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Scada and HMI ebook

Fall Edition
Replacing stationary HMIs with
contextual HMIs
Top 5 best practices for designing
HMIs for mobile devices
Eight reasons to use a cloudbased platform for plant and
process designs
3  Replacing stationary HMIs with contextual HMIs
7  Top 5 best practices for designing HMIs for mobile devices
12  Synchronization Key to Standardization
20  Eight reasons to use a cloud-based platform for plant and process designs
23  Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
24  Optimize production line design with simulation modeling
31  Seven benefits to using mobile software in your organization
38  Standardizing multi-touch HMI hardware
44  Upgrading your hardware, software systems
49  Six IoT implementation challenges and solutions
56  Up next: More open process automation?
60  Automation programming advances enhance communications,
other capabilities
69  Setting internal automation standards
78  Five essential criteria for effective mobile HMIs
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Replacing stationary HMIs with
contextual HMIs
Mobile devices with human-machine interface software can be used in the
context of the worker’s location and work that needs to be performed.
Contextual HMIs allow workers to increase efficiencies and improves worker
safety and security.
tationary human-machine interface (HMI) displays are being replaced by contextual
HMIs. Whether a one-line display or a dedicated touchscreen, stationary HMIs are
failing to meet mobile operators’ expectations. Today’s workers want information at their
fingertips and they are looking to mobile devices to fill that need.
A maintenance engineer is wasting time repeatedly moving back and forth between a
stationary HMI and the physical location where maintenance is being performed. In many
 Replacing
stationary HMIs
with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
cases, maintenance work is located on the opposite side of the equipment and away
Devraj Sen on VTScada
from the stationary operator HMI. This is the case during commissioning, troubleshoot-
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ing repairs, and during equipment changeover and startup when the maintenance staff
needs to confirm equipment state or set a control parameter, for example.
Elements of contextual HMI infrastructure
Contextual HMIs are designed to solve this issue by providing greater mobility for engineers. On a mobile device, they eliminate the difficulty of navigating a screen designed
for a workstation on a much smaller screen, as is the case when using a web browser to
display a workstation HMI. Contextual HMI means in the context of the worker’s location
and work that needs to be performed.
Replacing stationary HMIs with contextual HMIs
If the contextual mobility server is aware of the mobile device’s location and has validated the user the HMI can push specific HMI components to the worker’s mobile device.
For security and safety reasons, the HMI must be automatically removed from the device
when the worker moves outside of the proximity of the equipment being worked on.
To benefit from contextual HMI, it’s important to deploy an infrastructure that isn’t complicated. A contextual mobility infrastructure is centered on a mobile device. It takes
advantage of standard indoor and outdoor geo-location technologies found on nearly all
modern mobile devices to provide a dynamic and contextual HMI based on the worker’s
proximity to a predefined geographical zone. A zone may be an entire facility, a room, or
it may also be in the direct proximity of a specific piece of equipment.
Geo-tags such as Bluetooth low energy beacons (iBeacons), near-field communications
(NFC), and quick response (QR) codes are placed strategically in these geographic zones
of control known as geo-zones. A secure proximity services mobile application on the
device receives the identification of the geo-tags that are within range of the device. If
 Replacing
stationary HMIs
with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
more than one is in range, the geo-tag with the stronger signal is used. This concept,
known as “geo-fencing” allows actions based on control zones.
The mobile application communicates with the contextual mobility server using a standard internet protocol (IP) connection through Wi-Fi or a cellular network. The contextual
mobility server is responsible for evaluating and responding with the necessary information and controls pushed to the user’s mobile device automatically. The required information and control is evaluated based on the current geo-zone and as determined by
the mobile worker’s login profile.
Replacing stationary HMIs with contextual HMIs
There can only be one supervisor of equipment so neither the mobile app nor the contextual mobility server communicates directly to the equipment. The supervisory system, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), or building management system
(BMS) retains responsibility for communicating with the equipment or other assets that it
supervises. The contextual mobility server must reflect the equipment’s real-time status
variables or tags by using OPC or other real-time methods to synchronize with the SCADA or BMS.
The cornerstone of the infrastructure is the contextual mobility server and its contextual
logic engine (CLE). The contextual mobility server maintains a database that associates
geo-zones and user profiles with information, equipment controls, actions, and events.
The CLE determines the appropriate actions and triggers the distribution of information
and control elements to the mobile worker. This includes additional resources (drawings,
schematics, etc.) workers need to do their jobs.
Operations and maintenance personnel now have the relevant HMI they need for situ-
 Replacing
stationary HMIs
with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
ation awareness and intelligent control in their workspace. The relevant information is
pushed to their mobile device automatically when the application and contextual mobility server detects when the device has entered a geo-zone. This eliminates requiring
navigation designed for a computer monitor, when using a much smaller mobile device
screen. It provides improved performance and operational efficiency while also increasing safety.
The connected SCADA or BMS system is enhanced when they are augmented with
contextual HMI capability. Knowing the mobile worker’s location and routes provides the
ability for control room assistance for efficiency, safety, and security issues. For example,
Replacing stationary HMIs with contextual HMIs
the control room can see where workers are or have been to recognize unauthorized access to restricted areas. They can dispatch the nearest certified technician in the case of
a maintenance emergency and assist with safe passage routes if evacuation is necessary.
Mobility security
A private and secure internal messaging system is also an essential element of a contextual mobility infrastructure. It allows mobile workers to exchange information with each
other and with the control room. This includes text, photos, videos and audio recordings.
Integrated messaging is preferable to alternatives such as short message service (SMS)
because the messages become a permanent part of the operations and maintenance
(O&M) record. An electronic messaging system is useful for shift handoff since messages
can be directed to a group or individuals. Deploying a contextual mobility infrastructure
includes ensuring that there is access to the network for the mobile device in all work
locations. Designing geo-zones and placing geo-tags is the next step. Configuring the
contextual mobility server is a matter of defining the content that needs to be sent in
 Replacing
stationary HMIs
with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
each geo-zone and user profile.
While there is a cost associated with deploying a contextual mobility infrastructure, eliminating stationary HMIs, increasing efficiency of the O&M team, and improving overall
safety and security will offset the cost.
Ed Nugent is the COO at PcVue Inc.
Top 5 best practices for designing
HMIs for mobile devices
When designing human-machine interfaces (HMIs) for mobile devices
consider critical factors such as navigation, layout, and system controls.
ell-designed human-machine interfaces (HMIs) reduce operator error, save companies millions of dollars by reducing downtime, and increase worker safety.
HTML5 programming enables transferring HMI designs to mobile devices, but programming is just the enabler. The following five best practices for HMI design are specific to
mobile devices due to size and interface considerations to create an enhanced experience for mobile device users.
1. Functional and user friendly
A well-designed HMI reduces user error from misunderstandings or not having all relevant information available when they need to make critical decisions. The key to designing a successful HMI on a mobile interface is building one that is functional and, at the
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
 Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs
for mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
same time, delights the user. Most users are going to be running either Apple’s iOS or
Google’s Android. Design an interface to blend into the native platform that the user is
comfortable with.
Make heavy use of the native unique interface (UI) features for each platform wherever
possible. This will make life easier as the platforms evolve and the users update their
operating systems, which will ultimately make users feel comfortable upon opening the
Top 5 best practices for designing HMIs for mobile devices
2. Navigation and layout
HMI users will need to be able to do two things: view content and navigate to content
they want to find. On a large screen, an HMI best practice is to minimize the number of
physical screens to simplify navigation. An example of a well-designed HMI on a large
screen might looks like this: The content is well-organized and all of the summary information is immediately visible. Each of these views can be expanded further following a
hierarchical navigation structure.
However, on a mobile device, having this amount of visual information on one screen
would be difficult for a user to interpret. Instead, it’s important to prioritize user actions
and the number of paths to reach the needed information, versus minimizing the number of screens. Start by presenting a system-level view which has the minimal level of
information then provide navigation paths connecting different views for users to follow.
At each view, content should fill the entire screen, while translucency and blurring can
hint at more information. Avoid the use of bezels, gradients, and drop shadows as they
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
 Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs
for mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
introduce visual noise which takes the focus away from the content.
Navigation through the application should be intuitive and predictable. A good choice
for a navigation pattern is a slide navigation drawer which displays many navigation targets at once, yet remains hidden until invoked by the user. This allows a user to use the
entire screen for content while still maintaining a rich navigation model between parent,
children, and sibling views. This navigation model also will allow a user to switch between unrelated views while maintaining the ability present a deep hierarchical structure.
It will also help users learn about alternative views or features while building a mental
model of how to interact with the system through the HMI.
Top 5 best practices for designing HMIs for mobile devices
3. User actions
An HMI designer must consider the developer model and the user model when creating
an HMI to interact with the system. On a mobile device, clearly present visual controls to
the user and make interactions with controls clear. A general guideline is whenever the
number of possible actions exceeds the number of controls, users may become confused or valuable features of the HMI may be obscured. For example, critical information
shouldn’t be hidden behind a long press because the user may never find it. Instead, add
an information button in the top corner of the screen as an overlay. This design will subtly guide the user to discover the information without being intrusive or vague.
4. System controls
A number of control models have been developed for mobile interfaces to help minimize confusion for the user. Some common control models include:
• Use a toggle button when something can only be on or off.
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
 Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs
for mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
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• If the user can only select one option, but this option has a range of possible values
such as screen brightness, use a slider.
• If the user can only select one option with a range of values, but they need fine control, use a stepper button.
• If a user needs to select one of many categorical values, the designer should use
dropdowns or scroll wheels.
Top 5 best practices for designing HMIs for mobile devices
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
 Top 5 best practices
• As a last resort, text entry can be used since that is the slowest
and most error-prone way to interact with a mobile device.
Another option is to combine tactile feedback through a vibration or
Table 1: Commonly
used mobile gestures
should be incorporated in an HMI design
for mobile devices.
for designing HMIs
for mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
should be used only to bring visibility to interactions where visual cues are not enough.
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Controls should be designed to minimize the chance of any possible errors, or its effect
Devraj Sen on VTScada
sound with any of these control functions, however tactile feedback
once it is made. Maintain enough spacing for controls so users can easily access them
without making unintended touches. Also, use fullscreen pop-ups to confirm actions that
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can have effects that are difficult to reverse.
Mobile devices gestures (see Table 1), are the ideal paradigm for users to interact with
the HMI. Reusing common gestures will ensure your application behaves in a predictable
manner. Some common gestures to consider are outlined in the Table 1.
