirty-seven (37) persons, in accordance with the attached cabin schedule. Cabin layouts for officers shall be as follows: Highest Class Bedroom, Dayroom, Office Senior Class Bedroom, Dayroom Junior Class Bedroom All cabins are to be provided with private toilets and showers. Bunks are to be arranged fore to aft. Bunks in the Highest, Senior Officer and 47 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 junior class cabins shall be wider to allow for accommodation of spouses. In addition, the following public spaces are to be provided: Officer Messroom Crew Messroom Combined Pantry for Officer and Crew Messroom (arranged for waiter service) Combined Officer and Crew Duty Messroom Officer Lounge Crew Lounge with partition for TV Room Recreation Room/Gymnasium Crew Laundry Officer Laundry Cleaning Gear Lockers (each deck) Linen Lockers Baggage Room (one for Officer and one for Crew) Engineer Office/Deck Office Hospital / dispensary A finished clear height of minimum of 2,100 mm shall be maintained throughout the accommodation. All cabins, dinning, lounge and office spaces to have rigid permanent finish joiner panel bulkheads. All joiner work is to be asbestos free. All Passageway bulkheads are to be lined and ceilings are to be fitted in all joiner spaces. Overheads to be insulated enameled metal prefabricated panels. All joiner materials shall be incombustible and asbestos free. Furniture and furnishings in cabins and public spaces shall be of the highest marine quality, handrails made out of wood or bronze. Cabin furniture is to be upholstered with fabric. All furniture is to be of Western style and dimensions. Each senior officer class cabin is to be provided with a refrigerator of about 100-L capacity. Each junior officer class cabin is to have a refrigerator of about 50-L capacity. One 100-L refrigerator shall be installed in the wheelhouse and another at the engine control console. Full fire retardant carpeting shall be installed in all officer’s cabin and lounges. Vinyl deck coverings are to be provided for all crew cabins and passageways. Galleys, pantry, laundry and toilet space decks are to be ceramic tiled. A swimming pool shall be provided. Auxiliary Machinery All equipment is to be of proven design with past marine experience. 10 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE =5 =3 50 48 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Centrifugal pumps are to be provided with mechanical seals and casing wear rings and are to have integral thrust bearings. Impellers are to be removable without having to remove the pump motor or attached piping. All sea water pumps shall be provided with sea water resistant bronze impellers and casings. Vertical sea water pumps having a bearing below the impeller are to be supplied with suitable flushing arrangements incorporating centrifugal separators. Rotary oil pumps are to be of either the gear or screw type with cast iron bodies and carbon steel rotating elements. Maximum pump speed shall be 1800 rpm, unless specifically approved. a. 6600006201 1300071796 PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =1 =0 Air Compressors Three (3) 100% capacity electric motor driven main starting air compressors and one (1) screw type oil-free compressor for control and instrumentation air shall be provided. Two (2) control air compressor shall be arranged to supply the control air system via a refrigerated type control air dryer. Standby for the control air compressor shall be provided from the starting air system via a moisture separator and suitable filters. One (1) service air compressor, with standby from the starting air system, shall also be provided and arranged to supply service air outlets throughout the machinery space, service and weather areas of the vessel. The service air system shall also be arranged to supply air to the cargo pumps for purging and stripping of cargo lines. Reciprocating air compressors shall be resiliently mounted. b. Fuel Oil System Main components of the main and auxiliary fuel oil systems shall include: F.O. transfer pump, gear type with auto/emergency stop device. 1 D.O. transfer pump, gear type with auto stop device. 1 Sludge transfer pump. 2 H.F.O. booster pump for Main Eng. gear type 2 H.F.O. supply pump for Main Eng. gear type 2 H.F.O. booster pump for Aux. Eng. gear type 1 D.O. emergency supply – air motor driven (for Aux.Eng.) 2 H.F.O. purifier, self-cleaning, auto partial discharge type suitable for fuel with a density of 1010 kg/m3 @ 15ºC 1 D.O. purifier, self-cleaning auto discharge type 1 Viscosity controller for Main Eng. 1 Viscosity controller for Aux. Eng. 49 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 2 Heater for H.F.O. purifier 2 H.F.O. heater for Main Eng. (each 100% capacity) 2 H.F.O. heater for Aux. Eng. (each 100% capacity) Auto back washing filter for Main Eng. (with manual bypass filter). 1 Auto back washing filter for Aux. Eng. (with manual bypass filter). The heavy and diesel fuel oil purifiers and heaters are to be located in a designated purifier room complete with workbench and suitable lifting arrangements. A portable purifier-cleaning unit shall be furnished and stowed in the purifier room. The fuel oil system shall be designed for the burning of heavy fuel and diesel oil in the main and auxiliary engines as well as the auxiliary Thermal Heater. Each fuel system (main engine, auxiliary engines and Thermal Heater) shall be provided with its own fuel meter. Bunkering station is to be provided forward and aft of cargo manifolds and forward of the accommodation. Filling lines for heavy and diesel fuel may utilize common piping. A DNV approved type fuel sampling device shall be fitted for sampling of fuels during bunkering. One of the HFO bunker tanks shall be subdivided to provide for separate storage capacity of at least four days consumption. Service and settling tanks shall be provided for MDO as well as HFO. All heavy fuel oil piping, including drains and vents, is to be heat traced and insulated. c. Lube Oil System Main components of the lubricating oil system shall include: 1 2 2 1 Lube oil transfer pump, gear type Lube oil pump for Mn. Eng. cent. deepwell type Camshaft or crosshead lube oil pump for Mn. Eng. gear type Lube oil purifier, self cleaning, auto partial discharge type Heater for L.Q. purifier Lube oil cooler for Mn. Eng. Camshaft L.O. cooler for Mn. Eng. (as required) Auto back washing filter for Mn. Eng. L.O. w/bypass filter Auto back washing filter for camshaft L.O. w/bypass filter (as required) Piston rod stuffing box L.O. fine filter with pump d. Fresh Water System 3 3 1 1 1 1 50 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 Fresh water system major components shall be as follows: 2 Fresh water generators of the plate heat available exchanger type, each rated at 32 ton/day when operating on main engine waste heat available at 90% engine MCR. FW generator shall operate by means of oil thermal heating system from the composite thermal oil Heater 1 Hydrophore pressure tank Hydrophore fresh water pums Calorifier, steam/electric heating 1 U.V. sterilizer for all potable water, complete with alarm or low U.V. intensity Chlorinator 1 Mineralizer 2 Hot Water Circulating Pumps Two (2) low temperature FW coolers of the titanium plate element type, each rated at 60% of maximum capacity and arranged for manual back-flushing are to be provided. One high temperature FW cooler, of the same type, rated at 100% of maximum capacity shall also be fitted. Low and high fresh water temperature circuits are to be automatically