Subido por cuauhtemoc negrete

IoT in Mexican Agriculture: Productivity & Poverty Reduction

Research and Analysis Journal
e-ISSN:2589-9228, p-ISSN: 2589-921X
© 2018, RAJ
1(02): 40-52, 2018
Research Article
Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase
agricultural productivity and reduce rural poverty
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete
Independent Researcher and Technical writer graduated in Agrarian Autonomous Antonio Narro University
Abstract: Agricultural growth reduces poverty extreme, the intensity of poverty and income inequality for
society in general. On the contrary, the lack of dynamism in agricultural growth and absence of
improvements in the productivity of land and work are a threat to consideration in terms of rural poverty.
Through the IoT, sensors can be installed where desired - in soil, water or vehicles - to collect data on goals
related to inputs, such as soil moisture and crop health. The information collected is stored on a server or
wireless cloud system, and farmers can easily access it through tablets and mobile phones with an Internet
connection. Depending on the context, farmers can choose to manually control connected devices or fully
automate processes for whatever action is necessary.IoT is vital in increasing production, since it allows to
increase the cultivated area, improving cultivation techniques, lower costs and dignify human work, to carry
out such technology the small farmer needs economic energy sources, practical, easy maintenance and
operation, and whose working capacity and costs are appropriate to the size of the property. Being the
purpose of this paper to review the application of the internet of things to Mexican agriculture to analyze
your current situation and your perspectives to increase agricultural productivity and reduce the Mexican
rural poverty. In Mexico, the application of the internet to agriculture is practically minimal.It does not have
the dynamism that it is taking in other countries, it is necessary to promote it to increase the productivity of
small farmers.
Keywords: Agriculture, México, Internet of things, Agricultural Technology, rural poverty.
Agricultural growth reduces poverty extreme, the
intensity of poverty and income inequality for
society in general. On the contrary, the lack of
dynamism in agricultural growth and absence of
improvements in the productivity of land and work
are a threat to consideration in terms of rural
poverty. Therefore, it is essential for the relief of
rural poverty to solve the challenges facing the
agricultural sector, including the increase the
productivity of the workforce and ensure that
agriculturesmall scale and the segment of rainfed
crops are more competitive.World Bank(2009).The
use of internet in the country has grown
significantly, according to the recent survey on
availability and use of information technologies of
the National Institute of Statistics and Geography
INEGI(2015). In the country there are 65.5 million
people who use the internet, which is equivalent to
59.5% of the population, represents an advance of
2.1% with respect to INEGI data in 2015. In the last
15 years, the number of households with internet
has grown significantly. The survey shows that 15.7
million households have an Internet connection. In
2015 there were 50.6 million smartphone users, as
of December 2017 the number grew to 60.6 million.
Mexicans are leaving behind the computer and
replacing it with smartphones. During 2016, the
total users of these equipment fell 4.3%. The main
activities of Mexican Internet users are:
communication (88.9%), access to audiovisual
content (81.9%) and entertainment (80.1). Online
commerce reached 15.9% among the most recurrent
activities of Mexicans, and although it is not one of
the main uses on the Internet, it is one of the items
that increased the most compared to 2015 when it
had a 9.7% share. The states with the largest
number of households with internet are Baja
California Sur and Sonora. In contrast, those at the
end of the list are Oaxaca and Chiapas. The use of
the Internet is mostly widespread among young
people, since 79.1% of the population between 18
and 34 years old is a user. Individuals between 35
and 59 years old had an increase in Internet usage
from 46.7% in 2015 to 50.6% in the previous year.
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
Although penetration in the country has advanced, it
is still far from that of countries like Korea, Japan
and the United Kingdom where 9 out of 10 people
are users. In Mexico, the proportion is practically
six out of ten. Anonymous (2017).