Mobile device gestures
5. Design with scale in mind
Traditionally, HMIs have fixed screens and physical controls that can be designed with
Top 5 best practices for designing HMIs for mobile devices
those features in
mind. When cre-
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
ating an HMI for
mobile devices, a
common screen
 Top 5 best practices
resolution is no
for designing HMIs
for mobile devices
longer guaranteed. As a result,
UI elements (such as a button) appear physically
larger on low-density screens and smaller on
Table 2: HMIs should be designed with various
screen sizes and resolutions in mind to ensure
the user has a clear display.
high-density screens. Because of this, it’s important to ensure that visuals, such as text, icons, and graphical images, are clear at every
screen size users may have. To help create an HMI that can fit a variety of resolutions, follow the ratios in Table 2 so images, controls, and text will look the same when displayed
across multiple screen sizes.
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
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Screen-size ratios for mobile device images, controls, text
Following these best practices will help move an HMI to a smaller screen or mobile
device and enhance a user’s overall experience. The basic rules of good design are still
valid provide a good conceptual model and make things visible. However, certain unique
challenges require design consideration such as only being able to show limited visual
information and understanding the different user interaction paradigm mobile devices
Joseph Zulick is a writer and editor at MRO Electric and Supply.
Synchronization Key to
Advanced SCADA redundancy helps a major oil and gas producer
adopt a unified platform
anadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) has grown to be one of the largest independent oil and gas producers in the world, in part through strategic purchasing of
crude oil and natural gas assets. Typically, each new system acquired already has a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software application for real-time monitoring
and control and long-term historical data collection. They currently own and operate over
200 such systems across western Canada. To simplify operations, licensing, support, and
training, the company selected VTScada software by Trihedral as their standardized SCADA solutions across all their sites. In addition to being able to communicate with their wide
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
 Synchronization Key
to Standardization
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
range of field controllers, VTScada provides unique redundancy and data synchronization
Devraj Sen on VTScada
options that suit their widely distributed architecture. Sam Lau, a SCADA specialist with
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CNRL, describes below how these features help them to keep their applications online and
their historical data safe.
Selecting SCADA
“We were looking for software to replace all our aging SCADA systems and evaluated
quite a few vendors and types of software. When we first looked at VTScada, we saw features which we hadn’t seen in all the other software that we had looked at. We were initially
amazed by how well the version control works.” This native component provides an encrypted list of configuration changes across whole applications. Authorized users can use
this to trace who made changes and why as well as roll back any changes which are causing trouble.
Synchronization Key to Standardization
VTScada could also help
them to standardize and
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
replicate how they represent
their sites and equipment.
“Being able to quickly build
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
up reusable tag types and
templates for assets and
 Synchronization Key
then go back to modify entire classes which propagate
to Standardization
through one or more appli-
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
cations is really very valuable.
We also liked that VTScada
supports various application
Devraj Sen on VTScada
layers, so we could create
Content archive
our own OEM layer for integrators. These layers allow
us to define the sandbox in
which our integrators can use
widgets, fonts, and the like.
Because we control the OEM
layer, our VTScada applications are consistent
across the board.”
CNRL uses a variety of redundancy models to
serve applications distributed across western
Canada covering 2,258,483 km2.
Road to Redundancy
“At CNRL, we have implemented a few different types of redundancy architecture using
VTScada. We have the traditional SCADA host redundancy where we have the primary and
Synchronization Key to Standardization
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
backup servers right on site using the two physical machines.”
 Synchronization Key
to Standardization
VTScada software uses an integrated architecture that includes all core SCADA components in a single license and install. This means that an application can include any number
of redundant servers configured to instantly fail over to one another in a preconfigured
order. This is the standard approach to server redundancy; however, this integrated design
also opens the door for other redundancy models that were suited to the needs of CNRL.
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
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Bi-directional Synchronization is Key
Timestamps will be matched for each data-point to the millisecond. Should the primary
database server fail, associated workstations and Internet clients switch to the next designated database. When it is restored, historical data automatically synchronizes across a
local or wide area network at up to 160,000 values per second. This speed is automatically
throttled such that real-time communications between SCADA servers is not significantly
deteriorated. Any data on any historian that is missing on another will be propagated automatically regardless of how long it has been since the databases have communicated.
Centralized Application Backup
“Another powerful feature is the ability to run multiple VTScada applications on the same
Synchronization Key to Standardization
server. That was something we’d never seen before. Traditionally, you would have one server which could host one instance of that SCADA application but VTScada allows multiple
ones and that opened a whole new world of redundancy for us.”
“Previously, the only way to have redundancy was to have multiple physical servers. So,
if you wanted a primary and backup server, you had to create a dual server pair for each
installation. In the oil and gas market, we have a lot of servers out in the field, off in the
middle of nowhere, so the hardware and maintenance costs can be quite high.”
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
 Synchronization Key
to Standardization
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
“The ability to run multiple applications on
one server allowed us to use a single backup
Centralized servers reduce the number of physical servers required to achieve the same level of redundancy.
server that supported multiple applications covering a whole region. That one machine would
serve as backup for many posts. We now use this architecture for most of our systems.”
Synchronization Key to Standardization
“For our large, critical systems we do have instances where we have a couple of physical
servers running a primary and a backup, but in general, we have just one large central
backup in our data center and the primary host is wherever it happens to be located out in
the field. In our case, the central backup is just a virtual machine, selected as it is scalable
and provides redundancy where we traditionally would not have had anything due to the
cost of the additional servers.”
Local Monitoring with Local Data
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
 Synchronization Key
“We also have another type of redundancy that is very innovative; one we hadn’t seen
to Standardization
before VTScada. On some of our applications we have more than one important facility
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
in a single app. With this architecture, it’s entirely possible to have issues such as partial
network outage where facilities become disconnected. When that occurs, we might not
be able to connect to the primary facility. Historically, that second or third facility would
be blind while they could not connect to the primary host. Fortunately, with VTScada, the
application historian can be distributed such that it doesn’t require a connection to the pri-
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Content archive
mary historian. We can configure the local facility historian to look solely at the I/O at that
facility. Therefore, the operators there can still run their plant. I really like that idea.”
Isolated servers can continue to provide local monitoring
and control using local real-time and historical data.
Synchronization Key to Standardization
This approach also allows the company to save money by using smaller VTScada I/O licenses at some locations. “Our VTScada application might have, say, a hundred thousand
I/O, multiple facilities, and field devices, but we have backups at some of the other important facilities that use just a five thousand I/O license on premise. Beyond the local facility
data retrieval, new data at the facility will be logged to the local historian and then synced
to the primary when it becomes available. The fact we can scale down a large application
into smaller pieces, means it’s very affordable for the licensing and the PC hardware required to achieve this level of redundancy.”
Long-Term Historical Data Management
“Currently, we don’t spend all that much time thinking about how to manage redundancy
of our historical data because it’s looked after by the software and it just works. Our primary server stores a copy of the historian and that gets copied to our backup server in Calgary. In the next phase of our system, as we grow the number of VTScada applications, we
are evaluating implementing a historian farm in our data center.”
“Because VTScada allows us to specify a server list for several of its services (i.e., historian,
drivers, thin client server, etc.) you can have your primary application run on one server
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
 Synchronization Key
to Standardization
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
Devraj Sen on VTScada
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Synchronization Key to Standardization
and run your historian on another server. We can split up our historians into larger virtual
machines with a lot of disk space. This benefits us because we do want to store our historical data forever; there’s no reason not to do it these days. This contrasts with our previous
systems from a decade ago which used to keep historical data for one to three months and
then that would be the end of the data.”
Putting Historical Data to Use
“One of our operator’s favorite features is VTScada’s trending. They get a lot out of see-
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
 Synchronization Key
ing the oil well data trended over time. As of today, our engineers are just discovering the
to Standardization
power of the trending that’s available in VTScada; partly because all the data is there for
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
them and they aren’t expecting this.”
Devraj Sen on VTScada
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Synchronization Key to Standardization
“Our old SCADA systems would only hold a few months worth of data and we would only
get a snapshot of the data, for example, a daily average. Now, a system engineer can go
back and look at what a piece of equipment was doing a couple of years ago when he first
turned it on. They can compare that data to the same or other similar pieces of equipment
which may be experiencing symptoms.”
The Future
“We see a big future in analyzing the data we now have. Analytics has exploded in pop-
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
 Synchronization Key
ularity and we’re at the point now where companies like us have so much data that they
to Standardization
don’t know what to do with it or how to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
process it. That’s where data analytics come
in. We’ve been moving forward with some
initiatives on using this data more efficiently.
Instead of looking at all the data that comes
in, we are developing reports that look at the
Devraj Sen on VTScada
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exceptions, the stuff that’s not normal.”
Read the Whitepaper
Learn more about this innovative approach
to long-term SCADA scalability by reading
the whitepaper produced by Sam Lau, Kurtis
Jackson, Leon Bakaas, and Jamie Walker.
Eight reasons to use a cloud-based
platform for plant and process designs
A cloud-based platform used for plant and process designs provides many
benefits such as better collaboration, reduced costs, and scalability.
ow is a very exciting time for the manufacturing and processing industries. Technology is redefining everything from job descriptions and maintenance schedules
to how plants and processes are designed from the get-go. To meet today’s market
demands, companies need more flexibility, more modularity, and greater efficiency.
Engineers, in turn, need to be able to produce designs quickly and accurately. They also
need to be able to adapt those designs as new data comes in and new technology is in-
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
 Eight reasons to
a way that’s cost-effective and efficient. Here are eight reasons why a cloud-based plat-
use a cloud-based
platform for plant
and process designs
form should be used for plant and process designs.
Devraj Sen on VTScada
1. Collaboration among all stakeholders
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troduced. A cloud-based design platform enables engineers to meet all of these goals in
Plant design has never been a one-person job and new technologies are bringing more
people into the mix. For example, in the food processing and packaging industry, equipment manufacturers have shifted from being suppliers to being consultants, called in to
collaborate and advise on process design. A cloud-based platform allows users to quickly collaborate with all stakeholders on a project and keep everyone on the same page.
This is especially valuable during the design review and approval process.