controlled by thermostatic valves. Three (3) 50% capacity SW pumps, two (2) 100% capacity high temperature FW pumps and two (2) 100% capacity low temperature FW pumps shall be installed. Seawater system strainers and heads of sea water-cooled heat exchangers are to be neoprene or polyethylene lined. Means such as globe valves or pipe orifices are to be fitted for balancing cooling water flows to each piece of equipment. An electrolytic anti-fouling and corrosion suppression system shall be fitted in the machinery space sea chests. The system shall be provided with both copper and iron anodes. h. Bilge System A complete engine room bilge system shall be provided in accordance with latest Regulatory Body requirements. The oil water separator provided with the system shall be arranged to take suction from the bilge holding tank, oily waste tank and the aft engine room bilge well via a separate piping system. Along with manual operation, the separator bilge pump shall be arranged to start and stop automatically based on the level in the aft bilge well. All bilge wells and spaces below the design waterline shall have high and high-high level alarms. 51 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 i. Tank Level Indication All fuel, diesel oil, lube oil and fresh water tank levels shall be remotely displayed in the Engine Control Room as part of the machinery alarm and monitoring system. The level indicators shall be of the same design as those used in the ballast-tanks (electric resistance type). Fuel, diesel oil, lube oil and FW tanks shall be also provided with the local visual level indicator. All heavy oil and diesel tanks (including the fuel oil overflow tank) shall have high and high-high level alarms. All fuel and diesel settling and service tanks shall also have low and low-low level alarms. In addition, the temperature of each heavy fuel storage, settling, and service tank shall be monitored and displayed remotely on the machinery monitoring system and locally at the drainage cock. j. Exhaust System All auxiliary engines shall be fitted with combination spark arresting silencers. The main engine exhaust if required to comply with noise criteria called out elsewhere in this specification. Generators Three (3) equal capacity main alternators, 450V, 60 Hz, three phase, class “F” insulation, brushless, totally enclosed, fresh water-cooled are to be provided. Generator rating is to be based on one generator supplying all normal at-sea loads and two (2) generators supplying the maximum cargo-pumping load, with the third on standby. Individual generator load is not to exceed 85% of normal rating under any operating condition. Generators shall have embedded temperature detectors and automatic space heaters. Engines and generators shall be mounted on a common bedplate. For navigation purpose shall be able to provide by one (1) generator set. 10 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 50 One (1) main shaft alternator, 450V, 60Hz, 3-phase, class “F” insulation, brushless, totally enclosed, fresh water-cooled are to be provided. 52 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 The emergency diesel generator shall be of sufficient capacity to supply power to following items operating simultaneously: One (1) steering gear motor, both through commutator Emergency fire pump (if electrically motor driven) Emergency lighting (approximately 40% of vessel lighting) All alarm system All Communication equipment Nautical equipment Radio Equipment Foam pump Elevator Bilge Pump In addition, the emergency generator is to have sufficient capacity to supply all equipment required for cold ship start. The emergency diesel generator shall be capable of both battery and hydraulic starting and operation at temperatures down to –20ºC. It shall be located in a sound insulated, heated space and be resiliently mounted. Cooling air supply and exhaust shall incorporate suitable weather protection in the form of louvers, airlifts, etc. Classification 4 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER IACS CLASS NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =0 20 7 FULLY PROVIDED =5 MANDATORY ONLY = 3 PARTIAL =1 NO-INFORMATION =0 35 The vessel, including its machinery, equipment and outfitting, shall be designed and constructed for unrestricted ocean service in accordance with the latest equivalent Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LRS) Rules and Regulations with the following notation: Lloyds Register of Shipping 100 A1 Crude Oil or/and Dual Product Tanker, IWS, ESP, Ll ShipRight SDA, FDA, CM, ES+1 LMC, UMS, CCS, ICC, IP, IGS, COW Rules and Regulations Vessels are to be registered in Venezuela and Panama or other convenience flag. Vessels shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations in force at the delivery of the vessel, including the certifications required below. 53 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 Flag: Venezuelan. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1974) incl. 1978 protocol and 81/83/88/89/90/91/92/94 and LATEST amendments to implement the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS including Automatic Identification System (AIS.) Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Venezuelan Regulations on subject vessel. International Convention for Preventing Collisions at Sea (Colreg 1972) including 1981, 1993 and LATEST Amendments. International Convention on Load Lines (1966), including amendments; 1971, 1975, 1979 and LATEST. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973, including Protocol 1978 (MARPOL 1973/1978), Annex I, Annex II, Annex IV and Annex V (Consolidated Edition 1997.) International Convention for Tonnage Measurement (London 1969.) International Tele-communication and Radio Conference Regulations 1973, 1982 and LATEST Amendments. International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), publication N° 92 for the Electrical Installation on Ships. Suez Canal Authority Navigation Rules including Tonnage Measurement. Panama Canal Navigation Rules including Tonnage Measurement. U.S. Coast Guard Regulations for Foreign Vessels Calling at U.S. Ports, including Marine Sanitary Devices. Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations, 33 CFR 164 – Navigation Safety Regulations. Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations, 33 CFR 159 – Marine Sanitation Devices. Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations, 33 CFR 151 - 155 – Oil Pollution Regulations for Vessels. Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations, 46 CFR 39 – Marine Vapour Emissions. Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the United States Regulations. 54 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Code on Noise on Board Ships, Resolution A-468 (XII.) Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Suez Canal Authority Regulations for Navigation. Class Society’s Statement of compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations of the Panama Authority. Emergency Towing Arrangement with the Certificate for Breaking Strength and “Bollard Pull” Test results. ILO Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Dock Works 1979. ILO Conventions N° 92 and N° 133 concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ships. IMO Resolution "Noise and vibration levels on board Ships" A 468 (XII) 1981. IMO Resolution ‘Prevention of Air Pollution on Ships’ A 719 (17). IMO Resolutions as applicable to this type and size of vessel. Interim Standards for Ship Manoeuvrability IMO Resolution A 751 (18) ISO Draft Proposal N° 6954 "Guidelines for the Overall Evaluation of Vibrations in Merchant Ships" of September 1979 ISO N° 8468 ' Guidelines on Navigation Bridge visibility and Equipment'for One Man Bridge Operation. OCIMF Recommendations for Standardisation of Tankers Manifolds and associated equipment, 1991 OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines, 1997 OCIMF Recommendation for Equipment Employed in the Mooring of Ships at Single Point Moorings, 1993 ICS/OCIMF International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, 1996. ICS Guide to Helicopter / Ship Operations Marine Safety Committee (M.S.C.) Circular 403 “Guideline on Navigation Bridge Visibility.” Marine Safety Committee (M.S.C.) Rules. Technical Code on Control of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines (NOX Code) 1997. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, 55 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 Edition 1994 and latest amendments. Minimum Safety Criteria for Industry Vessels in Exxon-Mobil Services, Edition 2000, including Additional Minimum Safety and Environmental Criteria for Time Chartered Tonnage. CHEVRON – Voyage Charter and Third Party Vessels - Vessel Vetting Guidelines 1997. US Ports and Tanker Safety Act 1978 ISGOTT (International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals) 4th Edition 1996. Prevention for Oil Spillage Through Cargo Pumps Sea Valves, ICS and OCIMF, Edition 1991. Ship to Ship Transfer Guide. Tests and Trials Test reports and/or actual trial data from vessels shall be submitted to demonstrate satisfactory speed, power absorption, propeller revolutions and maneuvering characteristics. Shop and dock trials shall be conducted to test the main engine and all auxiliaries. Dock trials are to be carried out only after completion of all installation and inspection work. At completion of construction, a light ship weight measurement and inclining test shall be shown to the PDV Marina representative. Sea trials in both the loaded and ballast condition shall be conducted. Sea trials shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following program: Progressive speed trials – full load (seawater) Progressive speed trials – ballast Progressive speed trials shall be carried out at 50%, 75%, 90% and 100% MCR for the first ship. Following ship(s) shall demonstrate compliance with contracted speed. Maneuvering tests at full load and ballast drafts and full and half speed, for the first ship only, in case of sister vessels. Maneuvering tests shall demonstrate compliance with IMO document DE 36/WP.3 Annex dated 24 February 1993. The maneuvering test program shall also demonstrate the maneuvering characteristic of the vessel at low speeds, including the determination of the lowest speed for the safe maneuvering. Endurance tests intended to demonstrate proper operation of all normally operating systems over a continuous period. A sufficient number of vibration measurements shall be taken during sea trials over the full range of operating speeds in both ballast and full load conditions to confirm compliance with the requirements of this specification. Vibration measurements shall be taken in three directions. 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 56 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 Noise measurements shall be carried out in accordance with the IMO Code on Noise Levels Onboard Ships. Measurements in the accommodation, machinery spaces, and on deck also are taken during cargo discharge operations. All test procedures shall clearly define the scope and procedures of the required tests and shall be submitted for Owner review and approval sufficiently in advance of the scheduled test date. Plans, Schedules and Approvals The Owner/Builder shall submit the following documentation: Existing vessel the Q88 General Arrangement Drawing Accommodation Arrangement Mid-ship Section Structural Scantling Plans Loading Manual (including IMO conditions) Machinery Arrangement Cargo and Ballast System Diagram Electrical Power System One-Line Diagram Electric Load Analysis Structural Details Piping Drawings Painting scheme Electrical Details Yard Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures Manual 3 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 15 57 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 Upon delivery, each vessel shall also be furnished with four (4) sets of all equipment instruction manuals, containing operation and maintenance instructions in addition to a complete parts list and relevant drawings from main maker. All makers shall be registered with address, phone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail address, The vessel shall be inspected by PDV Marina’s representatives. Machinery Outfit Manufacturers having service representatives and spare parts capability in Venezuela shall provide all major machinery and equipment installed on the vessel as original outfit. All equipment used on the vessel shall have demonstrated suitability for marine service through successful prior shipboard application Spare Parts The vessel shall be provided with a level of spares consistent with equipment manufacturers and Class recommendations and requirements for a one-year period of operation. One (1) spare rotor for the main engine’s turbocharger, one (1) propeller’s blade and one (1) spare anchor shall be included for the class of ships. Labels and Signs All spaces, equipment, valves, etc. Shall be clearly labeled. Signs and placards related to safety and anti-pollution measures, as well as labels identifying engine room, cargo/ballast and electrical equipment (including major valves) shall be in both Spanish (preferably) and English. Label plates installed in the weather are to be of approved corrosion resistant materials. Aluminum and aluminum alloys shall not be used. All label plates are to be securely attached using stainless steel mechanical fasteners: adhesives are not to be used unless specifically approved by the Owner. Bilge Keels Bilge Keels shall be fitted for the entire length of the parallel mid-body. Details of the bilge keel installations are to comply with Classification Society requirements. Mooring Equipment Manual tensioning hydraulic windlasses and mooring winches shall be provided. All windlasses and winches are to be locally controlled. Mooring winches shall be of the split drum type, suitable for an all fiber 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 40 6 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NOT PROVIDED =5 =3 =1 =0 30 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 2 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 10 7 FULLY PROVIDED PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =1 =0 35 58 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 line mooring arrangement. Reduction gearing shall be totally enclosed. Two (2) combined anchor windlass/mooring winch units are to be fitted. Each unit is to consist of a cable lifter, dual mooring drums and one warping head. Manually operated band brakes fitted with stainless steel band brake rims are to be provided on the cable lifter and the winch drums. Additionally, five (5) sets of mooring winches shall be provided. Each winch is to be equipped with dual split drums and one (1) warping head, with manually operated band brakes as described above. Mooring drums are to be capable of 12 metric tons of pull at 12 meters/min (minimum) and a no load speed of at least 45 m/min at the first layer. Storage portions of drums are to be suitable for at least 200 meters of the required size mooring hawse in a maximum of six layers. Drum band brakes shall be designated to hold at least 32 t at the first layer. Winches and windlasses shall be powered from a central hydraulic system. Emergency towing arrangements shall be provided in accordance with proposed IMO requirements NAV 39/WP.7/Add.2 and certified by Class Society. All mooring equipment, fittings and arrangements shall be in accordance with OCIMF guidelines and recommendations. The Builder shall provide all hawsers and towlines. Hawsers are to be of high strength, as low elongation ratio as possible and constructed of polyethylene fiber sheathed with braided polyester cover for abrasion resistance. Steering Gear A ram type Electro-hydraulic steering system shall be provided. Two (2) 100% power units are to be installed. Steering gear hydraulic fluid shall be stored in a dedicated tank located near the steering gear. 