Subido por Nataly Vejar Pérez

Rapid Sequence Induction & Intubation for Anesthesia

Rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII)
for anesthesia
Author: Lauren Berkow, MD
Section Editor: Carin A Hagberg, MD, FASA
Deputy Editor: Marianna Crowley, MD
Contributor Disclosures
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is
Literature review current through: Jun 2019. | This topic last updated: Nov 07, 2018.
Rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII) for anesthesia is a technique
designed to minimize the chance of pulmonary aspiration in patients who are at
higher than normal risk. The usual, nonrapid sequence of induction and intubation
for anesthesia consists of administration of an induction agent, proof of the ability
to mask ventilate, administration of a neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA), and
endotracheal intubation once paralysis is achieved, usually approximately three
minutes after induction. Since induction of anesthesia results in loss of airway
protective reflexes, pulmonary aspiration is a risk during the interval between loss
of consciousness and inflation of the cuff of the endotracheal tube.
The components of RSII are designed to protect the airway with a cuffed
endotracheal tube as quickly as possible after induction, while reducing the
chance of passive or active regurgitation. An essential goal of RSII is the
achievement of adequate depth of anesthesia, and, most often, paralysis, for
laryngoscopy, to prevent coughing, straining, and active vomiting with airway
While RSII is a departure from the usual practice of induction of anesthesia, the
equivalent method of rapid airway control, often called "rapid sequence intubation"
(RSI), is the most commonly used method of controlling the airway in the
emergency room.
This topic will discuss the components, techniques, and medications used for RSII
for anesthesia. Preoperative fasting guidelines, airway management for induction
of anesthesia, rapid sequence intubation in the emergency department, and
medications used for induction of anesthesia are discussed more fully separately.
(See "General anesthesia: Induction" and "Preoperative fasting guidelines" and
"Airway management for induction of general anesthesia" and "Rapid sequence
intubation for adults outside the operating room".)
General indications — RSII should be considered for the patient who is at
increased risk of aspiration with induction of anesthesia. This includes the patient
with a full stomach, gastrointestinal pathology, increased abdominal pressure, or
pregnancy after 20 weeks gestation (table 1):
Patients with a full stomach, which includes:
• Patients undergoing emergency surgery
• Patients who have sustained trauma, regardless of the interval since last
oral intake
• Patients who have not fasted according to preoperative fasting
guidelines (see "Preoperative fasting guidelines")
Patients with gastrointestinal pathology, which includes:
• Gastroparesis
• Small bowel obstruction
• Gastric outlet obstruction
• Esophageal stricture
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (see 'Gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD)' below)
Patients with increased intraabdominal pressure, which includes those with:
• Morbid obesity
• Ascites
Pregnancy after 20 weeks gestation; earlier if symptoms of gastroesophageal
reflux (controversial) (see "Management of the pregnant patient undergoing
nonobstetric surgery", section on 'Aspiration mitigation')
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — GERD is a common condition that may
put patients at risk for passive regurgitation and subsequent aspiration during
induction of anesthesia.
Patient selection — The decision to perform RSII for patients with GERD must
be individualized based on the degree of symptoms and the potential risk of RSII.
Patients should be questioned about symptoms of reflux during preoperative
evaluation, including the presence of heartburn, regurgitation, dysphagia, reflux
symptoms at night, and the need to sleep with the head of the bed elevated to
avoid reflux. We consider RSII for the following patients:
Patients with current symptoms of active reflux (ie, regurgitation, heartburn, or
the need to sleep with the head of the bed elevated)
Patients who had significant symptoms of active reflux prior to starting
antacid medication, such as proton pump inhibitor (PPI), histamine-2 receptor
antagonist (H2RA), or calcium carbonate
Patients who believe that symptoms of reflux would recur if antacid therapy
was discontinued
Patients with hiatal hernia or endoscopic evidence of GERD
We do not routinely perform RSII for patients who report heartburn only with spicy
or acidic foods.
Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of GERD are discussed more
fully separately. (See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of gastroesophageal
reflux disease in children and adolescents" and "Medical management of
gastroesophageal reflux disease in adults".)
Preoperative antacids — Patients presenting for elective surgery who take
antacid medication, including PPIs and H2RAs, on a regular or as-needed basis
should be instructed to take their usual medication before surgery. PPIs are more
effective at reducing gastric volume and pH if given in two doses, one the evening
prior to surgery, and another on the morning of surgery [1,2]. A single dose of oral
ranitidine three hours prior to induction of anesthesia has been shown to
significantly reduce gastric volume and increase pH of stomach contents.
In addition to the preparation for routine induction of anesthesia, an assistant
should be present who understands RSII and is capable of correctly applying
cricoid pressure to assist in airway management.
Airway evaluation — Airway evaluation is an important step in making the decision
to perform an RSII. If a difficult airway is predicted, the risk of aspiration must be
weighed against the risk of difficult or failed airway management. This is because
RSII usually includes the administration of a neuromuscular blocking agent
(NMBA) without proof that mask ventilation will be possible once the patient is
paralyzed. In all but the most emergent situations, a quick airway examination and
query about previous airway problems should be possible. If difficult airway
management is expected, a modified RSII, awake intubation, or even an inhalation
induction may be chosen as alternatives. (See "Airway management for induction
of general anesthesia", section on 'Prediction of the difficult airway' and 'Potential
complications of RSII' below.)