2. Faster design iterations
Adding people adds complexity. And, as a rule, complexity slows things down. It doesn’t
have to. A cloud-based software provides a centralized database for all of your engineer-
Eight reasons to use a cloud-based platform for plant and process designs
ing data. This reduces design time via real-time updates and by eliminating versioning
3. Improved integration
Contributing to faster design iterations, but deserving of their own section, is integrations. Engineers use a wide variety of tools, including components libraries, information
from public databases, and software for functions like modeling and simulation. Cloud
computing makes it possible to bring all of these tools under a single umbrella through
integrations. This saves time and significantly reduces rework by eliminating the need to
import and export data between systems.
4. Mobile access
A cloud-based platform allows on-site operators to easily access the engineering data
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
 Eight reasons to
use a cloud-based
platform for plant
and process designs
they need from a mobile device. This is useful during planned maintenance, and it’s
Devraj Sen on VTScada
indispensable in an emergency, when the technician may not discover exactly what they
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need until they get out there and start poking around.
5. Real-time updates
Say the service technician sent to the windmill makes some adjustments to the equipment. How can the company ensure those adjustments are accurately reflected in the
project documentation? In addition to providing remote access to data, a cloud-based
platform allows the data to be updated in real time. The technician can enter the modifications and even upload photographs as supporting documentation. Users can set up
an approval workflow to maintain data quality, but at least the updates will be provided
immediately instead of relying on data entry after the fact.
Eight reasons to use a cloud-based platform for plant and process designs
6. Digital twins and the Internet of Things (IoT)
With facilities going more and more digital, more companies are starting to leverage
the power of the IoT, including digital twins. In this new world, where machines talk with
other machines, the cloud is where everything comes together. Cloud-based platforms
provide a way for humans to collect and analyze data from many different sources.
7. Cost savings
Servers are expensive. The hardware itself costs a pretty penny, but that’s nothing next to
maintenance and security costs. It’s also mission critical. If the server fails and there isn’t
a failover solution in place, users could be without access to engineering data and documentation at a very inauspicious time. A cloud-based platform reduces this burden and
significantly reduces IT costs.
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
 Eight reasons to
use a cloud-based
platform for plant
and process designs
8. Scalability
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Cloud computing is a scalable solution in a way on-premises software and servers aren’t.
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If more computing power is needed to run the simulations for a new plant, you’ve got it.
This gives more flexibility in the types of projects companies can take on without limiting
their on-site hardware capacity.
Compared to some other disciplines, engineering has been somewhat reluctant to move
entirely to the cloud. With competition heating up in many industries, and the ever-growing pressure to reduce design time and cost, cloud computing is just around the corner
from having its day.
This article originally appeared on Aucotec’s blog. Aucotec is a CFE Media content partner.
Devraj Sen on VTScada
Replacing stationary
HMIs with contextual
Top 5 best practices
for designing HMIs for
mobile devices
Synchronization Key to
Eight reasons to use a
cloud-based platform
for plant and process
 Devraj Sen on
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Devraj Sen on VTScada
VTScada synchronization is an evolutionary approach to
SCADA redundancy. Very complicated implementation
under the hood but to the user, it is seen as seamless.
Optimize production line design
with simulation modeling
Simulation modeling, used properly, can identify and remove risks, maximize
value, and help produce successful outcomes. Ask these five questions to
ensure the model reflects realistic behavior and constraints.
imulation can be a powerful tool throughout a project and enables the project team
to visualize many aspects of a production line during the design phase.
To plan a new production line or modify an existing one, many questions must be answered including:
1. What will this line produce?
2. How fast will it run?
3. What line efficiency can I expect?
4. How will this equipment fit within my space?
5. If conveyors are used, what are the constraints? (What is the conveyor’s capacity?
What happens to the line during a backup condition and how long will it take to
recover? Where should buffers be placed to be most effective? Can existing conveyors or unit operations developed for other applications be used?)
Technology designed to visualize a line and bring it to life prior to development is more
accessible than ever. 3-D PDFs or videos can be viewed electronically and many software
programs now integrate directly with virtual reality (VR) headsets, which allow stakeholders to step into a dimensionally accurate interactive line layout.
Optimize production line design with simulation modeling
This visualization helps everyone understand
design parameters more effectively and reach
consensus on the final design. Augmented
Figure 1: Simulation can provide detailed visualization of a line in an existing production facility.
Image courtesy: Dennis Group
reality (AR) smartphone apps and headsets allow a 3-D model to be projected into an
existing space, providing another view of a line. Static or dynamic modeling shows interferences and obstructions and helps avoid these problems at the beginning of a project
(Figure 1).
Optimize production line design with simulation modeling
Another way visualization can
be used in the design phase
is highlighting dynamics of
product movement under
different constraints. Simulation enables the user to set
up many parameters of line
operation – machine and
conveyor speeds, conveyor
lengths, device locations,
control behavior – and see
the system performs under
these different settings.
Animated simulations often
uncover potential line design
issues that are difficult or impossible to see when looking at a line layout
or a spreadsheet.
Figure 2: Physics modeling for frozen dough balls
puts key product characteristics into the model.
Image courtesy: Dennis Group
How a simulation saved time
A recent example that underscores the importance of simulation involved a machine
that filled four cartons at once, and then pushed all four cartons out of the machine at
the same time. Although the average machine speed was 100 cartons/minute, the actual
instantaneous output of the machine was either 0 or 200 cartons/minute. If the conveyor
at the discharge of the machine wasn’t running twice as fast as the average speed, the
cartons would back up into the machine as they exited, preventing the machine from
Optimize production line design with simulation modeling
loading new empty cartons.
Figure 3: A proposed buffer in the line shows level
of accumulation. Image courtesy: Dennis Group
On paper, the speeds looked correct, but the
machine was being blocked. The simulation model identified this problem during the
design phase so it could be corrected before installation.
Physics-based modeling is a valuable tool when attempting to understand a product’s real-time interactions on a line. Designers can see how products will move on the conveyor
and tweak the conveyor design to maintain control of the product. A simulation can demonstrate how products will clump together or jam in a chute or accumulation table. In the example below (Figure 2), it shows how a buffer for frozen dough balls would be utilized.
Previously, this would be done with educated guesswork and perhaps a computer-aided
design (CAD) layout. However, the dynamics of dough rolling around on the conveyor
Optimize production line design with simulation modeling
belt is hard to predict or visualize accurately. Physics modeling is also very demanding on
computer hardware. Targeted models can be created and any lessons learned from the
smaller models can be applied to larger models.
Avoid costs with the right equipment
Even with the best-designed line, machine downtimes are inevitable. The impact of random variable downtimes can be very difficult to predict. Manufacturers may be hesitant
to build in buffers and accumulation, believing they hide problems or encourage unmotivated operators. Some buffers minimally impact performance due to the machine’s
arrangement, resulting in unnecessary capital expense. A simulation can model various
scenarios and consider normal running conditions to determine the optimal number,
location, and capacity of buffers to improve line performance and avoid unnecessary
expense (Figure 3).
Another important factor simulation can help with is how to control the line. Early in the
design process, when no programmable logic controller (PLC) exists, the model allows
the design team to consider the controls. Placement of photo eyes and other sensors
can be tested and optimized before equipment is purchased.
Reduce start-up time with testing and training
Perhaps the most critical time to use simulation is when the PLC program is ready to be
tested. Some modeling software can be connected to a PLC. The model signals to the
PLC from simulated sensors and responds to the PLC signals to its simulated motors.
Controls engineers can debug controls with a realistic, responsive system, rather than
tracing through code manually or attempting to use the human-machine interface (HMI)
to visualize performance. Sensor placement can be fine-tuned in the model to within
Optimize production line design with simulation modeling
a few inches of optimal real-world placement.
Figure 4: Simulation model and PLC tag interactions
help identify and address issues earlier in the design
process, saving time and money. Image courtesy:
Dennis Group
The HMI program can be tested alongside
the PLC using the model, and since the model is being controlled by the PLC, buttons
pressed in the HMI will mimic real-time production scenarios. Line commissioning startup times, therefore, are greatly reduced using the simulation model (Figure 4).
Optimize production line design with simulation modeling
The process of connecting a simulation model to a PLC benefits training. A new PLC or
HMI programmer can identify mistakes, test new ideas, and build confidence in a low-risk
environment prior to live production. Line operators can practice running the line and
become acquainted with new PLC programs prior to installation.
Discover difficulties earlier
There are other indirect benefits to the simulation process. Drawing upon background
knowledge of line dynamics, a modeling programmer may ask questions early in the
design process that normally would not be addressed until much further in development.
Schedule adherence is another benefit. Too often, the line has been designed and installed, but time and project constraints result in start-up and commissioning activities
beginning prior to the PLC program’s completion. If the model is tested before it goes
to the factory floor, it helps validate the program that is written and debugged and is
performing as expected.
While simulation has many potential benefits, there are some limitations. The model’s
output is only as good as the inputs or assumptions going into it. The simulation won’t
predict certain factors such as poor operator habits, bad materials, or condensation
build-up. It’s important to revisit and adjust the model to ensure it is reflecting realistic
behavior and constraints.
Simulation modeling, used properly, can identify and remove risks, maximize value, and
help produce successful outcomes.
Christy Starner is director of simulation and modeling, Dennis Group.
Seven benefits to using mobile
software in your organization
Intuitive mobility automation and engineering software helps organizations
attract and retain talent, driving competitive advantages.
obile technologies have become pivotal to the way companies operate. Employees—millennials in particular—value mobile tools that help them stay informed and
productive. By implementing built-for-purpose mobile automation solutions, organizations
can redefine the way plant staff operates, creating a draw for the best and brightest people, while simultaneously delivering improvements to operations and production.
Mobile technology benefits
As automation roles broaden to include more responsibilities, the risk of becoming overloaded at work rises for employees. Daily tasks, meetings, and emergencies can add up
and leave plant staff frustrated, tired, and less efficient. Moreover, as employees try to
accomplish more work in shorter periods of time, safety concerns also emerge.
As responsibilities around the plant increase, personnel have an increasing need for secure, on-demand access to critical information to enhance operational safety, productivity,
and efficiency. Mobile technologies are a core component of solving this challenge by
providing these seven benefits:
1. Freedom to multitask
Mobile automation tools can provide the same real-time data available from the operator
console to mobile phones and tablets without being tethered to the control room or remotely connect to a PC. Any parameter or alarm that has been configured in the distribut-
Seven benefits to using mobile software in your organization
ed control system (DCS) can be delivered
to mobile devices easily and securely, giving users confidence they will always have
the most up-to-date information about
Figure 1: DeltaV Mobile 1 - designed for Apple iOS
and Android, DeltaV Mobile provides users with an
intuitive, easy, and secure mobile solutions, with outof-the-box functionality and native DCS integration.
