TÉRMINOS EN INGLÉS A UTILIZARSE EN EL ESTUDIO Glosario o diccionario de términos en inglés a utilizarse en el Estudio. Preparado por John Healy Fecha última actualización: Marzo 2008 Objetivo: facilitar a los integrantes del Estudio, que necesitan redactar documentos en inglés, una lista de los términos comunes que se suelen utilizar en el Estudio en las distintas áreas, y de esa manera permitir coincidencia en el uso a favor de los clientes. Contenido: los términos están divididos, en general, de acuerdo a determinados rubros, como por ejemplo: Organismos, Administrativo, Corporativo, Seguros, Sistema Jurídico; términos comunes, dando el término o sigla en español y la correspondiente traducción o uso en ingles. Divididos en orden alfabético bajo los siguientes rubros: Organismos y Agencias Administrativo / Contractual Impositivo Corporativo y Comercial Patentes y Marcas Financiero Seguros Sistema Jurídica Laboral Términos comunes ORGANISMOS Y AGENCIAS Administración Nacional de Aduana Aduana AFIP AFJP AGN ALCA ANSES ART Boletín Oficial (B.O.) Casa de moneda CNDC CNCE Comisión Nacional de Valores (CNV) = National Customs Administration = Customs = National/ Federal Tax Administration/Federal Administration of Public Revenues = Retirement and Pension Funds Administrators = General External Auditing Body = American Free Trade Area = National Administration of Social Security = Labor Risk Insurance Companies = (Argentine) Official Gazette (O.G.) = Mint = Defense of Competition Authority/ Antitrust Agency/Commission = National Commission for Foreign Trade = (Argentine) National Securities Commission CONSEJO PROF DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS = Professional Accountants Association or Association. COMFER = Argentine Federal Broadcasting Committee Defensor del Pueblo de la Nación Defensoría del Pueblo DGI = National People’s Ombudsperson = Office of the Ombudsman = Argentine Internal Revenue Service Dirección de Vialidad ENRE INDEC INSSJP LSC Roads Authority National Electricity Regulatory Authority National Institute of Statistics and Census National Institute of Social Services for Retired Persons and Pensioners = General Inspection of Corporations (UK and Ireland: Companies Registration Office) = Argentine Business Associations Law (BAL) Ministerio de Justicia Obra Social Organismo público PEN Prepaga = = = = = Ministry of Justice Health care Public Agency National Executive Branch Private Health care Previsión social Procuración General de la Nación Registro Civil SAFJP = = = = Social Security General Attorney Counsel for the Government Office of Vital Records o Oficial Registry Pension Funds Supervisory Authority / Superintendent Obligatory Labor Conciliation Board Secretariat of Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy National Audit Office / Office of Auditor General Retirement and Pension Funds Integral System Audit office Inspección General de Justicia (IGJ) = = = = SECLO = Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable y = Política Ambiental SIGEN (Sindicatura General de la Nación) = SIJP = Sindicatura Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo (SRT) = = Superintendence of Labor Risks ADMINISTRATIVO / CONTRACTUAL Acompañar una declaración jurada Acreditar (fondos en banco / cuenta) Acreditar (diplomático) Acreditar (representante) Actuando en forma conjunta, separada o alternativamente pueden ...(están ..... ) Agente de aduana Aplicación de una ley Apostilla Aranceles, derechos e impuestos Artículo del contrato Ausencia de renuncia Autárquico Autenticar/dar fe de/atestiguar Aviso de retorno Aviso de desocupación de un bien inmueble = = = = = append an affidavit to credit (an account) to accredit to authorize acting jointly, separately or alternatively may ... (be and hereby are authorized to ...) = Customs broker = enforcement of a law = Apostille = rates, duties and taxes. = contract clause = no waiver = autarchic / autarchical = to notarize/to attest to… = return receipt requested = notice to quit 2 Bienes muebles Cesión y sub-locación Comitente = personal property/goods and chattels/ U.S. personality(ies) = Official Document Letter/ Special Certified Letter (not used in English speaking countries = portfolio = sales agreement = lease (agreement) = expiration, (lapse, loss of validity) = expired, (lapsed, no longer valid) = (in U.S.) the execution, delivery and performance of an agreement) = enter into/perform/sign (U.S. deliver and perfect) an agreement = assignment and subletting = principal Comprobantes = supporting documentation/receipt Conjunto de derechos Comuníquese Copia legalizada Cúmplase = = = = bundle of rights Let it be known / made public authenticated copy So ordered Decreto Decreto ley Derechos adquiridos Desalojar las instalaciones = = = = Decree Executive Order vested rights surrender possession of the premises Desalojo Día laboral / hábil Días corridos / consecutivos Domicilio (de un individuo) Domicilio de una entidad/sociedad Domicilio comercial Domicilio real Donación con cargo Doy fe = = = = = = = = = eviction / holding over business day / court day calendar / consecutive days domicile legal domicile principal place of business/corporate domicile actual