Equipment — Preparation of equipment for RSII should be similar to that for
routine induction. An assortment of standard and alternative airway devices
should be immediately available, including small, medium, and large facemasks;
several sizes and types of laryngoscopes; oral and nasal airways; several sizes of
supraglottic airway, and a bougie. Alternative devices for laryngoscopy, including a
video laryngoscope and flexible intubating scope, as well as other emergency
airway equipment, should be accessible quickly and present in the operating room
or anesthetizing location if difficult airway is suspected. Working suction must
always be close by during induction of anesthesia; for RSII, we usually place the
suction directly under the headrest for immediate access.
Premedication — Premedication may be administered prior to RSII to relieve
anxiety, to blunt or eliminate the physiologic response to airway management, and
to reduce the volume or increase the pH of stomach contents.
Anxiolytics – For patients who are hemodynamically stable, a benzodiazepine
(eg, midazolam up to 1 to 2 mg IV) may be administered to reduce anxiety.
This dose should be titrated cautiously in older adults and when given
simultaneously with narcotic premedication, to avoid hypotension and loss of
protective airway reflexes [3].
Atropine – The administration of succinylcholine and airway manipulation can
trigger a vagal response, especially in children and neonates. We therefore
suggest the use of atropine with RSII for all children younger than one year
and for children less than five years of age who receive succinylcholine,
though succinylcholine is rarely administered to children in the operating
room. (See "Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) outside the operating room in
children: Approach", section on 'Pretreatment'.)
A vagal response to straightforward endotracheal intubation is much less
common in adults; as such, atropine is not routinely administered as a
premedication before RSII for adults. However, anticholinergic treatment may
be required if bradycardia occurs with difficult laryngoscopy and intubation, or
as a result of intubation in patients with preexisting bradycardia caused by
medication or conduction system disease [4-6].
Opioids – Opioids may be administered as part of premedication for
analgesia and sedation. They should be titrated to avoid respiratory
depression and loss of protective airway reflexes in patients at risk for
aspiration, especially in older patients, and when administered with
Antacids – We suggest premedication with antacids prior to induction of
anesthesia for patients at high risk of aspiration to increase the pH of gastric
contents so that, if aspiration does occur, it will result in less pulmonary
damage. Several classes of antacid medication are routinely used:
• Clear, nonparticulate oral antacid (eg, sodium citrate-citric acid, 30 mL
orally immediately prior to induction) increases pH of stomach contents
• Histamine-2 receptor antagonist (H2RA) (eg, ranitidine 50 mg IV or
famotidine 20 mg IV, given 40 to 60 minutes prior to induction) reduces
the volume and increases the pH of stomach contents.
For pregnant patients and for those at high risk of aspiration, we routinely
administer clear, nonparticulate antacid prior to induction. For nonpregnant
patients at high risk of aspiration who have not received a proton pump
inhibitor (PPI) or H2RA on the morning of surgery, we also administer an
H2RA 40 to 60 minutes prior to induction.
Prokinetic agent – Intravenous (IV) metoclopramide increases lower
esophageal sphincter tone [8], induces peristalsis, and enhances stomach
emptying, thereby reducing gastric volume and the risk of regurgitation.
Metoclopramide is particularly useful in patients with gastroparesis
undergoing general anesthesia. It is also antiemetic and may help prevent
postoperative nausea and vomiting. Rare adverse effects of metoclopramide
include extrapyramidal effects and tardive dyskinesia, which are more
common if administered quickly. We reserve metoclopramide for patients
with uncontrolled reflux and pregnant patients who are symptomatic with
reflux. In this setting, we administer metoclopramide 10 mg IV over one to two
Positioning — The patient's head should be positioned in the sniffing position to
facilitate intubation (atlanto-occipital extension with head elevation of 3 to 7 cm).
Obese patients may require a ramped position (figure 1). (See "Airway
management for induction of general anesthesia", section on 'Patient positioning'.)
When RSII is planned, we prefer to position the operating table with the head up
because passive regurgitation and aspiration may be less likely if the larynx is
above the level of the lower esophageal sphincter. We flex the hips to elevate the
back of the operating table, or tilt the table 20 degrees head up, making sure that
once that is done, the height of the patient's head is optimal for intubation. Should
the patient regurgitate prior to or during induction, the table should be quickly
tipped head down, the patient's head turned to the side, and the mouth suctioned
to avoid aspiration.
Preoxygenation — All patients presenting for general anesthesia should be
preoxygenated with 100 percent oxygen to increase oxygen reserve and provide
additional time to secure the airway. This is particularly important prior to RSII,
since with this technique, mask ventilation is not usually performed between
induction and intubation. Preoxygenation is administered for three minutes of
normal tidal volume breathing, for eight deep breaths over one minute, or until the
fraction of expired oxygen is over 90 percent [9]. (See 'Mask ventilation' below.)
The use of nasal cannula for passive apneic oxygenation during laryngoscopy can
prolong the time to desaturation in high-risk patients during airway management
[10-12]. We suggest the administration of oxygen by nasal cannula at 10 L in
addition to facemask oxygen for those patients who are at high risk for rapid
oxygen desaturation during the apneic period between induction and intubation,
and for those at higher risk of difficult intubation.
Methods for apneic oxygenation have become available that may be useful for
preoxygenation as well as passive oxygenation during RSII. The transnasal
humidified rapid insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE) technique uses a
device that provides humidified high-flow nasal oxygen with continuous positive
airway pressure (CPAP). THRIVE may maintain a blood gas profile equivalent to
face mask preoxygenation in spite of longer apnea time [13,14]. (See
"Preoxygenation and apneic oxygenation for intubation".)