Image courtesy: Emerson
their operations.
To speed up time to success in the field, these mobility solutions provide out-of-the-box
filtering and targeted notifications to ensure that critical alerts are only sent to the right
people and not buried under a flood of nuisance alarms. Users will only see needed events
and not have to sift through irrelevant data.
Secure mobile access to data means freedom and flexibility to move around the plant (or
Seven benefits to using mobile software in your organization
the world) and multitask, allowing staff to more efficiently perform tasks and collaborate
across the organization. At the same time, management gains peace of mind knowing critical events are not overlooked and are reaching the necessary people.
2. Stability and safety
Next-generation workers value the ability to collect and have data at their fingertips from
anywhere on and off-site. They see mobile software as a means to reduce time-consuming manual operator rounds, which can require physical equipment checks in dangerous
or remote locations. By integrating mobility into automation workflows, these workers are
provided with the flexibility they have grown to expect. Secure mobile access to data can
increase productivity and safety by reducing or eliminating the need for manual rounds.
3. Deliver positive user experience with mobility software
Providing tools to help users increase safety and efficiency can have a significant impact
on an organization’s ability to attract and retain talent. However, providing mobility plant
personnel will appreciate—and more importantly, use—is about more than providing continuous visibility to the DCS. Modern mobility solutions need to be designed for a simple,
secure user experience.
Many millennial engineers entering today’s plants have come to expect mobile technology. Mobile devices have likely played a central role in their social lives and previous work
experience. These users thrive with mobile devices and applications that are intuitive and
are easy to integrate into their workflows.
Plant management should focus on implementing mobile solutions that provide easy, secure access and require minimal configuration.
Seven benefits to using mobile software in your organization
4. Ability to meet user expectations
There are many ways to provide mobility, but it is essential to provide secure access that
helps users operate more efficiently. Just as today’s most successful mobile apps don’t
require complicated, time-consuming configuration to function, mobile solutions for automation systems must also be ready to work out-of-the-box.
Layered mobile solutions that are complicated to configure and integrate with a DCS or
historian are no longer necessary. Organizations should look beyond layered solutions and
instead provide personnel with modern, secure mobile solutions that are natively integrated with the DCS, designed to operate with Android and Apple iOS devices ensuring no
additional DCS configuration is required. Users receive the same real-time information and
alarms that are available on the operator console, with relevant process data and rich content that layered solutions cannot readily provide.
Solutions that include native Apple iOS and Android applications offer more intuitive functionality. Recognizable interfaces quickly and easily meet the expectations of next-generation users with touch screens and navigation features, delivered through simple mobile
interfaces. Users can now access the same wealth of data that is available at an operator
console in a mobile format.
5. Secure mobile data access
As mobile technologies have evolved, so too have user expectations of secure mobile
access to data. From banking applications to electronic wallet technology, users regularly
experience products with built-in security features and protocols.
Seven benefits to using mobile software in your organization
Mobile software for process
automation also can offer integrated security features that
are nearly invisible to the user.
Designed with read-only access, these applications prevent users from inadvertently
affecting operations. In addition, mobile access to process
and diagnostic data is typically
provided through dedicated
secondary servers located
above the automation control
network, giving the user an
extra layer of security.
The best solutions will provide
these features out-of-the-box
with little to no administrator
configuration and no end-user
configuration. Leveraging user-friendly technologies simplifies plant workflow is a key role
in retaining millennial talent.
Seven benefits to using mobile software in your organization
6. Improve departmental communications
Instant connectivity to information has torn down communication barriers in the workplace.
Organizations that provide fast, easy access to critical data—coupled with the ability to
easily share that information across the enterprise—creates a significant competitive advantage. Collaboration tools enable fast dissemination of data across the organization and
enable key personnel to stay informed despite their location, which builds a network of
subject matter experts that drive efficiency and success.
In many organizations, data is difficult to transfer because it is siloed in individual departments or databases. Collecting data from various sources in the plant or throughout the
organization can be a cumbersome process and lead to serious consequences.
Next-generation workers are accustomed to having a world of information at their fingertips. This expectation makes the siloed nature of plant data particularly troublesome when
it comes to retaining millennials. These users operate at their best when communications
are fast and easy.
Mobility solutions can break down organizational barriers by integrating data from multiple
sources into mobile views, delivering new opportunities for faster decision making. They
also can be designed for collaboration across the enterprise, with features such as sharing
screenshots, images, video, and other media through the application or through email and
text message. Text messages or emails can include deep links to directly connect recipients to live mobile views and allow multiple people to view the same synchronized information in real time.
Seven benefits to using mobile software in your organization
As roles are consolidated and less experienced workers are expected to take responsibility
for more tasks, they will come across unanticipated events. Mobility tools give these users
more than just alerts and notifications; they also provide prescriptive recommendations for
mitigating future events and incidents. Users can drill down on alerts to view recommended actions and relevant contextual process data, helping next generation workers make
faster and better decisions.
7. Workforce support
Employees value organizations that provide them with the tools and technologies they
need to perform their jobs as safely and efficiently as possible. Employer investment in
tools, guidance, and opportunities helps millennial workers perform and prepares them
to be successful throughout their careers. Such an outlook can be the difference between
attracting and maintaining a strong, dedicated staff and a revolving door.
The millennial workforce has grown up with mobility as an important and inherent aspect
of their lives, and they expect similar user experiences with mobile software in the plant:
secure and easy access to data, out-of-the-box functionality with minimal configuration,
and intuitive user interfaces.
Bringing these mobile solutions into the workplace provides plant personnel with the tools
to enhance safety, efficiency, and collaboration to ultimately improve the operations of an
organization. The mobile workforce has arrived. The organizations that harness it will gain
the competitive advantage for years.
Mariana Dionisio, DeltaV product manager at Emerson.
Standardizing multi-touch
HMI hardware
Implementing cost-effective multi-touch panel technology now can futureproof system architectures.
ost control for manufacturing applications can be as important as machine control.
As a result, cost-conscious manufacturers may hesitate to consider new automation
and control technology investments. Upgrades to human-machine interface (HMI) hardware is no exception.
Industrial vendors and users often agree that a standard HMI should include a durable
touch-screen panel and the opportunity to include options such as a CPU for control as
well as buttons and keys for specific functions such as a safety E-stop. Additional lighted
buttons around the panel can be included based on the machine’s functions to increase
efficiency in specific industries such as plastics processing, packaging, and machine tools.
Manufacturers and automation companies often disagree whether it’s more logical to implement single-touch panels or whether to use multi-touch technology. Industrial multitouch panels have been on the market for many years now and present operators with
more capabilities, including the ability to zoom, swipe, and navigate controls with 3-D
HMI software.
Although “new” often translates to more expensive, that’s not always the case with HMI
hardware. Depending on the manufacturer, multi-touch panels are often less expensive
than their single-touch counterparts when comparing screen size, build, and processor
Standardizing multi-touch HMI hardware
Multi-touch panels also cut
costs by future-proofing operations. It’s possible to implement a multi-touch capable panel and operate it in
single-touch mode with the
option to upgrade to newer
multi-touch software in the future. As a result, no additional
hardware changes will have to
be made and it will be much
easier to retrofit already-deployed HMI systems to multitouch software at a later date.
Upgrading HMI hardware
Multi-touch panels provide functional improve-
Figure 1: A variety of human-machine interface (HMI) sizes and configurations are available to suit the application, including integrated push-buttons or emergency stop buttons, if
needed. Image courtesy: Beckhoff Automaton
ments and efficiency increases for machine operators including:
• Ability to intuitively find important equipment status notifications
• Rapidly scroll through multiple menu screens
• Swipe across spanning graphical representations of machine lines
Standardizing multi-touch HMI hardware
• Additional safety features such as
two-hand or two-finger touch to
activate certain modes of operation.
These interface capabilities have
been available for years with smartphones and tablets. With the advances in multi-touch software as well as
smartphone and tablet capabilities,
machine control, and visualization,
applications also are available for mobile use through HTML5-enabled HMI
software. HTML5 allows HMI screens
to automatically transfer to tablet or
smartphone sizes. Previously, new programming was required for screens to
appear in another size device.
When using web-based HMI screens, it’s possible to
make machine HMI screens available on mobile devices.
The growing adoption of multi-touch panels for industri-
Figure 2: Multi-touch control panels
offer users the ability to zoom, swipe
and navigate controls through 3-D
HMI software, and many multi-touch
models are more affordable than their
single-touch counterparts. Image
courtesy: Beckhoff Automaton
al applications means the same mobile devices used to
check work email or use for general business purposes can provide greater functionality
for machine monitoring and control.
Standardizing multi-touch HMI hardware
For years, multi-touch-capable panels and
software packages have proven to be just as
reliable as traditional HMI systems, which is
translating to a higher market share on production floors.
High-quality industrial displays can have a
lifecycle of a decade or more. Opting for a
single-touch panel over a multi-touch panel in
the short-term could put a manufacturer in a
tough position in the future.
Further advances in multi-touch and webbased HMI software will likely create a quandary when deciding whether it’s better to
remain locked into a less functional system
or if it’s time to upgrade single-touch panels
that still function. A better strategy would be
to implement multi-touch panels and set them in single-touch mode until the application requires the HMI’s
full capabilities.
Figure 3: HMIs can be configured
to meet industry applications, such
as with an integrated industrial PC,
ruggedized, washdown, gloved-hand,
or day-light visibility needs. Image
courtesy: Beckhoff Automation
Panel PCs and computing power
Another trend is to reduce overall equipment and machine footprint. It’s important to ask
if it’s necessary to install a space-saving panel PC to eliminate a separate industrial PC
(IPC) from the control cabinet.
Standardizing multi-touch HMI hardware
A multi-touch panel PC could be the right
strategy, but it might not be ideal for all applications. Panel PCs should possess enough
processing power, random access memory
(RAM), and onboard diagnostic tools to provide an appropriate level of performance for
the application.
The benefit of a passive multi-touch panel
and separate IPC setup is so the panel can
be used for years even if the IPC is upgraded
to a more powerful model. The process also
is easier to replace a passive panel if it’s damaged. Passive panels and panel PCs with an integrated
CPU can be fully enclosed units for arm or pole mounting, eliminating the need to create cutouts in separate
HMI enclosures.