address donation with an accessory obligation in witness whereof (contracts) / I certify the foregoing Ejemplares/copias Ejercicio del cargo (durante el) El presente Contrato tiene por objeto... Empresas de servicios públicos Entrar en funciones Entregados en mano Entregar un informe Estudio jurídico Escritura de compraventa = = = = = = = = = counterparts (during his/her) incumbency the purpose of this Agreement is ... public utilities companies take office personal delivery furnish a statement/report law firm, law offices bill of sale (US) / deed of conveyance Carta Documento Cartera Contrato de compraventa Contrato de arrendamiento/de locación Caducidad Caduco Celebrar/ejecutar un contrato Celebrar/ejecutar un contrato 3 Escritura de propiedad Examen de fondo (patentes, etc) Ex oficio = title deed = in-depth examination = ex officio (on own initiative) Fecha de vencimiento Firma y sello Firmar conjuntamente Funcionario (público) Función pública Incapacitar Indistintamente Inmobiliario = = = = = = = = due date hand and seal Sign jointly officer/ public official/ civil servant civil service disqualify indistinctively real property / real estate Legal, establecido por ley Locación / sublocación Locador/arrendador Mandato Marco regulatorio Mediación Audiencia de mediación/conciliación Mesa de entradas Negador Normas de seguridad Notificación de incumplimiento de pago Obligación establecida en el Contrato Ocupante de un cargo, titular Orden público (de) Organismo de control Órgano de fiscalización = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = statutory lease / sublease landlord term of office/mandate/power of attorney regulatory framework mediation mediation/settlement hearing filing desk disclaimer safety norms notice of default covenant contained in the Agreement incumbent public policy regulatory agency supervisory body Pago total Parte firmante de un contrato Parte contratante (de un contrato) Perito Perito examinador Prescripción / prescrito = = = = = = Pueden firmar indistintamente Quien suscribe /el abajo firmante payment in full signatory / party to an agreement party to a contract/agreement expert examining expert statute of limitations / barred by the statute of limitations = Any one of them, acting alone, may sign = undersigned (the) Recíprocamente Régimen Régimen de reparto Registro de Automotores Remito Renuncia a derechos de ocupación Repartición pública Requisitos Requisito previo = = = = = = = = = interchangeably system / regimen / regime / rules governing… state-sponsored retirement savings plan Car Registry Office delivery note waiver to conservation rights government agency / government department requirements essential prerequisite 4 Requisitos sustantivos y complementarios Reserva legal Resolver una controversia Responsabilidad solidaria Retención de posesión (al terminarse el contrato de locación) = = = = substantive and adjective requirements statutory reserve to resolve / settle a controversy joint and several liability = holdover (tenant) Servicios de liquidación = settlement services Subsecretaría = Undersecretariat Subsistente (quedar) = remain in force (quedar derechos y obligaciones subsistentes = enduring rights and obligations) Suscripción del Contrato = execution of the Agreement Testado no vale = crossed-out portion should be ignored Texto ordenado = restated text Titular (Director) = Regular / incumbent / (Director) Título de propiedad = title deed Una multa / penalidad Usurpación Vencido, retrasado Vencimiento Violación de contrato = = = = fine / penalty / liquidated damages misappropriation overdue expiration (AmE.) / expiry date or due date (BrE. payment) / Maturity date = breach of contract IMPOSITIVO Agente fiscal = tax agent / public prosecutor (UK) / District Attorney / Government Officer (US). Carga tributaria/fiscal = tax burden CUIT / CUIL = Taxpayer Identification Number Declaración de impuestos = tax return Deducción tributaria por pérdida = tax offset / write-off Desgravación impositiva = tax exemption (U.S.) / tax relief (U.K.) Elusión (de impuestos) = tax avoidance Estimación de la base imponible = tax base estimation/appraisal Evasión fiscal / de impuestos /fraude fiscal = tax evasion Exento de derechos = duty free Exoneración/alivio fiscal = tax break Franquicia impositiva, franquicia tributaria = tax exemption Gravamen por impuestos no pagados = tax lien Hecho imponible = taxable event Impuesto a las ganancias = income tax Impuesto a los ingresos brutos = gross income tax / turnover tax Impuesto al valor agregado (IVA) = Value-added tax (VAT) Impuesto sobre bienes personales = Personal assets tax Impuestos inmobiliarios = real estate taxes Impuesto sobre el lujo, impuesto suntuario = luxury tax Incentivo tributario = tax incentive Libre de impuestos = tax exempt 5 Paraíso fiscal Presión fiscal Régimen arancelario Reglamento aduanero Responsable inscripto Retención de impuestos Revisión tarifaria Riesgo fiscal Tasa impositiva Zona de libre comercio Zona franca = = = = = = = = = = = tax haven tax burden tariff treatment Customs regulations registered taxpayer tax withholding Tariff revision tax exposure tax rate free-trade zone duty-free area / foreign trade zone CORPORATIVO Y COMERCIAL