A number of studies have shown either more rapid or effective preoxygenation or
increased time to desaturation after apnea with the use of CPAP during
preoxygenation [15-17]. CPAP can be provided using a tight-fitting anesthesia face
mask, and pressure support ventilation provided with positive end-expiratory
pressure (PEEP). Morbidly obese patients in particular may benefit from CPAP
preoxygenation. Low levels of inspiratory pressure should be used to avoid gastric
Although controversial, we routinely apply cricoid pressure (also known as Sellick's
maneuver) prior to and during RSII until confirmation of correct endotracheal tube
placement. Despite conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of cricoid
pressure for preventing regurgitation, clinical experience suggests that, in most
situations, it is not harmful and may be beneficial.
The most significant downside to the use of cricoid pressure is the possibility that
it may make laryngoscopy, supraglottic airway placement, or mask ventilation
more difficult. We routinely have an assistant apply cricoid pressure during RSII,
but we communicate the need to shift or release the pressure as necessary to
facilitate endotracheal intubation. Cricoid pressure may have to be released if
intubation proves difficult and/or mask ventilation, supraglottic airway placement,
or flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy become necessary. Indeed, the 2015 Difficult
Airway Society guidelines from the United Kingdom recommend that cricoid
pressure be released if initial attempts at laryngoscopy are difficult [18]. Should
active vomiting occur, cricoid pressure should be released to avoid esophageal
We do not routinely use cricoid pressure during RSII for patients with acute
cervical spinal cord injury because it can move unstable cervical spine fractures.
In trauma patients with possible but unevaluated cervical spine injury, cricoid
pressure should only be used along with manual in line stabilization to stabilize
the posterior cervical spine. (See "Anesthesia for adults with acute spinal cord
injury", section on 'Airway management strategy'.)
As originally described by Sellick in 1961, the cricoid cartilage ring is pressed
backward by an assistant against the underlying cervical vertebrae, occluding the
lumen of the esophagus to prevent regurgitation of stomach contents into the
pharynx (figure 2) [19]. Based on cadaver and patient studies, pressure should be
applied at 10 Newtons (approximately 2.5 lbs) while the patient is awake and
increased to 30 Newtons after loss of consciousness. Despite these
recommendations, clinicians and assistants are not routinely trained to
standardize application of pressure [20-22].
While optimal external laryngeal manipulation (OELM) of the thyroid cartilage is
often used to improve the view of the vocal cords during laryngoscopy, cricoid
pressure should not be applied in an attempt to improve laryngeal view, as it may
in fact make the view worse.
Cricoid pressure controversies — The need for, efficacy, anatomical basis, and
optimal technique for application of cricoid pressure have all been questioned, and
literature is inconclusive. Some guidelines, including the American Heart
Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, no longer recommend
the routine use of cricoid pressure [23]. Only two randomized controlled trials have
evaluated cricoid pressure for RSII with direct laryngoscopy [24]. In one of these
trials, the primary outcome was the pressor response to endotracheal intubation;
there was no difference between patients who had cricoid pressure applied and
those who did not [25]. The other trial, which evaluated aspiration and intubating
conditions with and without cricoid pressure, was a prospective, randomized,
multicenter study of 3472 patients who required RSII for increased risk of
aspiration [26]. There was no difference in the incidence of aspiration (0.6 percent
with cricoid pressure versus 0.5 percent without). Median intubation time was
longer in patients who had cricoid pressure applied (27 versus 23 seconds), and
there was higher incidence of Cormack Lehane grade 3 or 4 laryngeal views with
cricoid pressure (10 versus 5 percent) (figure 3). (See "Direct laryngoscopy and
endotracheal intubation in adults", section on 'Glottic view scores'.)
Evidence that cricoid pressure may reduce the incidence of aspiration of
gastric contents is scant and consists primarily of observational clinical
studies and experimental data from cadaver studies [27], including the
• Cadaver studies have shown that cricoid pressure prevents reflux of
saline into the pharynx at esophageal pressures up to 50 cmH2O [20,2830].
• Several studies have shown that cricoid pressure prevents gastric
insufflation during mask ventilation in children and adults [31-33].
• An observational study performed in patients undergoing elective surgery
reported that cricoid pressure applied at 30 Newtons effectively occluded
the upper esophagus, as determined by the inability to pass gastric tubes
of two different sizes [34].
• There are case reports of regurgitation when cricoid pressure was
released [19,35].
Lack of efficacy of cricoid pressure and possible harm are suggested by
several studies and observations, as follows:
• The anatomical basis for the use of cricoid pressure has been questioned
by imaging studies. Both computed tomography (CT) and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown that the esophagus is
located lateral to the midline in approximately 50 percent of patients
[36,37]. The application of cricoid pressure displaced the esophagus
laterally in 90 percent of subjects [37], suggesting that the esophagus
would not be occluded by pressing the cartilage against cervical
vertebrae. In contrast, an MRI study showed that application of 2 to 4 kg
of cricoid pressure moved the cricoid cartilage and the hypopharynx as
one unit, effectively obliterating the lumen of the alimentary tract, even
with lateral displacement [38].
