Subido por Karla Montes Delgado

Anthropocene & Environmental Problems: Homework Assignment

Environmental Education
“The Anthropocene and the environmental problem”
The Anthropocene is the geological era proposed by the scientific community to succeed or replace the
so-called Holocene, the current era of the Quaternary period in Earth's history, due to the significant
global impact that human activities have had on terrestrial ecosystems. There is no agreement regarding
the precise date of its beginning; some researchers consider it together with the beginning of the
Industrial Revolution, while others associate it with the beginning of agriculture.
The term "anthropocene" was used in 2000 by the Nobel Prize in chemistry Paul Crutzen, who believes
that the influence of human behavior on the planet has been significant, constituting a new geological
era. The most direct consequence of human activities on the environment is global warming due to carbon
dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas, as well as the result of
• Analyze the degree of influence of human actions in the development of environmental problems
Preliminary actions:
• The information provided in the theoretical session of the course must be taken into account.
• Take into account that the academic task is individual and not recoverable.
Faced with the situation presented, you are asked to reflect on the following question:
• What is the importance of the anthropocene in the face of current environmental problems?
Actions to develop:
• Prepare an opinion essay, based on the reading “Anthropocene: the vital challenges of a scientific
debate”, which will be delivered in doc/docx format through the Virtual Classroom.
• The document should not have more than two pages, according to the attached model, it will be
written on A4 size paper, 11-point Times New Roman font and three-centimeter margins.
• The citation system for information sources will correspond to the style and criteria indicated by the
educational institution.
Evaluation criteria:
• According to the valuation matrix in the attached document.
• In all cases, the use of simple and understandable language must be taken into account.
Basic Courses