Through the IoT, sensors can be installed where
desired - in soil, water or vehicles - to collect data
on goals related to inputs, such as soil moisture and
crop health. The information collected is stored on a
server or wireless cloud system, and farmers can
easily access it through tablets and mobile phones
with an Internet connection. Depending on the
context, farmers can choose to manually control
connected devices or fully automate processes for
whatever action is necessary.IoT is vital in
increasing production, since it allows to increase the
cultivated area, improving cultivation techniques,
lower costs and dignify human work, to carry out
such technology the small farmer needs economic
energy sources, practical, easy maintenance and
operation, and whose working capacity and costs
are appropriate to the size of the property. Likewise
Negrete ( 2015;2016; 2017a; 2017b; 2017c,2018
a;2018b) proposes the application of new
technologies in Mexican Agriculture such as
Agricultural Mechatronics, Precision Agriculture,
Precision Beekeeping, Precision Livestock,Arduino
and Artificial Neural Network, where the role of the
internet of things is of colossal importance.
Summarizing, the only way to reverse the situation
of extreme poverty in rural areas in Mexico is
through IoT,in the world there is a revolution in the
application of this technology in agricultural
apiculture,greenhouses, among others, this being the
purpose of this paper to review the application of
the internet of things to Mexican agriculture to
analyze your current situation and your perspectives
to increase agricultural productivity and reduce the
Mexican rural poverty.
Materials and Methods
A thorough search was made on the use of the
internet in agriculture, using the databases of
universities, research centers, scientific journals, the
use of the same intertet being relevant
Literature Review
Opara (2004) has identified a technology triad
Communication Technology), and nanotechnology)
that has the potential to revolutionize agriculture in
the 21st Century.Since its appearance, the Internet of
Things (IoT) as the global network of
interconnected smart things/devices, has been
implemented in agriculture for monitoring soil,
plants, animals, food supply chain, greenhouse
gasses (GHG), etc. Patil( 2012).Eight technologies
(3D Printing, Robots, Drones, Sensors, Artificial
(AR), Virtual Reality (VR),and Blockchain)are
part of the Internet of Things (IoT): the
connectivity of machines in collecting, sharing and
analyzing data. The connectivity has dramatic
applications in the agribusiness sector, where there
are significant geographical and information access
challenges. The IoT can be used in both crop and
livestock production. Connolly(2016)
Table 1 Internet of Things use in World Agriculture
Xiaorong (2015)
Developed novel IoT architecture able to track and trace agriculture
from the field through the supply chain and in food processing
environments, realizing the food supply chain‟s effective
information identification and traceability.
Project that controls the necessary conditions required for the plant
to grow hydroponically and also cultivators may control the
agriculture remotely using IoT.
Present IoT platforms for Monitoring and collecting data of soil
moisture, temperature and humidity across multiple fields will
improve efficiency of water usage and crop yield of large and local
Developed concept for an IoT device that collects data regarding
physical parameters, using a sophisticated microcontroller
platform, from various types of sensors, through different modes of
communication and then uploads the data to the Internet.
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
Yunus (2017)
Developed automated irrigation system to minimize and maintain
water quantity usage for farming. A micro-controller based relay is
used for controlling water supply. Automation is done through IOT
Design an IoT (Internet of Things) based Temperature and
Humidity monitoring system for an agricultural environment.
Internet of Things (IoT) based remote greenhouse pest monitoring
system using wireless imaging and sensor nodes (WiSN).
Proposed Advanced Cattle health Monitoring System using
Arduino and IOT.
Proposed Smar Agriculture using Iot. utilizes real time data,and
sensors,Arduino,Zigbee ans Raspberry Pi
Proposed novel architecture, presented and analyzed for Internet of
Things (IoT). This smart setup integrates Cognitive Radio
technology to result in a ubiquitous connected system.The
proposed system will optimize the use of natural resource i.e.