• Cricoid pressure at 20 Newtons has been shown to reduce lower
esophageal pressure in awake, un-anesthetized volunteers (presumably
by reflex), with restoration to baseline after release of pressure [39]. If
applicable to anesthetized patients, this effect could theoretically
increase the chance of gastroesophageal reflux, though it isn't clear
whether this would increase the chance of reflux into the pharynx.
Another study of awake volunteers reported that application of cricoid
pressure did not promote gastroesophageal reflux [40].
• Several studies have reported a worsened Cormack Lehane grade view
during laryngoscopy, prolonged time to intubation, and/or airway
obstruction with the use of cricoid pressure [27,41-45].
For patients with bowel obstruction, ileus, and other gastrointestinal pathology,
some clinicians place a nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach prior to
induction of anesthesia. Nasogastric drainage or suction does not guarantee an
empty stomach and may not remove particulate matter. Such patients often
present for anesthesia and surgery with a nasogastric tube already in place. We
generally leave the nasogastric tube in place during RSII, connect it to suction to
drain the stomach prior to induction, and then leave it open to air as a vent for the
stomach. The stomach is suctioned again prior to emergence. While presence of a
nasogastric tube may impair the function of the lower and upper esophageal
sphincters [46], two cadaver studies have shown that cricoid pressure effectively
prevents regurgitation of stomach contents with a nasogastric tube in place
[21,28]. In addition, the nasogastric tube can help identify the esophagus during
laryngoscopy and therefore make esophageal intubation less likely.
Since the aim of RSII is to place an endotracheal tube as quickly as possible after
loss of consciousness, all medications used should be rapid in onset, without
significant hemodynamic effects when given at the required doses, and should
achieve optimal intubating conditions. Depending on the planned surgical
procedure, a short duration of action or reversibility may be desirable as well. An
important goal of RSII is the achievement of an adequate depth of anesthesia and,
in most cases, paralysis to prevent coughing, gagging, straining, or vomiting during
airway manipulation.
Induction agents
Dose and timing of induction agent — We typically titrate the anesthesia
induction agent to loss of consciousness prior to the administration of
neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA). As RSII was originally described, a
precalculated dose of an induction drug was administered, immediately followed
by an NMBA. This timing can result in either underdosing, with the possibility of
awareness or an undesirable sympathetic response to intubation, or to overdosing,
with the possibility of hypotension. An alternative method of administration is to
titrate the induction medication to loss of consciousness, recognizing that total
induction time may be slightly longer with a titration technique. There are no data
comparing the risk of aspiration, awareness, or hemodynamic consequence of
RSII using the titration versus bolus technique.
Choice of agent — Propofol is the induction agent we use most commonly for
RSII, but the choice, dose, and speed of administration of the induction agent
should be individualized. Patients presenting for emergency surgery may be
hypovolemic or have other comorbidities that increase the risk of hemodynamic
instability with induction. Ketamine and etomidate are alternatives to propofol for
patients at increased risk of hypotension with induction.
Propofol — Propofol is the most commonly used medication for induction of
anesthesia and for RSII. Advantages for RSII include its rapid onset (30 to 45
seconds) and its ability to suppress airway reflexes and produce apnea [47].
Duration of action of propofol is short (5 to 10 minutes), which is an advantage if
airway management is difficult and the patient must be awakened. However, the
short duration of action means that repeat doses of propofol may be required if
airway management is prolonged. (See "General anesthesia: Intravenous induction
agents", section on 'Propofol'.)
Propofol can cause hypotension because of dose-dependent venodilation, arterial
dilation, and decrease in cardiac contractility [48]. The usual induction dose for
RSII is 2 mg/kg, with reduced doses for patients at increased risk of hypotension
Etomidate — Etomidate is an imidazole drug that inhibits GABA receptors, with
a fast onset and short duration of action. Unlike propofol, etomidate does not
cause vasodilation or myocardial depression, an advantage for patients who are at
increased risk for hypotension [49]. For RSII, the induction dose of etomidate is 0.2
to 0.4 mg/kg IV, with rapid onset (30 to 45 seconds) and duration of action of 5 to
15 minutes [50]. (See "General anesthesia: Intravenous induction agents", section
on 'Etomidate'.)
Etomidate has been associated with adrenal suppression in the first 12 hours after
a single dose and may prevent a rise in cortisol in response to a surgical stimulus
[49]. However, a systematic review including six trials (772 patients) reported that
a single induction dose of etomidate for endotracheal intubation in critically ill
patients was not associated with increased mortality compared with other
induction agents [51].
Ketamine — Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist used for induction of
anesthesia. It is a mild direct myocardial depressant [52], but in patients with an
intact autonomic nervous system, it increases sympathetic tone, resulting in an
increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output [53]. Thus, ketamine is
an alternative to etomidate for patients at risk for hypotension. However,
sympathetic stimulation with administration of ketamine is dependent upon the
presence of adequate sympathetic reserve. In the patient who has maximally
activated the sympathetic response and depleted all reserve (eg, patients with
profound hypovolemic shock), ketamine administration may result in hypotension
as a result of myocardial depression. The RSII induction dose of ketamine is 1 to 2
mg/kg IV. (See "General anesthesia: Intravenous induction agents", section on
Induction with ketamine for patients with traumatic brain injury is controversial.