Abogado interno/de empresa ACE (Agrupaciones de Colaboración Empresaria) Acciones emitidas y en circulación Acciones escriturales Acciones no rescatables Acciones liberadas Acciones con derecho a voto Acreditar la existencia y vigencia de la Soc. = in-house lawyer = Business Collaboration Groups Actuando como vicepresidente en ejercicio Acuerdo preventivo (extrajudicial) APE Acuerdo preconcursal Agente colocador Artículos concordantes Asamblea constitutiva Asamblea anual (de accionistas) Atentado contra la libertad de comercio = = = = = = = = Bienes registrables = assets that are recordable or capable of being registered = Buenos Aires Stock Exchange = central securities depositary (of both bonds and equities) = Cooperation Consortium = risk rating = cancellation, liquidation. = muerte total de la soc. : Deregistration = capital stock / nominal slated capital issued and outstanding shares book-entry shares non-redeemable shares paid-in shares / bonus shares voting stock Evidence the existence and legitimacy of the Company Acreedor quirografario / privilegiado = unsecured creditor / secured creditor Acta constitutiva /Registro de una sociedad = Articles of incorporation / Charter Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires Caja de valores CC (Consorcio de Cooperación) Calificación de riesgo Cancelación de soc. Cancelación registral Capital social = = = = = = acting vice-president Reorganization Agreement (out-of-court) pre-insolvency proceeding broker / dealer associated provisions organizational meeting annual (general/shareholders) meeting restraint of trade 6 Capital integrado / desembolsado Capital no amortizado Cargo administrativo Carta de intención = = = = paid-in capital non-amortized principal/capital. managerial position letter of intention Conocimiento de Vista: Carta de entendimiento/acuerdo preliminar Comisión Fiscalizadora Comitente Competencia desleal Concurso preventivo / Procesos concursales = acknowledgment of Observation = Memorandum of Understanding = Surveillance Board = principal = unfair competition = In-court reorganization proceedings / Insolvency proceedings / Composition with Creditors / (Chap. XI) Consejo de vigilancia = supervisory borrad Cesion de cuotas = Quota Assignment Certificado Provisorio = Provisional Certificate Completar = fulfill Assignment or surrender o incluso transfer en este contexto Constituir una sociedad = incorporate / organize a company Contralor = Comptroller / government accounting inspector Contrato de compraventa de acciones = stock purchase agreement Convocatoria a licitación = invitation to bid Cumplimiento Resolución 7/05: Defensa de la competencia De-fusionarse Derecho antimonopolio Derecho corporativo Derechos de autor Derecho de receso =Compliance with Resolution 7/05 = Defense of competition / Antitrust = to de-merge from = antitrust law = corporate law = copyrights = right of withdrawal from partnership / dissenter’s right (minority shareholders’ right to withdraw from a company with compensation when e.g. they dissent to a merger. Instituto peculiar del derecho argentino que permite “irme” de una sociedad en algunos casos, obligándola a comprar mis acciones. Típicamente cuando se aumenta el capital y yo no tengo los fondos para acompañar el aumento para mantener mi porcentaje. Derecho de tanteo Derecho(s) Patrimonial(es) = right of first refusal = “Economic Law” / economic rights; proprietary rights = preemptive rights = right of first refusal = release (partial ...) = administrative offices Derechos preferenciales Derecho preferente de compra Desafectación (parcial de la cuenta) Dirección general 7 Directorio Directores titulares / suplentes Divisibilidad DDJJ: Dictamen Designación de Representante legal: Disolución = Board of Directors = regular / alternate directors = severability = sworn statement = Legal Opinión = appointment of legal representative = dissolution of entities por ej. Ejercicio/Año fiscal Entidades que cotizan Estatutos (societarios) Estatuto municipal o leyes locales Escrito: = fiscal year/period = listed companies = Charter = Ordinance = Writ o Writing (iIG/GBLD) Estados Contables Anuales: = Annual Financial Statements Facultades (deun poder): Fiscalización Fondo de Comercio Fraccionamiento (de acciones) Funcionario / Directivo Gastos generales Gastos periódicos powers / atribution = supervision = going concern = split (of shares) = officer = overhead expenses = recurring expenses Interés adquirido (en una empresa/asunto) Ley de Sociedades Comerciales (LSC) Libros de comercio Llave de negocio / valor llave Lucro cesante Mandante Mandatario Mercado exterior Mercado de contado Objeto social Obligaciones negociables Oferta pública de adquisición (OPA) Ofrecer por separado Operar legalmente Oponible a terceros Oponible en concurso preventivo posterior = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Organigrama Órgano de fiscalización Órgano Social (competente) vested interest Business Associations Law (BAL) business records goodwill lost profits / loss of profit principal agent / proxy / legal representative oversees / foreign market spot market corporate purpose negotiable obligations takeover bid, tender offer to unbundle lawfully operate