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 40 The steering control system is to be of the follow-up type with nonfollow-up control capability provided. The steering gear room is to be fitted with anti-slip - grating - platform walkways with handrails installed in way of all normal access routes and working areas. 59 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Deck Equipment Bitts, fairleads and chocks are to be provided to suit the vessel’s mooring line size and mooring arrangement. Enlarged Panama chocks shall be fitted in way of the mooring winch leads. Bitts and chocks are to be provided midship for bunker barge tie-up in accordance with OCIMF standards. 1300071796 40 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 3 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 15 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 40 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL =5 =3 =1 10 Two (2) aluminum accommodation ladders of the fixed curved step type, each with davit and fixed air motor driven winch, are to be installed. The accommodation ladders are to reach within one (1) meter of the lightship water line at a 45º angle. Two (2) pilot ladders are to be furnished. A clear space on deck is to be provided as a helicopter winching area. The maneuvering and clear zones are to conform to the recommendations of the ICS guidelines. Access Primary access to all cargo and ballast tanks shall be via inclined steel ladders below the first stringer level. Ladders in ballast tanks are to be galvanized and attached by stainless steel bolts. Access arrangements in tanks shall allow for safe entry and rescue, as well as for removal of components from the tank. The accommodation and machinery spaces are to be serviced by a common elevator. Additionally, a provisions lift is to be installed if the galley and stores are separated by more than one deck. Steering Gear A ram type Electro-hydraulic steering system shall be provided. Two (2) 100% power units are to be installed. Steering gear hydraulic fluid shall be stored in a dedicated tank located near the steering gear. The steering control system is to be of the follow-up type with nonfollow-up control capability provided. The steering gear room is to be fitted with anti-slip - grating - platform walkways with handrails installed in way of all normal access routes and working areas. Lifeboats A free-fall type single diesel engine driven boat and a rescue boat with all associated davits to be provided. The free-fall lifeboat shall be 60 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES complete with launching and recovery davit winch that shall be capable of gravity launch and power recovery of the boat. A suitable number of liferafts, as required by Regulation III – 26 of SOLAS shall be provided. The liferaft supplier shall have an approved service station in Venezuela. Ventilation and Air Conditioning The accommodation, including offices and the wheelhouse, is to be serviced by a single duct, central heating and air conditioning system. The system is to consist of two (2) R-122 (green gas) compressors, each rated at 100% of the maximum load and one (1) air handling unit, sized for 100% of the system design capacity. 1300071796 2 NO-INFORMATION =0 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 The system shall be designed for the following conditions, assuming 50% re-circulation air: Inside Outside Cooling DB 24ºC DB 40ºC WB 18ºC WB 30ºC (50% R.H.) (55% R.H) Heating DB 21ºC DB –10ºC WB 14.6ºC (50% R.H) Individual diffusers to be provided in the overhead of all air-conditioned spaces. Additional unit heaters shall be fitted in the wheelhouse. During times of cargo operation, the system shall be capable of operating in the full re-circulation mode to prevent the admission of hydrocarbon vapors into the accommodation. Special attention shall be given to the vessel’s operation in both tropical and near arctic conditions when developing the accommodation-insulating schedule. In no case shall be less than 100-mm thick glass fiberboard shall be used for surfaces exposed to weather. In the case of the wheelhouse overhead, insulation thickness shall be not less than 150 mm. Insulation is to be carried across all beams, girders, and stiffeners. In addition to the central system, one self-contained, water cooler, air conditioning unit shall be provided in the wheelhouse. Other similar units shall be installed in the Engine Control Room and Workshop. A standby connection for air conditioning of the Engine Control Room shall be provided from the accommodation air conditioning system. Mechanical ventilation shall be provided for all machinery and equipment spaces. All non-structural ducting shall be galvanized. Structural vent truncks shall be epoxy coated internally and externally and shall include provisions for access and inspection, such as manholes and interior ladder rungs. The main machinery space 61 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 ventilation system shall be designed for at least 20 changes per hour, with a 10ºC limit to temperature rise in the space. Fans shall be two speed and at least two supply fans shall be reversible. A complete ventilation ducting system shall be fitted in the main machinery space to distribute supply air throughout the space. The purifier room and hydraulic machinery room shall be fitted with dedicated exhaust fans. Other machinery spaces shall be provided with at least 5 air changes per hour. All machinery spaces shall have provisions for freeze protection. A galley range exhaust ventilator complete with centrifugal grease extractor shall be provided. The exhaust hood shall have an automatic fire damper with a fixed fire fighting system and a fixed cleaning system utilizing hot water and detergent. All doors leading from the accommodation to the weather shall be provided with air lock vestibules to limit outside air infiltration. Refrigerated and Dry Provisions Stores Three refrigerated storerooms shall be provided with volumes and design holding temperatures as follows: Chamber Meat Room Fish Room Vegetable Room 2º Temp. - 18º - 18º 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 Approx.Volume 20 m3 15 m3 25 m3 A refrigerated handling room of about 15 m3 shall act as a common entry to each of the three refrigerated storerooms. Two (2) R-22 refrigeration plants shall be provided and sized such that one plant can carry the holding load at maximum design conditions specified in Section 2.11 while the other is on standby. Both refrigeration plants are to be used during cool-down. Suitable air conditioned space for non-refrigerated stores shall also be provided. Sewage Treatment A black water gravity drainage system and sewage treatment plant designed and CFR / USCG approved, for at least 37 persons are to be furnished. The sewage treatment plant shall be of the aerobic type. In addition, a sewage holding tank sized for seven (7) days retention of black water shall be fitted. All pumps, compressors, blowers, ejectors, etc. shall be provided with 100% installed standby capacity. Fire Detection and Alarm System 62 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES A complete addressable type fire detection and alarm system shall be installed. All cabins, public spaces, passageways, machinery spaces, storerooms and control rooms shall be fitted with detectors. The machinery spaces are to be cross-zoned. Alarming and space identification shall be provided in the Wheelhouse, Engine Control Room, Cargo Control Room, and Fire Control Station. Fire Protection The fire protection system shall in general be arranged as follows: Main Deck Fixed foam fire extinguishing system using balanced pressure type proportional. 