The concern is that ketamine may increase cerebral blood flow and intracranial
pressure (ICP), thereby reducing cerebral perfusion. However, since it increases
cardiac output and maintains mean arterial pressure, cerebral perfusion may
actually increase. We believe that ketamine is an appropriate induction agent for
RSII in patients with suspected ICP elevation and normal blood pressure or
hypotension. In patients with hypertension and suspected ICP elevation, ketamine
should be avoided because of its tendency to further elevate blood pressure.
Barbiturates — Prior to the introduction of propofol, thiopental was the most
commonly used agent for both routine induction of anesthesia and RSII. It is no
longer available in the United States, though it is still used in other parts of the
world. Methohexital is another barbiturate used for induction, with limited
availability in the United States. With an induction dose of thiopental, 3 to 5 mg/kg
IV, the time to effect is less than 30 seconds, and the duration of action is
approximately 5 to 10 minutes. The induction dose of methohexital is 1 to 3
mg/kg IV, with similar time to effect and duration of action [54]. (See "General
anesthesia: Intravenous induction agents", section on 'Methohexital'.)
Both barbiturates are myocardial depressants and venodilators, and can cause
hypotension. Doses should be reduced for older patients and for those at risk for
hypotension. In addition, thiopental releases histamine and should be avoided in
patients with asthma or reactive airway disease [55].
Opioids — Short-acting opioids (eg, fentanyl 1 to 3 mcg/kg IV three minutes prior
to induction) is usually administered to reduce the sympathetic nervous system
response to intubation. Remifentanil, an ultrashort-acting opioid, can be
administered to profoundly suppress airway reflexes for intubation when the
administration of NMBA is undesirable or contraindicated. (See 'Remifentanil
intubation' below and "General anesthesia: Induction", section on 'Induction with
endotracheal intubation'.)
Lidocaine — Lidocaine (eg, 1 to 1.5 mg/kg IV given two minutes prior to
intubation) is administered to blunt the sympathetic response to laryngoscopy and
suppress the cough reflex [56-59]. Lidocaine pretreatment may prevent or
decrease the transient rise in intracranial pressure with laryngoscopy and
intubation, though studies of this effect have reached contradictory conclusions.
Hypotension may occur with administration of higher doses of intravenous
lidocaine [60]. (See "Pretreatment medications for rapid sequence intubation in
adults outside the operating room", section on 'Lidocaine' and "General anesthesia:
Induction", section on 'Induction with endotracheal intubation'.)
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) — NMBAs are administered for RSII to
achieve optimal intubating conditions and to prevent coughing, gagging, straining,
and vomiting as a result of airway manipulation.
Succinylcholine — Unless contraindicated, for most cases we suggest the use
of succinylcholine (1 to 1.5 mg/kg) rather than nondepolarizing NMBAs for RSII
because it provides excellent intubating conditions within 30 to 60 seconds. [61].
Paralysis is achieved once fasciculations have stopped, at which point intubation
can be performed. If a defasciculating dose of a nondepolarizing NMBA is
administered in addition, the dose of succinylcholine must be increased to 1.5 to 2
mg/kg IV to overcome the antagonism between nondepolarizing and depolarizing
NMBAs. (See "Clinical use of neuromuscular blocking agents in anesthesia",
section on 'Drug interactions'.)
Succinylcholine causes muscle fasciculations in most patients, which tend to be
more severe in younger and more muscular patients. Administration of
succinylcholine can increase intragastric pressure, primarily as a result of
fasciculation of abdominal musculature, though this effect is variable [62]. A study
of thiopental/succinylcholine induction in young, unpremedicated male patients
reported increases in intragastric pressure as high as 30 cmH2O over baseline.
The increase was prevented by administration of a defasciculating dose of
nondepolarizing NMBA (eg, vecuronium, rocuronium, cisatracurium). The potential
increase in intragastric pressure may be of particular concern in patients with
reduced competence of the lower esophageal sphincter, such as those with
abdominal distention, hiatal hernia, pregnancy, and gastroesophageal reflux. (See
'Defasciculation' below.)
When masseter muscle spasm occurs after succinylcholine, administration of a
nondepolarizing NMDA may or may not successfully resolve the spasm [63]. If
endotracheal intubation is not possible, mask ventilation should be attempted, and
preparations for a surgical airway should be made. Rarely, masseter muscle
spasm progresses to spasm in extremities and may herald malignant
hyperthermia. Isolated masseter spasm usually resolves over approximately 20
minutes [64]. Succinylcholine is discussed more fully separately. (See "Clinical use
of neuromuscular blocking agents in anesthesia", section on 'Succinylcholine'.)
Defasciculation — We do not routinely administer a defasciculating dose of
nondepolarizing NMBA before succinylcholine, though other clinicians do. A small
dose of nondepolarizing NMBA has been shown to reduce the fasciculations,
myalgias, and the increase in intragastric pressure that result from administration
of succinylcholine [62,65]. The defasciculating dose should be 10 percent of the
ED95 for the chosen drug (ie, 2 mg rocuronium IV, 1.5 mg cisatracurium IV, or 0.3
mg vecuronium IV) given two to three minutes prior to induction. (The ED95 is the
median dose of NMBA which results in 95 percent twitch depression, and is
typically much lower than the intubating dose) (table 2). (See "Clinical use of
neuromuscular blocking agents in anesthesia", section on 'Endotracheal
Higher doses may result in signs of paralysis, including diplopia and difficulty
breathing or swallowing, and should be avoided. If a defasciculating dose is
administered, the dose of succinylcholine must be increased to 1.5 to 2 mg/kg IV
to overcome the antagonism between nondepolarizing and depolarizing NMBAs
[66]. Without fasciculations as a marker for paralysis, a peripheral nerve stimulator
may be used to confirm adequate relaxation for intubation.