Present implementation of a private Internet of Things (IoT) cloud
platform for the use in precisión agriculture and ecological
Investigated on the environmental factors affecting meliponiculture
(the cultivation of stingless bees on a commercial scale for honey
production or pollination) using an internet of thing (IOT)
Present Internet of Things Greenhouse Monitoring and Automation
Proposed Irrigation system IoT is implemented
Present a Precision Agriculture using Internet of Things and
Wireless sensor Networks
Designed and developed a low-cost drought monitoring system that
can be easily deployed and the captured data can be accessed from
any computer or mobile device.
Design Raspberry pi IOT based Google cloud computing
agriculture automatic system.
Present an Intelligent Farm System,consist of wireless ambient
monitoring sensors;soil misture,temperatura combined with low
power wireless networks and acquired data fron sensors an analyse
with the Indian Meterological Departament wethers prediction.The
information sent to the farmers through email/SMS using internet.
Presented electronic device (Arduino) apply for temperature and
soil moisture process using Android based Smart phone application
components in this study, which are an electronic device (Arduino),
software development (eclipse), and system prototype internet
protocol layer.
Analyzes chosen aspects of Internet of Things (IoT) in general and
in regards to its specific uses in agriculture, which is one of the
areas where IoT is commonly implemented.
Monitoring the soil parameters like soil moisture, temperature and
electrical conductivity and automates the irrigation process.
Decision making is done through microcontroller.
Investigate and simulate methods and parameters that can control
the data collection rate of an IoT behavior monitor to achieve
sustained operation with unknown and random energy harvesting.
Proposed cloud-based software architecture with the aim of
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
Castro (2016)
Soy (2017)
enabling a complete crop management system to be deployed and
Discusses the hardware, software platforms and implementation
details of an IoT application for environmental monitoring and
control using Raspberry PI 3 Model B.
Was Built a Self-watering system based on Iot with inexpensive
items and free software (Raspberry
Pi,Arduino,Linux,Java,Wildfly,Python,etc.was used to implement
Wireless sensor network .It was implemented a Machine learning
system for the prediction of irrigation scheduling using Cloud´s
computing´s service.
IoT with low cost system for analyzing of soil parameters in
agriculture field such as soil status, temperature and humidity. This
system uses ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, Arduino UNO
microcontroller, GSM and sensors using Arduino platform. GSM
for the data transfer through SMS to a user mobile phone.
Utilizing wireless sensor technologies and management tools can
lead to a highly effective, green agricultura .
Design of automation and security system using Arduino and
Ethernet Shield. The design is based on a standalone embedded
system board. Agricultural appliances are connected to the Arduino
and communication is established between the Ethernet Shield and
the site.
Proposing an efficient pest monitor system for sugarcane crop
production. The systems will be using an acoustic device sensor
which will monitor the noise level of the pests and whenever the
noise crosses the threshold it will notify the farmer of the area
where the infestation is occurring
Proposes Cloud based Cultivation Management System. System
mainly includes Hardware module that placed in farm or farm field
that contains various sensors, devices, ICs for data conversion and
transfer. Then Cloud implemented as Software as a Services (SaaS)
Proposed new IoT based Agriculture System to overcome the
economic losses by predicting and preventing the harmful diseases
affecting the farm. This system informs the farmer, the proportion
of pesticides to be used to enhance the agricultural growth and
Proposes an irrigation system for proper management of inadequate
agriculture resources of a system with Internet of Things (IoT). The
system contains three parts: wireless sensor nodes, an IoT gateway
and a management server.
Presented an IoT architecture customized for precisión agriculture
applications. The proposed three-layer architecture collects the
needed data and relays it to a cloud-based back-endwhere it is
processed and analyzed.
Examine the feasibility of the LoRa-based LPWAN technologies
and provide a flexible solution for future works on the IoT
applications in precision agriculture.
Presents an application development proposal to enable livestock
data transmission and retrieval through a mobile platform,
informing characteristics such as origin, weight recorded in the last
weighing, race, vaccination, among others.