A strategy to reduce panel cabling is to use one cable
Figure 4: Touchscreens can eliminate
the need for separate keyboards in
some HMI application. Multi touch
panels are often less expensive than
single-touch counterparts when comparing screen size, build, and processor performance. Image courtesy:
Beckhoff Automation
connection technology. Using a simple, low-cost hardware adapter, IPCs can send a digital visual interface (DVI) signal, USB 2.0 signal, and
power to a panel 100 m away. This saves even more space on the production floor while
providing the same flexibility to update HMI hardware in the future.
Advanced security for integrated HMIs
An open PC-based platform is ideal when integrating an HMI. The PC-based controller
Standardizing multi-touch HMI hardware
can run the HMI software as easily as the programmable logic controller (PLC) and motion control projects. For vertical communication considerations, IPCs and panel PCs are
well suited for open-platform communications unified architecture (OPC UA) communication. This builds in secure and encrypted data transmission for cloud and edge computing scenarios.
System security is often implemented in software and networking, but new HMI hardware can prevent unauthorized on-site use and errors. Using radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips installed in employee badges or key cards, for example. HMIs
equipped with an RFID reader can authorize access to select users based on their job
Therefore, only certain machine functions are available to employees in the HMI depending on their position and responsibilities. RFID can serve as a more efficient and effective
security gatekeeper that does not require manual entry with usernames and passwords.
It’s a smart strategy to choose multi-touch HMI hardware and ensure the panel PC provides enough processing power for the long term. By standardizing multi-touch panels
today, a factory can prepare itself to adapt to advances for years to come.
Eric Reiner, industrial PC product specialist, Beckhoff Automation.
Upgrading your hardware,
software systems
An open, interoperable approach allows companies to get best-in-class
solutions for hardware and software upgrades. See 10 reasons to upgrade
process controls.
istributed control systems (DCSs), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
software, and process controls are vital manufacturing systems. Keeping these sys-
tems up-to-date is very important. Reasons why these systems need to be upgraded include these 10:
1. Operating system (OS) obsolescence
2. Islands of information (independent systems)
3. Decentralized maintenance
4. Yearly software maintenance costs
5. New requirements the current system can’t handle
6. Being stuck to specific OS, hardware, or versions of software
7. Security concerns such as no encryption or no two-factor authentication
8. Preferring open standards rather than proprietary
9. Third-party system integration
10. Desire for an open, interoperable, and secure foundation.
Many organizations are faced with aging infrastructure and old software. With the introduction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and increased demand for data from the
business, the worlds of operations technology (OT) and information technology (IT) are
colliding. Upgrades, which may include a newer version of the same software platform
Upgrading your hardware, software systems
or upgrading to a new software platform, are
more important than ever.
Figure 1: Upgraded devices, systems, and software can bring more data for better decision-making. Image courtesy: Inductive Automation
When identifying potential upgrades, there are three main categories to keep in mind:
cost, security, and new technology.
Reasons for constant upgrades
One of the biggest drivers for upgrades is OS obsolescence. Several industrial software
packages rely on specific versions of Microsoft Windows or specific hardware and will not
run on newer versions without an upgrade. IT departments are forced to perform these upgrades for security and maintenance reasons. Systems cannot be air-gapped anymore, and
Upgrading your hardware, software systems
there is significant risk involved when deciding
not to upgrade.
Figure 2: Chobani operators schedule washes
for more than 150 pieces of equipment. Image
courtesy: Inductive Automation
That gives the operations team little choice in carrying out the upgrade. They must decide—based on cost, maintenance, and technology—to stay with the same software vendor or switch to a new one.
Expensive yearly costs for software maintenance and support are another driver toward upgrades. Organizations typically move to new software platforms with lower costs. However,
many software platforms don’t cover upgrade protection to newer versions, or upgrades
Upgrading your hardware, software systems
to newer versions are not compatible. It’s important to install packages that have backward
compatibility or packages that provide a straightforward path to the newest version when
an upgrade is necessary.
Cybersecurity protection for hardware, software upgrades
Security is another major driver. Cybersecurity threats and attack vendors are increasing
every day. IT departments are working on securing network and business systems, but
security is only as strong as the weakest link. For industrial networks, that weakest link is
often the legacy poll/response programmable logic controller (PLC) or an older version of
a software platform with security vulnerabilities.
It’s important that all communication performed over an industrial network is encrypted
following today’s standards. Software should be pen tested to identify any potential vulnerabilities such as no encryption, “human-in-the-middle” attacks, session hijacking, and
Software platforms should support strong encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA),
auditing, and role/zone-based permission models. Legacy poll/response PLCs with zero
security should not be exposed to the network without proper security measures. If firmware/software upgrades don’t provide better security, customers should upgrade to platforms that do. Every piece of the architecture must have a strong focus on security.
Push toward open standards
Sometimes, the largest drivers in upgrades are new requirements, architecture changes,
third-party integrations, and a shift to open standards. Customers don’t want proprietary/
closed systems that are difficult to upgrade or replace. Instead, the shift to open standards
Upgrading your hardware, software systems
allows for using best-in-class software and hardware from multiple vendors.
Using open standards such as OPC UA, MQTT, SQL, HTTP/HTTPS, and REST/SOAP allow
for plug-and-play interoperable systems. These are standards OT and IT can understand.
OT and IT should work together rather than operate independently. Upgrading these
systems can allow for data sharing across the enterprise. Upgrades may be expensive up
front, but they provide plenty of long-term return on investment (ROI).
The most important consideration is understanding how a system will operate by itself and
how it fits into the enterprise.
Open, interoperable, and secure platforms provide companies flexibility and are easier to
maintain. It’s much easier to upgrade or replace individual pieces than the entire infrastructure.
The industry is changing and demanding open, interoperable, and secure systems across
the board. The good news is modern software and hardware companies are evolving to
incorporate these standards. Companies looking to upgrade their systems should do an
inventory and find software and hardware solutions that meet their needs.
Travis Cox is co-director of sales engineering at Inductive Automation. Edited by Chris
Vavra, production editor, Control Engineering, CFE Media,
Six IoT implementation
challenges and solutions
The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining acceptance, but some companies remain
hesitant to implement it. Six common concerns are highlighted, along with ways
teams can address any concerns from management.
uccessfully implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) requires a change-management
approach. The first element of change management is to identify a pressing need and
develop a vision for how to addresses that problem. The second element of change management—building your coalition—is the first of seven implementation challenges IoT
projects face. In addition to recruiting members, realizing this element entails identifying
an executive champion and addressing six common stakeholder concerns.
Obtaining executive buy-in
Gathering support-including an executive champion-helps companies overcome the most
prevalent challenge IoT projects face: a lack of support from senior management. Without
a strong and active executive sponsor, innovative technology projects tend to wither on
the vine. They fail to obtain the resources they need, deliver a solution aligned to outdated
organizational objectives, or get canceled during a reshuffling of organization priorities.
Having someone who will support the project from start to finish—and has the authority to
make others pay attention to requests—is key to successful project delivery.
Executive sponsor’s aid project succession in three ways. First, an executive sponsor has
the authority to clarify priorities, make strategic decisions, navigate issues, and mitigate
risks that day-to-day project staff lack. Second, the sponsor helps obtain needed resources, be it money, cooperation, or additional staff. Finally, the executive provides insight into
Six IoT implementation challenges and solutions
the boardroom’s constantly shifting priorities, which helps the team retain alignment with
corporate strategic goals and objectives to help ensure continued support.
Also, the sponsor considers who is needed on the team and is ready to answer questions
and address concerns. Presenting a problem statement and vision can explain some of the
need to adopt IoT. However, most personnel will want know real and perceived implementation challenges before lending support.
Below are six common implementation challenges that organizations may face, along with
ways to address those challenges when implementing the IoT.
1. The “high” investment cost
Moving from one end of the maturity curve to the other may require a substantial investment. Companies shouldn’t try to make the leap from beginning to end in one step. A
grand vision may be persuasive, but its cost may prevent management from giving the
To manage risk and mitigate cost, several successive “bite-sized” IoT projects implementations with concrete milestones and reasonable costs are recommended. Start small with
pilot technologies and then invest in foundational pieces rolled-out in phases. To control
costs further, make use of public infrastructure and software-as-a-service in lieu of more
expensive private or on-premise installations.
Alternately, make the case for improvement more persuasive by identifying the IoT projects with the best bang for the buck and documenting business cases.
Six IoT implementation challenges and solutions
With IoT costs declining rapidly, conservative
firms may see a benefit in waiting. But companies should keep an eye on prices and the
competition. It is not advisable to wait too long
or competition may accelerate on by.
Figure 1: There are two ways to ensure secure
data transmission to the asset performance management (APM): connecting the APM to the supervisory control and data acquisition’s (SCADA’s)
historian, or using independent infrastructure.
Image courtesy: Motors@Work
2. Security
Posting data to—or transferring data via—the internet seems to be the source of many information technology (IT) department nightmares, and rightfully so. Hacking is an international industry producing frequent announces of security breaches. Putting data online—
particularly data related to critical equipment—may seem dangerous. Many IoT platforms
consider security a core element and work to ensure that any potential leaks are stopped
before hackers find them.
Six IoT implementation challenges and solutions
IoT security assessments consider security from multiple aspects:
Data at rest: Data housed in applications and databases on-premises or in the Cloud is
said to be “at rest.” Most organizations rely on conventional perimeter-based defenses,
such as firewalls and anti-virus programs, to protect data at rest. However, hackers find
these troves of data irresistible; hence, the Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group
and Cloud Security Alliance recommend employing a combination of hardware and software encryption techniques to ensure the security and integrity of data at rest.
Data in use: Data “in use” by an application or gateway must be accessible to users and
devices, making it the hardest form of data to secure. With in-use data, security depends
on the strength of authentication procedures and the number of users and devices accessing the data.
Data in flight: But what about data when it’s traveling, such as from the device to the
Cloud? Well-established Internet communication protocols armed with modern cryptography algorithms make it virtually impossible for hackers to decipher data in transmission.
While many IoT devices support multiple security protocols, few enable them as part of
their initial configuration. At a minimum, IoT devices that connect to mobile applications or
remote gateways should employ HTTPS, transport layer security (TLS), secure file transfer
protocol (SFTP), DNS security extensions, and other encryption protocols.
Decoupling information-only data from action data—using encrypted, one-way, outbound
communications—limits vulnerability should the data be intercepted while in flight. Wherever possible, set IoT devices to “fire and forget.” Instead of waiting for a ping requesting
a measurement—indicative of a two-way channel—the device automatically will generate a
Six IoT implementation challenges and solutions
measurement, push the measurement to the gateway or to the cloud on a pre-established
interval or upon a triggering event, and then discard the measurement data.