A number of other drugs have been studied as pretreatment to prevent
fasciculations and myalgias, with variable results. A meta-analysis of randomized
trials concluded that succinylcholine-induced fasciculations are best prevented
with pretreatment with NMBAs, lidocaine, or magnesium [65].
Alternatives to succinylcholine
Nondepolarizing NMBAs — All nondepolarizing NMBAs have a slower time
to onset and longer duration of action than succinylcholine. When the use of
succinylcholine is contraindicated, high doses of nondepolarizing NMBA can be
administered to speed the onset of paralysis. However, the clinical duration of
paralysis will be much longer with the use of these higher doses. This may be
problematic when shorter surgery is planned or when nerve monitoring will be
used during surgery. In addition, if airway management proves difficult, prolonged
paralysis eliminates the option of awakening the patient to allow spontaneous
ventilation. (See "Clinical use of neuromuscular blocking agents in anesthesia",
section on 'Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents'.)
Rocuronium – When administered for RSII, rocuronium is the nondepolarizing
NMBA that allows the fastest onset of action and the best intubating
conditions, with the least side effects. A relatively high dose of rocuronium is
required for RSII. In a meta-analysis of 50 trials that compared the use of
succinylcholine with rocuronium for RSII, succinylcholine >1m/kg IV provided
superior intubating conditions compared with rocuronium 0.6 to 0.7 mg/kg IV,
but there was no difference in intubating conditions when rocuronium 0.9 to
1.0 mg/kg IV was administered [67].
The onset and duration of neuromuscular block depends on the dose. After
induction of anesthesia with thiopental, rocuronium 0.9 to 1.2 mg/kg IV
achieves maximal neuromuscular block in 55 to 75 seconds, with clinical
duration (recovery of twitch to 25 percent of control) of 53 to 73 minutes [68].
In contrast, succinylcholine 1.5 mg IV achieves maximal block in 45 to 60
seconds, with a clinical duration of 6 to 10 minutes [69]. Sugammadex is a
novel medication that can reverse the effects of rocuronium. Sugammadex
functions as a chelating agent for rocuronium and can rapidly reverse
neuromuscular blockade even after the administration of high doses of
rocuronium [70]. Importantly, sugammadex may not reverse the effects of
muscle relaxation quickly enough to consider it a "rescue" medication in the
cannot intubate, cannot ventilate scenario, especially in the setting of other
depressant medications [71]. Sugammadex is discussed more fully
separately. (See "Clinical use of neuromuscular blocking agents in
anesthesia", section on 'Sugammadex'.)
While less desirable than rocuronium, cisatracurium and vecuronium are two other
commonly used nondepolarizing NMBAs that can be used for RSII. As compared
with rocuronium, the onset of paralysis with each of these is slower. Rapid onset
of paralysis can be achieved by administration of a high dose, which results in
prolonged duration of action, or by using a priming dose, that is, a small dose (10
percent of the intubating dose), of NMBA two to four minutes prior to the
intubating dose of the drug.
Since the priming dose of NMBA may cause signs of paralysis, including diplopia,
blurry vision, difficulty swallowing, and risk of aspiration [72], we do not routinely
administer a priming dose of NMBA. Recommended doses of vecuronium and
cisatracurium for RSII are as follows:
Vecuronium – 0.1 mg/kg IV (approximately 2 x ED95) results in a time to
maximum block of 2.4 minutes with a clinical duration (recovery of twitch to
25 percent of control) of 44 minutes [73]. Like Rocuronium, Vecuronium can
be reversed with sugammadex.
Cisatracurium – 0.4 mg/kg IV (approximately 8 x ED95) results in a time to
maximum block of 1.9 minutes with a clinical duration (recovery of twitch to
25 percent of control) of 91 minutes [74].
If a nondepolarizing NMBA is used (instead of succinylcholine or for
defasciculation), fasciculations do not occur as a marker of paralysis. A peripheral
nerve stimulator can be used to confirm adequate paralysis and optimum
intubating conditions prior to laryngoscopy. (See 'Succinylcholine' above.)
Remifentanil intubation — Remifentanil, an ultrashort-acting narcotic, is
particularly useful for intubation when succinylcholine is contraindicated and
when the prolonged duration of action of NMBAs is undesirable. For a high-dose
remifentanil intubation, the administration of propofol (2 to 2.5 mg/kg IV) followed
by remifentanil (3 to 5 mcg/kg IV) provides good to excellent intubating conditions
at 1 to 2.5 minutes after induction [75-77]. We give ephedrine (10 mg IV) along
with the propofol for this type of induction to avoid the profound bradycardia and
hypotension that may result from these doses of remifentanil and propofol.
Propofol 2 mg/kg IV has been shown to provide better intubating conditions than
thiopental 6 mg/kg IV or etomidate 0.3 mg/kg IV when given for induction with
remifentanil 3 mcg/kg IV without NMBAs [78].
Doses of propofol and remifentanil should be reduced for the elderly and for other
patients who are at risk for hypotension with induction. (See "General anesthesia:
Intravenous induction agents", section on 'Dosing considerations'.)
Ventilation by mask is traditionally not performed prior to intubation during RSII, to
avoid inflating the stomach and thereby increasing the chance of regurgitation.