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
Discussed the use of ICT in agribusiness, in areas such as
biotechnology, natural resources and climate change, plant safety in
the production chain, as well as technology transfer.
Reviewed of the production carried out by the project team and
aims to demonstrate the interrelations between the use and
appropriation of ICTs and family agriculture
Examined Communication and Information Communication in
StudiedTechnologies (ICTs) adoption in irrigated rice production in
Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kenya. A descriptive survey was adopted
and it used both qualitative and quantitative methods
Demonstrated through an explanatory research of qualitative nature
and bibliographical character the importance of the use of ICT to
support decision-making in the Brazilian rural sector.
Studied the availability of a database that provided information
focused on the agribusiness sector, and exemplify a form of use for
this knowledge acquired during the analysis of data obtained during
Perform the measurement of environmental parameters in a chicken
coop using a computer developed with the concept of the internet
of things
Studied ICT-innovations (smart phones, tablets, wireless networks
etc.). in Hungarian agriculture
Used a pilot online survey to investigate the challenges and
opportunities for adoption of IoT for Australian SMEs in
agriculture and it is expected that it will help application and
solution providers to address any issues that may arise in the
Australian scenario.
Parameswaran(2016) project automated irrigation system based on soil humidity.
Humidity sensor is used to find the soil humidity and based on this
microcontroller drives the solenoid valve. Irrigation status is
updated to the server or localhost using Personal Computer. Java
platform is used here for getting information via serial
communication from microcontroller and to update in the server.
Proposed system for measures on sensing temperature and
humidity using DHT11 sensor to maintain constant range to
increase the yield with high quality of milk and prevent cattle from
death. The results of proposed system can be viewed and stored in
the web server on interfacing Wi-Fi shield
Das( 2016)
Study application and use of ICTs in agricultural production
Study computer and internet technologies use in rural areas of
Tokat Province, Turkey. How people approach these technologies
and what socio-economic features affect their use, were also
Fan TongKe(2013)
Proposed The introduction of cloud computing and internet of
things into agricultural modernization in China
Studied and reviewed sensor technology and wireless networks
integration of IOT technology based on the actual situation of
agricultural system
Proposed new IoT technology in agriculture with cloud computing
and Li-Fi. Wi-Fi is great for general wireless coverage within
buildings, whereas Li-Fi[10] is wireless data coverage with high
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
density in confined area. Li-Fi provides better bandwidth,
efficiency, availability and security than Wi-Fi and has already
achieved blisteringly high speed in the lab.
Reviewed influence of ICT in agriculture in respect of
opportunities and challenges. It was found that improvement of
market activities, exchange of relevant information, profit gain,
networking agricultural sector globally, conducting research and
strategizing economic growth for self-reliance are among the
possible benefits of ICT in agricultural sector.
A web-based system was developed to advise on the relative
efficacy of different herbicides for mixes of weed and crop species
at different times of the year in a forestry or farm forestry setting.
Developed web based tobacco disease expert system is an
integration of image and textual data. The system can be used to
identify the diseases and their management. User can easily
identify the disease on the bases of photos of symptoms and text
description of diseases.
Proposed use of ICT in Chilean SME‟s in livestock sector
Proposed remote monitoring system based on IoT protocol used by
different researchers to increase agriculture production and optimal
utilization of resources
Analysis of G-IoT and Green nanotechnology concepts and their
role in revolutionizing agriculture sector accompanied with
eliminated or minimized negative influence on human health and
Proposed a multidisciplinary model for smart agriculture based on
the key technologies: Internet-of-Things (IoT), Sensors, CloudComputing, Mobile-Computing, Big-Data analysis. Farmers, AgroMarketing agencies and Agro-Vendors need to be registered to the
AgroCloud module through MobileApp module
It is verified if one middleware, FI-WARE, will be able to scale in
the same extent in which agricultural applications will do it. For
this reason, we have created a test bench in which different
deployments and load conditions have been simulated
Develop a smart greenhouse monitoring system using internet of
things (IOT). We will design a protocol for greenhouse monitoring
using wireless sensor network (WSN).