Using a mix of public and private infrastructure also can help protect data in flight. For
example, consider the following diagram (Figure 1) of a typical installation. Even if a hacker
uncovers and manages to decrypt both communication pathways using public infrastructure, a user lacks sufficient information for them to damage client assets.
For example, if the hacker intercepts and decrypts data at Point A, he or she will only see
current, voltage, and an asset ID number; at Point B, only content for one work request will
be seen. Removing the context needed to understand the data and the ability to use the
channel to send a signal back to the asset minimizes the data’s value to a hacker. Then,
having operators validate data and determine whether to accept the asset performance
management (APM) system’s recommendation creates an air-gap between enterprise asset
management (EAM) and the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). Finally, using a private encrypted network for the SCADA control signals hardens the system’s feedback leg.
3. Technology infrastructure
Often, clients have instruments tied into SCADA that generate the data needed to provide analytics and insights. Or, even without power monitoring equipment, SCADA’s network potentially could provide the communication infrastructure needed to connect new
instrumentation. Yet, almost universally when seeking to tie into SCADA, IT replies, “Our
network is super secure and cannot be used to send information to an IoT platform”—and
rightfully so.
Six IoT implementation challenges and solutions
As discussed under the security of in-flight data, the most secure networks rely on one-way,
outbound-only communication. SCADA, being a supervisory control network, necessarily
must handle control signals going to the equipment.
There are two ways that can ensure secure data transmission to the APM. First, connect
the APM to SCADA’s historian. The historian, a database record containing all instrument
readings and control actions, typically resides in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) where it can
be accessed by Internet-connected applications. However, these applications only can
view the data stored in the historian. Only a SCADA can write to this database, typically by
sending an interval-based outbound signal to the historian. Many EAM systems use SCADA historian data to populate dashboards.
The second option involves using an independent infrastructure, such as cellular service,
to send data to the IoT platform without connecting it to the SCADA. Direct cellular data
upload is great for facilities that lack networking infrastructure. Users can connect up to
five devices to one cellular gateway device, using only a 120-V outlet to power the cellular
gateway. Several companies offer pre-configured cellular instruments, making it possible
to deploy and connect hundreds of instruments within days.
4. Communications infrastructure
Using a cellular gateway to connect IoT instruments sounds great, but users don’t get
phone reception at some remote sites. Building an infrastructure would be too costly.
Although LTE-M and LTE-NB use existing cellular towers, these low-powered, wide-area
networks provide much broader coverage. Even if the user doesn’t get a strong-enough
signal for voice calls or 4G-LTE data, he or she may still be able to access LTE-M.
Six IoT implementation challenges and solutions
5. Immaturity of IoT standards
Understandably, nobody wants to invest in IoT’s version of Betamax. Analysts equated protocols emerging from the early IoT industry as a “cacophony of discordant musicians.” Waiting
to see which standard or protocol would win results in delayed IoT investments. While some
IoT standards are still in development, and there’s still a lot of fragmentation in the market,
standards affecting currently available devices were mostly ironed out in 2016 and 2017.
The Open Connectivity Foundation joined the Open Interconnect Consortium in pushing a
united protocol. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) published its draft
P2413 standard for IoT architecture, creating a universal language for IoT that would greatly
reduce the effort required to share data among competing platforms. Regardless of which
platform is chosen, users will soon be able to share data across all IoT devices and platforms.
6. Procuring IoT
Implementing IoT often involves procuring devices and services that don’t have IoT in their
name, such as instrumentation, communication networks, storage, and data management
consultants. The complexity of procuring these services and the lack of the IoT label can
make it difficult for stakeholders to see how the multitude of pieces fit together.
The right plan can help streamline this complexity and help communicate each piece’s
importance to the overall project and make it work.
Nicole Dyess is the director of client solutions at Motors@Work, a CFE Media content
partner. Edited by Chris Vavra, production editor, Control Engineering, CFE Media,
Up next:
More open process automation?
Process automation systems need lower lifecycle costs, easier integration with
third-party components, better scaling, intrinsic security, flatter architecture,
and interoperability. Multiple, broad-based efforts are underway to create
cooperative, rather than conflicting, standards.
evelopment of the Internet of things (IoT) is considered as one of the major events
in modern day industrial revolution. Digital transformation has become inevitable
for majority of organizations wanting to achieve better productivity and management
of processes and assets.
The deadline for open, interoperable process automation systems is 2021. Those involved in multiple efforts remain confident in the promise of greater efficiency, higher
safety, greater ease of use at a lower cost, and without conflicting standards. Experts
outlined the vision and progress of Open Process Automation (OPA) standards efforts
in the U.S. and Europe at the 2019 ARC Industry Forum conference by ARC Advisory
Group in February.
OPA vision and objectives
David DeBari, process control engineer, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering and
OPA program prototype lead engineer, joined the effort seven years ago after seeing
inefficiencies in the migration process for process automation systems—also called a
process control system (PCS) and distributed control system (DCS).
“About seven years ago, I said this is crazy, but I’m in. I did not like the migration pro-
Up next: More open process automation?
cess,” DeBari said, for DCS and programmable logic
controller (PLC)-based systems—not including safety
The industry put in different kinds of computers 30 and 40
years ago, which replaced pneumatic process control systems. The need to lower lifecycle costs, get more benefits,
lower the expense to integrate third-party components,
add best-in-class devices from other manufacturers, and
economically scale and update as needed, with intrinsic
The vision is to have a control system architecture flatter than the Purdue Reference Model (layers 0 through
4, physical layer through business systems) to reduce
the scope of failures and improve reliability. It should be
more than a device from one vendor, reduce scope of failure,
and keep operations running. The distributed control network (DCN) should include a real-time (RT) communications
network, operations platform with RT services (abnormal
event detection, procedural automation, advanced control,
and process optimization).
Proof of concept occurred in April 2018 in the London Open
Process Automation forum meeting with ExxonMobil/Lockheed Martin, about 50 devices, and 10 vendors, DeBari said.
Skeptical at first about Open
Process Automation (OPA)
efforts, David DeBari, process
control engineer, ExxonMobil
Research and Engineering
and OPA program prototype
lead engineer, jumped in after
considering the inefficiencies
involved in control system
migration, as explained at
the 2019 ARC Industry Forum. Image courtesy: Mark T.
Hoske, Control Engineering,
CFE Media
Up next: More open process automation?
The effort demonstrated interoperability,
configuration portability, network throughput, interchangeability, application portability, and control application capabilities.
Knowledge from multiple field trials will help shape
the final Open Process Automation standard in 2021,
so commercial process control vendors can comply,
as explained at the 2019 ARC Industry Forum by
David DeBari, process control engineer, ExxonMobil
Research and Engineering. Image courtesy: Mark T.
Hoske, Control Engineering, CFE Media
Up next: More open process automation?
After a prototype on a pilot unit, a test bed to support field trials, and field trials with
seven companies in 2020, a full standard is expected in 2021 for commercial use. More
80 participants including users, vendors, suppliers, and academics are involved.
More interoperability efforts
Separately, but with many similar goals, European standards body NAMUR is working
on its module type package (MTP) program and technology. NAMUR and The Open
Process Automation Forum (OPAF) agreed to collaborate to converge initiatives into a
consistent overall architecture. Other industry organizations also agreed to help.
Also at the ARC Industry Forum, Ted Masters, president and CEO, FieldComm Group
(HART, Foundation fieldbus, and FDI Group) said it’s strengthening support of process
automation standards and compliance with OPC Foundation, NAMUR, Profibus/Profinet International and OPAF.
Many in the industry are trying to think again about years of requests from end users
for interoperability.
Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media,
Automation programming
advances enhance communication,
other capabilities
Automation software and hardware advances reduce programming tasks and
provide more built-in configurability, scalability, background communication
among software components, simulation/digital twin capability, and usability.
oday’s automation hardware and software can integrate much more than standalone machine controls. There is a need to provide an integrated development and
programming environment that presents itself in an approachable, cohesive way.
It’s not enough to pick a programming language and go–that’s only viable for straightforward machine applications. Today, machine automation requirements integrate
HTML5 human-machine interfaces (HMIs), input/output (I/O), sequential logic, motion
and networked safety, robotic and collaborative robot kinematics, vision, safe robotics
and motion, condition and energy monitoring, machine-to-machine communications,
coordination with multiple production modules and intelligent track systems, edge and
cloud communications, and interfaces.
Requirements span more than direct control capabilities. There is an increasing need
to integrate reporting, database management, and machine simulation for initial design and ongoing optimization through digital-twin capabilities.
These capabilities require a holistic, ground-up approach to automation software platforms that is scalable, modular, documented, reusable, and based on the IEC 61131-3
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
programming languages standard. Today,
automation technology companies provide a comprehensive range of capabilities
Figure 1: Dynamic human-machine interface (HMI)
content such as scalable vector graphics (SVG)
makes it easier to visualize complex manufacturing
processes. Image courtesy: B&R Automation
including single- and multi-axis motion,
computer numerical control (CNC), recipe and alarm functions, user management and
audit trail, industry standards (such as PackML from OMAC Packaging Workgroup), and
web diagnostics.
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
Many capabilities highlighted used to be available only as third-party software, but
now are considered standard in many packages and are helping change automation
HMI animations
Dynamic HMI content makes it easier to visualize complex manufacturing processes.
One approach uses a widget to allow users to animate XML-based scalable vector
graphics (SVG) images they already have or to convert them from 2-D CAD with runtime data.
The user drags and drops a widget onto the desired page in the HMI application and
configures it there. At runtime, the image’s animation can be controlled from the application program. Rotations, transitions, and movements can be animated from one SVG
image, which saves the time and cost needed to create sequences of multiple images.
Also, since SVG images are based on vector graphics, they retain their high resolution
without loss of quality even when zoomed in.
Managing machine variants
Modular applications can be implemented to add I/O modules to existing programs
at any time without touching the machine code. This can happen before a machine
is delivered or even at runtime, which simplifies managing machinery and equipment
variants. I/O variant configurations can be generated from enterprise resource planning (ERP) or an order management system. No engineering tools are required even if
third-party drives or modules are added.
Additional variants and options may be configured directly on the machine using the
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
appropriate configuration tools. Some
development environments include a tool
that allows the programming of options in
ladder logic without affecting the machine’s
Figure 2: Input/output (I/O) machine variant
configurations can be generated directly from an
enterprise resource planning (ERP) or order management system and no engineering tools are required.