binding on / enforceable against third parties binding in later reorganization (insolvency) proceedings = organizational chart = supervisory body = (relevant) Corporate Body Participación mayoritaria Patrimonio neto Patrimonio social = controlling interest = shareholders’/owners’ equity, net worth = corporate net worth 8 Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas Plano / proyecto Pliego de condiciones, bases de la licitación Poder (general) Prácticas desleales de comercio Presidente del Directorio = = = = = = Primera línea gerencial Propuesta concordataria Realizar prácticas predatorias Recargo Reformas de Estatuto Régimen de oferta pública Reglamento de gestión tipo Reglas del “buen gobierno” Relación de mandante y mandatario, sociedad o joint venture Rentabilidad Rescate Registro de Propiedad de Inm.: Rúbrica de Libros societarios: = Small and Medium-Sized Businesses blueprint terms of reference (general) power-of-attorney unfair business practices (In U.S. President of the Board) / Chairman/woman of the Board / Chief Executive Officer (CEO) = top managerial level = credit agreement proposal = to engage in predatory practices = surcharge = Charter amendments = public offering system = standard management rules = corporate governance (in corp. administration) = relationship of principal and agent, partnership or joint venture = yield = redemption = Registry of Real Property o Real Est Notarial signature and seal on Corporate Books Reforma de por ej. objeto: Saneamiento Síndico Síndico concursal Sociedad Anónima Sociedad civil Sociedad Colectiva Sociedad comanditaria/en comandito Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada Sociedad por acciones Sociedad en comandita por acciones Sociedad en comandita simple Sociedad Accidental / en participación Sociedad gerente Sociedad controladora Sociedad depositaria Sociedad incorporante Sociedad incorporada Sucesores y Cesionarios Suplente (Director, etc.) Seguro de Caución: Tercerización / Externalización Texto ordenado de estatuto o del contrato social Tipos saneotarios Título nominativo = Ammendment to corporate purpose = restructuring = statutory auditor = trustee in bankruptcy/receiver = Corporation = professional partnership = General Partnership = limited partnership = Limited Liability Company = Stock Company = Joint Stock Company = Silent / Limited Partnership = Joint Venture / Participation = managing company = controlling company = depositary company = absorbing corporation / entity = absorbed corporation / entity = Successors and Assigns = alternate (AmE) = Performance bond = outsourcing = restated text of the charter and bylaws or articles of association = debt restructuring types = registered security 9 Títulos valores = securities Testimonio inscripto Transferencia de fondo de comercio: UTE (Unión Transitoria de Empresas) Urgente despacho: Votación por poder Voto divergente Vista Contestación Vista: Li.Acta de Directorio = Registered Notarial Certified Copy = Transfer of a going concern = Temporary Enterprise Consortium = urgent expedition = voting by proxy = diverse vote = observation = respond to observation / o / Answer observation Corporate Books Stock Ledger Book/ Stock Book or Stock Transfer Book Board of Directors Meetings' Record Li Acta de Asamblea Shareholders Meetings' Record Book Li.Dep. Acc y Regis. De Asistencia. Shares Deposit and Meetings' Assistance Record Book Certificado Provisorio: Emitir un dictamen, Provisory Certificate deliver an opinion. Retirar Presentar asistir Certificado de Inhibición Registro Propiedad del Inmueble withdraw, take away submit Libros Societarios: Registro de Acciones: Certificate of Registry of Real ….. PATENTES Y MARCAS Cambio de rubro = recordal of change of name Cesión de patente Derechos de autor Derechos de patente = patent assignment = copyright = patent rights Gestor de negocios invocando prioridad levantamiento de oposición = agent = claiming priority = withdrawal of opposition Marca de fábrica Marca registrada Mención de los derechos de autor Nombre comercial = = = = Presentación tardía (de documentación) = late filing Propiedad industrial Propiedad intelectual Reivindicación de patente Solicitud de patente Titular de los derechos de autor Titular de una patente = = = = = = trademark/brand name registered trademark copyright notice trade name industrial property (rights) intellectual property(rights) patent claim patent application copyright holder patentee 10 Transferencia = assignment (recordal of) Violación/infracción de patente Violación de los derechos de autor = patent infringement = breach of copyright Vista = official action FINANZAS Abonado por mes vencido Activo fideicomitido Activo intangible Activo real Activos subyacentes Agente de cobro / Gestor de recupero Amortización de activos A título oneroso = = = = = = = = Banco girado Banco librador Boleto de depósito Caja de Valores Cancelar una deuda Canjear (bonos) Capacidad crediticia Capital no amortizado Cartera de crédito, cartera crediticia CER Caución bursátil Contrato de Fideicomiso Contrato de prenda Cotización (en bolsa) Cotización Cotizar Créditos del Disco de Corte = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = paid in arrears on a