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Life & Death Idioms: Meanings & Examples

12 Idioms and Sayings about Life and Death
Idioms for dying
To bite the dust.
To breath your last.
To buy the farm.
To croak.
To drop off the twig.
To kick the bucket.
To meet your maker.
To pass away.
To pass on.
To pop your clogs.
To shuffle off this mortal coil.
To snuff it.
Idioms for being dead
Dead as a doornail.
Lookin’ at the other side of the grass
Pushing up daisies.
Six feet under.
Idioms for getting married
To tie the knot
To get hitched
Davy Jones’ Locker
For example:Everyone on the ship drowned, they’re in
Davy Jones’ locker now.
Davy Jones is the nickname for the devil of
the sea. Davy Jones’ locker means the
bottom of the sea or ocean - the resting
place of drowned sailors. It is used as a
euphemism for death at sea.
Over my dead body.
An expression of defiance. If you say that
For example:-
something will happen over your dead body,
When I asked my mum if I could have my ears you mean that you will do anything to
pierced she replied, “Over my dead body!”
Dead in the Water
For example:
Eventually they had to accept that the whole
project was dead in the water.
prevent it
Something that has failed and it seems
impossible that it will be successful in the
Dead Set Against
For example:
“Her parents were dead set against her
moving to London.”
To be completely opposed to something.
Cheat Death
For example:An eccentric British pilot cheated death after
crash-landing in the shark-infested waters of
To avoid a possibly fatal event or prolong
your life in spite of considerable odds.
the Caribbean.
Death Warmed Up
For example:She was so pale she looked like death warmed
Used when someone looks very ill.
Death Wish
For example:
He keeps taking risks. It’s almost as if he has a
Desire for death.
death wish.
A Dead Duck
For example:“The police admitted that they were giving up,
A failure.
the case was a dead duck.”
It’s Your Funeral
For example:He’s going out tonight, but if he doesn’t meet
the deadline he’ll lose his job. I guess it’s his
We say this when someone makes a decision
that you don’t agree with.
To get hitched
For example:-
To get married.
Miquepani got hitched on Friday 13th.
A Dogs Life
For example:
I’ve got to go to work, then do the shopping, Life is hard and unpleasant.
then pick the children up from school and
cook their dinner - it’s a dog’s life!
A Fact of Life
For example:
An unpleasant fact or situation which people
Stress is a fact of life.
accept because they cannot change it.
Half Dead
For example:
Extremely tired.
After doing all my chores I was half dead.
Like Death Warmed Up.
For example:
He went home with the flu. He looked like
death warmed up.
To look very ill or tired.
Large as Life
For example:
Used to escribe a person you see, and are
I looked up and there he was, as large as life, surprised to see, in a particular place.
Elvis Presley!
Lead a Double Life
For example:
To have a second, secret life that is usually
For years he led a double life as an agent for not socially acceptable.
the intelligence services.
Shelf Life
The length of time that a product, especially
For example:
food, can be kept in a shop before it
Fresh milk has a short shelf life.
becomes too old to be sold or used.
To tie the knot.
For example:-
To get married.
Miquepani tied the knot on Friday 13th.
The pearly gates.
For example:
We all end up standing at the pearly gates.
The entrance to heaven.