Image courtesy: B&R Automation
primary application. The machine can be
commissioned without having to modify the original machine software, giving the end
user needed flexibility while preserving the integrity of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) solution.
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
Integrated vision
Another trend is integrating vision cameras into the machine control program, including intelligent cameras, lighting, and advanced image processing algorithms. This
allows microsecond synchronization between the machine vision and other automation
components with one engineering tool and one application to manage.
PDF reports
Communication platforms can be built into the control system, and they automatically can generate PDF reports. Reporting functionalities collect statistical machine data
and information from any software components provided by the control platform. The
data, layout, and design of the reports can be customized and the user can define the
language and units used.
Report design options make it possible to customize reports to the users’ needs.
Graphical elements such as images and tables can be included in the reports. To protect against unauthorized access, it is possible to encrypt the files. The reports can be
sent automatically via e-mail at a defined time or triggered by a specific event. In addition, reports can be saved to external storage media such as a USB flash drive or sent
directly from the machine to network printers.
Data management
Implementing databases in applications is easier with a database integration toolbox. Data
may be archived from the field level to a database, regardless of whether that database
is located on-site or in the cloud. This simplifies managing large volumes of data, which is
key to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) data acquisition and analytics requirements.
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
Manufacturing machinery can generate huge volumes of data, which
Figure 3: Communication platforms can be built into the control system, and they can automatically generate PDF reports.
There are options available to customize reports to the specific
needs of different users. Image courtesy: B&R Automation
must be visualized, archived, or
passed on to higher-level systems for processing to be useful. Giving the control system a database interface makes it possible to send data directly from the controller
to the database. Common database functions such as stored procedures allow key
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
performance indicators (KPIs) to
be generated as needed, resulting
in more optimized manufacturing
Machine simulation and
digital twins
Automation programming is no
longer limited to isolated machine
programs. It now includes integrated production systems such as the
next generation of intelligent track technologies that define the adaptive machine.
Figure 4: With a database integration toolbox, it is
possible to archive data directly from the field level
to a database, which helps simplify managing large
volumes of data. Image courtesy: B&R Automation
Consider the automation software challenge of independently controlling individual products traveling on shuttles in coordination with dozens or even hundreds of other shuttles on a track system. Each workstation represents a machine module, and all the machine control and ancillary functions
apply for each product, production module, and the overall system.
Built-in simulation software is a valuable tool to visualize and optimize intelligent track
system requirements. It facilitates engineering and reduces time to market for new
track systems and for running new products on existing systems. Integrated simulation
software is based on process-oriented programming.
These simulation tools help ensure shuttles do not collide, cross virtual barriers, or
violate configurable speed limits. FDA-compliant tracking also can be implemented.
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
The software can link the product
data with the respective shuttles
and make the manufacturing
process traceable.
When track system applications
are created using process-oriented programming, a software
engineer simply defines rules for
how the shuttles should behave
on the track. The rules become
active when shuttles pass virtual trigger points.
This makes motion sequence implementation
more efficient and reduces the amount of programming required for the individual shuttles.
Figure 5: Automation programming now
includes integrated production systems
such as the next generation of intelligent
track technologies that define the adaptive
machine. Image courtesy: B&R Automation
With integrated simulation options, a track system developer can run tests to identify
the optimum number and speed to maximize shuttle productivity. The same system
software is used in the simulation and the real plant, which makes it possible to switch
between simulation and real operation at any time. How the shuttles interact with mechanical elements, such as robots, also can be visualized.
Selecting the right integrated automation platform
These examples available to the machine automation programmer demonstrate how
far beyond stand-alone machine operation today’s software considerations—and
tools—extend. It’s no longer a question of choosing ladder logic versus C program-
Automation programming advances enhance communication, other capabilities
ming. It’s about selecting an integrated automation platform that delivers a configurable software suite to manage—not just control—machines.
For an architect to develop these functions on a one-off machine project basis would be
daunting at best, and impractical in reality. At the same time, these kinds of new software
functions are essential to realize the connected machine, let alone manufacturing IIoT,
and are designed to deliver machinery to support the new digital business models.
John Kowal is director, business development, B&R Industrial Automation Corp. Edited by
Chris Vavra, production editor, Control Engineering, CFE Media,
Setting internal automation
Industry regulations aren’t specific enough, so internal standards are required to
ensure consistency among automation system hardware and software installed
in your plant or facility.
ompanies, plants, and facilities require a set of internal standards, or best practices, for their automation systems’ hardware and software. These standards ensure
consistency and safety, while providing clear guidelines for new projects. Although
these internal standards will comply with industry regulations, they will be more specific to a company’s plant and facilities.
These standards should cover four key areas:
• Safety, electrical, and pneumatic
• Human-machine interfaces (HMIs) and operator interface terminals (OITs)
• Controllers and input/output (I/O) systems
• Sensors and instruments.
This article discusses these topics and suggest best practices to use, along with internal standards for each.
Safety, electrical, and pneumatic
Safety, electrical, and pneumatic standards are well defined by national and international agencies. Internal standards should include a list of applicable national and
international standards, along with instructions about how to follow each closely.
Setting internal automation standards
Internal standards should
require adherence to all applicable local and national
codes, which should be
listed and specified. These
codes regulate the installation and operation of
machines and equipment,
vary from area to area, and
often change over time. It
is the responsibility of plant
personnel to determine
which codes should be
followed-and to verify that equipment, installation,
and operation complies with the latest revisions of
these codes.
Figure 1: Human machine interface (HMI),
like this C-more HMI Touch Panel from
AutomationDirect, should be easy to configure, install, and maintain in a variety of
graphical user interface applications. Image
courtesy: AutomationDirect
At a minimum in the U.S., internal standards must follow all applicable sections of
NFPA 70-2017: National Electrical Code (NEC), National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), and National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). Other international
codes may be applicable as well, particularly for OEMs manufacturing machines that
will be shipped overseas.
NFPA 79-2018: Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery is a good place to start
for protecting operators, machinery, and facilities from electrical and fire hazards. Ad-
Setting internal automation standards
ditional requirements
may be available from
regulatory or government offices. These
offices can help determine which codes and
standards are necessary for safe machine
installation and operation.
If applicable codes
and standards are not
followed, serious injury to personnel or machine damage may occur. In the event of any incident, failure to
adhere to national codes and standards can increase
liability from a legal standpoint.
Figure 2: Smaller operator interface
terminals (OITs), such as this C-more Micro Touch Panel, provide less functionality than an HMI, but are less expensive and much more compact. Image
courtesy: AutomationDirect
Internal standards must reference applicable standards, and this information must be
made available to both internal and external personnel, such as engineers, machine
builders, and system integrators. These standards also can be a functional basis for
acceptance criteria on new projects to ensure proper product design, installation, and
Listing and following applicable codes and standards are the first steps toward ensuring consistent and supportable automation on the plant floor. To ensure adherence
Setting internal automation standards
to best practices, internal standards must cover HMIs, controllers, and field devices.
HMIs and OITs
The specification for HMIs and
OITs should start with the operating conditions (see Figures 1
and 2). Requiring an operating
temperature up to 122°F and minimum of NEMA
12 protection work well on most factory floors.
A company’s internal HMI and OIT specifications
often will list a series of vendor-specific products
Figure 3: These Productivity programmable
controllers from AutomationDirect come in
several form factors, offering rack-based,
micro-modular, or stackable hardware in the
same family of controllers. Image courtesy:
acceptable for use. Sticking to this list of products will ensure consistency among applications, easing design, implementation, and operation.
Use cases for specific HMIs and OITs should be clearly defined. A micro touch text
panel OIT can provide cost-effective graphics and operator interaction for small machines, but would not be suitable for medium to large machines, or for a production
line. When it comes to graphically displaying every pushbutton, switch, meter, and peripheral device on an automated piece of equipment, display size matters. Therefore,
internal standards should clearly state screen size requirements, along with a range of
defining the appropriate number of screens for each type of application.
Screen design standards should be carefully defined. Common main, manual function,
Setting internal automation standards
data, and fault screens—along with consistent navigation buttons—should be documented with actual application examples. Color usage and indicator functions also
should be documented. Enforcing this standard so that it’s used on all machines and
equipment will reduce training requirements, ease operation, and shorten troubleshooting time.
Specific HMI and OIT programming software should be included in the specification,
along with a procedure to assure everyone is using the correct software, including the
right revision.
HMIs and OITs connect to controllers, plant networks, and possibly the cloud. Internal standards should define acceptable hardware connections and communication
protocols. Common hardware connections include Ethernet, RS-232C/422/485 serial,
and USB. More than 10 different industrial Ethernet protocols are available for use, an
unwieldy amount, so internal standards should define a smaller number of protocols
acceptable for use. The same is true for serial protocols.
Limiting acceptable Ethernet protocols to a few common options, such as Ethernet/IP
and Modbus TCP simplifies connections, but exceptions may be required. An example
is when a specific machine is needed, but only provides communications via a protocol
not specified in internal standards.
These exceptions can be handled by performing protocol conversion. Depending on
the specific protocol to be converted, this can often be handled within a PC-based
HMI. Specifying HMI software with these capabilities is a good design practice.
Setting internal automation standards
Remote access policies
should be carefully considered and defined. Some
HMIs allow remote users
to connect, monitor, and
control an HMI using a PC,
laptop, smartphone, and/or
laptop. If this access is to be
allowed, a list of approved
users, with levels of access
for each, must be specified.
Login procedures, multilevel
access control, and program notification tags also
should be carefully specified to provide the required level of cybersecurity.
Figure 4: Limiting sensors to a few standardized types simplifies maintenance and
reduces stocking requirements. Image
courtesy: AutomationDirect
Controllers and I/O
There are three main controller types for factory automation: programmable logic controllers (PLCs), programmable automation controllers (PACs), and industrial PCs, so a
specific type should be designated. In some cases, a single vendor also may be specified, although some flexibility usually is required. Controller functionality is merging, so
for many plants and facilities, specifying a single family of controllers from one vendor
can cover most applications (see Figure 3).
A wide variety of I/O is available for each type of controller. Some I/O requirements to
add to a standard include acceptable discrete voltage levels, analog signal levels, and
Setting internal automation standards
specialty modules. A good standard for discrete signals is to use 24 Vdc or 120 Vac for
both inputs and outputs. An analog signal level standard, such as 4-20 mA, also should
be specified. Specialty items, such as resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), thermocouples, and weigh scale modules, also should be included in the standard.