1300071796 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 4 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 20 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 40 Engine Room CO2 Accommodation Portable dry chemical or foam fire extinguishers, sea water hoses, protective clothing, breathing apparatus, etc. In addition, a fixed water spray shall be provided both at the front of the accommodation and at the lifeboat access area. Fire fighting and lifesaving equipment and appliances such as fire hoses, portable fire extinguishers, life jackets, life rings, etc., shall be USCG approved type. Cargo Piping Cargo piping and manifolds shall be arranged for at least (3) complete segregation, one of which shall consist of the two slop tanks that can be cargo tanks as slop tanks. The remaining segregation shall each consist of one pair of P/S cargo tanks. Each block segregated by means of a double valve. Each cargo pump shall discharge to its associated deck main via a remotely operated butterfly valve. The system shall also be arranged to allow the following: Discharge from each segregation to the slop main Connection of any segregation to any discharge manifold valve Cargo loading via pump and dedicated drop line at each tank, which together shall be sized for the maximum tank loading rate. (Drop lines shall have remotely operated valves) Discharge of any cargo tank to any other cargo tank. All connections between segregation shall be made using two remotely 63 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 operated butterfly valves. In addition, crossover flexible spool pieces or cargo hoses shall be supplied to allow connection of adjacent manifold flanges. Slop tank piping shall be arranged to allow for decanting of oil from slops, as well as for closed cycle tank washing using the slop tank pumps. An approved oil content monitor (ODMS) shall be fitted on the slop tank overboard discharge. Suitable provisions for drainage, flushing and stripping of system piping shall be included. Manifold drip trays shall be drained to the slop tanks by air operated stripping pumps. All cargo system valves shall have cast steel bodies and viton material seats. Butterfly valves shall have stainless steel discs. Inert Gas System An inert gas generator plant, designed for operation on heavy oil, shall be provided. The plant shall be capable of producing inert gas of adequate quality (3% O2, 0.03% SO2, 0 Bacharach soot content) to prevent contamination of the products listed. The inert gas system capacity shall be at least 125% of the nominal cargo discharge rate. Two (2) 100% capacity electric motor driven fans and a dedicated sea water scrubber pump shall be provided. The system shall also have the capability of topping up operation. 5 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 25 4 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 20 The system shall be designed on the basis of the dispersion principle. Each cargo and slop tank shall be fitted with venturi type gas-outletnozzles arranged to direct inert gas to the bottom of the tank. The system shall be designed such that contamination of cargoes by means of inert gas piping is prevented. Each inert gas branch shall have an isolation valve of materials compatible with the list of cargoes to be carried. Provisions for emergency inerting and gas freeing of the double hull ballast tanks shall be included. Cargo Tank Venting Each cargo and slop tank is to be provided with two (2) high velocity pressure/vacuum relief valve. The relieving capacity at a tank pressure of 0.14 kg/cm2 is to be suitable to meet the maximum loading rate of 2,500 m3/hr per pump plus an allowance for vapors generation. The capacity of the vacuum valve is to be suitable for maximum discharge capacity of the pump mounted in the tank. Audible and visual highpressure alarm and vacuum-pressure alarm to be installed at deck and 64 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 cargo control-room central computer that shall send signal to the LAN computers. Vapor Recovery System A complete vapor recovery system meeting all IMO, Class and U.S. Coast Guard requirements shall be fitted to serve all cargo and slop tanks. Each tank shall be connected to the vapor recovery main via a manually operated butterfly valve of materials compatible with the list of cargoes to be carried. System indicators and alarms shall display in the Cargo Control Room, central computer that shall send signal to the LAN computers. COW and Tank Washing Each cargo and slop tank shall be fitted with fixed Butterworth, single nozzle tank washing machines as necessary to meet the required cleaning performance. The machines and down-pipes shall be of steel. Final tank portable washing machine layout and performance shall be confirmed by the seller and equipment manufacturer to be in accordance with IMO Resolution A.446(XI), Paragraph 4.2.8 and approved by the Classification Society. Provisions for use of portable tank cleaning machines shall also be included. 4 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 20 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =2 =1 =0 10 One deck mounted tank cleaning heat exchanger, capable of raising seawater temperature from 10ºC to 80ºC, shall be provided. The capacity of the heat exchanger shall be suitable for washing two (2) cargo tanks simultaneously. One hydraulically powered centrifugal tank-cleaning pump shall be provided. The pump casing and impeller are to be of seawater resistant bronze. Shaft shall be stainless steel and mechanical seals shall be fitted. Ballast System Two submersibles or deep well ballast pumps, located in separate ballast tanks port and starboard, and capable of together discharging all segregated ballast in eight (8) hours shall be provided. The pumps shall be of the centrifugal type, hydraulically or electrically powered and suitable for local and remote control. Pumps shall be fitted with mechanical seals and be self-priming and capable of tank stripping. Casings are to be of stainless steel and impellers are to be seawater resistant bronze. 