Introduce a system which can control the irrigation according to the
need. This system consists of temperature, moisture and PH sensors
which will tell the user about the conditions of the field and
according to it the user can control the system. This system is
connected to the user by IOT (Internet Of Things) and user can
check the status and control the system from the android mobile
Proposed using Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture. It means
that all the collected data will send to Arduino Uno board and it
sends to Web portal (Online view) through wifi. This monitoring
can be done through any devices like Mobile, Tab, Laptops and
Review the various challenges and opportunities associated with
the applications of internet of things in agricultural sector.
Proposed to develop a Smart Farming System that uses advantages
Bosnia and
Sultanate of
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
Fahad 2008
of cutting edge technologies such as IoT, Wireless Sensor Network
and Cloud computing to help farmers enhance the way farming is
done. Using sensors like temperature, humidity, moisture etc. are
used to get information about the field and help farmers to take
precise decisions on insights and recommendations based on the
collected data.
Developed the research on the application technology of
agricultural Internet of Things for real-time monitoring of citrus
soil moisture and nutrients as well as the research on the integration
of fertilization and irrigation decision support system
Analyze the basic characters of the web-basedagricultural support
system and then describe the functionalities of the system
Tried to establish a dynamic “e-crop (rice) calendar” which can
adjust the scenarios of cultivation management according to the
rice phenology model
and environmental conditions through application of agricultural
Present FarmBeats, an end-to-end IoT platform for agriculture that
enables seamless data collection from various sensors, cameras and
drones. FarmBeats‟s system design that explicitly accounts for
weather-related power and Internet outages has enabled six month
long deployments in two US farms
Study was conducted to measure attitude of livestock farmers
towards Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) used
in extension services as a source of information livery in Rajasthan,
Reviews agro-industrial and environmental applications that are
using Internet of Things (IoT).
Reviewed and analyzed current ICTbased information service
Review on Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture. The results of
the review show that this subject received attention by the scientific
community from 2010 on and the number of papers has increased
since then. The literature on IoT in agriculture and food is very
much dominated by Asian scientists, especially from China.
A smart farming model is constructed which is based on Internet of
Things (IoT). This proposed model is equipped with various
sensors for measuring
environmental parameters required for the crops.
Describes the design and development of a new web application
with two different color segmentation techniques to estimate the
percentage of green cover. The system allows a remote monitoring
of crops, including functionality to upload images, analyze images,
database storage, and graphical visualization of the results. An
extensive experimental validation of this tool has been carried out
on a lettuce crop of variety „Little Gem‟.
Presents a web-based expert system for wheat crop in Pakistan.
Created an agronomic software , integrated with modules of the
IOTMACH system, in order to carry out monitoring tasks using
devices connected to a wireless sensor network, as well as also to
manage crops, species, plots, types of soil and types of irrigation all
this to obtain maximum performance in agricultural management.
through webService.
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
Investigatd and identify how the use of mobile phones in
conjunction with WSN enable farmers in Ethiopia monitor and
control their farm field.
Proposed an expert system based on the Internet of Things (IoT)
that will use the input data collected in real time. It will help to take
proactive and preventive actions to minimize the losses due to
diseases and insects/pests
proposed a Novel Smart IoT based Agriculture Stick assisting
farmers in getting Live Data (Temperature, Soil Moisture) for
efficient environment monitoring which will enable them to do
smart farming and increase their overall yield and quality of
Iot in Mexican Agriculture
Sanchez(2017).propose a methodology to share,
process, and exchange agricultural information
among different applications through a Web
service. The Web service will be available online
and mobile and can be used as a tool for decisionmaking. Initially, agricultural regions and
cartography of the study area were identified.