monthly basis trust asset intangible asset tangible asset underlying assets servicer asset write-downs for valuable consideration Cuenta a la vista drawee bank issuer deposit slip depositary institution to settle, pay off a debt (U.S. discharge a debt) swap borrowing power outstanding principal / capital loan portfolio Stabilization Reference Coefficient stock exchange pledge trust indenture pledge/mortgage (chattel) agreement listing quote to quote Cutoff Disk Credits (debtors with little or no balance or bankrupt) = on demand account /on sight account Deuda pública Deuda no garantizada Deuda abonada en cuotas Dividendo provisional Encaje Fideicomiso Fondo fiduciario Fiduciario Fideicomitente / Fiduciante Ganancias y pérdidas Garantías especiales de la emisión = = = = = = = = = = = government/public debt / Sovereign debt unsecured debt installment debt interim dividend special (mandatory) reserve trust trust fund trustee grantor / trustor profit and loss special collateral securing the issue 11 Gastos financieros/por intereses Hecho o situación (en cuestión de valores, fondos, etc) Ingreso ... al patrimonio neto Integración del haber del fondo Intereses devengados Moneda nacional Moneda de curso legal Mora (en)… = interest expense = event or condition Movimiento de fondos = entry ... to net worth = fund portfolio requirements = accrued interest (sin “s” al final!) = local currency = legal tender = (in) delinquency (credits); in arrears (payments, salary, rent); in default (interest, mortgage) = movement (of funds) in / out of business Obligacionistas Oferta pública inicial (OPI) Operación de pase (banking) Operaciones de cobertura Organizador Pagar liquidar/saldar Por encima del valor nominal Practicar una auditoría Práctica establecida Préstamo sin garantía / quirografario Prima de emisión = = = = = = = = = = = = Promedio ponderado de vida Quebranto de acciones Reajuste económico Recargo por diferencia de cambio Remisión Representantes de los órganos del fondo Reserva facultativa Rescate Saldar una deuda Saldos insolutos Sistema computerizado Sociedades de Bolsa Tasa pasiva Tasa variable Tipo de cambio comprador o vendedor del BNA Titularidad del activo Utilidad retenida Utilidades no distribuidas / retenidas Utilidades por aplicar Vale canjeable Valor contable Valores = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = obligation holders / holder of negot. oblig. initial public offering (IPO) swap hedging transactions arranger (bill or account) pay / settle (debt) settle above par to perform an audit standard practice unsecured loan (shares) with premium / stock issue at a premium weighted average (life)time share loss economic cutback currency adjustment factor (CAF) release from / cancellation fund organizers optional reserve account repossession to pay off a debt / to retire a debt (U.S.) unpaid balance automated system Stock Exchange corporate broker borrowing rate floating rate the selling or purchasing rate of exchange quoted by BNA (title) ownership of the asset retained earnings retained earnings unappropriated earnings scrip book value securities 12 Valores negociables Valor nominal Valor llave Valor de rescate = = = = negotiable instruments / marketable securities par value goodwill surrender value SEGUROS (Entidades) Aseguradoras de retiro Asociación de Aseguradores de Vida y Retiro Cobertura combinada Cobertura a primer riesgo absoluto Ley de Accidentes del Trabajo MOPRES = annuity insurance companies Prima Por siniestro Renta vitalicia Renta Vitalicia Previsional = = = = Association of Life and Annuity Insurers blanket contractual liability primary coverage Occupational Hazards Law (OHL) Mandatory Average Pension Fund Contribution premium per loss life annuity Pension Fund Annuity Seguridad social Seguro Civil Comprensiva Seguro de Retiro Seguro de incapacidad Seguro de vida Seguro por accidentes de trabajo Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil Seguro contra daños Sistema Integrado de Jubilaciones y Pensiones SSN Superintendente de Seguros = = = = = = = = social security comprehensive liability insurance Annuity insurance policy disability insurance life insurance Workmen´s compensation insurance Third party liability insurance property insurance = = = = = = Integrated Retirement and Pension System = National Commissioner for Insurance = Insurance Commissioner SISTEMA JURÍDICA Abogado defensor Acción cautelar Acusar / acusación / imputación Anular una sentencia Apelar ante (la Corte Suprema) Aprobar una ley Aprobación incausada Asesoría legal Audiencia Auto (notificar una orden /un mandato Judicial) Autos en estado de dictar sentencia = defense counsel = precautionary measure / attachment = indict / indictment (accusation, allegation, charge) / to indict somebody for something = vacate / overturn / quash a judgment = to appeal to (the Supreme Court) = to pass a law = approval / conformity without basis = legal advice = hearing = writ (to serve a writ on somebody) = ripe for decision (U.S.) 13 Bet-the-Company litigation (casos judiciales en los que está en juego la supervivencia de la empresa) Causa Colegio de Abogados Condena Consejo de la Magistratura Controversia judicial Daños y perjuicios Dar lugar a / no