Communication protocols and their standards should be documented for use with controllers as well. The protocol preference often is driven by the controller selected. With
any controller chosen, it’s a good practice to include several communication ports, with
Ethernet being the most important. It’s almost a must for future industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT) and smart machine requirements.
As with HMIs and OITs, support for Ethernet communications enables remote access
to controllers, requiring rules to be defined in internal standards. For example, one
should not allow use of the default Internet protocol (IP) address or default gateway,
but should instead require changing this factory setting. Internal standards should limit
Web server functionality to read-only, and carefully define remote monitoring applications, account names, and passwords.
Defining remote access policies and enforcement are critical. Requiring remote access
to controllers only through HMIs, which generally can provide more flexible levels of
security and data access, also should be considered and defined in the internal standard.
Controller data-logging capabilities is another area requiring internal standardization.
Definition of periodic or event-based data logging of tag values can provide important
historical overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and production information, and it can
Setting internal automation standards
help buffer data for upper-level systems. Data transfer security also should be documented.
The internal standard for controllers should include application considerations. For
example, the preferred connection to motion controllers or drives should be provided. Communication preferences as well as the need to control multiple drives at once
should be made clear. High-speed communication methods to vision systems also
should be defined. Again, both the communication method and the data handling requirements should be documented.
Controller programming standards are critical internal standards to define. Requirements and programming methods, along with examples, should be documented in a
separate manual. Without these types of standards, each programmer may go his or
her own way, creating an undecipherable collection of software applications.
Sensors and instruments
Sensor and instrumentation standards can help improve machine control and reduce
required spares (see Figure 4). For example, a common internal standard is a requirement to provide an end-of-travel sensor on every cylinder or actuator. The preferred
type of sensor and cable for different sensing applications should be a specified.
One of the main standards to define is the use of smart sensors and instruments. These
smart field devices use a digital communication protocol to exchange data with controllers, and sometimes with HMIs or OITs. This data is in addition to the parameter being
sensed. Smart field devices are more expensive than their simpler counterparts, so they
should be used only when the extra data they provide can be used to improve operation.
Setting internal automation standards
As with HMIs, OITs, and controllers, acceptable communication protocols must be defined to prevent an unwieldy proliferation of incompatible protocols.
Having a different sensor vendor or type of sensor on each machine is not efficient for
design, implementation, or support. Therefore, an acceptable short list of sensor and
instrument vendors and types should be part of any internal standard.
Whether it’s an HMI, an OIT, a controller, or a field device, minimizing the number of
vendors and communication protocols will lower costs, simplify training, and improve
productivity. The time spent documenting the internal standards is well worth it in the
long run to realize these benefits, and to improve safety.
Bill Dehner is a technical marketing engineer at AutomationDirect. He has spent the
majority of his 11-year engineering career designing and installing industrial control
systems for the oil & gas, power, and package handling industries.
Five essential criteria
for effective mobile HMIs
Mobile human-machine interface (HMI) strategies should consider security,
ease of use, level of access and detail, and collaboration when bringing HMI
interfaces from the control room to the plant floor.
lacing process control information on mobile devices for engineers, operators,
managers, or maintenance technicians is becoming a necessity to enable digital
transformation and elevate the performance, productivity, and safety of facility operations. Creating an effective mobile strategy is critical to the success of projects and
operations because it helps balance the need for flexible access to operations technology (OT) information with information technology (IT) safety and security requirements.
To select the right combination of technologies and tools, organizations need to consider essential criteria such as security, ease of use, level of access and detail, and
collaboration. An effective mobile human-machine interface (HMI) strategy evaluates
how to bring HMI interfaces from the control room to the plant via web browsers on
phones, tablets, or rugged laptops.
Different users across the organization will expect to have access to different information. The strategy for mobile HMIs requires a plan for addressing the needs of all mobile users regardless of their role.
The strategy should also consider what level of collaboration is needed between users.
Accessible collaboration tools can enhance the mobile HMI experience by providing
those different users with better ways to share information with each other. When de-
Five essential criteria for effective mobile HMIs
veloping an effective mobile
HMI strategy, consider the
five criteria below.
1. Native integration
Before selecting specific
technologies, organizations
must address IT and OT
concerns to ensure a smooth
path to implementation. One
of the largest OT concerns is
the required engineering-for
initial and for ongoing configuration maintenance to keep system synchronized. An emerging capability in this area is native integration.
Native integration means less engineering
work because the process control systems and
Figure 1: When designing operator interfaces
and HMIs for mobility, organizations need to
consider the ease of use and level of access and
detail provided on the displays to evaluate what
format is appropriate. Image courtesy: Emerson
Automation Solutions
mobile technologies are designed to share and securely transfer information without requiring duplication of the system configuration. For example, graphics, alarms,
trends, and real-time data from an operator workstation can be automatically viewed in
a web browser on mobile devices without having to reconfigure the control system on
the mobile platform.
Native integration among systems and technologies also enables more straightforward
tasks for the facility’s IT group. Having mobile architectures that employ similar interoperability, security levels, and communications simplifies implementation. For example,
Five essential criteria for effective mobile HMIs
using similar architectures can be mean
a simpler setup, optimizing port usage,
and making it easier for IT to track which
ports are being used.
After evaluating implementation plans,
organizations can then compare specific
technologies, remote operator stations,
HTML5-ready mobile HMIs, and mobile
applications, and how each technology
contributes to their ideal mobile HMI
2. Remote operator stations
Remote operator stations extend (full or limited) control outside of the control room, to the
plant floor, and beyond. This interface can be
a full-featured tablet or hardened laptop that
gives a full view and defined control to a team
Figure 2: Devices like the Emerson Automation Solutions DeltaV remote operation station,
which is shown on a Panasonic Toughpad, can
provide a full operations station experience in a
rugged, easy-to-use mobile form factor. Image
courtesy: Emerson Automation Solutions
member. It resides on the control network or the demilitarized zone (DMZ) to give a
mobile team member the same power and visibility as an operator in the control room.
A remote operator station can be particularly useful as part of a mobile HMI strategy,
especially when facilities are running with a small staff and operators must be mobile.
They also provide full operator access in the field, allowing the mobile worker to perform tasks such as confirming manual steps in a batch process, performing commis-
Five essential criteria for effective mobile HMIs
sioning, and bringing equipment back online.
With full access to real-time data, diagnostics, trends, alarms, and operator screens,
and traditional operating tasks, operators and technicians can commission devices
locally, troubleshoot, or execute work orders while in the field. This allows tasks that required constant two-person communication between the central control room and the
field such as loop checkout or valve stroke tests to be performed by one person.
Secure, scalable, and reliable communications enhance collaboration by removing misunderstandings and oversights that can occur when people interpret data from different sources. Applications also allow field workers to record their process observations
directly into the system, thereby avoiding transcription errors.
A major concern with a remote operator station is whether to allow operational interactions from a mobile device—and if allowed—should there be specific, mobile device
limitations? For example, does location matter? What if the device is offsite? Mobile,
view-only approaches provide alternatives for these types of concerns.
3. HTML5 mobile-ready HMI
An HTML5 mobile-ready HMI is an HMI display built on HTML5 technology and is
thereby accessible on mobile devices and computers, without needing to duplicate the
display configuration on the mobile platform. It provides display portability and ease
of use to a facility’s HMI plan by showing control room displays on a web browser. This
enables personnel to see the same data and graphics securely as operators in a facility
remotely, which can help ease collaboration between control room personnel and by
remote personnel.
Five essential criteria for effective mobile HMIs
With an HTML5 HMI, any device with a browser—such as
mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and operator workstations—allows remote or field users to see the same information and graphics as they would in a control room. The
ability to easily and securely view this material on-demand
from a browser enables people to make informed decisions
at any time and from anywhere.
While mobile access to operations data can be limited to
read-only, with cybersecurity built-in, by enforcing strict
user permissions or ensuring only authorized personnel can
access specific data depending on role and other factors
such as location. Additionally, access from mobile devices
can be limited to connectivity from business networks that
are isolated from the control network by firewalls.
The HTML5 mobile-ready HMI gives users the
same secure data access and analysis power a
full operator station can provide, the flexibility
and convenience of mobile access, and collab-
Figure 3: Native mobile applications combine
data from multiple sources across the enterprise into simplified, consolidated mobile views
that are intuitive to navigate and help improve
collaboration across the organization. Image
courtesy: Emerson Automation Solutions
orative tools—without the security risks of making changes to control and operations.
4. Mobile applications
With tailorable, view-only data access, mobile applications are broadly used as secure
technologies designed to encourage personnel to remain informed and engaged re-
Five essential criteria for effective mobile HMIs
gardless of location. This mobile HMI option allows more personnel deployment and
Mobile applications provide secure access through Google Android and Apple iOS
devices. Workflows are streamlined with data being combined from multiple sources
across the enterprise into simplified, consolidated mobile views that are intuitive to
This mobile application option is read-only, with a predefined level of access and detail. Users can view simplified lists of key real-time data, trends, and alarms. One benefit of this option is it raises situational awareness by providing quick access to alarms
in context with process information, and notifications for critical alarms can be instantly
sent to users.
These applications also strongly support personnel collaboration. Workers in and outside of the facility can share data and troubleshoot in real time, sending screenshots,
links, messages, and emails with intuitive native mobile app functionality. Knowledge
sharing and leveraging subject matter experts around the world enables faster and
more accurate decision-making.
As with the HTML5 HMI, the mobile application accesses data via a mobile server that
resides on the business network, so access to the control system is isolated by multiple
firewalls between the business network and the control system network. User authentication, device whitelisting, read-only access, and data encryption further promote
secure connectivity.
Five essential criteria for effective mobile HMIs
5. Always consider total cost of ownership
While many technologies provide potential solutions, the ideal solution offers a strong
lifecycle value that balances easy, low-cost upfront implementation with security and
minimal long-term engineering. The success of this strategy depends on choosing a
solution that matches OT and IT strategies and that personnel can incorporate to daily
Whether a remote operator workstation, an HTML5 mobile-ready HMI, or a native mobile application, these solutions can be securely and easily integrated into daily processes and work practices, to yield the desired productivity, performance, and safety
Mariana Dionisio, Camilo Fadul, and Cindy Scott are DeltaV strategy leaders for mobility and HMI design for Emerson Automation Solutions.
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