Subsequently, a simulation model of potential yield
of pasture and animal behavior by regions and area
were designed, respectively. Finally, a Web service,
using Amazon Web Services and REST for
exchanging information, was developed. Web
services in the cloud, enable interoperability using
data, mapping information of agricultural regions,
simulation models, and protocols for data transfer,
thus making available the prediction results.
Aguado(2014) create a system for water needs
recommendations to the different units (cultivation
plot) of the area of influence of the Graduate
College of Agricultural Sciences, through the
internet and mobile devices. The study was
performed in the facilities of the Graduate College
of Agricultural Sciences, Campus Montecillo and
developed in different phases. The first was
Campbells connect a weather station with a server
and install the necessary steps to obtain
measurements of meteorological elements and store
them in a MySQL database applications.
Subsequently a website aiming to provide data
needed to perform water balance was created. The
data is stored in data tables contained in the
database manager MySQL (Kofler, 2005) data. The
last interface was to implement the messaging
service through a cell at the time that irrigation is
required. The results showed that an automated
system may constantly inform the state of moisture
in the plot to the user.
Guerrero(2017) presents SGreenH-IoT, an IoTbased platform for monitoring and management of
greenhouses and crop fields. SGreenH-IoT is a
complete solution that includes the design of low
cost and energy consumption, communication
protocols and an application for data visualization
and system control. The platform monitors and
transmits all information to the cloud for storage,
analysis and activation of alerts that improve
agricultural production. The results obtained in the
experimentation showed the efficient functioning of
the system, the percentage of loss of data in the
transmission was null. The benefits for the farmers
obtained by the system are real-time access to the
conditions of the cultivation area, the reduction in
the use of resources through the exact application in
the appropriate times, thus contributing to a more
sustainable production.
Vasquez(2017) developed a web application , with
a friendly interface, a flexible and secure database
for information management, this application
methodology of the matrix of policy analysis
(MAP) developed by Monke and Pearson (1984). In
order to know the accuracy of the web application
in agricultural crops, an essay was made capturing a
wheat production crop in Guanajuato (District 005
Cortazar), based on information malready obtained.
Once the analysis was done, it was concluded that
the developed web application is efficient, accurate
and reliable to evaluate agricultural crops through
variables such as competitiveness, comparative
advantage and protection coefficients. The
contribution of this work shows that it is possible to
create web applications that allow the evaluation of
agricultural crops.
Manzano(2015)In the 90s, the concept of ubiquitous
computing arises, where it is proposed that the
treatment of information is not done exclusively in
devices developed specifically for this task, such as
personal computers. Instead, it is proposed to use
elements that they are embedded in the middle with
Research and Analysis Journal, vol. 1, Issue 02, 2018
Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete / Internet of things in Mexican agriculture; a technology to increase agricultural
productivity and reduce rural poverty
an imperceptible presence. Wireless sensor
networks can be located within this framework.
They are made up of different network nodes, each
consisting of a built-in system equipped with
sensors, processing capacity information and
wireless communication. Based on military
applications, its development has spread to various
areas, ranging from biodiversity study, to medicine,
prevention of environmental disasters, smart
communication networks industrial. Starting with
an introduction to wireless sensor networks, this
article presents the current applications of these
networks in the agri-food sector and concludes by
presenting the possible lines for future work.
From the literature review, the results agree with
Verdouw (2016). According to which the works are
dominated predominantly by Asian authors
although the origin changed as he found that he
dominated China and now the dominant country is
India with around 50 percent.In Mexico, the
application of the internet to agriculture is
practically minimal.It does not have the dynamism
that it is taking in other countries, it is necessary to
promote it to increase the productivity of small
farmers. There are about 319 schools of information
and communication technologies distributed
throughout the country, Anonymous (2015). Human
capital to apply the internet of things to agriculture
is guaranteed only has to be emphasized that is
carried out motivating students and graduates to
focus on agricultural and livestock production.
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