dar lugar a Declarar culpable Declarar y garantizar Demanda / denuncia penal Denunciar un delito Derechos adquiridos Derecho sustantivo / adjetivo (procesal) De pleno derecho Deposición / declaración (ante un tribunal) Derogación de una ley Desistir de la demanda Dictamen con reservas / salvedades Dictar / pronunciar un veredicto Dictar (una) sentencia = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = lawsuit / case bar association conviction Board of Judges legal dispute damages provoke, give rise to / overrule (in law) to find guilty to represent and warrant complaint to report a crime vested rights substantive law / procedural law as a matter of law deposition / statement (testimony) repeal of a law withdraw a suit qualified opinion deliver (judge) / reach (jury) a verdict hand down / pass (a) judgment Emplazar Emplazamiento Entablar acción de indemnización por daños y perjuicios Error judicial que causa gravamen irreparable Establecer / estipular (leyes, etc.) Exhorto Escrito judicial: Expedir una orden (notificar a alguien Formular cargos contra alguien Hecho ilícito Homologación Incomparecencia / rebeldía Inseguridad jurídica Interponer / radicar (una) demanda Interponer (un) recurso Juez de tribunal inferior Juicio sumerísimo Jurisprudencia = to summon = summons La ley y su reglamento Laudo arbitral emitido por el Tribunal = law and the regulations thereunder = arbitration award of the (Arbitration) Court = sue for damages = miscarriage of justice = to stipulate = letters rogatory = = = = = = = = = = = = to issue a writ against somebody serve notice on somebody.) to bring an indictment against somebody unlawful act approval / ratification (stage) failure to appear or nonappearance / default legal uncertainty file a complaint lodge / make (an) appeal magistrate specially expedited summary proceeding case law /jurisprudence 14 Legal / establecido por ley (Ley) interpretado y rígido Libre de todo gravamen Litis consorcio pasivo necesario Mala praxis Medidas cautelares Normas de procedimiento arbitral Notificar (demanda) Ofrecimiento / promoción de pruebas Ordenamiento jurídico Obtener indemnización por daños y perjuicios = = = = = = = = = = Persona mayor de edad Petición de fallo contrario al veredicto = person of age = motion for a judgment notwithstanding the verdict. = plea for nullity = by operation of law = procedural requirements or circumstances (which must exist) = trial / case / proceeding = bankruptcy proceeding = indictment (US) / prosecution / trial = restraining order = criminal record = return a verdict = admissible evidence = expert testimony = testimony / testimonial proof or evidence = bill / draft law = acknowledge rights = to open a judgment = an appeal from (AmEng)/against a decision = appeal to intermediate appellate court = amparo proceedings = lodge an appeal against a decision/sentence = to recuse (AmE) or challenge / recusation (AmE) = to decline jurisdiction = challenge for cause = peremptory challenge (without stating a reason) = recusal (AmE) of a judge = exception / objection to a witness = summons server / complaint server = demand = court order / judicial decision = review (judicial) Planteo de nulidad Por imperio de la ley Presupuestos procesales Proceso (legal) Proceso Falencial Procesamiento Prohibición de innovar Prontuario Pronunciar un veredicto Prueba admisible Prueba pericial Prueba testimonial Proyecto de ley Reconocer derechos Reconsiderar una sentencia Recurso contra una resolución Recurso de alzada Recurso de amparo Recurso de apelación Recusar / Recusación Recusar jurisdicción Recusación con expresión de causa Recusación sin expresión de causa Recusación de un juez Recusación de un testigo Requirente Requerimiento de pago Resolución judicial Revisión (jurídica) statutory (Law) construed and governed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances compulsory co-defendant’s joinder malpractice injunctive relief / interim injunction procedural arbitration rules serve notice (of a complaint) / (on a person) introduction of evidence legal system = to recover damages 15 Sala Sala del juzgado Sancionar / aprobar una ley Secretario judicial / actuario Seguridad jurídica Solidario (en ley) Sumario So pena de Suspensión de ejecución Tasa de justicia Terminar la presentación de pruebas Terminado el alegato del fiscal/la defensa Traslado (a) Traslado de autos Traslado de la demanda Tribunal a quo Tribunal competente Tribunal de alzada Tribunal de primera instancia Un principio de derecho Valor probatorio Vista = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = division / chamber (e.g. of a court of appeals) courtroom to enact / sanction / pass / a law court clerk the rule of law / legal certainty ‘obligation’ = binding on all parties ‘debtor / creditor = jointly and severally liable summary proceeding / summary order under penalty of stay of enforcement Justice Tax / court fees to rest a case the prosecution/defense rests making the record available to the parties forwarding of pleadings from one party to another such that the recipient respond. = service of process = lower court tribunal or court = court of competent jurisdiction = Appeals Court = Court of first instance (formal) / initial