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Milsatcoms 2018 Conference Programme: Technology Innovations

Milsatcoms 2018
Technology innovations to exceed Milsatcom
12-13 June 2018 | IET London: Savoy Place
Tuesday 12 June 2018
Registration and refreshments
IET and Chairman’s welcome & introduction
Gerard Donelan, Vice President Defence & Security, SES
Keynote: UK MoD Strategic Satellite Communications Capability
development in context of Skynet 6
The next generation capability strategy
MilSATCOM delivery within a UK Defence context
Requirements for Future Beyond Line of Sight (FBLOS)
Air Commodore Nick Hay, Head of Capability C4ISR & SRO, HQ Joint Forces
Command Capability, MoD, UK
Barry Austin, ISS Head of Networks, MoD, UK
UK MOD Space Policy and Space Strategy
Nick Ayling, OBE, Head of Cyber and Space Policy, MoD, UK
Delivering Information Advantage through Space
This presentation will outline the concept of “information advantage”, and
how current and future trends in civil and military communications, and
Space systems, could be an enabler
We will discuss how emerging technologies could change the future of
SATCOM, and some of the current challenges
Mike O’Callaghan, Space Programme Manager, Cyber and Information Systems
Division, DSTL, MoD, UK
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
The UK’s Civil Space Strategy: Implications for Milsatcoms
Space industry is a high growth, high productivity sector where the UK punches
above its weight, contributing some £14bn (and supporting £250bn) to UK
economy and employing 39,000 people. This presentation will outline the UK’s
vision for growth in the space sector over the next decade and the implications for
Colin Armstrong, MBE, Head of Space Security Policy, UK Space Agency, UK
Information on the Move
Information is at the heart of future warfare and the British Army needs to process,
evaluate and disseminate information much faster and on the move to achieve
advantage over our adversaries. This presentation will discuss the challenges of
data, security, technology and tempo on future battlefields.
Brigadier Greg Wilson, Head of Capability Strategy Development, Army HQ
Information Directorate, MoD, UK
Panel discussion: UK’s sovereign Milsatcoms infrastructure and the future
of Skynet 6
Airbus built four Skynet 5 spacecraft that were launched between 2007 and 2012
as part of a 20 year, £3.6 billion private finance initiative (PFI) with the British MoD
to acquire and operate the platforms and ground stations. The extended PFI deal
is due to expire in 2022 when the satellites and ground infrastructure are handed
over to the MoD. The Skynet 6 program is packaged into three elements: the
stopgap spacecraft to be built by Airbus, a service delivery package to manage
ground operations from 2022 and an enduring capability program to provide future
communication system capacity beyond the end of the next decade. What is
expected from a new service delivery partner to take over the running of the
ground operations from 2022? What is the scope and requirement of the Enduring
Capability? And what does the UK sovereignty requirement mean?
Nick Ayling, Head of Cyber and Space Policy, UK MoD
Mike O’Callaghan, Space Programme Manager, Cyber and Information Systems
Division, DSTL, MoD, UK
Nick Hay, Information, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Capability Planner, Joint
Forces Command Capability, MoD, UK
Colin Armstrong, Head of Space Security Policy, UK Space Agency, UK
Barry Austin, ISS Head of Networks, MoD, UK
Lunch, networking and exhibition
Airbus Keynote - technical view of future MILSATCOM / Skynet 6
A discussion on the considerations for the Future UK MILSATCOM Architecture. A
brief overview of different space architectures, applicability of different orbits
architectures to MILSATCOM and the system architecture needed to exploit
multiple satellite architectures. A possible future EC vision, recommendations for
further study, and the user implications
Rick Greenwood, VP Engineering and Operations CIS Satcom, Airbus Defence
and Space, UK
GovSat Secure Satcom Service - a new EU and NATO capability from
Luxembourg has joined the Milsatcom club following the successful launch of
GovSat-1 on 31st January, 2018. We will describe the design journey that led to
the capability going live in March 2018 and update on the operational evolution of
the GovSat system. This was achieved in a 3-year timeline and we will explore
how GovSat is looking at future developments
Paul Wells, Vice President Government Satellite Communications, GovSat,
Delivering Global Ka-band SATCOM Services for Defence Forces
Inmarsat Global Xpress – the world’s first High Throughput Satellite Kaband global network
Services provided for Defence forces including Land, Maritime and Aero
case studies from around the globe
Effective commercial augmentation of national Milsatcom systems and
technologies driving innovation in this area
A technical overview of the Inmarsat Ka-band network including satellites,
TT&C network, ground stations, customer traffic “Meet Me Points”, and
global ground network
Technical innovations in the 4 satellite Inmarsat-5 on-orbit fleet built by
Seamless provision of additional Ka-band surge capacity via partnerships
with other satellite operators
Extension plans for the future with 3 new Inmarsat satellites being built
now (1 by TAS, 2 by Airbus) planned for launch in 2019, 2020 and 2021
A vision of Defence SATCOM in the 2020’s.