Without the application of cricoid pressure, bag-mask ventilation with inflation
pressure over 20 cmH2O can result in inflation and, potentially, distention of the
stomach [33]. However, a number of studies have shown that cricoid pressure
prevents gastric insufflation during mask ventilation in children and adults without
airway obstruction and, in adults, with airway pressures up to 60 cmH2O [31-33].
Patients without decreased oxygen reserve or increased oxygen consumption
should not desaturate during RSII without mask ventilation. For patients expected
to desaturate rapidly with apnea (eg, those with decreased functional residual
capacity because of obesity or increased intraabdominal pressure; those with
sepsis or fever), gentle, low-pressure mask ventilation with cricoid pressure is not
likely to inflate or distend the stomach.
Modified RSII — There is no standard definition of "modified RSII," but most
commonly it refers to the combination of cricoid pressure and mask ventilation
during induction and intubation [79]. The modification of RSII may be either the
addition of mask ventilation to an otherwise traditional RSII, or the application of
cricoid pressure to a routine induction and intubation. Common scenarios in which
modified RSII may be chosen include the following:
When airway evaluation suggests that intubation may be difficult for a patient
who is at high risk of aspiration, gentle mask ventilation may be attempted
prior to administration of a neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA) to prove
that ventilation will be possible if intubation is difficult or prolonged. In this
situation, one very low-pressure breath may be all that is required.
Mask ventilation may be performed for patients who are likely to desaturate
with apnea, despite preoxygenation. In this situation, several low-pressure
breaths (<20 cmH2O) may be required while waiting for paralysis.
For the patient who may be at unclear but potentially higher risk of
regurgitation and aspiration, cricoid pressure may be applied during routine
induction. Examples include patients with asymptomatic hiatal hernia, morbid
obesity without symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, and patients
who have fasted appropriately but who are receiving opioids.
As the goal of RSII is to intubate as rapidly as possible, the anesthesia clinician
should use the laryngoscope and blade most likely to succeed on the first attempt.
In most cases, this will be a standard laryngoscope used for direct laryngoscopy
with a Macintosh or miller blade. However, when a difficult airway is expected, a
video laryngoscope may be a better choice, assuming the clinician is facile with its
use. (See "Airway management for induction of general anesthesia", section on
'Prediction of the difficult airway'.)
A number of trials have compared videolaryngoscopy with direct laryngoscopy
with regard to first-attempt success at intubation and time to intubation, both
particularly important for RSII, with variable results. Though studies consistently
find a better glottic view with video laryngoscopes, a meta-analysis of trials
comparing one type of video laryngoscope with direct laryngoscopy reported no
difference in successful first-attempt intubation or time to intubation [80]. In
contrast, in another study, 200 patients with predicted difficult airways based on
Mallampati classification grade 3 or 4 (figure 4) were randomly assigned to
intubation with a video laryngoscope versus direct laryngoscopy [81].
Videolaryngoscopy resulted in a higher first-attempt intubation rate, decreased
time to intubation, and a reduced number of optimizing maneuvers.
No matter which laryngoscope is chosen for RSII, a backup plan and the
necessary equipment must be immediately available and at the bedside if difficult
airway management is expected. All anesthesia clinicians should be familiar with
a difficult airway algorithm (algorithm 1). (See "Airway management for induction
of general anesthesia", section on 'Preparation for induction of anesthesia'.)
For RSII, we place a stylette in the endotracheal tube to add rigidity, to facilitate
placement through the vocal cords, and to increase the chance of success on the
first attempt at laryngoscopy. It is important to recognize that increasing the
rigidity of the endotracheal tube can also potentially increase the risk of injury to
the vocal cords or trachea. Once the tip of the tube is placed through the vocal
cords, the stylette should be removed to avoid trauma to the anterior trachea and
the tube advanced under direct vision.
The decision to perform RSII, to modify the induction sequence, or to perform a
standard sequence induction must take into account the individualized potential
risks of each choice. Potential complications of RSII include difficulty with
intubation, hypoxia, hypotension, active regurgitation, and aspiration.
Difficult or failed airway — Difficult intubation is always a possibility during
induction of anesthesia. If the preoperative airway evaluation suggests potential
difficulty with intubation, an awake or, if necessary, inhalation induction may be
chosen instead of RSII. Difficult intubation is not always predictable [82]. Thus,
equipment, personnel, and a backup plan for airway management must always be
ready when RSII is performed. Anesthesia clinicians should be familiar with a
difficult airway algorithm (algorithm 1). (See "Approach to the difficult airway in
adults outside the operating room".)
Hypoxia — The most common risk of RSII is hypoxia, a potential result of oxygen
desaturation during the period of apnea prior to intubation. Patients with poor
oxygen reserves, such as obese patients, pregnant patients, and patients with
pulmonary disease, may be at higher risk for arterial desaturation, despite
preoxygenation. Low-pressure mask ventilation during RSII may prevent hypoxia
and desaturation for such patients. (See 'Modified RSII' above.)
Passive apneic oxygenation using high-flow oxygen through a nasal cannula and
continuous positive airway pressure preoxygenation are strategies that may
increase the time to apneic oxygen desaturation during RSII. (See 'Preoxygenation'
Hypotension — Hypotension is common after RSII, especially for those patients
who present for emergency surgery with hemodynamic instability. Dysrhythmias
and cardiac arrest can also occur in critically ill patients with poor cardiovascular
reserve. The selection of induction agent, rate of administration, and the dose
administered should be based on the patient's clinical condition and
comorbidities. (See 'Induction agents' above.)
