Subido por captainrhus

E-Liquid Nicotine Strength Guide: mg/mL & Percentages

Regular nicotine and nic salts: two great options
What’s the best nicotine strength for you?
Converting percentages to mg/mL
Congratulations, you’ll never order the wrong e-juice again!
Nicotine is an alkaloid extracted from the tobacco plant Nicotiana
tabacum. It can be synthesised but this an expensive process so is
not commonly used. It is even found in small amounts in common
foods such as tomatoes, potatoes and aubergine. Nicotine works as
both a relaxant and a stimulant, with people reporting effects such
as mood elevation, alertness and calmness. It is commonly viewed
as physically and psychologically addictive, and so many vapers
who started out as smokers use e-juice with varying levels of
nicotine. Commercial e-juice can be bought without nicotine but it is
usually sold with a range of strengths.
Picking the right nicotine strength is an important decision for a new
vaper. Too much and you might wind up coughing, too weak and
you may wonder what all the fuss is about. Or even worse, you
spend a chunk of cash on a huge bottle of premium juice, only to
find out that its nicotine strength is not enough to satisfy your
E-liquids come with strengths that start from zero nicotine, and go
up to over 50 mg/mL. You may have also seen nicotine strength
stated in percentages instead of concentrations. All this can be
confusing at first, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will help steer
you in the right direction when choosing nicotine strength, and show
you how to navigate the market.
Note that the information presented in this article pertains to
nicotine strength in commercial e-liquid. If you are learning how to
mix your own juice–which may involve diluting nicotine base–take a
look at our article on how to make DIY e-juice for beginners.
Regular nicotine and nic salts: two
great options
<img src=',format' alt='Nicotine Salt vs Regular Nicotine - Infographic'
title='Nicotine Salt vs Regular Nicotine - Infographic'/>
The JUUL is not only one of the most popular vapes around, it is
also one of the most influential. One of the most significant market
effects of the JUUL has been the introduction of nicotine salt eliquid, which has changed the way many users quit smoking and
begin vaping.
You can find more info about nic our nicotine salts mini guide, but
they are the reason you see nicotine strengths jumping from 3 mg
and 6 mg to 25 mg or even 60 mg in online shops. In layman’s
terms, nic salts employ a compound (benzoic acid) that smooths
out the throat sensation of nicotine, making larger concentrations
more tolerable.
When the nicotine strength is in milligrams and not a percentage
(more on that later), single digits means it’s probably good ol’
regular nicotine (sometimes called “freebase” nicotine). Anything
over 20 mg/mL is probably nicotine salt e-liquid, with only minor
exceptions. There is no direct correlation between these two, but
most people say that the throat hit of 6 mg regular nic feels more or
less like 20-25 mg nic salts.
With such high concentrations, salt nicotine has become
synonymous with pod systems and other devices with low power
and vapor output.
What’s the best nicotine strength
for you?
If you’re a new vaper, there are two major factors to consider when
picking nicotine strength: your smoking habits, and the type of
device you are planning on using. To help you navigate the market,
we have categorized our suggestions by vapor output, as this is the
factor that ultimately dictates the amount of nicotine consumed per
If you smoke socially, or up to about 10 cigarettes a day, you fall in
the lower range of each suggestion. Around a pack a day will land
you somewhere in the middle, whereas smoking two packs or more
will get you into the higher area.
Bear in mind that the suggested strengths in this section are exactly
that: suggestions. Use them as a starting point but if you find that
you prefer your vape stronger or weaker, don’t be afraid to try other
nicotine strengths. The best nicotine strength is the one that keeps
you away from combustible cigarettes.
Low vapor production
Discreet clouds, similar to the amount produced by a cigarette. This
includes most pod systems on the market, as well as mouth-to-lung
(MTL) tanks with a very tight airflow. Nic salts of a high percentage
are the most popular choice for this category, as many companies
have stopped producing regular nicotine juices over 6 mg/mL.
• Regular nicotine: 9-18 mg/mL
• Nicotine salts: 30-60 mg/mL
Medium vapor production
Clouds, but not of the massive variety. Devices that fall in this
category can come from practically any product range. This
includes pod systems that take sub ohm coils, airier MTL tanks, and
even sub ohm tanks that have a very restricted lung draw.