James Marley, Engineering Director, Global Government, INMARSAT, UK
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Case study: Lessons learnt from Electronic Warfare in Eastern Ukraine
This presentation will consider the future of EW and EM Operations in context of
current armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine, including Hybrid Warfare and Cyber
Electromagnetic Activities where the adversary is out-performing not only the
Armed Forces of Ukraine but potentially EM capabilities existing in the West. It
will consider the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of
development, by all services, in all countries in the free world.
Major-General Borys Kremenetskyi, Defence and Air Attaché, Embassy of
Ukraine, UK
Panel Discussion: opportunities and challenges to the military end-users in
context of small satellites revolution: the art of the possible
Space industry is experiencing disruptive change; with new technologies,
business models and market entrants, and the private sector increasing its share
of space financing. The UK Government’s Space Growth Strategy has ambitious
targets – most of the anticipated growth coming from services and applications
(“downstream”). So with “New Space” holding out the promise of cheaper and
faster access to space, what innovative services for Milsatcoms might be enabled
by that?
Chairman: Dr Chris Brunskill, Head of Small Satellites and Future Constellations,
Satellite Applications Catapult, UK
Daniel Campbell, Managing Director, Effective Space, UK
Mike Lawton, Founder & CEO, Oxford Space Systems, UK
Rafel Jorda Siquier, Founder & CEO, Open Cosmos, UK
Chairman’s final remarks
Drinks reception at the Mountbatten Exhibition Room (sponsored by GovSat)
Close of event
Wednesday 13 June 2017
Registration and refreshments
IET and Chairman’s welcome & introduction
Dave Davis, MBE, Technical Director, VT iDirect
commercial technology be exploited to provide flexible and interoperable
satellite communications to augment a hardened milsatcom core for military
An overview of the requirements of military end users, with a focus on a
discussion of OPEN vs CLOSED Satcom System Architectures. An interactive
session, with input from the floor welcomed and encouraged, we’ll discuss various
technical and operational aspects to the issues of interoperability and reliance on
a single equipment platform for the end user. Attendees will learn about the
requirements of the end user from the session leaders and fellow attendees, plus
ways that this particular issue can be addressed with effective policies, processes
and technology to maximize interoperability and reduce the need for multiple
Rick Greenwood, VP Engineering and Operations CIS Satcom, Airbus Defence
and Space, UK
Gp Capt Jason Young, Dep Hd Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS), MOD ISS, UK
Workshop 1 Continuation.
A follow up question to the first part of the discussion; once a flexible solution is
provided, how can it be secured effectively? Within the confines of an open,
unclassified discussion, the session leader and audience will discuss the issues,
challenges and opportunities when approaching the application of cyber and
security tools on commercial technology.
Rick Greenwood, VP Engineering and Operations CIS Satcom, Airbus Defence
and Space, UK
Chris Dunn, Consultant, 3SDL, UK
Flt Lt Chris Rhodes, Qualified Space Instructor, RAF, UK
Workshop 2 How cutting edge antenna technology could impact the
MilSatcom environment, in particular for COTM
Flat panel antennas are becoming increasingly available and there is much talk of
their impending ubiquitous use. Is there a need in the military environment? What
are the advantages and risks? Is the smaller military market being ignored in favor
of large scale commercial market?
Dave Davis, MBE, Technical Director, VT iDirect, UK
David Garrood, Senior Vice President, Phasor, UK
Oleg Roiberg, CTO, GetSAT, Israel
John Finney, Founder and CEO, Isotropic Systems, UK
Coffee break
Workshop 3 Space Situational Awareness: the threats to satcoms and the
tools & technology needed to mitigate these threats
Space Situational Awareness has never been more important what with the
increasingly crowded space environment posing a palpable threat to commercial
and military satcoms. As a result, we must prevent the situation from worsening
but also look to potential techniques, tools and technology which could help us
mitigate the threat of collisions, Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASI) and
Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI). AI-based solutions look particularly
promising in this respect, especially if we are able to integrate real-time orbital
data with simulated information from as many sources as possible. That way, we
can develop AI processes which could potentially prevent disaster, as well as
solve incidences quicker. This workshop will explore the current state of Space
Situational Awareness and the threats facing commercial and military satcoms,
but most importantly it will discuss the solutions available now and those needed
in the future for effective collision avoidance and interference mitigation. This
discussion-based workshop will provide the opportunity for attendees to directly
engage with the presenter while a live RFI geolocation session will demonstrate
one of the latest technologies available for RFI mitigation.
Martin Coleman, Executive Director, Satellite Interference Reduction Group
Guido Baraglia, Director, Satellite Interference Reduction Group
Retire to Blumlein room for private discussions and networking drinks
reception with IET Satellite Systems and Applications Engineering
Community (TPN)
Close of day