Subido por Jose Fernández

Fire Protection in Galicia, Spain: Safety & Prevention

Fire calls the chemical reaction of oxidation of a fuel violent matter , with evolution of flame, heat
and fumes ( or fume ) . It is a exotherm . The flames of the fire are the parts that emit visible
The fire has a number of dangers , the first and most obvious are burns . Others such as smoke
inhalation poisoning .
In the area of ​psychology is pyromania , which is defined as a condition in which a person feels
the need to burn something and the more is the best fire (for him) great. This has caused
intentional forest fires.
A fire is an occurrence of controlled fire that can burn something that is not meant to burn. It can
affect structures and living things. Exposure to fire may cause death, usually by inhalation of
smoke or fading caused by poisoning and severe burns later .
For a fire to start is necessary are satisfied that these three factors : fuel, oxidizer and heat or
activation energy.
Fires in buildings can start with faults in electrical or combustion facilities such as boilers , fuel
leaks , accidents in the kitchen, children playing with lighters or matches or accidents involving
the other sources , such as candles and cigarettes . Fire can spread rapidly to other structures ,
especially those in which are not met basic safety standards. Therefore, many municipalities
provide fire services to extinguish potential fires quickly.
Layer formation Ceiling
Called layer formation ceiling to the accumulation of hot gases by the action of heat and in a
closed environment , tend to accumulate in the upper parts of an enclosure. Thus the hot gases
travel through the interior of the buildings to their roofs and once accumulated certain amount,
tends to escape. Firefighters use ventilation to remove this layer of gases and smoke in burning
buildings .
Also note that in many cases this phenomenon has produced outbreaks of fire by the method of
heat transfer called convection ( heat transfer through gases).
Backdraft , also called flue gas explosion with reverse effect , is a situation that can occur when
a fire needs oxygen so combustion ceases but the fuel gases and remain smoke high
If oxygen is reintroduced , for example, opening a door in a closed room, the combustion can
restart resulting explosive effect , since the gas is heated and its volume increases suddenly .
This effect is the basis for smoke explosion .
Flashover or flashover phenomenon is observed in confined fires in which suddenly all
combustible surfaces , which until then were not involved in the fire begin to burn as a result of
radiation from the flames walking ceiling (rollover ) causing the entire volume of the enclosure is
occupied by the flames. This phenomenon marks the maximum development of fire , generating
up to 170 kW radiation / m² that can not be supported by a human being or equipped with a
tailored intervention firefighter.
Rollover or Flameover is the term that is called a phenomenon observed in fires in which the
product layer combustion gases accumulated under the roof so ignite the flames run through the
roof. This phenomenon is considered the first step to achieve the necessary conditions for a
flashover or flashover occurs as it represents a significant increase in radiation.
Boil over
The overflow by boiling (boiling over) is the overflow of a burning liquid fuel, usually crude oil,
whose density is higher boiling point than water, which causes the violent boiling of the water
beneath the liquid fuel.
BLEVE is the acronym for "boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion" (explosion of vapors
expand when the liquid boil). This type of explosion occurs in tanks storing liquefied gases
under pressure and overheating, which rupture or leak from the tank, the liquid inside boils and
widely incorporated into the expanding steam.
SOLIDS. Are called Class A fires which occur in
solid fuels that produce coals, for example, paper, cardboard,
wood, plastics, etc..
FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. They are called Class B fires which
producing liquid fuels, for example, vegetable oils,
petroleum derivatives, etc..
GASES. Are called Class C fires occurring in the gases,
for example, butane, acetylene, methane, propane, etc..
METAL FUEL. Are called Class D fires which
produced in metals and alloys, for example, magnesium, potassium, sodium,
· Using standardized at specific points in the places
where there could be a fire hazard signals.
· The team of fire safety:
· Sufficient training on protection, prevention and first aid.
· Proficiency evacuation plan.
