THE FATHER OF HISTORICAL NOVELS IVANHOE Writer and poet, a born storyteller and master of dialogue, one of the greatest historical novelists, whose favorite subject was his native Scotland. Scott wrote twenty-seven historical novels. His influence is seen among others in the works of James Fennimore Cooper, Alexander Dumas, and Alexander Pushkin. He studied at Edinburg University Arts and Law. Married in 1797 Margaret Charlotte Charpentier. They had 5 Children. The technique of the omniscient narrator and the use of regional speech, localized settings, sophisticated character delineation, and romantic themes treated in a realistic manner were all combined by him into virtually a new literary form, the historical novel. His influence on other European and American novelists was immediate and profound, and though interest in some of his books declined somewhat in the 20th century, his reputation remains secure. Scott wrote articles on “Chivalry,” “Romance,” and “Drama” for Encyclopædia Britannica’s fourth edition (1801– 09). Dentro de los límites más o menos señalados por los sucesos históricos, Walter Scott imagina para los lectores un juego de escenas, personajes y batallas que nos posibilitan vivir una Edad Media de ensueño. El escenario se cubre con los verdes bosques de Sherwood, con sus castillos, sus torneos y sus ermitas. Allí abundan los ladrones de caminos, entre los que destaca el popular Robin Hood. Ivanhoe relata la enconada lucha de un hombre para restablecer su buen nombre y de paso el de la corona. La acción acontece en una época conturbada, en tiempos de cruzadas, de encarnizadas luchas entre dos pueblos antaño hermanados, el sajón y el normando, y el príncipe Juan sin Tierra planea coronarse rey, aprovechando que Ricardo Corazón de León se halla luchando en las Cruzadas. Ricardo necesitará la ayuda de un caballero valeroso y ducho en el campo de batalla, y ese será Sir Wilfred de Ivanhoe. Ivanhoe es la más conocida de las novelas de Walter Scott. LITERATURE PRODUCTION SIR WALTER SCOTT Novels: The Antiquary, Tales of my land lord, Ivanhoe. The Pirate, Anne of Geierstein. 1771 - 1832 Short Tales: Chronicles of the Canongate. The Highland Widow, The Two Drovers Poems: William and Helen, Two Ballads from the German. The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (Poemas de la frontera escocesa). The Lay of the Last Minstrel, Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. Marmion o Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field. The Lady of the Lake, The Vision of Don Roderick. The Bridal of Triermain, The Field of Waterloo. The Lord of the Isles, Harold the Dauntless. Young Lochinvar, Bonnie Dundee. Others: The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Tales of a Grandfather. History of Scotland Literatura de los Países Anglófonos Sandro Fidel Candela Oropeza