jurisdiction / lower court = a rule of law = probative / probatory (evidential) value = public hearing or proceeding / oral hearing or trial (proceeding by which the court orders a response from one of the parties. Puede ser usado en lugar de “traslado a” para que el fiscal /la otra parte opine/otros opinen sobre determinada cuestión. LABORAL Ámbito/esfera del trabajo Autónomo - quien trabaja por cuenta propia Cargo administrativo Conflicto laboral Contratistas licenciados, asegurados y matriculados Contrato de trabajo Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo (CCT) Despido improcedente /sin causa Despido con preaviso Despido sin preaviso Indemnización Indemnización por despido = scope of employment = self-employed = managerial position = labor dispute = licensed, insured and bonded contractors = employment agreement = Collective Bargaining Agreements = unfair (meaning ‘unjustified’) dismissal or dismissal/discharge without (just) cause = dismissal on due notice = dismissal without due notice / summary dismissal = indemnity / indemnification = severance pay 16 Indemnización por accidentes de trabajo Ley del Contrato de Trabajo (LCT) = workers’ compensation = Employment Contract Law (ECL) Mano de obra Pago por horas extras Relación laboral = manpower / labor = overtime pay = employment relationship / employer/ employee relationship = index-linked minimum wage Salario mínimo vital y móvil SECLO (Servicio de Conciliación Laboral Obligatorio) Sueldo anual complementario (SAC) Trabajo eventual / transitorio = Obligatory Labor Conciliation Service = Annual bonus (salary) = casual labor / temporary work TÉRMINOS COMUNES A cuenta de... Acompañar una declaración jurada Acto seguido Acuerdo de indemnidad Acusar recibo Adjunto al presente A este respecto A / para los efectos de A más tardar el día X Amparo Al amparo de (la ley) Almacen Al / del presente *Anexo/Apéndice Ante / en medio de Apartado A quien corresponda Artículo (de una ley, etc.) A título indicativo y no limitativo ... Aunque / si bien es cierto que … Autoevaluación Aviso de retorno/remisión Blanqueo de dinero = = = = = = = = = = = to/against the account of… append an affidavit thereupon hold harmless agreement (to) acknowledge receipt (of) herewith in this regard / on this matter for (the) purposes of on or before ... judicially created remedy in reliance on (the law) / under the (law) = depot = hereto = exhibit/annex/appendix (to an agreement, etc.) [In U.S. Annex = supplementary information, definitions, etc. Schedule/appendix (to an Annex) = list of items such as reporting requirements, agencies, etc *Exhibit = model, illustration, forms, documents furnished, etc] = = = = = = = = = in the face of ... section (of statute or decree) / paragraph to whom it may concern section/article including by not limited to ... albeit self-appraisal remittance advice money laundering 17 Cabe destacar/señalar que = importantly / it should be pointed out that Cabe mencionar que = it is worth mentioning that Coeficiente entre A y Z = ratio of A to Z Comprender (abarcar, contener) = comprise (of), contain, include Confidencial. Correspondencia protegida = Privileged and Confidential Attorney - Client por secreto professional Communication / Attorney work-product Conforme a lo antes establecido = in accordance with the foregoing Conforme al presente / en virtud del presente = hereunder Con la misma fecha del presente = of even date herewith Con respecto a = with regard to / in respect of / with respect to Consecuentemente / en consecuencia / por consiguiente = accordingly / consequently / therefore Consejero = adviser Considerando que, por cuanto = whereas Considerandos = conclusions / recitals Conste por el presente / Sépase por el presente … = Know all men by these presents ... Contra = versus Contracautela = bond for costs Convenir (en) / Acordar = agree (on) Copia fiel = true copy Copia de respaldo / de seguridad = backup CPU = Central Processing Unit Dar de alto = to register/enroll/catalogue Dar de baja = to cancel / withdraw / reduce (workforce) Dar el visto bueno = approval of /sign off on (U.S.) something Dar lugar a ... = to give rise to / provoke De acuerdo a /en virtud de = pursuant (here)to De allí en adelante = thereafter De conformidad con = in compliance with/ pursuant to (De) frente a ... = facing ... Dejar sin efecto = relinquish / abandon / renounce Del mismo, de la misma, de los mismos = thereof Demostrar sumariamente = show/demonstrate under a brief proceeding Depósito = warehouse Descripción/perspectiva general = overview Disposiciones = provisions Disposiciones complementarias / concordantes = associated / related provisions Disponer = to provide, to stipulate Dotar = provide /equip (stg. with stg.) Ejecutar / implementar (una ley) El abajo firmante, quien suscribe El plazo es improrrogable En atención a ... En base a lo expuesto anteriormente En conjunto En el/la presente = = = = = = = implement the undersigned the deadline is non-extendible in view of (something) in view of the foregoing in the aggregate herein 18 En el asunto de En especie En fe/testimonio de lo cual En la medida en que /dentro de lo que En lo sucesivo / en adelante En plena vigencia En respuesta