65 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 All ballast piping shall be located in double bottom void space only; no ballast piping is to pass through cargo tanks. Port and starboard ballast systems are to be cross-connected. Doubler plates shall be fitted in way of ballast tank piping bell-mouths / tank well. System piping shall be arranged to allow loading of heavy weather ballast in the cargo tanks via a easy removable spool piece. Ballast valve shall be throttle type (partially close or open). Ballast Water Management System shall be installed in compliance with the MEPC46 Tank Gauging Remote reading radar type gauges utilizing parabolic antennas are to be provided for all cargo, slop and ballast tanks. The gauging system shall be furnished complete with tank pressure/vacuum sensing system. Each cargo and slop tank shall be fitted with a separate 95 % and 98% overfill alarm. Electronic sensors 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =2 =1 =0 10 6 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 30 For the ballast tank gauging system could be of the electric resistance tape type. A four-point draft gauging system shall also be installed. All tank gauging and draft data shall be provided to an on-line load calculator located in the Cargo Control Room central computer that shall send signal to the LAN computers. Each cargo and slop tank shall also be fitted with a manual closed ullage / cargo sampling fitting. A total of two portable ullage gauges shall be supplied per vessel. Cargo Control and Monitoring Control of all remotely operated cargo and ballast system valves shall be provided from the Cargo Control Room. The valve actuation system shall be of the Electro-hydraulic type. Closing time of cargo and ballast system valves shall be as per rule. Longer closing times shall be provided where required by the cargo and ballast pump makers. The Cargo Control Room console shall contain a flat monitor LCD based complete, permanently engraved, with color-coded mimic diagrams of both the cargo and ballast systems, incorporating the 66 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 following: Open/close and partial controls and indicators for cargo system valves. Open/close and partial controls and indicators for ballast system valves. Cargo manifold pressures and temperature Inert gas main pressure and Ox content. Indicators are to be separately energized from controls. All remotelly operated cargo and ballast valves shall be able to close and open partially with indication. In addition, the console shall include capacity controls and hydraulic pressure gauges for individual cargo, slop, and ballast pumps, as well as controls and indicators for the central hydraulic power unit and valve control power unit. Inert gas, vapor recovery and tank cleaning pump controls and indicators shall also be included on the console. A LCD flat monitor based tank level monitoring system shall be fitted in the Cargo Control Room. The system shall receive signals from, and display status of the listed items in Outline Specifications Section 5.9 The above data shall be displayed on two LCD flat monitor located at the cargo control console. Alternatively, tank level indicators may be incorporated directly into the system mimics. The system shall be arranged with full back-up processing units. An “on-line” type load computer shall be provided in the Cargo Control Room, with direct input of all tank level information. The load computer shall also permit manual entry of data (i.e., “off-line” operation). Central Hydraulic System The ballast (optionally) and tank cleaning pumps, hose-handling crane and mooring winches shall be powered from a central hydraulic power unit located in a separate room in the main machinery space. The system is to consist of electric motor driven hydraulic pumps, all associated piping, coolers, filters, pulsation dampers and controls. System capacity is to be sufficient for simultaneous operation of all winches. 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 The design and installation of hydraulic equipment and piping shall be in accordance with the maker’s recommendations and arranged to minimize system noise. Resilient pipe supports and bulkhead adapters shall be provided for all central hydraulic system pipes. Filters shall be fitted in the hydraulic oil supply line to each item of equipment served by the system. 67 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 Hydraulic system installation and commissioning shall be carried out under supervision and approval of the system maker. Services of a maker’s commissioning engineer for a minimum of 8 weeks over the course of the fabrication, cleaning, installation, flushing and testing of the system shall be included. System flushing shall continue until the system cleanliness reaches the appropriate level of ISO Standard 4406 set by the pump/hydraulic system maker. Flushing procedures shall be submitted for Owner approval. Cargo System Piping Materials Cargo Inert Gas Steel, extra heavy Conductive glass reinforced epoxy resin (bulkhead penetrations to be steel, coated 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 3 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 15 8 FULLY PROVIDED =5 40 extra heavy internally and externally) Vapor Recovery Steel Valve Control Hydraulics 316 stainless steel (al-brass in ballast tank) Ballast Conductive glass reinforced epoxy resin (bulkhead penetrations to be extra heavy steel, coated internally and externally) Ballast Tank Vets Galvanized steel, extra heavy Tank Cleaning Galvanized steel, extra heavy Heating coils Steel, extra heavy All fasteners on the exposed deck shall be of anti-corrosive materials. Deck piping and conduit shall be installed at a sufficient height above the deck to permit maintenance of deck coatings. Suitable access over the deck piping shall be provided at the forward and after ends of the main deck. As far as practicable possible, lines must be installed inside double deck void space MACHINERY PLANT In general, all machinery and equipment shall be of the latest design offered by the selected manufacturer or equipment Makers. All modifications of the components, such as services letters, carried out or printed by maker during the building and guarantee period of the ship, as per contract, shall be readably installed at builder expenses to the satisfaction of the Owner. Main Engine 68 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 The main engine shall be a single acting, reversible, turbocharged with lobe plain bearing (not ball bearing accepted), slow speed diesel engine of the latest long stroke design, directly coupled to the shafting. The engine, all associated fuel handling and purification equipment, is to be designed for operation on 700 cSt fuel. OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =2 =1 =0 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 The main engine shall be capable of maneuvering and operating at low power on heavy fuel. The engine and shafting system shall be arranged such that a barred speed range is avoided. A torsional vibration analysis of the entire engine/shafting/propeller system shall be carried out to demonstrate compliance with this requirement. The engine shall be provided with an axial vibration damper. If the offered engine has six or less cylinders, it shall be arranged to accept the fitting of 2nd order moment compensators on the forward and aft ends or, alternatively, provisions shall be made for installation of an electrical moment balancer in the steering gear room. The Builder shall fit such moment compensators as necessary, based on the results of vibration measurements made during sea trials. In addition the hull structure surrounding the upper section of the engine shall be made suitably rigid for the installation of top bracing to effectively increase lateral stiffness of the main engine. Top bracing shall be installed in accordance with the engine designer’s recommendations. The engine shall be rated such that the vessel attains a 15 knot trial speed at design draft while at 80% MCR. (See Section 1.5) It shall be controllable from the Engine Control Room, Wheelhouse and locally. Main engine to be provided with the following features: Suitable governor Load change dependent cylinder lubrication Turbocharger vibration alarm CO2 fire extinguishing system for scavenge air box Slow turning start arrangement Semi-automatic lifting of fuel pump roller guides A single spare turbocharger rotor and nozzle ring shall be supplied for the class of vessels. Shafting and Propeller A controllable pitch, keyless, wake adapted propeller fabricated of NiAl-Bronze shall be provided. In general, the diameter shall be maximized while at the same time maintaining adequate clearances for minimizing hull vibrations. 