• Regular nicotine: 6-9 mg/mL
• Nicotine salts: 20-30 mg/mL
High vapor production
Big clouds. This includes powerful sub ohm tanks and rebuildable
atomizers with large airflow channels. Finding nic salts for this
category may not be so easy, and most vapers usually go for
regular nicotine juices.
• Regular nicotine: 1.5-6 mg/mL
• Nicotine salts: up to 10 mg/mL
When it comes to quitting smoking, we advise new vapers to try a
low vapor device, be it a pod system or an MTL tank. These will
emulate the draw of a cigarette, which will help smokers smoothly
transition to vaping. But many people prefer a restricted direct-lung
draw, or even a fully open draw, and in that case a more powerful
pod system or a sub ohm tank might be the best choice.
Converting percentages to mg/mL
<img src=',format' alt='Understanding Nicotine Strengths and Percentages'
title='Understanding Nicotine Strengths and Percentages'/>
Let’s assume that you have now tried a couple of nicotine strengths,
and settled for the one that satisfies your cravings. Even after you
narrow it down, it can still be confusing at times. Sometimes
manufacturers list nicotine strength by percentage, like 0.3%, 0.6%,
2.5% and 5%. So, what do you do? What’s the difference between
nicotine strengths written as mg/mL and those written as
percentages? How do you convert from one to the other?
Nicotine strength in mg/mL
Most of the time, e-liquid nicotine strengths are shown in mg/mL,
which stands for milligrams per milliliter. This means that for every
milliliter of e-liquid in the bottle, there is the specified amount of
For a 6 mg/mL e-juice, this means every milliliter contains 6 mg of
nicotine. If you need to work out the total amount of nicotine in a
bottle or in a tank, just multiply the strength in mg/mL by the number
of milliliters of it you have.
For example, if you fill up a 5 mL vape tank with 6 mg/mL e-liquid,
you have 5 mL × 6 mg/mL = 30 mg of nicotine in your tank. In the
same way, a 10 mL bottle of 6 mg/mL e-liquid contains 60 mg of
nicotine in total.
Nicotine strengths as percentages
Nicotine strengths as percentages are very similar, but a little easier
to understand. Instead of combining a mass (in mg) and a volume
(in mL), percentages use the volumes of both. In simple terms,
figures like 0.3% or 1.8% just tell you how much of the liquid in the
bottle is nicotine.
This means that if you have some e-liquid containing 1.2% nicotine,
any amount you measure out will be 1.2% nicotine and 98.8% PG,
VG and flavorings.
Technically, this measurement is called “nicotine by volume,” in the
same way the percentages on a bottle of liquor are “alcohol by
volume” or ABV for short. “Nicotine by volume” is sometimes
shortened to NBV too.
You could also work out the percentage by mass, if you wanted to,
but e-liquid companies usually don’t do this. We work with e-juice in
mL, so they do too.
Converting from mg/mL to percent and back
Converting from a nicotine strength in mg/mL to a percentage is
really easy. Just divide the amount in mg/mL by 10. So, if you have
a 6 mg/mL e-juice, this is equal to a 0.6% e-juice. A 25 mg/mL ejuice is equal to a 2.5% e-juice. And if you had a high-strength
nicotine base of 72 mg/mL, this would be 7.2% .
The conversion couldn’t be any simpler. To convert back from
percentages to mg/mL, just multiply it by 10. That’s all there is to it!
Congratulations, you’ll never order
the wrong e-juice again!
If you aren’t too traumatized by the impromptu math, you can now
confidently navigate the e-liquid market, and buy juice in the
strength range that will most likely satisfy your nicotine cravings.
You can also explain what mg/mL means, what the percentage
values on e-liquids mean and convert between them easily. No
matter where you’re ordering from, you’ll know exactly what you’re
getting. But if you don’t nail it on the first try, don’t give up! With so
many nicotine levels available, you will eventually find the e-liquid
strength that works best for you.
Share your thoughts with us! Have you tried e-juice that felt too
strong or too weak to you? What was the nicotine strength that
helped you quit smoking?