· Fire extinguishing Practices in collaboration with the
relevant park firefighters.
· Knowledge of legislation.
· All staff of the company:
· You must know the evacuation plan.
· You have to control the means of extinction within
· Coordinate activities with the departments involved.
· Separate isolating or protecting combustibles from
ignition points.
Establish clear rules for action.
· Provide fighting equipment necessary and appropriate
to existing combustible substances.
· Check the spark or flame produced during work.
Establish permanent monitoring during labor.
· Preventive Plan review scheduled inspections risk
areas and equipment automatic fire fighting equipment:
· In areas of risk:
· Check the signs.
· Check that the standards are met.
· On-site fire equipment and:
Absence of obstacles that enables the proper use of
· Viewing the external system or apparatus of systems,
including pressure gauge reading and checking the date
of recharge.
· Operating status whenever possible.
HUMAN DETECTION : Through continuous monitoring of man that once the alarm is
transmitted to appropriate extinction.
DETECTION AUTO : It is done by devices called sensors that record the appearances of the
products of combustion : smoke, heat, flame and transmit this information to a box signaling that
triggers the alarm, and if the automatic termination acts .
In general, these are grouped into teams PORTABLE AND STATIONARY INSTALLATIONS .
· PORTABLE EQUIPMENT OR EXTINTORES : They are portable devices which extinguishing
agent contained therein. Its use is suitable for a first appearance on fires underdeveloped. Fire
extinguishers shall be located in easily accessible locations , preferably step ( at the door ) , to
view properly marked .
The use to which it is intended should be clearly marked , indicating the extinguishing agent
contained in them and the types of fire that must be used
It is necessary that at least once a year inspections are conducted to check the state of charge
and replace the downloaded material.
· FIXED INSTALLATIONS : This basically consists of a network of distributors or sprayers linked
by a pipeline network to devices containing the extinguishing agent so continuously covering
areas where there is risk of fire . They can be of different types :
1. EQUIPMENT HOSE consisting of hoses coiled in a closet in the wall with glass front that are
connected to a water pipe network .
2 . AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS : valves are designed to distribute water as rain , coupled with a
widespread network of pipelines in the area to protect. The installation is activated when a
certain temperature is reached, causing the output of water spray.
Know the location of fire extinguishers in the workplace environment .
Learn to q type of fire can be used.
Identify limitations ( the download time can range from 8 to 30 in the case of foam extinguishers
, powder co2 ) .
Knowing turn the power off and know where to.
Knowing how they are used and in what situations .
The guidelines to follow are:
· With the extinguisher upright, be supported with one hand and with the other you have to
remove the seal and the fork.
· Locate upwind to avoid the effects of heat and smoke.
· Press the gas outlet valve .
· Direct the jet to the nearest edge of the base of the flames and move in zig -zag .
· No face when acting extinguishers others.
· In CO2 extinguishers not touch nozzle gas outlet , as there is danger of burn low temperature.
· Use only fighting appliances located in the area of electrical equipment, for use in that area.
Called in some countries extinguisher , portable device used to extinguish fires or fires of small
magnitude . Fire types are classified into four classes according to the type of material burned .
Dry fires are those involving ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth and paper.
Fatty fires are those occurring in flammable liquids , oils and fats . The fires in electrical
installations are a separate category, especially if they are running, and the last category is the
fire in combustible metals such as magnesium, potassium and sodium. Each type of fire
requires a different type of extinguisher .
Generally an extinguisher is not actually to fight fire four classes (A, B , C , D ), but is especially
designed for a particular class , or even three classes
Pressurized water extinguishers .
Application: only for fires class "A" (wood, paper , etc.).
Management : the water jet should be directed Toward the basis of the fire.
Maintenance: refresh yourself immediately after use.
Soda - acid extinguishers
Application: used to extinguish fires class "A"
Maintenance: Always inspect once a year . Change the load every 1 year if you have not used
Foam extinguishers :
Application : used to put out fires class "A" and " B". Except alcohol and ether .