8 40 69 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 The intermediate tail-shaft shall be arranged for withdrawal inboard. Shafting diameters shall be at least 5 mm in excess of Rule requirements. The stern tube bearing shall be of the white metal type. Stern tube sealing shall be of the split lip seal type, complete with rope guard and net cutter. The propeller shaft system to be designed for a complete survey preferable periodicity of 15 years. Diesel Generator Engines At least three (3), four stroke, turbo-charged diesel engines are to be provided for driving main generators. Engines shall be capable of continuous operation, including starting, on 700 cSt fuel. Engine governors are to be of the electronic type. A separate emergency diesel generator is to be provided and located outside the main machinery spaces. Steam Boiler System The main engine shall be fitted with an exhaust gas Heater, sized to meet all at sea domestic, fuel, and other machinery heating requirements with the engine operating at 90% MCR. The exhaust gas side of the Heater shall be furnished with means for cleaning, including provision of a soot blowing for the boiler piping. 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 40 Each fired oil thermal boiler to be arranged to burn heavy fuel and diesel oil shall be provided and sized on the basis of the largest expected ship oil heating demand condition. The unit shall be capable of high turndown such that it may serve low heating demand conditions without excessive starting and stopping. The oil heating plant shall be arranged such that the exhaust gas Heater can operate independently of the oil-fired Heater. Automation and Control Remote centralized control/instrumentation is to be provided for propulsion machinery as required to comply with the requirements of Class for a periodically unattended machinery space. An enclosed Engine Control Room is to be located in the machinery space, optionally to located at upper deck as close as possible to cargo control room. Engine control console shall be fitted with an engine room control console, which shall include the following instruments and equipment: 70 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 Maneuvering lever Telegraph receiver Sub-telegraph Alarm buzzer and telegraph bell Buzzer and flicker pushbuttons (acknowledge and test) M/E emergency stop and shutdown/slowdown override switches with cover Propeller shaft speed indicator and counter M/E control station transfer level Telephones Duty engineer selection switch M/E auxiliary blower control Pressure and temperature gauges Engineer’s quarters calling alarm system Rudder angle indicator Fire alarm pushbutton Two color LCD flat graphic displays for the integrated monitoring, control and alarm system specified below Two Printers Console mounted gauges shall include all starting and control air pressure, main engine oil, scavenge air and cooling water temperature. Console gauges may be driven by the CPU but shall be discrete analog displays. The control room shall have a full view of the machinery space over the control console and shall be fitted with adequate shelves, desks, chairs and other furniture. A water closet and lavatory shall be provided, with direct access from the control room. TV close circuits for machinery spaces to be seem from engine control console at upper deck. An integrated monitoring, control and alarm system is to be provided for the machinery plant in order to comply with Class requirements for periodically unattended machinery space (UMS) operation. The system shall be microprocessor based and shall be furnished by a single manufacturer. Adequate reliability shall be ensured through the use of distributed or duplicated microprocessors. The master microprocessor in the Engine Control Room shall be replicated with a “hot standby” unit. Changeover from operating to standby processors is to be automatic with an alarm to alert operators. The data bus provided for transmission of signals to the Engine Control Room shall be capable of continued functioning with a break anywhere in the bus. The system shall include: 71 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 6600006201 1300071796 Remote monitoring of at least 400 items of temperatures pressures flows, levels, and other process variables. A complete power management system for remote monitoring and control of the electrical power system, including: Manual remote start/stop of auxiliary generator sets Automatic start/stop and synchronizing of generator sets Monitoring of critical parameters when diesel engine is running Resets from keyboard of all shutdowns, start failures and synchronizing time-outs Automatic load sharing (Balanced/Unbalanced) Load-depend start/stop Blackout monitoring and load shedding/blocking of heavy consumers Remote monitoring and control for auxiliary equipment including: Automatic start-up of stand-by pumps in case of pressure drop and sequential start-up after blackout. Display of system pressures, temperatures, etc. Alarm of off-design parameters. Running status indication and cumulative running hour monitoring for all equipment. The remote operator control stations, located in the ECR console shall consist of two redundant functional operator control panels (keyboard) with 19” (minimum) color LCD flat displays for remote monitoring and control. Engineer’s cabins, wheelhouse and public rooms (officer’s mess and officer’s lounge) to be equipped with panels for indication of critical and general alarms and Engineer’s Assistance Needed alarm. The system shall also be provided with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) unit with at least 60 minutes battery back up and with two dot matrix printers, one (1) for alarm, and one (1) for log. A full selfdiagnostic program to be included in the system for input/output signals that will give alarm on monitor and printer of control system malfunctions. In addition to the above mentioned systems, one (1) M/E turbo charger vibration monitoring system and one (1) MIP system to be provided and interfaced to the monitoring and control system. Sufficient individual LCD flat screens to logically organize and display the above information shall be included. 72 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Planned Maintenance and Inventory Control A computerized planned maintenance and the Owner will provide inventory control system program. The shipyard shall be responsible for supplying all necessary equipment manuals and drawings needed as input for these programs. The vessel shall be provided with central deck and engine storerooms. 