Subido por Leonardo Gonz Guzman

Business Technology Management (BTM) Overview

Business Technology
What is BTM?
What is Business Technology
Management (BTM)?
It is a term for a group of services
intended to help businesses that
might not have their own
information technology (IT)
BTM can include technology
planning, project management, support,
database services, disaster recovery,
network management, security, and
document services such as e-billing,
document formatting, and mass printing
and mailing.
BPM (Business Process Modeling) is the activity
of representing processes of an enterprise, so
that the current process may be analyzed or
It is typically performed by business
analysts who provide expertise in the
modeling discipline; by subject matter
experts, who have specialized
knowledge of the processes being
modeled; or more commonly by a
team comprising both.
The business objective is often to
increase process speed or reduce cycle
time; to increase quality; or to reduce
costs, such as labor, materials, scrap,
or capital costs.
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)
focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of
ITIL describes processes, procedures,
tasks, and checklists which are not
organization-specific, but can be
applied by an organization for
establishing integration with the
organization's strategy, delivering
value, and maintaining a minimum
level of competency.
It allows the organization to establish a
baseline from which it can plan,
implement, and measure. It is used to
demonstrate compliance and to
measure improvement.