a su atenta carta En su calidad de En su conjunto En tiempo y forma En trámite = = = = = = = = = = = in the matter of in kind in witness whereof insofar as hereinafter in full force and effect in reply to your kind letter in his/her capacity as in the aggregate in due time and proper form pending Entrar en vigencia/vigor Entrepiso ( de edificio) Enumerar En uso de mis facultades En uso del poder especial = = = = = to take effect, to come/go into force mezzanine (floor) list, enumerate by the authority vested in me pursuant to the special power of attorney Fecha de vencimiento Fehaciente Gestor Gravamen Hacer lugar a ... Hasta ahora / este momento Hechos del principe = = = = = = = Improcedente = Imputarle algo a alguien = Inciso Informe / informar = = Inherente a algo Interrogante Locación de obra = = = Locación de servicios = Locación de cosas Los plazos deben cumplirse estrictamente = = due date reliable / irrefutable agent lien rule in favor of ... heretofore government acts (incidents) / Es una de las variantes del caso fortuito (Act of God) o fuerza mayor inadmissible / inappropriate / not properly filed to accuse someone of something, to charge someone with something subsection / paragraph report / to report (you must inform someone of something) inherent in something / incident(al) to sth. an issue building/construction or manufacturing agreements or other agreements for supply of works employment or hiring out of services (agreement) rental of real property or goods (agreement) terms to be necessarily complied with Mandato (mandato cesa / funciones cesan) Más arriba Mayor de edad Mayorista, comerciante al por mayor Medidas tendiente a = = = = = commission / mandate expires hereinabove of age wholesaler measures aimed at / designed to / intended to 19 Minorista Mismo estado en que se encuentra Movilidad Muestreo por atributos No obstante cualquier disposición en contrario Nulo y sin efecto Opinión consultative Oponible a terceros Origen (de fondos) = = = = retailer “as is” condition transportation attribute sampling = = = = notwithstanding any provision to the contrary null and void advisory opinion binding on 3rd parties / enforceable against 3rd parties = source of (funds, etc.) Pariente político Persona física Persona jurídica Plantear un asunto Por parte de Por el/la presente Por el presente le hago saber que Por lo tanto Por persona/cabeza Por su (propia) cuenta Presentar documentos Presentar documentos ante el tribunal/ autoridades = = = = = = = = = = = = Presupuestos = Prever Procuración (de expediente) Redactar Reembolso Reforma … y sus reformas Reintegrar (un préstamo) Remito Renunciar / desistir (reclamo, posesión) Renuncia a derechos Requisitos de fondo y forma Salvando las eventualidades Salvo disposición en contrario por escrito Salvo disposición en contrario Secreto profesional médico Según sea el caso / en su caso / según el caso Según se establece en ... Semestral Seña = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = in-law individual / natural person legal entity to pose an issue by hereby please take notice that ... consequently per capita at (his own) account / expense submit documents to… to file documents with the court / authorities (you file with the court; argue/appear before the judge or court; bring a proceeding before a court) assumptions/premises/suppositions or budget/estimate (of expenses) to provide (that / for), contemplate, envisage court proceedings (consult file/s) to draft, to draw up reimbursement / refund / repayment(of a loan) amendment as amended pay off (a loan) delivery note relinquish (a claim, possession) a waiver of rights requirements of substance and procedure barring unforeseen circumstances unless otherwise agreed to in writing unless otherwise provided doctor-patient privilege as the case may be / if applicable / as appropriate as set forth in .../stated in / established in semi-annual (U.S.) / six-monthly / half-yearly down payment / deposit 20 Servicios públicos Se solicita acuse de recibo Sin perjuicio de lo anterior… = utilities = return receipt requested = notwithstanding the foregoing …(aforesaid / aforementioned + noun) Siempre y cuando: = 1 so long as = 2 Provided (that) Y notá que usamos “,” si empezamos la oración con la conjunción Y no si empezamos con la otra cláusula = 3 on condition that, (y las puedes usar en tus ejemplo o en cualquier otro contexto. son totalmente sinonimas las tres). “You can go out today as long as you do your homework You'll have holidays(UK)provided you do your job” Provided you do your job, you'll have holidays(UK) vacations (US Sin receta (no se puede comprar) Subinciso = not available over the counter = item / point Tener presente Toda vez que / puesto que /dado que / (en la medida en que Tomar razón Trámites Trámite (estar en) Tramitar ante un tribunal Trimestralmente Venta libre Verosimilitud del derecho Vigilancia electrónica = = = = = = = = = = = to bear in mind inasmuch as / since / given that insofar as) to make a notation / to record formalities / procedures to be followed (to be) pending to be pending before a court on a quarterly basis over the counter (sale) credibility / plausibility (of the law / right) electronic surveillance 21