1300071796 3 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 15 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =2 =1 =0 40 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 5 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 25 Latest at the delivery IBM PC compatible latest intel-based personal computers shall be furnished in the Captain, Chief Engineer, deck and engine offices, and on the bridge. Each computer shall be complete with monitor and printer. All computers shall be marinized and installed on resilient anti-vibration mounts. Power shall be supplied via an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with at least one hour backup power and voltage stabilizer. Machinery Piping Materials Steam SW Service Bilge Cooling FW Fuel Oil Diesel Oil Lube Oil Compressed Air Exhaust Gas Steel Cu Ni or Polyethylene lined steel Galvanized steel – extra heavy Steel Steel Steel Steel Galvanized steel Steel All sea chest and overboard discharge valves are to be installed using corrosion resistant bolts and nuts. Overboard discharges are to be arranged to allow maintenance work to carry out with the vessel afloat. Electrical Equipment All electrical equipment shall be located in protected areas, whenever possible. When mounted on deck, equipment is to be waterproof and intrinsically safe/explosion proof (in cargo area). When mounted in machinery spaces, equipment is to be drip proof, as a minimum. Power Distribution In general, power distribution to all electrical users shall conform to the following: Power circuits AC 440V 73 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Lighting circuits Emergency circuits Communication circuits Nautical and radio circuits Frequency 1300071796 AC 110V D.C. 24V AC 110V and D.C. 24V AC 440V, AC 110V and D.C. 24V 60 Hz NO 220-VOLT EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED. DEDICATED UNIT TRANSFORMERS FOR 220-VOLT EQUIPMENT WILL, IN GENERAL ALSO NOT BE ACCEPTED. Switchboards and Control Switchboards are to contain all necessary equipment to monitor the electric plant and control generators. Automatic synchronizing and load sharing shall be provided. Switchboards shall be of the dead front, totally enclosed, drip proof type. 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 8 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 40 All power cables are to be armored. Cables run in groups are to be supported by hangers spaced at no more than 300 mm, and limited to two layers. Cables on deck are to be protected in galvanized steel pipes and watering pull boxes. Power cables are to be run separately from control cables in order to avoid interference. Transformers shall be of the dry type, convection air cooled and drip proof. Insulation is to be either class F or B. A shore connection shall be provided to the main switchboard. The shore connection rating shall be sufficient for supplying all hotel, lighting and communication related loads with the main and auxiliary machinery plant secured. Two (2) sets of 24V alkaline storage batteries with a minimum total capacity of 400 A.H. shall be installed for emergency lights and interior communication equipment. One (1) set of 24V alkaline batteries shall be provided for radio equipment and one (1) set for emergency generator starting. Capacities shall be in accordance with maker recommendations. Motors Motors shall be of the squirrel cage induction type. Space heaters shall be provided for all motors larger than 5KW. In general all motors shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled, except those exposed to weather, 74 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 which shall be water-proof. The same Owner approved manufacturer shall supply all motors as far as possible. Insulation shall be Class F or B and bearings shall have 20,000 hr. Minimum life expectancy. Maximum motor speed shall be 1800 RPM for motors greater than 2 KW. Motor controllers shall, to the maximum extent possible, be located in the ECR. Reduced voltage starting is to be provided for all motors of 60 KW and above if required by the voltage drop analysis. External Communication Equipment External communication equipment is to conform with the latest SOLAS GMDSS requirements for operation in Areas A1, A2 and A3 and shall include: 4 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 20 One (1) MF/HF Radio Station including: Transmitter Receiver DSC Module NBDP Module Remote Controller Watch Receiver Clock Battery and Charger Antenna Tuner One (1) Main VHF Radio Telephone with DSC, CH 70 DSC Watch Receiver, Remote Control Unit & Bridge wing handset connection boxes. VHF handsets shall also be fitted in the cargo control console. One (1) Reserve VHF Radio Telephone with DSC & CH70 DSC Watch Receiver. One (1) Satcom Standard “F”, capable of voice, telex, facsimile and data transmission via modem, connected to the PABX. One (1) Satcom Standard “C”, with EGC capability. One (1) 2182 kHz Watch Receiver. One (1) Navtex Receiver One (1) Weather Facsimile 75 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES 1300071796 One (1) Satellite EPIRB. Six (6) Portable Intrinsically Safe 5W VHF Transceiver w/chargers. Two (2) Radar Transponders VDR (Black-box) SSAS (safe security alarm system) GMDSS radio equipment is to be mounted together in a single cabinet to the maximum extent possible. Internal Communications The internal communications equipment outfit shall comply with the following: 3 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 15 2 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 10 Automatic telephone system with 40 extensions and 4 simultaneous calls. System is to include provision of a telefax machine in the Captain’s office. Sound power telephone system Public address system combined with talk-back system and broadcast radio paging system Hospital call system Refrigerated camber call system General alarm system/fire alarm system Common aerial system for TV and radio with sockets in all cabins Exterior connections are to be provided port and starboard for a shore telephone system. Local Area Network (LAN) A complete data communication bus shall be fitted to allow for future installation of a Local Area Network (LAN). Wireless-route data transmission cable suitable for an Ethernet network shall be installed between a central wiring cabinet located in the ship’s office and the cabins of the Captain, Chief Engineer, Owner, Deck Supervisor, Machinery Supervisor, deck officers and engineering officers, the wheelhouse, the cargo control room and the engine control room. All cable is to be shielded from electromagnetic interference and shall meet any applicable Class requirements. Each of the above spaces is to be provided with a bulkhead mounted fitting which will allow connection of a personal computer to the data cable. 76 6600006201 ADQUISICION DE BUQUES PANAMAXES Lighting Adequate lighting levels shall be provided throughout the vessel. Lighting in way of cargo manifolds shall meet U.S. Coast Guard requirements. All lighting levels shall be met using a service factor of 85%. Lighting levels shall be demonstrated during dock trials. Anchor and “Not Under Command” lights shall be of the duplex type. 1300071796 4 FULLY PROVIDED OTHER TYPE PARTIAL NO-INFORMATION =5 =3 =1 =0 20 All exterior lighting is to be controllable from the wheelhouse. Deck floodlights facing forward shall have on/off controls separate from those facing aft. Fluorescent lighting throughout the vessel is to be of the rapid start type. 341 1705 TOTAL SCORE 77