Equilab Polishing Kit

The status of the surface of your Platinum plates is a very important condition
when obtaining accuracy in the process of XRF analysis. Possible imperfections
in the mould lead to flaws in the bead surface. The regularity in the bead surface is
very important as it affects directly to the XRF intensities. Conclusion: more damage
in the mould surface, less quality in the bead surface and therefore, less efficiency
in the analysis. It is advisable that you check up the moulds periodically to avoid
the analytical consequences of the erosion.
Any structural distortion must be straightened before proceeding
to polishing, with the corresponding mould.
Depending on the general status of the mould –scratches, indentations, erosion – an industrial
polishing may be necessary, as some flaws can’t be repaired without erasing one Platinum layer.
With the regular use of these two processes, you can save up time and even save a mould.
Steps to take into account to undertake the polishing
1. Clean the beads from dust and dirt
If the plate is too much damaged or with deep scratches, it will be necessary to start polishing
the surface with a polishing cloth of 600 or 1200 grit depending on the deepness f the
scratches (follow step three).
If the plate is not too damaged, or it is simply opaque, we will undertake the polishing with
diamond paste (follow step six).
1. Adjust the adhesive side of the polishing disc in the rubber holder. Ensure the disc is
properly placed in the center.
2. Install the rubber holder in the rotating tool. Do not insert fully the axis in the mandrel.
Polishing Kit / polishing process • Equilab, S.A. • 1
- High speed rotary tool
5 positions. Include accesories.
1 unit.
- Rubber holder
4 units
- Diamond syringe 3μm
1 unit
- Diamond syringe 6μm
1 unit
- Red polishing cloths Ø 30mm
50 units
- Polishing cloths 600 grit Ø 30mm
50 units
- Polishing cloths 1200 grit Ø 30mm
50 units
- Scouring discs Ø 30mm
- Lubricant fluid 1l.
Ask for a quotation
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Sanding produces splattering. It is specially recommended for the user to put on a laboratory coat, safety googles and
gloves. It is also advisable to protect the working station.Patience and care are key points to a successful polishing. You
must apply a minimum and homogeneous pressure during the polishing to obtain an homogeneous sanding and a mirror
effect polish. The excess speed is not as useful as it might seem, as the high speed reduces the control over the rotary
tool and will heat up too much the piece.
4. Apply four to six water or lubricant oil drops in the piece before applying the polishing cloth to a speed of
approximately 300rpm.
Always keep the tool in line with the plate, pressing gently, moving it in circles all around the piece.
If we have started with the most abrasive polishing cloth (600 grit), we will polish until the scratches
disappear from the plate.
We will undertake the same procedure with the finest polishing cloth (1200 grit).
We shall put four to six water or lubricant oil drops and shall apply the polishing cloth again on the plate to a
300-500rpm speed.
We will polish gently until the surface of the plate shows homogeneous and we only see the lines produces
by the polishing cloth
5. Adjust the adhesive side of a polishing cloth (red) in the surface of another rubber holder.
Ensure the cloth is properly centered.
Install the rubber holder in the rotary tool. Do not insert the axis fully into the mandrel.
6. Apply a small quantity (grain size) of diamond paste in the mould.
We will start polish the mould using the 6 μ paste
The 3 μ paste is to achieve the mirror final quality.
7. Add four lubricant oil drops in the surface of the mould.
Place the mould over a paper towel to create a cushion.
Sanding produces splattering. It is specially recommended for the user to put on a laboratory coat, safety googles and
gloves. It is also advisable to protect the working station.Patience and care are key points to a successful polishing.You
must apply a minimum and homogeneous pressure during the polishing to obtain an homogeneous sanding and a mirror
effect polish. The excess speed is not as useful as it might seem, as the high speed reduces the control over the rotary
tool and will heat up too much the piece.
8. Press gently the rotary tool against the mould surface and let it on, gradually increasing the rotary
Apply just a minimum pressure and polish to low speed.
Polish to the right in a round constant and regular movement.
During the polish, the rotary tool must be always in motion. Do not stop moving the tool whilst it is in contact with the mould.
During the polishing, it is necessary to control the hand keeping the tool all the time. Avoid vibrations and
sudden movements.
9. Add polishing oil when the surface is dry or hot. Add more diamond paste if you deem it necessary.
10. Once the imperfections are erased, it is the moment to work up a finish, using the fine paste to start the
mirror effect finishing.
Rinse the mould very carefully with water. Ensure you remove any oil traces.
Change the polishing cloth for a new one – a finer one -.
Apply the polishing paste and oil in the mould and continue with the polishing process.
11. Should you see round marks in the mould surface, in general this means that:
You applied too much pressure on the mould.
You lost control over the vibratory tool and there were vibrations during the rotary motion.
The polishing cloth was not properly centered in the rubber holder.
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• If there is dust or dirt in the polishing cloth, change it.
• Polishing is a tyring task, do rest from time to time.
12. Mirror effect finishing.
When most of the damage is removed, you can start working in the mirror effect finishing. You
can reach the mirror finishing with 3 μ or 1 μ diamond paste.
13. Clean up and rinse the mould to remove oil and diamond paste.
14. Use a new polishing cloth to polish with the 3 μ diamond paste.
15. Undertake a low speed polishing moving slowly on the mould surface.
Remember to keep the tool always straight and in line with the mould surface. The contact between the
polishing cloth and the mould surface must be equal in all its diameter.
16. After a while, stop polishing and rinse the mould to check the result.
The mirror effect is achieved when you can see your reflection in the mould.
17. If the mirror finishing is not yet reached.
Continue polishing with 3 μ diamond paste, in constant motion, all over the mould surface.
If the mirror finishing is still hard to obtain, use the 1 μ diamond paste.
18. If you have reached the mirror finish, the polishing process is finished.
19. Once the polishing process is finished, clean the mould in a bath of hot sulphuric acid for 30
20. Rinse and dry the mould. The polishing process is finished.
Equilab S.A. is proud to cover the laboratory needs of its clients, from the basic
planiumware to the most special and complicated design, in diverse presentations
such as Platinum, Platium/Gold and Platinum/Rodium.
You can send us your damaged crucibles or plates to recast them and that way keep
your tools in optimal conditions to a reduced price.
You can ask for an identification mark or your own numerical control in your
Crisoles Claisse, Leco, Perlx, Herzog, Phoenix, Schoeps, Bradway
Phone: +34 91 661 00 22
equilab@equilab.es / info@equilab.es
Avda. Camino de lo Cortao, 21 - Nave 6
28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes - Madrid
Tlf.: +34 91 661 00 22 - Fax: +34 91 661 81 46
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