Regurgitation — Regurgitation may occur during RSII, despite the maneuvers
designed to prevent it. If the patient regurgitates, the head of the operating table
should be quickly tipped down to allow material to drain away from the larynx. The
head should be turned to the side and the oropharynx suctioned prior to
intubation. The trachea should be suctioned prior to administration of a positive
pressure breath. If active vomiting occurs, cricoid pressure should be released to
avoid esophageal rupture [83].
Aspiration — Regurgitation and aspiration can occur during RSII, even when
protocols are followed as suggested. The incidence of aspiration during
emergency surgical procedures is approximately 0.15 percent [84].
The sequelae depend on the volume and type of material aspirated and the
patient's comorbidities. Aspiration of small amounts of oral secretions may result
in minor complications, such as cough or tracheal irritation, while aspiration of
large-volume, particulate, or acidic material can result in infection, airway
obstruction, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and death. Evaluation and
management of aspiration pneumonia is discussed more fully separately. (See
"Aspiration pneumonia in adults".)
Patients at high risk of aspiration during induction of anesthesia are also at high
risk of aspiration during emergence from anesthesia. In most cases, an orogastric
tube should be passed during the anesthetic and suctioned and removed
immediately prior to emergence. Patients should remain intubated with the
endotracheal tube cuff inflated until responding to commands and until airway
reflexes return. Patients should be transported to the recovery area with the head
of the bed elevated to reduce the chance of reflux.
Rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII) is routinely performed for
patients at high risk of aspiration during the induction of general anesthesia.
The risk of aspiration should be balanced against the risk of difficult
intubation, hypoxia during apnea, and hypotension with RSII. (See 'General
indications' above.)
An essential goal of RSII is the achievement of adequate depth of anesthesia
and, most often, paralysis for laryngoscopy, to prevent coughing, straining,
and active vomiting with airway manipulation.
For patients who are at high risk of aspiration, we suggest the administration
of antacid medication before induction to increase the pH of gastric contents
(Grade 2C). For pregnant patients and for those at high risk of aspiration, we
routinely administer clear, nonparticulate antacid prior to induction (eg,
sodium citrate-citric acid, 30 mL by mouth). For nonpregnant patients at high
risk of aspiration who have not received a proton pump inhibitor or histamine-
2 receptor antagonist (H2RA) on the morning of surgery, we also administer
an H2RA 40 to 60 minutes prior to induction (eg, ranitidine 50 mg IV). (See
'Premedication' above.)
Components of RSII are designed to protect the airway with a cuffed
endotracheal tube as quickly as possible after induction of anesthesia, while
preventing passive or active regurgitation of stomach contents. They include:
• Preoxygenation (see 'Preoxygenation' above)
• Application of cricoid pressure (figure 2) (see 'Cricoid pressure during
RSII' above)
• Administration of an anesthesia induction agent, followed immediately by
administration of succinylcholine (see 'Choice of medications' above)
• Avoidance of mask ventilation prior to endotracheal intubation (see
'Mask ventilation' above)
• Endotracheal intubation with inflation of the endotracheal tube cuff as
quickly as possible (see 'Choice of laryngoscope' above)
Not all of these components will be appropriate for every patient.
An assistant who is familiar with correct application of cricoid pressure and
with assistance with airway management should be present for RSII. A backup plan for airway management should be determined prior to induction, and
the anesthesia clinician should be familiar with a difficult airway management
algorithm (algorithm 1). (See 'Cricoid pressure during RSII' above.)
We suggest the application of cricoid pressure during RSII (Grade 2C).
Despite conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of cricoid pressure
for preventing regurgitation, clinical experience suggests that, in most
situations, it is not harmful and may be beneficial. We shift or release
pressure if laryngoscopy proves difficult, and release cricoid pressure if active
vomiting occurs. We avoid cricoid pressure in patients with acute cervical
spinal cord injury. (See 'Cricoid pressure during RSII' above.)
We typically titrate the anesthesia induction agent to loss of consciousness
prior to the administration of a neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA). We
prefer propofol for hemodynamically stable patients. Ketamine and etomidate
are alternatives for hemodynamically unstable patients. (See 'Induction
agents' above.)
For most cases, we suggest the use of succinylcholine (1 to 1.5 mg/kg) rather
than nondepolarizing NMBAs for RSII (Grade 2C). If a defasciculating dose of
a nondepolarizing NMBA is administered in addition, the dose of
succinylcholine must be increased to 1.5 to 2 mg/kg IV to overcome the
antagonism between nondepolarizing and depolarizing NMBAs. (See
'Succinylcholine' above.)
If succinylcholine is contraindicated, rocuronium can provide rapid onset of
paralysis but results in prolonged duration of action, which may be
undesirable. High-dose remifentanil induction is an alternative to RSII with an
NMBA. (See 'Alternatives to succinylcholine' above.)
RSII may be modified to include low-pressure mask ventilation to prove the
ability to ventilate prior to paralysis or to prevent hypoxia for patients with
reduced oxygen reserve. (See 'Modified RSII' above.)
Patients at high risk of aspiration during induction of anesthesia are also at
high risk of aspiration during emergence from anesthesia. Prior to emergence,
the stomach should be emptied using an orogastric or nasogastric tube. (See
'Emergence from anesthesia' above.)
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