Maintenance: check every 6 months.
Wash after use and load , or annually.
Fire Carbon dioxide ( CO2)
Application: used to fight Class B and C fires ( electrical ) . It can also be used on Class A fires if
no other , while ensuring then the complete extinction of the fire.
Fire Extinguishers by class
Fire class
Type of extinguisher
· Water Pressure
· Foam
· Soda-acid
· Carbonic anhydride
· Chemical powder
· Carbon dioxide
· Dry chemical
Fireman is the person who is dedicated, among other tasks, to extinguish fires. Traditionally did
their work by hydraulic pumps, which were used to draw water from wells, rivers or any other
place close to delsiniestro deposit. Is attributed to Emperor Augustus created the first fire
department in Rome.
Most firefighters are in public ownership and bodies can be of two types: professionals and
volunteers. There are also private fire (as in Denmark FALK), fire departments in factories and
companies (such as firefighters PDVSA in Venezuela) and bodies dedicated to university areas
firefighters, who usually collaborate in scientific research for the profession, as well perform the
typical duties of a fire department.
In the case of Spain it can be noted that there are municipal fire (town hall), the consorciosde
County Council or Autonomous Community, other national airports (AENA) and finally there are
the military firefighters (UME). A firefighter positions accessed through official opposition.
Intervention by firefighters in Galicia
1 Conditions of approach and environment
1.1 Approach to buildings
1-approach road vehicles of firefighters to maneuver spaces to which paragraph 1.2 refers ,
must meet the following conditions:
a) minimum clear width
b ) minimum clear height or gauge
c ) bearing capacity of the vial
20 kN/m2
2-On the curved sections, the guide rail should be defined by the trace of an annulus whose
minimum radii should be 5.30 m and 12.50 m, with a clear width of 7.20 m for circulation .
1.2 Environment of buildings
1-Buildings with an evacuation height descending greater than 9 m should have a space for
maneuver for firefighters who meets the following conditions along the facades in which are
located the entrances or inside the building or the open interior space in which those are :
a) minimum clear width
b ) clear height
the one of the building
c ) Maximum distance from the entrances to the building needed to reach all areas
d ) Maximum slope
e) Puncture resistance of floor 100 kN on 20 cm φ .
2-Conditions with regard to punching to be performed in the manhole covers of raceways utility
tions located in that space , if its size were greater than 0,15 m x 0,15 m , must conform to the
specifications of the UNE- EN 124:1995 .
3-Maneuvering space must be kept free of street furniture , trees , gardens , cairns or other
obstacles. Similarly, where access to a facade with stairs or plat-forms is expected hydraulic
elements such as overhead power lines or tree limbs that may interfere with stairs , etc. are
4-In the event that the building is equipped with dry column must have access to a pumping
within 18 m of each point of connection to it . The connection point will be visible from the pump
truck .
5-From the paths end of more than 20 m long provided a sufficient space for maneuvering
vehicles firefighting service .
2 Accessibility Cranes
1-The facades to one referred to in paragraph 1.2 should have holes which allow for access
from outside service personnel firefighting . These hollow - ben meet the following conditions :
a) Provide access to each floor of the building , so that the height of respect sill level of the
plant to which access is not greater than 1.20 m;
b ) Its horizontal and vertical dimensions must be at least 0.80 m and 1.20 m respectively. The
maximum vertical distance between the axes of two consecutive holes should not exceed 25 m ,
measured on the facade ;
c ) There should be installed on the facade elements that prevent or hinder accessibility into the
building through these holes , except for the security holes located at the height of the plants
discharge does not exceed 9 m.
2-Robotic parking spaces shall, in every sector of fire that is subdivided , in a
compartmentalized way with EI 120 elements and EI2 60 - C5 doors to allow firefighters access
to each existing level and a mechanical extraction system smoke renovations able to make 3 /